Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM.git synced 2025-03-15 05:44:49 +00:00
2023-07-18 15:53:09 +01:00

1014 lines
42 KiB
Executable file

if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
class ViewConvertLead extends SugarView
protected $fileName = "modules/Leads/metadata/convertdefs.php";
protected $new_contact = false;
public function __construct(
$bean = null,
$view_object_map = array()
) {
parent::__construct($bean, $view_object_map);
$this->medataDataFile = $this->fileName;
if (file_exists("custom/$this->fileName")) {
$this->medataDataFile = "custom/$this->fileName";
public function preDisplay()
if (!$this->bean->ACLAccess('edit')) {
* @see SugarView::display()
public function display()
if (!empty($_REQUEST['handle']) && $_REQUEST['handle'] == 'save') {
return $this->handleSave();
global $beanList;
// get the EditView defs to check if opportunity_name exists, for a check below for populating data
$opportunityNameInLayout = false;
$editviewFile = 'modules/Leads/metadata/editviewdefs.php';
$this->medataDataFile = $editviewFile;
if (file_exists("custom/{$editviewFile}")) {
$this->medataDataFile = "custom/{$editviewFile}";
foreach ($viewdefs['Leads']['EditView']['panels'] as $panel_index => $section) {
foreach ($section as $row_array) {
foreach ($row_array as $cell) {
if (isset($cell['name']) && $cell['name'] == 'opportunity_name') {
$opportunityNameInLayout = true;
$this->medataDataFile = $this->fileName;
if (file_exists("custom/$this->fileName")) {
$this->medataDataFile = "custom/$this->fileName";
$smarty = new Sugar_Smarty();
$ev = new EditView();
$ev->ss = $smarty;
$ev->view = "ConvertLead";
echo $this->getModuleTitle();
$qsd = QuickSearchDefaults::getQuickSearchDefaults();
$this->contact = BeanFactory::newBean('Contacts');
* Setup filter for Account/Contact popup picker
$filter = '';
// Check if Lead has an account set
if (!empty($this->focus->account_name)) {
$filter .= '&name_advanced=' . urlencode($this->focus->account_name);
// Check if Lead First name is available
if (!empty($this->focus->first_name)) {
$filter .= '&first_name_advanced=' . urlencode($this->focus->first_name);
// Lead Last Name is always available
$filter .= '&last_name_advanced=' . urlencode($this->focus->last_name);
$smarty->assign('initialFilter', $filter);
$smarty->assign('displayParams', array('initial_filter' => '{$initialFilter}'));
$relatedFields = $this->contact->get_related_fields();
$selectFields = array();
foreach ($this->defs as $moduleName => $mDefs) {
if (!empty($mDefs[$ev->view]['select']) && !empty($relatedFields[$mDefs[$ev->view]['select']])) {
$selectFields[$moduleName] = $mDefs[$ev->view]['select'];
foreach ($relatedFields as $fDef) {
if (!empty($fDef['link']) && !empty($fDef['module']) && $fDef['module'] == $moduleName) {
$selectFields[$moduleName] = $fDef['name'];
$smarty->assign('selectFields', $selectFields);
$smarty->assign("contact_def", $this->contact->field_defs);
$smarty->assign("form_name", "ConvertLead");
$smarty->assign("form_id", "ConvertLead");
$smarty->assign("module", "Leads");
$smarty->assign("view", "convertlead");
$smarty->assign("bean", $this->focus);
$smarty->assign("record_id", $this->focus->id);
global $mod_strings;
$smarty->assign('MOD', $mod_strings);
echo "<div class='edit view' style='width:auto;'>";
global $sugar_config, $app_list_strings, $app_strings;
$smarty->assign('lead_conv_activity_opt', $sugar_config['lead_conv_activity_opt']);
//Switch up list depending on copy or move
if ($sugar_config['lead_conv_activity_opt'] == 'move') {
$smarty->assign('convertModuleListOptions', get_select_options_with_id(array('None'=>$app_strings['LBL_NONE'], 'Contacts' => $app_list_strings["moduleListSingular"]['Contacts']), ''));
} else {
if ($sugar_config['lead_conv_activity_opt'] == 'copy') {
$smarty->assign('convertModuleListOptions', get_select_options_with_id(array('Contacts' => $app_list_strings["moduleListSingular"]['Contacts']), ''));
foreach ($this->defs as $module => $vdef) {
if (!isset($beanList[$module])) {
$bean = $beanList[$module];
$focus = new $bean();
// skip if we aren't allowed to save this bean
if (!$focus->ACLAccess('save')) {
foreach ($focus->field_defs as $field => $def) {
if (isset($vdef[$ev->view]['copyData']) && $vdef[$ev->view]['copyData']) {
if ($module == "Accounts" && $field == 'name') {
$focus->name = $this->focus->account_name;
} else {
if ($module == "Opportunities" && $field == 'amount') {
$focus->amount = unformat_number($this->focus->opportunity_amount);
} else {
if ($module == "Opportunities" && $field == 'name') {
if ($opportunityNameInLayout && !empty($this->focus->opportunity_name)) {
$focus->name = $this->focus->opportunity_name;
} else {
if ($field == "id") {
//If it is not a contact, don't copy the ID from the lead
if ($module == "Contacts") {
$focus->$field = $this->focus->$field;
} else {
if (is_a($focus, "Company") && $field == 'phone_office') {
//Special case where company and person have the same field with a different name
$focus->phone_office = $this->focus->phone_work;
} else {
if (strpos((string) $field, "billing_address") !== false && $focus->field_defs[$field]["type"] == "varchar") /* Bug 42219 fix */
$tmp_field = str_replace("billing_", "primary_", (string) $field);
$focus->field_defs[$field]["type"] = "text";
if (isset($this->focus->$tmp_field)) {
$focus->$field = $this->focus->$tmp_field;
} else {
if (strpos((string) $field, "shipping_address") !== false && $focus->field_defs[$field]["type"] == "varchar") /* Bug 42219 fix */
$tmp_field = str_replace("shipping_", "primary_", (string) $field);
if (isset($this->focus->$tmp_field)) {
$focus->$field = $this->focus->$tmp_field;
$focus->field_defs[$field]["type"] = "text";
} else {
if (isset($this->focus->$field)) {
$focus->$field = $this->focus->$field;
//Copy over email data
$ev->setup($module, $focus, $this->medataDataFile, "modules/Leads/tpls/ConvertLead.tpl", false);
echo($this->getValidationJS($module, $focus, $vdef[$ev->view]));
echo "</div>";
// need to re-assign bean as it gets overridden by $ev->display
$smarty->assign("bean", $this->focus);
protected function getRecord()
$this->focus = BeanFactory::newBean('Leads');
if (isset($_REQUEST['record'])) {
protected function loadDefs()
$viewdefs = array();
$this->defs = $viewdefs;
* Returns the javascript to enable/disable validation of each module's sub-form
* //TODO: This should probably be on the smarty template
* @param $module String the target module name.
* @param $focus SugarBean instance of the target module.
* @param $focus EditView def for the module.
* @return String, javascript to echo to page.
protected function getValidationJS(
) {
$validateSelect = isset($viewdef['required']) && $viewdef['required'] && !empty($viewdef['select']);
$jsOut = "
<script type='text/javascript'>
if (!SUGAR.convert) SUGAR.convert = {requiredFields: {}};
SUGAR.convert.toggle$module = function(){
inputsWithErrors = [];
for(var i in SUGAR.convert.requiredFields.$module)
addToValidate('ConvertLead', '$module' + i, 'varchar', true, SUGAR.convert.requiredFields.{$module}[i]);
if ($validateSelect) {
$jsOut .= "
removeFromValidate('ConvertLead', '{$viewdef['select']}');";
$jsOut .= "
SUGAR.convert.{$module}Enabled = true;
} else {
for(var i in SUGAR.convert.requiredFields.$module)
removeFromValidate('ConvertLead', '$module' + i);
if ($validateSelect) {
$jsOut .= "
addToValidate('ConvertLead', '{$viewdef['select']}', 'varchar', true, '"
. translate($this->contact->field_defs[$viewdef['select']]['vname']) . "');";
$jsOut .= "
SUGAR.convert.{$module}Enabled = false;
YAHOO.util.Dom.get('convert_create_{$module}').value = SUGAR.convert.{$module}Enabled;
if (isset($viewdef['required']) && $viewdef['required']) {
if (!empty($viewdef['select']) && (empty($viewdef['default_action']) || $viewdef['default_action'] != 'create')) {
$jsOut .= "
SUGAR.convert.{$module}Enabled = true;";
$jsOut .= "
} else {
if (isset($viewdef['default_action']) && $viewdef['default_action'] == "create") {
$jsOut .= "\n SUGAR.convert.{$module}Enabled = true;";
$jsOut .= "
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener('new$module', 'click', SUGAR.convert.toggle$module);
SUGAR.convert.requiredFields.$module = {};";
foreach ($focus->field_defs as $field => $def) {
if (isset($def['required']) && $def['required']) {
$jsOut .= "
SUGAR.convert.requiredFields.$module.$field = '". translate($def['vname'], $module) . "';\n";
$jsOut .= "
return $jsOut;
* Saves a new Contact as well as any related items passed in.
* @return null
protected function handleSave()
$lead = false;
if (!empty($_REQUEST['record'])) {
$lead = BeanFactory::newBean('Leads');
global $beanList;
$beans = array();
$selectedBeans = array();
$selects = array();
// Make sure the contact object is availible for relationships.
$beans['Contacts'] = BeanFactory::newBean('Contacts');
// Contacts
if (!empty($_REQUEST['selectedContact'])) {
if (!empty($beans['Contacts']->id)) {
$beans['Contacts']->new_with_id = false;
} elseif (!empty($_REQUEST["convert_create_Contacts"]) && $_REQUEST["convert_create_Contacts"] != "false" && !isset($_POST['ContinueContact'])) {
$contactForm = new ContactFormBase();
$duplicateContacts = $contactForm->checkForDuplicates('Contacts');
if (isset($duplicateContacts)) {
echo $contactForm->buildTableForm($duplicateContacts, 'Contacts');
$this->new_contact = true;
} elseif (isset($_POST['ContinueContact'])) {
$this->new_contact = true;
// Accounts
if (!empty($_REQUEST['selectedAccount'])) {
$_REQUEST['account_id'] = $_REQUEST['selectedAccount'];
} elseif (!empty($_REQUEST["convert_create_Accounts"]) && $_REQUEST["convert_create_Accounts"] != "false" && empty($_POST['ContinueAccount'])) {
$accountForm = new AccountFormBase();
$duplicateAccounts = $accountForm->checkForDuplicates('Accounts');
if (isset($duplicateAccounts)) {
echo $accountForm->buildTableForm($duplicateAccounts);
foreach ($this->defs as $module => $vdef) {
//Create a new record if "create" was selected
if (!empty($_REQUEST["convert_create_$module"]) && $_REQUEST["convert_create_$module"] != "false") {
//Save the new record
$bean = $beanList[$module];
if (empty($beans[$module])) {
$beans[$module] = new $bean();
$this->populateNewBean($module, $beans[$module], $beans['Contacts'], $lead);
// when creating a new contact, create the id for linking with other modules
// and do not populate it with lead's old account_id
if ($module == 'Contacts') {
$beans[$module]->id = create_guid();
$beans[$module]->new_with_id = true;
$beans[$module]->account_id = '';
//If an existing bean was selected, relate it to the contact
else {
if (!empty($vdef['ConvertLead']['select'])) {
//Save the new record
$select = $vdef['ConvertLead']['select'];
$fieldDef = $beans['Contacts']->field_defs[$select];
if (!empty($fieldDef['id_name']) && !empty($_REQUEST[$fieldDef['id_name']])) {
$idName = $fieldDef['id_name'];
$beans['Contacts']->$idName = $_REQUEST[$idName];
$selects[$module] = $_REQUEST[$idName];
if (!empty($_REQUEST[$select])) {
$beans['Contacts']->$select = $_REQUEST[$select];
// Bug 39268 - Add the existing beans to a list of beans we'll potentially add the lead's activities to
$bean = loadBean($module);
$selectedBeans[$module] = $bean;
// If we selected the Contact, just overwrite the $beans['Contacts']
if ($module == 'Contacts') {
$beans[$module] = $bean;
$this->handleActivities($lead, $beans);
// Bug 39268 - Add the lead's activities to the selected beans
$this->handleActivities($lead, $selectedBeans);
//link selected account to lead if it exists
if (!empty($selectedBeans['Accounts'])) {
$lead->account_id = $selectedBeans['Accounts']->id;
// link account to contact, if we picked an existing contact and created a new account
if (!empty($beans['Accounts']->id) && !empty($beans['Contacts']->account_id)
&& $beans['Accounts']->id != $beans['Contacts']->account_id) {
$beans['Contacts']->account_id = $beans['Accounts']->id;
// Saving beans with priorities.
// Contacts and Accounts should be saved before lead activities to create correct relations
$saveBeanPriority = array('Contacts', 'Accounts');
$tempBeans = array();
foreach ($saveBeanPriority as $name) {
if (isset($beans[$name])) {
$tempBeans[$name] = $beans[$name];
$beans = array_merge($tempBeans, $beans);
//Handle non-contacts relationships
foreach ($beans as $bean) {
if (!empty($lead)) {
if (empty($bean->assigned_user_id)) {
$bean->assigned_user_id = $lead->assigned_user_id;
$leadsRel = $this->findRelationship($bean, $lead);
if (!empty($leadsRel)) {
$relObject = $bean->$leadsRel->getRelationshipObject();
if ($relObject->relationship_type == "one-to-many" && $bean->$leadsRel->getSide() == REL_LHS) {
$id_field = $relObject->rhs_key;
$lead->$id_field = $bean->id;
} else {
global $sugar_config;
if(isset($sugar_config['securitysuite_inherit_parent']) && $sugar_config['securitysuite_inherit_parent'] == true)
SecurityGroup::inherit_parentQuery($bean, $lead->module_dir, $lead->id, $bean->id, $bean->module_dir);
//Special case code for opportunities->Accounts
if ($bean->object_name == "Opportunity" && empty($bean->account_id)) {
if (isset($beans['Accounts'])) {
$bean->account_id = $beans['Accounts']->id;
$bean->account_name = $beans['Accounts']->name;
} else {
if (!empty($selects['Accounts'])) {
$bean->account_id = $selects['Accounts'];
//create meetings-users relationship
if ($bean->object_name == "Meeting") {
$bean = $this->setMeetingsUsersRelationship($bean);
$this->copyAddressFields($bean, $beans['Contacts']);
//if campaign id exists then there should be an entry in campaign_log table for the newly created contact: bug 44522
if (isset($lead->campaign_id) && $lead->campaign_id != null && $bean->object_name == "Contact") {
campaign_log_lead_or_contact_entry($lead->campaign_id, $lead, $beans['Contacts'], 'contact');
if (!empty($lead)) { //Mark the original Lead converted
$lead->status = "Converted";
$lead->converted = '1';
$lead->in_workflow = true;
// handle copying photo file, if present:
if (!empty($lead->id) && !empty($lead->photo) &&
!empty($beans['Contacts']->id) && !empty($beans['Contacts']->photo)) {
$bCopied = false;
if (($lead->photo === $beans['Contacts']->photo) && is_readable('upload/' . $lead->id . '_photo')) {
$bCopied = copy(
'upload/' . $lead->id . '_photo',
'upload/' . $beans['Contacts']->id . '_photo'
if ($bCopied) {
$beans['Contacts']->photo = $lead->photo;
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warning('Lead conversion: failed copying upload/' .
$lead->id . '_photo to upload/' . $beans['Contacts']->id . '_photo');
public function setMeetingsUsersRelationship($bean)
global $current_user;
$meetingsRel = $this->findRelationshipByName($bean, $this->defs['Meetings']['ConvertLead']['relationship']);
if (!empty($meetingsRel)) {
return $bean;
} else {
return false;
protected function displaySaveResults(
) {
global $beanList;
echo "<div><ul>";
foreach ($beans as $bean) {
$beanName = $bean->object_name;
if ($beanName == 'Contact' && !$this->new_contact) {
echo "<li>" . translate("LBL_EXISTING_CONTACT") . " -
<a href='index.php?module={$bean->module_dir}&action=DetailView&record={$bean->id}'>
} else {
global $app_list_strings;
if (!empty($app_list_strings['moduleListSingular'][$bean->module_dir])) {
$module_name = $app_list_strings['moduleListSingular'][$bean->module_dir];
} else {
$module_name = translate('LBL_MODULE_NAME', $bean->module_dir);
if (empty($module_name)) {
$module_name = translate($beanName);
echo "<li>" . translate("LBL_CREATED_NEW") . ' ' . $module_name . " -
<a href='index.php?module={$bean->module_dir}&action=DetailView&record={$bean->id}'>
echo "</ul></div>";
protected function handleActivities(
) {
global $app_list_strings;
global $sugar_config;
global $app_strings;
$parent_types = $app_list_strings['record_type_display'];
$activities = $this->getActivitiesFromLead($lead);
//if account is being created, we will specify the account as the parent bean
$accountParentInfo = array();
//determine the account id info ahead of time if it is being created as part of this conversion
if (!empty($beans['Accounts'])) {
$account_id = create_guid();
if (!empty($beans['Accounts']->id)) {
$account_id = $beans['Accounts']->id;
} else {
$beans['Accounts']->id = $account_id;
$accountParentInfo = array('id'=>$account_id,'type'=>'Accounts');
foreach ($beans as $module => $bean) {
if (isset($parent_types[$module])) {
if (empty($bean->id)) {
$bean->id = create_guid();
$bean->new_with_id = true;
if (isset($_POST['lead_conv_ac_op_sel']) && $_POST['lead_conv_ac_op_sel'] != 'None') {
foreach ($activities as $activity) {
if (!isset($sugar_config['lead_conv_activity_opt']) || $sugar_config['lead_conv_activity_opt'] == 'copy') {
if (isset($_POST['lead_conv_ac_op_sel'])) {
//if the copy to module(s) are defined, copy only to those module(s)
if (is_array($_POST['lead_conv_ac_op_sel'])) {
foreach ($_POST['lead_conv_ac_op_sel'] as $mod) {
if ($mod == $module) {
$this->copyActivityAndRelateToBean($activity, $bean, $accountParentInfo);
} else {
if ($sugar_config['lead_conv_activity_opt'] == 'move') {
// if to move activities, should be only one module selected
if ($_POST['lead_conv_ac_op_sel'] == $module) {
$this->moveActivity($activity, $bean);
* Change the parent id and parent type of an activity
* @param $activity Activity to be modified
* @param $bean New parent bean of the activity
protected function moveActivity($activity, $bean)
global $beanList;
$lead = null;
if (!empty($_REQUEST['record'])) {
$lead = BeanFactory::newBean('Leads');
// delete the old relationship to the old parent (lead)
if ($rel = $this->findRelationship($activity, $lead)) {
$activity->load_relationship($rel) ;
if ($activity->parent_id && $activity->id) {
$activity->$rel->delete($activity->id, $activity->parent_id);
// add the new relationship to the new parent (contact, account, etc)
if ($rel = $this->findRelationship($activity, $bean)) {
$activity->load_relationship($rel) ;
$relObj = $activity->$rel->getRelationshipObject();
if ($relObj->relationship_type=='one-to-one' || $relObj->relationship_type == 'one-to-many') {
$key = $relObj->rhs_key;
$activity->$key = $bean->id;
// set the new parent id and type
$activity->parent_id = $bean->id;
$activity->parent_type = $bean->module_dir;
* Gets the list of activities related to the lead
* @param Lead $lead Lead to get activities from
* @return Array of Activity SugarBeans .
protected function getActivitiesFromLead(
) {
if (!$lead) {
global $beanList;
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$activitesList = array("Calls", "Tasks", "Meetings", "Emails", "Notes");
$activities = array();
foreach ($activitesList as $module) {
$beanName = $beanList[$module];
$activity = new $beanName();
$query = "SELECT id FROM {$activity->table_name} WHERE parent_id = '{$lead->id}' AND parent_type = 'Leads' AND deleted = 0";
$result = $db->query($query, true);
while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result)) {
$activity = new $beanName();
$activities[] = $activity;
return $activities;
protected function copyActivityAndRelateToBean(
$parentArr = array()
) {
global $beanList;
$newActivity = clone $activity;
$newActivity->id = create_guid();
$newActivity->new_with_id = true;
//set the parent id and type if it was passed in, otherwise use blank to wipe it out
$parentID = '';
$parentType = '';
if (!empty($parentArr)) {
if (!empty($parentArr['id'])) {
$parentID = $parentArr['id'];
if (!empty($parentArr['type'])) {
$parentType = $parentArr['type'];
//Special case to prevent duplicated tasks from appearing under Contacts multiple times
if ($newActivity->module_dir == "Tasks" && $bean->module_dir != "Contacts") {
$newActivity->contact_id = $newActivity->contact_name = "";
if ($rel = $this->findRelationship($newActivity, $bean)) {
if (isset($newActivity->$rel)) {
// this comes form $activity, get rid of it and load our own
$newActivity->$rel = '';
$newActivity->load_relationship($rel) ;
$relObj = $newActivity->$rel->getRelationshipObject();
if ($relObj->relationship_type=='one-to-one' || $relObj->relationship_type == 'one-to-many') {
$key = $relObj->rhs_key;
$newActivity->$key = $bean->id;
//check users connected to bean
if ($activity->load_relationship("users")) {
$userList = $activity->users->getBeans();
if ((is_countable($userList) ? count($userList) : 0) > 0 && $newActivity->load_relationship("users")) {
foreach ($userList as $user) {
//parent (related to field) should be blank unless it is explicitly sent in
//it is not sent in unless the account is being created as well during lead conversion
$newActivity->parent_id = $parentID;
$newActivity->parent_type = $parentType;
$newActivity->update_date_modified = false; //bug 41747
if ($newActivity->module_dir == "Notes" && $newActivity->filename) {
UploadFile::duplicate_file($activity->id, $newActivity->id, $newActivity->filename);
* Populates the passed in Bean fron the contact and the $_REQUEST
* @param String $module Module of new bean
* @param SugarBean $bean SugarBean to be populated.
* @param Contact $contact Contact to relate the bean to.
protected function populateNewBean(
) {
$vdef = [];
//Copy data from the contact to new bean
foreach ($bean->field_defs as $field => $def) {
if (!isset($_REQUEST[$module . $field]) && isset($lead->$field) && $field != 'id') {
$bean->$field = $lead->$field;
if ($field == 'date_entered') {
$bean->$field = gmdate($GLOBALS['timedate']->get_db_date_time_format());
} //bug 41030
populateFromPost($module, $bean, true);
//Try to link to the new contact
$contactRel = "";
if (!empty($vdef['ConvertLead']['select'])) {
$select = $vdef['ConvertLead']['select'];
$fieldDef = $contact->field_defs[$select];
if (!empty($fieldDef['id_name'])) {
$bean->id = create_guid();
$bean->new_with_id = true;
$idName = $fieldDef['id_name'];
$contact->$idName = $bean->id ;
if ($idName != $select) {
$rname = isset($fieldDef['rname']) ? $fieldDef['rname'] : "";
if (!empty($rname) && isset($bean->$rname)) {
$contact->$select = $bean->$rname;
} else {
$contact->$select = $bean->name;
} else {
if ($module != "Contacts") {
$contactRel = $this->findRelationship($contact, $bean);
if (!empty($contactRel)) {
$bean->id = create_guid();
$bean->new_with_id = true;
$contact->load_relationship($contactRel) ;
$relObject = $contact->$contactRel->getRelationshipObject();
if ($relObject->relationship_type == "one-to-many" && $contact->$contactRel->getSide() == REL_LHS) {
$id_field = $relObject->rhs_key;
$bean->$id_field = $contact->id;
} else {
//Set the parent of activites to the new Contact
if (isset($bean->field_defs['parent_id']) && isset($bean->field_defs['parent_type'])) {
$bean->parent_id = $contact->id;
$bean->parent_type = "Contacts";
protected function copyAddressFields($bean, $contact)
//Copy over address info from the contact to any beans with address not set
foreach ($bean->field_defs as $field => $def) {
if (!isset($_REQUEST[$bean->module_dir . $field]) && strpos((string) $field, "_address_") !== false) {
$set = "primary";
if (strpos((string) $field, "alt_") !== false || strpos((string) $field, "shipping_") !== false) {
$set = "alt";
$type = "";
if (strpos((string) $field, "_address_street_2") !== false) {
$type = "_address_street_2";
} else {
if (strpos((string) $field, "_address_street_3") !== false) {
$type = "_address_street_3";
} else {
if (strpos((string) $field, "_address_street_4") !== false) {
$type = "";
} else {
if (strpos((string) $field, "_address_street") !== false) {
$type = "_address_street";
} else {
if (strpos((string) $field, "_address_city") !== false) {
$type = "_address_city";
} else {
if (strpos((string) $field, "_address_state") !== false) {
$type = "_address_state";
} else {
if (strpos((string) $field, "_address_postalcode") !== false) {
$type = "_address_postalcode";
} else {
if (strpos((string) $field, "_address_country") !== false) {
$type = "_address_country";
$var = $set.$type;
if (isset($contact->$var)) {
$bean->$field = $contact->$var;
protected function findRelationship(
) {
global $dictionary;
foreach ($from->field_defs as $field=>$def) {
if (isset($def['type']) && $def['type'] == "link" && isset($def['relationship'])) {
$rel_name = $def['relationship'];
$rel_def = "";
if (isset($dictionary[$from->object_name]['relationships']) && isset($dictionary[$from->object_name]['relationships'][$rel_name])) {
$rel_def = $dictionary[$from->object_name]['relationships'][$rel_name];
} else {
if (isset($dictionary[$to->object_name]['relationships']) && isset($dictionary[$to->object_name]['relationships'][$rel_name])) {
$rel_def = $dictionary[$to->object_name]['relationships'][$rel_name];
} else {
if (isset($dictionary[$rel_name]) && isset($dictionary[$rel_name]['relationships'])
&& isset($dictionary[$rel_name]['relationships'][$rel_name])) {
$rel_def = $dictionary[$rel_name]['relationships'][$rel_name];
if (!empty($rel_def)) {
if ($rel_def['lhs_module'] == $from->module_dir && $rel_def['rhs_module'] == $to->module_dir) {
return $field;
} else {
if ($rel_def['rhs_module'] == $from->module_dir && $rel_def['lhs_module'] == $to->module_dir) {
return $field;
return false;
protected function findRelationshipByName($from, $rel_name)
global $dictionary;
foreach ($from->field_defs as $field => $def) {
if (isset($def['relationship']) && $def['relationship'] == $rel_name) {
return $field;
return false;
* @see SugarView::_getModuleTitleParams()
protected function _getModuleTitleParams($browserTitle = false)
global $mod_strings;
$params = parent::_getModuleTitleParams($browserTitle);
$params[] = "<a href='index.php?module=Leads&action=DetailView&record={$this->bean->id}'>{$this->bean->name}</a>";
$params[] = $mod_strings['LBL_CONVERTLEAD'];
return $params;
protected function checkForDuplicates(
) {
if ($lead->status == "Converted") {
echo("<span class='error'>" . translate('LBL_CONVERTLEAD_WARNING'));
$dupes = array();
$q = "SELECT id, first_name, last_name FROM contacts WHERE first_name LIKE '{$lead->first_name}' AND last_name LIKE '{$lead->last_name}' AND deleted = 0";
$result = $lead->db->query($q);
while ($row = $lead->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) {
$contact = BeanFactory::newBean('Contacts');
$dupes[$row['id']] = $contact->name;
if (!empty($dupes)) {
foreach ($dupes as $id => $name) {
echo(translate('LBL_CONVERTLEAD_WARNING_INTO_RECORD') . "<a href='index.php?module=Contacts&action=DetailView&record=$id'>$name</a>");
echo "</span>";
return false;