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29.0.0 - 2024-08-04
- #343 Add Support for Nextcloud 29
- #344 Error "Enforced theme not found" while it works correctly
28.0.0 - 2024-04-12
- #339 Add Support for Nextcloud 28
27.0.0 - 2023-09-17
- #337 Add Support for Nextcloud 27
26.0.1 - 2023-09-17
- #336 Toolbar in text app: Icon of button of the applied text style invisible
26.0.0 - 2023-05-04
- #334 Add Support for Nextcloud 26
- #333 Let SnappyMail handle input styling on its own to not interfere with its themes.
- Styling for unmaintained apps (AppOrder, Flow Upload, GpxEdit, GpxMotion, ocDownloader, JSXC, Radio)
25.0.2 - 2023-04-07
- #330 Cleanup enabled-themes and enforce_theme settings during uninstall / disable of app to allow for uninstalling / disabling the app without first having to disable the theme. Settings will be restored when installing / enabling the app.
- Remove extra border in notifications menu and fix text colour in bobble counters
25.0.1 - 2023-02-28
- #327 Navigation sidebar is light when the default light theme is active along with the Breeze Dark Theme
25.0.0 - 2023-02-04
- #317 Add Support for Nextcloud 25
- Option to enforce theme globally
- Enable theme globally by default
24.0.3 - 2022-12-29
- #309 Fix background colour for toggle switch in Polls settings
- #308 Fix dark icons in navigation sidebar in Music
- #310 Fix styling for music controls in Music
- #319 Improve compatibility with Unsplash. Thanks @relisiuol
- #321 Fix load completed tasks button being cut off in Tasks
- #322 Fix styling for create new task button in tasks dashboard widget
24.0.2 - 2022-07-26
- #307 Fix unreadable project name in Cospend
24.0.1 - 2022-05-14
- New icons for Text and Talk
- #296 Fix text colour on document loading screen.
- #304 Fix styling for Talk reactions
- Fix favorites button in sidebars
- Change opacity of settings button in app navigation
- Improve styling for emoji auto-complete list in Text
- Fix styling for markdown tables in Text
23.2.2 - 2022-05-14
- #296 Fix text colour on document loading screen.
- Improve styling of material-vue favorites button
24.0.0 - 2022-05-01
- Support for Nextcloud 24
23.2.1 - 2022-03-05
- Improved styling for new Calendar release.
23.2.0 - 2022-01-30
- #167 Support for GpxEdit
- #295 Change colour of quotabar in groupfolders admin settings to --color-background-hover.
- #294 Styling for Plain text editor and Files Markdown
23.1.0 - 2022-01-09
- Support for Electronic Signatures app
- Date and datetime icons for Forms
- #291 Add border to profile card footer and invert user action icons on profile view.
23.0.0 - 2021-12-04
- #285 Support for Nextcloud 23
- #283 Add index.php to path for retrieving custom login screen background as the redirect is now handled properly when using pretty urls.
- #290 Add opacity to the background-colour used for selected files in the files table to reduce the intensity of the colour
- #289 Use sass function to get start call icon instead of calling it directly. Fixes missing icon when not using pretty urls.
- #288 Fix opacity being to low in the view description of Deck cards
- Fix double hover background colour in menues
- Fix opacities of some menu items in Calendar
- Fix opacity of hover blue being wrong in guest.css
- Support for Nextcloud 21
22.1.0 - 2021-11-14
- #98 Added option to use Breeze Dark only if the client's dark mode is enabled
- Switch to semantic versioning, as the old versioning scheme doesn't really make that much sense. This won't really change much other than the fact that the minor version number will now actually be used.
- #278 Fix header icons in public sharing view
- #279 Invert collabora edit icon in Files right click menu
- Improve styling for group folders admin settings and added deny icon used for group folders acl
22.0.2 - 2021-10-03
- Add support for TimeManager
- #268 Fix missing border on Leave conversation button in Talk room settings and wrong border colour on Delete conversation button when active.
- Make confirm button in app sidebar comment field more visible.
- Make background colour of confirm button in text input have same background colour as the text input.
- Add border to "Add link | Link file" hover box that appears in text, also fix the styling for the text input when adding a link.
22.0.1 - 2021-08-05
- #259 Text: Highlighting of inline code blocks and links.
- #258 Deck: Remove opacity from links in description in preview mode
- #260 Mail: Improve general styling
- Contacts and Circles app icon being black in apps settings.
- Invert dark OnlyOffice icons
- Files: Remove opacity from summary section at the bottom
- Improved translations from the Nextcloud Transifex community
- #262 Removed styling for old Circles app
- Removed styling for old Dashboard
22.0.0 - 2021-07-03
- Add support for Nextcloud 22
21.0.9 - 2021-07-03
- New translations from the Nextcloud Transifex community
- Dashboard: Fix inversion of notifications icon when there are new notifications
- Use primary colours for the "Start using Nextcloud" button in the first run wizard
21.0.8 - 2021-06-16
- Improve compatibility with the theming app when using a custom colour that has a better contrast with black than white.
- #245 Add new link colour and set note preview to use the new link colour instead of colour primary-element.
- #247 Add styling for SAML login buttons
- Contacts: Add eye and recent-actors icons
- Social sharing: Invert icons for the different social sharing apps
- More translations improvements thanks to the Nextcloud Transifex community.
- #250 Talk: Fix double hover on files / images sent in chat.
- #251 Talk: Fix dark attachment icon when joining talk conversation in file sidebar.
- Remove unused styling rule from Talk stylesheet
21.0.7 - 2021-04-25
- Talk: menu-people icon.
- More translations from the Nextcloud Transifex community
- Deck: Border colour change on hover or current card no longer present after body class .theme--dark was added.
21.0.6 - 2021-04-03
- #235 Polish translation. Thanks @Valdnet
- #236 Transifex config
- #228 Switch body class from theme--light to theme--dark and theme--breezedark when theme is active.
- A lot of new translations. Thanks to the Nextcloud Transifex community.
- Set opacity of --color-hover-blue to 0.3 instead of 0.4 as it was a bit too bright
- #235 Fix translation support. Thanks @Valdnet
- #241 Fix showing sharing icon under triangle in Files when hovering over Sharing in left app-navigation. Improve styling for app-navigation in News and Cospend.
- #238 Styling for logreader as it was redundant.
21.0.5 - 2021-03-16
- Re-release of 21.0.4
21.0.4 - 2021-03-16
- #231 Fix icon spam when creating new project in Cospend
- #233 Fix missing certificate in signature.json
21.0.3 - 2021-03-14
- #165 Add styling for GpxPod and invert gpxpod icon in files right click menu
- #225 Notes: Add notes transparent icon
- #229 Sign code in release pipeline and switch shell script out with Makefile
- Only load custom styling when there actually is custom styling to get
- #222 Override announcement center icon globally
- #224 Fix background colour for quota progress bar being the same as main background colour and switch it to --color-border
21.0.2 - 2021-02-27
- #152 Styling for PhoneTrack
- #166 Styling for GpxMotion and adjust link colour for PhoneTrack
- Github Actions workflows
- #218 Don't invert app icons in app store sidebar
21.0.1 - 2021-02-23
- Move getCustomStyling to own controller so we don't call getUID when no user is active
21.0.0 - 2021-02-20
- #202 Support for Nextcloud 21
- Added new screenshot of Nextcloud 21
- #213 Deck: Use light icon for .icon-reply
- Support for Nextcloud 19
20.0.5 - 2021-02-20
- #204 Support for custom styling
- Remove opacity from app-navigation
- #207 Deck: Missing border when hovering over board list in app navigation
- #196 Mail: Remove HTML email background as it is now applied by Mail itself.
- #209 Mail: Fix styling of vue-treeselect dropdown in settings
- Reintroduce transparent header on Dashboard while still fixing dark box around logo on password protected shares
- Version and date from stylesheet
20.0.4 - 2021-02-06
- #188 Phone Sync: Make messages readable again and general style improvements
- #201 Cirlces: Fix background-colour on description. Invert colour of add user icon. Fix icon repeat on status field.
20.0.3 - 2021-01-17
- #195 Limit #header rule so it doesn't apply to #body-login. Slight change look of password input for password protected shares.
- #194 Add clarification to usage instructions that the Theming and Accessibility apps need to be enabled to access the settings.
20.0.2 - 2020-12-20
- Mail: Important icon
- #191 Uncomment --color-text-selection and change to --color-hover-blue to keep amount of colours low. Unset border in Deck description when editing.
- #185 2FA login page is unstyled even when login page theming is enabled.
- #190 Mail: change #app-content to .app-content so styling is applied properly to newer mail versions.
- Mail: Move forward and junk icons out of .app-mail class to apply globally, fixes black icons in dropdowns in Mail. Cleanup code.
20.0.1 - 2020-11-07
- #161 Add thumbnail image in personal settings
- #170 Define background and text color for select options to prevent white text on white background
- Add weather_status app icon and notes app icon
- #173 Add support for Forms
- Add icon-view-list icon for Calendar
- #155 Allow Breeze Dark theming of the login page to be disabled.
- #177 Switch to new NC20 bootstrap process
- Fix issue where some styling imported right after icon variables would get ignored and removed during NC stylesheet compilation
- Remove unneeded styling, add three new icons and switch a dark close icon out with a light one in Analytics
- Add a border to toasts to make them more visible, and switch the dark close icon out with a light one
- #160 Passman: Unset .icon-image background-image when under .icon-label
- #179 Dashboard: Make header transparent on dashboard screen to mimic default behavior.
- Calendar: Fix missing border on new event popup, fix styling for week numbers in monthly view and fix dark icons in view selector.
- mx-input active background-color has been changed to --color-main-background instead of --color-background-darker
- BigBlueButton: Fix background-color in dropdown under admin settings
20.0.0 - 2020-10-17
19.0.6 - 2020-10-17
- #169 Fix JSXC login buttons no longer being themed after last update
- Uncomment commented icon variables to fix missing icons
- #172 Re-add missing border on TOTP input field
- Analytics: Change background-colour of favorites widgets and fix colour of ::after arrow in dropdown app-navigation menu
- Contacts: Add highlighting to the contact list and adjust styling for contact header inputs
19.0.5 - 2020-10-06
- #133 Rewrite core styling
- Deck: Fix up styling in latest release of Deck
- Calendar: Fix up styling in latest release of Calendar
- Small fixes and changes for NC20 release
19.0.4 - 2020-08-08
- #157 Notes: Fix background icon being redundant when renaming and cleanup unused styling
19.0.3 - 2020-07-18
- Remove background-size rule for login page to mimic upstream behaviour
- Make header background-color important to fix blue header
19.0.2 - 2020-06-21
- #153 Make suspicious login chart background white to make it more readable
- #154 Fix text colour in file conflict dialog
19.0.1 - 2020-06-07
- #144 Deck: Text colour and cursour is black while editing description, and fix filter_set icon and fix resource-type-deck icon in projects. Improve styling of code and blockquotes in card description.
- Change name of root class for talk, to fix styling
19.0.0 - 2020-05-24
- #120 Initial support for Nextcloud 19
18.0.17 - 2020-05-24
- #136 Add support for App Order
18.0.16 - 2020-05-17
18.0.15 - 2020-05-12
- #104 Implement per user theming
- #125 Fix avatars with dot menus being covered in dots
18.0.14 - 2020-05-02
- Add repair step to set the theme to be enabled by default going forward, will be off by default starting with 18.0.15
- #119 Add styling for ocDownloader
- #113 jsxc: Fix colour of icons in hamburger menu
- #113 jsxc: Fix background colour for readonly input in settings
- #113 jsxc: Force background colour for incoming messages to fix messages in muc's
- #124 jsxc: Fix load more messages button in chat window
18.0.13 - 2020-04-26
- Make text colour in Users section white again after adding variable --color-text-dark
- #117 Calendar: Highlight selected items in repeat section
- #118 Change filter rule for icons in contactsmenu to a generic one
- #113 Add styling for jsxc v4.0
18.0.12 - 2020-04-18
- #110 Mail: Change email content view to more closely assemble upstream and improve visual of attachments
- Mail: Adjust font colour for mail sender and subject in email list and reapply attachment styling for Mail 1.3
- #111 Change default text selection colour
- #112 Deck: Make due date icon colour and background consistent
18.0.11 - 2020-04-11
- #106 Fix styling for Full text search
- Tasks: Fix subtask and note icons
- Data Analytics: Change opacity of links in settings
- Maps: Fix search button visually extending beyond the search bar
- Calendar: Add styling for new event color picker
18.0.10 - 2020-03-22
- #102 Set .icon-talk globally as it is used by other apps than just Talk
- #103 Fix Quick Notes icon definitions and remove unused sass variable, remove box-shadow on hover on .quicknote
18.0.9 - 2020-03-15
- #101 Fix icons for Tasks 0.12.0+
18.0.8 - 2020-03-08
- #100 Fix theming for account registration
- #92 Add styling for Data Analytics
18.0.7 - 2020-02-25
- #96 Fix styling for routing dialog in maps
- #97 Use relativ paths for backgrounds, and when using custom backgrounds don't use colour from theming app as background
- #93 Fix icons staying light after deactivating the theme
- Invert app-dark, password and star icons on activity list
- Fix missing bottom-border on .oc-dialog boxes
- Old icons rules for Gallery app
18.0.6 - 2020-02-16
- #95 Fix styling for Two-factor TOTP and 2fa selection screen on login when having multiple 2fa's enabled
18.0.5 - 2020-02-11
- #90 Add icon variable definition for --icon-checkmark-f2f2f2
- Fix icons in calendar basic editor not being correct colour.
- #91 Added styling support for Terms of Service app.
18.0.4 - 2020-02-05
- #87 Fix custom background for login screen, set in theming app, not showing
- #88 Change background and border behaviour on error and success on public poll page
- #89 Fix icon color for icons in text, photos and activity icon in sidebar
18.0.3 - 2020-02-04
- #84 Add styling support for Maps
- #85 Make styling rule for avatar cropper important
- #86 Fix typo in README.
- Fix dark icon in notifications dropdown when empty
18.0.2 - 2020-01-30
- #82 Fix favorites icon still showing up as black.
- Hide share icon on hover in files nav, as intended.
18.0.1 - 2020-01-29
- Fix #82, App version showing some icons as black
- Bookmarks: Use color-main-text for folder names in breadcrumbs instead of color-text-link
- Music: invert settings and play-pause icons in nav sidebar
- Passman: make icon definition important
- Polls: Use color-main-text for list of polls instead of color-text-link
18.0.0 - 2020-01-26
- Support for NC18
- Support for photos
- Added missing icons introduced with NC18
- Remove background-color rule for project sharing as to not block text
- Add global background colors to prevent white backgrounds
- Updated Calendar styling for NC18
- Updated Contacts styling for NC18
- Unset header background-image
- Use dark colours for background on login page
- Actually apply styling for load all completed tasks button
- Fix background-color for number inputs in tasks
- Styling for Gallery
17.0.3 - 2020-01-18
- Website and screenshot metadata to info.xml
- Revamp styling for Calendar 2.0
- Fix css class for social icons
- Invert personal activity icon
- Add notifications-dark icon
17.0.2 - 2020-01-06
- Initial app release