Fork 0
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919 lines
37 KiB
Executable file

use SuiteCRM\Utility\SuiteValidator;
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
require_once 'include/Services/NormalizeRecords/NormalizeRecords.php';
* Set up an array of Jobs with the appropriate metadata
* 'jobName' => array (
* 'X' => 'name',
* )
* 'X' should be an increment of 1
* 'name' should be the EXACT name of your function
* Your function should not be passed any parameters
* Always return a Boolean. If it does not the Job will not terminate itself
* after completion, and the webserver will be forced to time-out that Job instance.
* DO NOT USE sugar_cleanup(); in your function flow or includes. this will
* break Schedulers. That function is called at the foot of cron.php
* This array provides the Schedulers admin interface with values for its "Job"
* dropdown menu.
$job_strings = array(
0 => 'refreshJobs',
1 => 'pollMonitoredInboxes',
2 => 'runMassEmailCampaign',
3 => 'pruneDatabase',
4 => 'trimTracker',
5 => 'pollMonitoredInboxesForBouncedCampaignEmails',
6 => 'pollMonitoredInboxesAOP',
7 => 'aodIndexUnindexed',
8 => 'aodOptimiseIndex',
9 => 'aorRunScheduledReports',
10 => 'processAOW_Workflow',
12 => 'sendEmailReminders',
14 => 'cleanJobQueue',
15 => 'removeDocumentsFromFS',
16 => 'trimSugarFeeds',
17 => 'syncGoogleCalendar',
18 => 'runElasticSearchIndexerScheduler',
* Job 0 refreshes all job schedulers at midnight
function refreshJobs()
return true;
* Job 1
function pollMonitoredInboxes()
$_bck_up = array('team_id' => $GLOBALS['current_user']->team_id, 'team_set_id' => $GLOBALS['current_user']->team_set_id);
$GLOBALS['log']->info('----->Scheduler fired job of type pollMonitoredInboxes()');
global $dictionary;
global $app_strings;
$ie = BeanFactory::newBean('InboundEmail');
$emailUI = new EmailUI();
$r = $ie->db->query('SELECT id, name FROM inbound_email WHERE is_personal = 0 AND deleted=0 AND status=\'Active\' AND mailbox_type != \'bounce\'');
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('Just got Result from get all Inbounds of Inbound Emails');
while ($a = $ie->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('In while loop of Inbound Emails');
$ieX = BeanFactory::newBean('InboundEmail');
$mailboxes = $ieX->mailboxarray;
foreach ($mailboxes as $mbox) {
$ieX->mailbox = $mbox;
$newMsgs = array();
$msgNoToUIDL = array();
$connectToMailServer = false;
if ($ieX->isPop3Protocol()) {
$msgNoToUIDL = $ieX->getPop3NewMessagesToDownloadForCron();
// get all the keys which are msgnos;
$newMsgs = array_keys($msgNoToUIDL);
if ($ieX->connectMailserver() == 'true') {
$connectToMailServer = true;
} // if
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('Trying to connect to mailserver for [ ' . $a['name'] . ' ]');
if ($connectToMailServer) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('Connected to mailserver');
if (!$ieX->isPop3Protocol()) {
$newMsgs = $ieX->getNewMessageIds();
$isGroupFolderExists = false;
if (is_array($newMsgs)) {
$current = 1;
$total = count($newMsgs);
$sugarFolder = new SugarFolder();
$groupFolderId = $ieX->groupfolder_id;
$users = array();
if ($groupFolderId != null && $groupFolderId != "") {
$isGroupFolderExists = true;
} // if
$messagesToDelete = array();
if ($ieX->isMailBoxTypeCreateCase()) {
$users[] = $sugarFolder->assign_to_id;
$distributionMethod = $ieX->get_stored_options("distrib_method", "");
if ($distributionMethod != 'roundRobin') {
$counts = $emailUI->getAssignedEmailsCountForUsers($users);
} else {
$lastRobin = $emailUI->getLastRobin($ieX);
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('distribution method id [ ' . $distributionMethod . ' ]');
foreach ($newMsgs as $k => $msgNo) {
$uid = $msgNo;
if ($ieX->isPop3Protocol()) {
$uid = $msgNoToUIDL[$msgNo];
} else {
$uid = $ieX->getImap()->getUid($msgNo);
} // else
if ($isGroupFolderExists) {
if ($ieX->returnImportedEmail($msgNo, $uid)) {
// add to folder
if ($ieX->isPop3Protocol()) {
$messagesToDelete[] = $msgNo;
} else {
$messagesToDelete[] = $uid;
if ($ieX->isMailBoxTypeCreateCase()) {
$userId = "";
if ($distributionMethod == 'roundRobin') {
if (count($users) === 1) {
$userId = $users[0];
$lastRobin = $users[0];
} else {
$userIdsKeys = array_flip($users); // now keys are values
$thisRobinKey = $userIdsKeys[$lastRobin] + 1;
if (!empty($users[$thisRobinKey])) {
$userId = $users[$thisRobinKey];
$lastRobin = $users[$thisRobinKey];
} else {
$userId = $users[0];
$lastRobin = $users[0];
} // else
} else {
if (count($users) === 1) {
foreach ($users as $k => $value) {
$userId = $value;
} // foreach
} else {
asort($counts); // lowest to highest
$countsKeys = array_flip($counts); // keys now the 'count of items'
$leastBusy = array_shift($countsKeys); // user id of lowest item count
$userId = $leastBusy;
$counts[$leastBusy] = $counts[$leastBusy] + 1;
} // else
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('userId [ ' . $userId . ' ]');
$ieX->handleCreateCase($ieX->email, $userId);
} // if
} // if
} else {
if ($ieX->isAutoImport()) {
$ieX->returnImportedEmail($msgNo, $uid);
} else {
/*If the group folder doesn't exist then download only those messages
which has caseid in message*/
$ieX->getMessagesInEmailCache($msgNo, $uid);
$email = BeanFactory::newBean('Emails');
$header = $ieX->getImap()->getHeaderInfo($msgNo);
$email->name = $ieX->handleMimeHeaderDecode($header->subject);
$email->from_addr = $ieX->convertImapToSugarEmailAddress($header->from);
$email->reply_to_email = $ieX->convertImapToSugarEmailAddress($header->reply_to);
if (!empty($email->reply_to_email)) {
$contactAddr = $email->reply_to_email;
} else {
$contactAddr = $email->from_addr;
$mailBoxType = $ieX->mailbox_type;
$ieX->handleAutoresponse($email, $contactAddr);
} // else
} // else
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('***** On message [ ' . $current . ' of ' . $total . ' ] *****');
} // foreach
// update Inbound Account with last robin
if ($ieX->isMailBoxTypeCreateCase() && $distributionMethod == 'roundRobin') {
$emailUI->setLastRobin($ieX, $lastRobin);
} // if
} // if
if ($isGroupFolderExists) {
$leaveMessagesOnMailServer = $ieX->get_stored_options("leaveMessagesOnMailServer", 0);
if (!$leaveMessagesOnMailServer) {
if ($ieX->isPop3Protocol()) {
$ieX->deleteMessageOnMailServerForPop3(implode(",", $messagesToDelete));
} else {
$ieX->deleteMessageOnMailServer(implode($app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_DELIMITER'], $messagesToDelete));
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("SCHEDULERS: could not get an IMAP connection resource for ID [ {$a['id']} ]. Skipping mailbox [ {$a['name']} ].");
// cn: bug 9171 - continue while
} // else
} // foreach
} // while;
return true;
* Job 2
function runMassEmailCampaign()
if (!class_exists('LoggerManager')) {
$GLOBALS['log'] = LoggerManager::getLogger('emailmandelivery');
if (!class_exists('DBManagerFactory')) {
global $beanList;
global $beanFiles;
if (!class_exists('AclController')) {
return true;
* Job 3
function pruneDatabase()
$GLOBALS['log']->info('----->Scheduler fired job of type pruneDatabase()');
$backupDir = sugar_cached('backups');
$backupFile = 'backup-pruneDatabase-GMT0_' . gmdate('Y_m_d-H_i_s', strtotime('now')) . '.php';
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$tables = $db->getTablesArray();
$queryString = array();
if (!empty($tables)) {
foreach ($tables as $kTable => $table) {
// find tables with deleted=1
$columns = $db->get_columns($table);
// no deleted - won't delete
if (empty($columns['deleted'])) {
$custom_columns = array();
if (array_search($table . '_cstm', $tables, true)) {
$custom_columns = $db->get_columns($table . '_cstm');
if (empty($custom_columns['id_c'])) {
$custom_columns = array();
$qDel = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE deleted = 1";
$rDel = $db->query($qDel);
// make a backup INSERT query if we are deleting.
while ($aDel = $db->fetchByAssoc($rDel, false)) {
// build column names
$queryString[] = $db->insertParams($table, $columns, $aDel, null, false);
if (!empty($custom_columns) && !empty($aDel['id'])) {
$qDelCstm = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $table . '_cstm WHERE id_c = ' . $db->quoted($aDel['id']);
$rDelCstm = $db->query($qDelCstm);
// make a backup INSERT query if we are deleting.
while ($aDelCstm = $db->fetchByAssoc($rDelCstm)) {
$queryString[] = $db->insertParams($table, $custom_columns, $aDelCstm, null, false);
} // end aDel while()
$db->query('DELETE FROM ' . $table . '_cstm WHERE id_c = ' . $db->quoted($aDel['id']));
} // end aDel while()
// now do the actual delete
$db->query('DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE deleted = 1');
} // foreach() tables
if (!file_exists($backupDir) || !file_exists($backupDir . '/' . $backupFile)) {
// create directory if not existent
mkdir_recursive($backupDir, false);
// write cache file
write_array_to_file('pruneDatabase', $queryString, $backupDir . '/' . $backupFile);
return true;
return false;
// * Job 4
// */
//function securityAudit() {
// // do something
// return true;
function trimTracker()
global $sugar_config, $timedate;
$GLOBALS['log']->info('----->Scheduler fired job of type trimTracker()');
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$admin = BeanFactory::newBean('Administration');
$trackerConfig = $tracker_config;
$prune_interval = !empty($admin->settings['tracker_prune_interval']) ? $admin->settings['tracker_prune_interval'] : 30;
foreach ($trackerConfig as $tableName => $tableConfig) {
//Skip if table does not exist
if (!$db->tableExists($tableName)) {
$timeStamp = DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->convert("'" . $timedate->asDb($timedate->getNow()->get("-" . $prune_interval . " days")) . "'", "datetime");
if ($tableName == 'tracker_sessions') {
$query = "DELETE FROM $tableName WHERE date_end < $timeStamp";
} else {
$query = "DELETE FROM $tableName WHERE date_modified < $timeStamp";
$GLOBALS['log']->info("----->Scheduler is about to trim the $tableName table by running the query $query");
} //foreach
return true;
/* Job 5
function pollMonitoredInboxesForBouncedCampaignEmails()
$GLOBALS['log']->info('----->Scheduler job of type pollMonitoredInboxesForBouncedCampaignEmails()');
global $dictionary;
$ie = BeanFactory::newBean('InboundEmail');
$r = $ie->db->query('SELECT id FROM inbound_email WHERE deleted=0 AND status=\'Active\' AND mailbox_type=\'bounce\'');
while ($a = $ie->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
$ieX = BeanFactory::newBean('InboundEmail');
return true;
* Job 12
function sendEmailReminders()
$GLOBALS['log']->info('----->Scheduler fired job of type sendEmailReminders()');
$reminder = new EmailReminder();
return $reminder->process();
function removeDocumentsFromFS()
$GLOBALS['log']->info('Starting removal of documents if they are not present in DB');
* @var DBManager $db
* @var SugarBean $bean
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
// temp table to store id of files without memory leak
$tableName = 'cron_remove_documents';
$resource = $db->limitQuery("SELECT * FROM cron_remove_documents WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY date_modified ASC", 0, 100);
$return = true;
while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($resource)) {
$bean = BeanFactory::getBean($row['module']);
$bean->retrieve($row['bean_id'], true, false);
if (empty($bean->id)) {
$isSuccess = true;
$bean->id = $row['bean_id'];
$directory = $bean->deleteFileDirectory();
if (!empty($directory) && is_dir('upload://deleted/' . $directory)) {
if ($isSuccess = rmdir_recursive('upload://deleted/' . $directory)) {
$directory = explode('/', $directory);
while (!empty($directory)) {
$path = 'upload://deleted/' . implode('/', $directory);
if (is_dir($path)) {
$directoryIterator = new DirectoryIterator($path);
$empty = true;
foreach ($directoryIterator as $item) {
if ($item->getFilename() == '.' || $item->getFilename() == '..') {
$empty = false;
if ($empty) {
if ($isSuccess) {
$db->query('DELETE FROM ' . $tableName . ' WHERE id=' . $db->quoted($row['id']));
} else {
$return = false;
} else {
$db->query('UPDATE ' . $tableName . ' SET date_modified=' . $db->convert($db->quoted(TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb()), 'datetime') . ' WHERE id=' . $db->quoted($row['id']));
return $return;
* + * Job 16
* + * this will trim all records in sugarfeeds table that are older than 30 days or specified interval
* + */
function trimSugarFeeds()
global $sugar_config, $timedate;
$GLOBALS['log']->info('----->Scheduler fired job of type trimSugarFeeds()');
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
//get the pruning interval from globals if it's specified
$prune_interval = !empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['sugarfeed_prune_interval']) && is_numeric($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['sugarfeed_prune_interval']) ? $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['sugarfeed_prune_interval'] : 30;
//create and run the query to delete the records
$timeStamp = $db->convert("'" . $timedate->asDb($timedate->getNow()->get("-" . $prune_interval . " days")) . "'", "datetime");
$query = "DELETE FROM sugarfeed WHERE date_modified < $timeStamp";
$GLOBALS['log']->info("----->Scheduler is about to trim the sugarfeed table by running the query $query");
return true;
* + * Job 17
* + * this will sync the Google Calendars of users who are configured to do so
* + */
function syncGoogleCalendar()
global $sugar_config;
require_once 'include/GoogleSync/GoogleSync.php';
$googleSync = new GoogleSync($sugar_config);
return true;
function cleanJobQueue($job)
$td = TimeDate::getInstance();
// soft delete all jobs that are older than cutoff
$soft_cutoff = 7;
if (isset($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['jobs']['soft_lifetime'])) {
$soft_cutoff = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['jobs']['soft_lifetime'];
$soft_cutoff_date = $job->db->quoted($td->getNow()->modify("- $soft_cutoff days")->asDb());
$job->db->query("UPDATE {$job->table_name} SET deleted=1 WHERE status='done' AND date_modified < " . $job->db->convert($soft_cutoff_date, 'datetime'));
// hard delete all jobs that are older than hard cutoff
$hard_cutoff = 21;
if (isset($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['jobs']['hard_lifetime'])) {
$hard_cutoff = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['jobs']['hard_lifetime'];
$hard_cutoff_date = $job->db->quoted($td->getNow()->modify("- $hard_cutoff days")->asDb());
$job->db->query("DELETE FROM {$job->table_name} WHERE status='done' AND date_modified < " . $job->db->convert($hard_cutoff_date, 'datetime'));
return true;
function pollMonitoredInboxesAOP()
require_once 'modules/InboundEmail/AOPInboundEmail.php';
$GLOBALS['log']->info('----->Scheduler fired job of type pollMonitoredInboxesAOP()');
global $dictionary;
global $app_strings;
global $sugar_config;
$aopInboundEmail = new AOPInboundEmail();
$sqlQueryResult = $aopInboundEmail->db->query(
'SELECT id, name FROM inbound_email WHERE is_personal = 0 AND deleted=0 AND status=\'Active\'' .
' AND mailbox_type != \'bounce\''
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('Just got Result from get all Inbounds of Inbound Emails');
while ($inboundEmailRow = $aopInboundEmail->db->fetchByAssoc($sqlQueryResult)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('In while loop of Inbound Emails');
$aopInboundEmailX = new AOPInboundEmail();
if (!$aopInboundEmailX->retrieve($inboundEmailRow['id']) || !$aopInboundEmailX->id) {
throw new Exception('Error retrieving AOP Inbound Email: ' . $inboundEmailRow['id']);
$mailboxes = $aopInboundEmailX->mailboxarray;
foreach ($mailboxes as $mbox) {
$aopInboundEmailX->mailbox = $mbox;
$newMsgs = array();
$msgNoToUIDL = array();
$connectToMailServer = false;
if ($aopInboundEmailX->isPop3Protocol()) {
$msgNoToUIDL = $aopInboundEmailX->getPop3NewMessagesToDownloadForCron();
// get all the keys which are msgnos;
$newMsgs = array_keys($msgNoToUIDL);
if ($aopInboundEmailX->connectMailserver() == 'true') {
$connectToMailServer = true;
} // if
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('Trying to connect to mailserver for [ ' . $inboundEmailRow['name'] . ' ]');
if ($connectToMailServer) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('Connected to mailserver');
if (!$aopInboundEmailX->isPop3Protocol()) {
$newMsgs = $aopInboundEmailX->getNewMessageIds();
if (is_array($newMsgs)) {
$current = 1;
$total = count($newMsgs);
$sugarFolder = new SugarFolder();
$groupFolderId = $aopInboundEmailX->groupfolder_id;
$isGroupFolderExists = false;
$users = array();
if ($groupFolderId != null && $groupFolderId != "") {
// FIX #6994 - Unable to retrieve Sugar Folder due to incorrect groupFolderId
if (empty($sugarFolder->id)) {
if (!empty($sugarFolder->id)) {
$isGroupFolderExists = true;
} // if
$messagesToDelete = array();
if ($aopInboundEmailX->isMailBoxTypeCreateCase()) {
require_once 'modules/AOP_Case_Updates/AOPAssignManager.php';
$assignManager = new AOPAssignManager($aopInboundEmailX);
foreach ($newMsgs as $k => $msgNo) {
$uid = $msgNo;
if ($aopInboundEmailX->isPop3Protocol()) {
$uid = $msgNoToUIDL[$msgNo];
} else {
$uid = $aopInboundEmailX->getImap()->getUid($msgNo);
} // else
if ($isGroupFolderExists) {
$emailId = $aopInboundEmailX->returnImportedEmail($msgNo, $uid, false, true, $isGroupFolderExists);
if (!empty($emailId)) {
// add to folder
if ($aopInboundEmailX->isPop3Protocol()) {
$messagesToDelete[] = $msgNo;
} else {
$messagesToDelete[] = $uid;
if ($aopInboundEmailX->isMailBoxTypeCreateCase()) {
$userId = $assignManager->getNextAssignedUser();
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('userId [ ' . $userId . ' ]');
$validatior = new SuiteValidator();
if ((!isset($aopInboundEmailX->email) || !$aopInboundEmailX->email ||
!isset($aopInboundEmailX->email->id) || !$aopInboundEmailX->email->id) &&
) {
$aopInboundEmailX->email = BeanFactory::newBean('Emails');
if (!$aopInboundEmailX->email->retrieve($emailId)) {
throw new Exception('Email retrieving error to handle case create, email id was: ' . $emailId);
if (empty($aopInboundEmailX->email)) {
throw new Exception('Invalid type for email id ' . $emailId);
$aopInboundEmailX->handleCreateCase($aopInboundEmailX->email, $userId);
} // if
} // if
} else {
if ($aopInboundEmailX->isAutoImport()) {
$aopInboundEmailX->returnImportedEmail($msgNo, $uid);
} else {
/*If the group folder doesn't exist then download only those messages
which has caseid in message*/
$aopInboundEmailX->getMessagesInEmailCache($msgNo, $uid);
$email = BeanFactory::newBean('Emails');
$header = $aopInboundEmailX->getImap()->getHeaderInfo($msgNo);
$email->name = $aopInboundEmailX->handleMimeHeaderDecode($header->subject);
$email->from_addr = $aopInboundEmailX->convertImapToSugarEmailAddress($header->from);
$email->reply_to_email = $aopInboundEmailX->convertImapToSugarEmailAddress($header->reply_to);
if (!empty($email->reply_to_email)) {
$contactAddr = $email->reply_to_email;
} else {
$contactAddr = $email->from_addr;
$mailBoxType = $aopInboundEmailX->mailbox_type;
$aopInboundEmailX->handleAutoresponse($email, $contactAddr);
} // else
} // else
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('***** On message [ ' . $current . ' of ' . $total . ' ] *****');
} // foreach
// update Inbound Account with last robin
} // if
if (!empty($isGroupFolderExists)) {
$leaveMessagesOnMailServer = $aopInboundEmailX->get_stored_options("leaveMessagesOnMailServer", 0);
if (!$leaveMessagesOnMailServer) {
if ($aopInboundEmailX->isPop3Protocol()) {
$aopInboundEmailX->deleteMessageOnMailServerForPop3(implode(",", $messagesToDelete));
} else {
$aopInboundEmailX->deleteMessageOnMailServer(implode($app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_DELIMITER'], $messagesToDelete));
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("SCHEDULERS: could not get an IMAP connection resource for ID [ {$inboundEmailRow['id']} ]. Skipping mailbox [ {$inboundEmailRow['name']} ].");
// cn: bug 9171 - continue while
} // else
} // foreach
} // while
return true;
* Scheduled job function to index any unindexed beans.
* @deprecated since v7.12.0
* @return bool
function aodIndexUnindexed()
$total = 1;
$sanityCount = 0;
while ($total > 0) {
$total = performLuceneIndexing();
if ($sanityCount > 100) {
return true;
return true;
* @deprecated since v7.12.0
* @return bool
function aodOptimiseIndex()
$index = BeanFactory::getBean("AOD_Index")->getIndex();
return true;
* @deprecated since v7.12.0
* @return int|void
function performLuceneIndexing()
global $sugar_config;
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
if (empty($sugar_config['aod']['enable_aod'])) {
$index = BeanFactory::getBean("AOD_Index")->getIndex();
$beanList = $index->getIndexableModules();
$total = 0;
foreach ($beanList as $beanModule => $beanName) {
$bean = BeanFactory::getBean($beanModule);
if (!$bean || !method_exists($bean, "getTableName") || !$bean->getTableName()) {
$query = "SELECT b.id FROM ".$bean->getTableName()." b LEFT JOIN aod_indexevent ie ON (ie.record_id = b.id AND ie.record_module = '".$beanModule."') WHERE b.deleted = 0 AND (ie.id IS NULL OR ie.date_modified < b.date_modified) ORDER BY b.date_modified ASC";
$res = $db->limitQuery($query, 0, 500);
$c = 0;
while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($res)) {
$suc = $index->index($beanModule, $row['id']);
if ($suc) {
if ($c) {
return $total;
function aorRunScheduledReports()
require_once 'include/SugarQueue/SugarJobQueue.php';
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$date = new DateTime();//Ensure we check all schedules at the same instant
foreach (BeanFactory::getBean('AOR_Scheduled_Reports')->get_full_list() as $scheduledReport) {
if ($scheduledReport->status != 'active') {
try {
$shouldRun = $scheduledReport->shouldRun($date);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('aorRunScheduledReports: id: ' . $scheduledReport->id . ' got exception. code: ' . $ex->getCode() . ', message: ' . $ex->getMessage());
$shouldRun = false;
if ($shouldRun) {
if (empty($scheduledReport->aor_report_id)) {
$queued = $db->fetchOne("SELECT count(*) cnt FROM job_queue WHERE data=".$db->quoted($scheduledReport->id)." and deleted=0 and status = 'running' and execute_time >= " . $db->quoted(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-2 hours"))));
if(!empty($queued) && $queued['cnt'] > 0) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('aorRunScheduledReports: id: ' . $scheduledReport->id . ' is already running. Postpone creating new job.');
$job = BeanFactory::newBean('SchedulersJobs');
$job->name = "Scheduled report - {$scheduledReport->name} on {$date->format('c')}";
$job->data = $scheduledReport->id;
$job->target = "class::AORScheduledReportJob";
$job->assigned_user_id = 1;
$jq = new SugarJobQueue();
return true;
function processAOW_Workflow()
$workflow = BeanFactory::newBean('AOW_WorkFlow');
return $workflow->run_flows();
class AORScheduledReportJob implements RunnableSchedulerJob
public function setJob(SchedulersJob $job)
$this->job = $job;
public function run($data)
global $timedate;
$bean = BeanFactory::getBean('AOR_Scheduled_Reports', $data);
$report = $bean->get_linked_beans('aor_report', 'AOR_Reports');
if ($report) {
$report = $report[0];
} else {
return false;
$html = "<h1>{$report->name}</h1>" . $report->build_group_report();
$html .= <<<EOF
color: black;
font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Grande", Sans-Serif;font-size: 12px;
background: #fff;margin: 45px;width: 480px;border-collapse: collapse;text-align: left;
.list th
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: normal;
color: black;
padding: 10px 8px;
border-bottom: 2px solid black;
.list td
padding: 9px 8px 0px 8px;
$emailObj = BeanFactory::newBean('Emails');
$defaults = $emailObj->getSystemDefaultEmail();
$mail = new SugarPHPMailer();
$mail->From = $defaults['email'];
$mail->FromName = $defaults['name'];
$mail->Subject = from_html($bean->name);
$mail->Body = $html;
$success = true;
$emails = $bean->get_email_recipients();
foreach ($emails as $email_address) {
$success = $mail->Send() && $success;
$bean->last_run = $timedate->getNow()->asDb(false);
return true;
function runElasticSearchIndexerScheduler($job, $data = '{}')
return \SuiteCRM\Search\ElasticSearch\ElasticSearchIndexer::schedulerJob(json_decode(html_entity_decode($data), true));
if (file_exists('custom/modules/Schedulers/_AddJobsHere.php')) {
if (file_exists('custom/modules/Schedulers/Ext/ScheduledTasks/scheduledtasks.ext.php')) {