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1506 lines
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pPie - class to draw pie charts
Version : 2.1.4
Made by : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
Last Update : 19/01/2014
This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :
You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
/* Class return codes */
define("PIE_NO_ABSCISSA" , 140001);
define("PIE_NO_DATASERIE" , 140002);
define("PIE_SUMISNULL" , 140003);
define("PIE_RENDERED" , 140000);
define("PIE_LABEL_COLOR_AUTO" , 140010);
define("PIE_LABEL_COLOR_MANUAL", 140011);
define("PIE_VALUE_NATURAL" , 140020);
define("PIE_VALUE_PERCENTAGE" , 140021);
define("PIE_VALUE_INSIDE" , 140030);
define("PIE_VALUE_OUTSIDE" , 140031);
/* pPie class definition */
class pPie
public $pChartObject;
public $pDataObject;
public $LabelPos = [] ;
/* Class creator */
public function __construct($Object, $pDataObject)
/* Cache the pChart object reference */
$this->pChartObject = $Object;
/* Cache the pData object reference */
$this->pDataObject = $pDataObject;
/* Draw a pie chart */
public function draw2DPie($X,$Y,$Format="")
$Radius = isset($Format["Radius"]) ? $Format["Radius"] : 60;
$Precision = isset($Format["Precision"]) ? $Format["Precision"] : 0;
$DataGapAngle = isset($Format["DataGapAngle"]) ? $Format["DataGapAngle"] : 0;
$DataGapRadius = isset($Format["DataGapRadius"]) ? $Format["DataGapRadius"] : 0;
$SecondPass = isset($Format["SecondPass"]) ? $Format["SecondPass"] : TRUE;
$Border = isset($Format["Border"]) ? $Format["Border"] : FALSE;
$BorderR = isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : 255;
$BorderG = isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : 255;
$BorderB = isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : 255;
$Shadow = isset($Format["Shadow"]) ? $Format["Shadow"] : FALSE;
$DrawLabels = isset($Format["DrawLabels"]) ? $Format["DrawLabels"] : FALSE;
$LabelStacked = isset($Format["LabelStacked"]) ? $Format["LabelStacked"] : FALSE;
$LabelColor = isset($Format["LabelColor"]) ? $Format["LabelColor"] : PIE_LABEL_COLOR_MANUAL;
$LabelR = isset($Format["LabelR"]) ? $Format["LabelR"] : 0;
$LabelG = isset($Format["LabelG"]) ? $Format["LabelG"] : 0;
$LabelB = isset($Format["LabelB"]) ? $Format["LabelB"] : 0;
$LabelAlpha = isset($Format["LabelAlpha"]) ? $Format["LabelAlpha"] : 100;
$WriteValues = isset($Format["WriteValues"]) ? $Format["WriteValues"] : NULL;
$ValuePosition = isset($Format["ValuePosition"]) ? $Format["ValuePosition"] : PIE_VALUE_OUTSIDE;
$ValuePadding = isset($Format["ValuePadding"]) ? $Format["ValuePadding"] : 15;
$ValueSuffix = isset($Format["ValueSuffix"]) ? $Format["ValueSuffix"] : "";
$ValueR = isset($Format["ValueR"]) ? $Format["ValueR"] : 255;
$ValueG = isset($Format["ValueG"]) ? $Format["ValueG"] : 255;
$ValueB = isset($Format["ValueB"]) ? $Format["ValueB"] : 255;
$ValueAlpha = isset($Format["ValueAlpha"]) ? $Format["ValueAlpha"] : 100;
$RecordImageMap = isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : FALSE;
/* Data Processing */
$Data = $this->pDataObject->getData();
$Palette = $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
/* Do we have an abscissa serie defined? */
if ( $Data["Abscissa"] == "" ) { return(PIE_NO_ABSCISSA); }
/* Try to find the data serie */
$DataSerie = "";
foreach ($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $SerieData)
{ if ( $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) { $DataSerie = $SerieName; } }
/* Do we have data to compute? */
if ( $DataSerie == "" ) { return(PIE_NO_DATASERIE); }
/* Remove unused data */
list($Data,$Palette) = $this->clean0Values($Data,$Palette,$DataSerie,$Data["Abscissa"]);
/* Compute the pie sum */
$SerieSum = $this->pDataObject->getSum($DataSerie);
/* Do we have data to draw? */
if ( $SerieSum == 0 ) { return(PIE_SUMISNULL); }
/* Dump the real number of data to draw */
$Values = [];
foreach ($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"] as $Key => $Value)
{ if ($Value != 0) { $Values[] = $Value; } }
/* Compute the wasted angular space between series */
if ((is_countable($Values) ? count($Values) : 0)==1) { $WastedAngular = 0; } else { $WastedAngular = (is_countable($Values) ? count($Values) : 0) * $DataGapAngle; }
/* Compute the scale */
$ScaleFactor = (360 - $WastedAngular) / $SerieSum;
$RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow;
if ( $this->pChartObject->Shadow )
$this->pChartObject->Shadow = FALSE;
$ShadowFormat = $Format; $ShadowFormat["Shadow"] = TRUE;
/* Draw the polygon pie elements */
$Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
$Offset = 0; $ID = 0;
foreach($Values as $Key => $Value)
if ( $Shadow )
$Settings = array("R"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowR,"G"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowG,"B"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowB,"Alpha"=>$this->pChartObject->Shadowa);
if ( !isset($Palette[$ID]["R"]) ) { $Color = $this->pChartObject->getRandomColor(); $Palette[$ID] = $Color; $this->pDataObject->savePalette($ID,$Color); }
$Settings = array("R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],"G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],"B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],"Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]);
if ( !$SecondPass && !$Shadow )
if ( !$Border )
$Settings["Surrounding"] = 10;
{ $Settings["BorderR"] = $BorderR; $Settings["BorderG"] = $BorderG; $Settings["BorderB"] = $BorderB; }
$Plots = [];
$EndAngle = $Offset+($Value*$ScaleFactor); if ( $EndAngle > 360 ) { $EndAngle = 360; }
$Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
if ($DataGapAngle == 0)
{ $X0 = $X; $Y0 = $Y; }
$X0 = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $DataGapRadius + $X;
$Y0 = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $DataGapRadius + $Y;
$Plots[] = $X0; $Plots[] = $Y0;
$Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
$Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $Y;
if ( $SecondPass && ( $i<90 )) { $Yc++; }
if ( $SecondPass && ( $i>180 && $i<270 )) { $Xc++; }
if ( $SecondPass && ( $i>=270 )) { $Xc++; $Yc++; }
$Plots[] = $Xc; $Plots[] = $Yc;
if ( $RecordImageMap && !$Shadow ) { $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap("POLY",$this->arraySerialize($Plots),$this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor($Palette[$ID]["R"],$Palette[$ID]["G"],$Palette[$ID]["B"]),$Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Key],$Value); }
if ( $DrawLabels && !$Shadow && !$SecondPass )
if ( $LabelColor == PIE_LABEL_COLOR_AUTO )
{ $Settings = array("FillR"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],"FillG"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],"FillB"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],"Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]);}
{ $Settings = array("FillR"=>$LabelR,"FillG"=>$LabelG,"FillB"=>$LabelB,"Alpha"=>$LabelAlpha); }
$Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
$Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
$Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $Y;
$Label = $Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Key];
if ( $LabelStacked )
$Offset = $i + $DataGapAngle; $ID++;
/* Second pass to smooth the angles */
if ( $SecondPass )
$Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
$Offset = 0; $ID = 0;
foreach($Values as $Key => $Value)
$FirstPoint = TRUE;
if ( $Shadow )
$Settings = array("R"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowR,"G"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowG,"B"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowB,"Alpha"=>$this->pChartObject->Shadowa);
if ( $Border )
$Settings = array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB);
$Settings = array("R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],"G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],"B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],"Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]);
$EndAngle = $Offset+($Value*$ScaleFactor); if ( $EndAngle > 360 ) { $EndAngle = 360; }
if ($DataGapAngle == 0)
{ $X0 = $X; $Y0 = $Y; }
$Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
$X0 = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $DataGapRadius + $X;
$Y0 = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $DataGapRadius + $Y;
$Plots[] = $X0; $Plots[] = $Y0;
$Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
$Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $Y;
if ( $FirstPoint ) { $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Xc,$Yc,$X0,$Y0,$Settings); } { $FirstPoint = FALSE; }
if ( $DrawLabels && !$Shadow )
if ( $LabelColor == PIE_LABEL_COLOR_AUTO )
{ $Settings = array("FillR"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],"FillG"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],"FillB"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],"Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]);}
{ $Settings = array("FillR"=>$LabelR,"FillG"=>$LabelG,"FillB"=>$LabelB,"Alpha"=>$LabelAlpha); }
$Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
$Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
$Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $Y;
$Label = $Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Key];
if ( $LabelStacked )
$Offset = $i + $DataGapAngle; $ID++;
if ( $WriteValues != NULL && !$Shadow )
$Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
$Offset = 0; $ID = (is_countable($Values) ? count($Values) : 0)-1;
$Settings = array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE,"R"=>$ValueR,"G"=>$ValueG,"B"=>$ValueB,"Alpha"=>$ValueAlpha);
foreach($Values as $Key => $Value)
$EndAngle = ($Value*$ScaleFactor) + $Offset; if ( (int)$EndAngle > 360 ) { $EndAngle = 0; }
$Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
if ( $ValuePosition == PIE_VALUE_OUTSIDE )
$Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($Radius+$ValuePadding) + $X;
$Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($Radius+$ValuePadding) + $Y;
$Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($Radius)/2 + $X;
$Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($Radius)/2 + $Y;
if ( $WriteValues == PIE_VALUE_PERCENTAGE )
$Display = round(( 100 / $SerieSum ) * $Value,$Precision)."%";
elseif ( $WriteValues == PIE_VALUE_NATURAL )
$Display = $Value.$ValueSuffix;
$Offset = $EndAngle + $DataGapAngle; $ID--;
if ( $DrawLabels && $LabelStacked ) { $this->writeShiftedLabels(); }
$this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
/* Draw a 3D pie chart */
public function draw3DPie($X,$Y,$Format="")
/* Rendering layout */
$Radius = isset($Format["Radius"]) ? $Format["Radius"] : 80;
$Precision = isset($Format["Precision"]) ? $Format["Precision"] : 0;
$SkewFactor = isset($Format["SkewFactor"]) ? $Format["SkewFactor"] : .5;
$SliceHeight = isset($Format["SliceHeight"]) ? $Format["SliceHeight"] : 20;
$DataGapAngle = isset($Format["DataGapAngle"]) ? $Format["DataGapAngle"] : 0;
$DataGapRadius = isset($Format["DataGapRadius"]) ? $Format["DataGapRadius"] : 0;
$SecondPass = isset($Format["SecondPass"]) ? $Format["SecondPass"] : TRUE;
$Border = isset($Format["Border"]) ? $Format["Border"] : FALSE;
$Shadow = isset($Format["Shadow"]) ? $Format["Shadow"] : FALSE;
$DrawLabels = isset($Format["DrawLabels"]) ? $Format["DrawLabels"] : FALSE;
$LabelStacked = isset($Format["LabelStacked"]) ? $Format["LabelStacked"] : FALSE;
$LabelColor = isset($Format["LabelColor"]) ? $Format["LabelColor"] : PIE_LABEL_COLOR_MANUAL;
$LabelR = isset($Format["LabelR"]) ? $Format["LabelR"] : 0;
$LabelG = isset($Format["LabelG"]) ? $Format["LabelG"] : 0;
$LabelB = isset($Format["LabelB"]) ? $Format["LabelB"] : 0;
$LabelAlpha = isset($Format["LabelAlpha"]) ? $Format["LabelAlpha"] : 100;
$WriteValues = isset($Format["WriteValues"]) ? $Format["WriteValues"] : NULL; //PIE_VALUE_PERCENTAGE
$ValuePosition = isset($Format["ValuePosition"]) ? $Format["ValuePosition"] : PIE_VALUE_INSIDE;
$ValuePadding = isset($Format["ValuePadding"]) ? $Format["ValuePadding"] : 15;
$ValueSuffix = isset($Format["ValueSuffix"]) ? $Format["ValueSuffix"] : "";
$ValueR = isset($Format["ValueR"]) ? $Format["ValueR"] : 255;
$ValueG = isset($Format["ValueG"]) ? $Format["ValueG"] : 255;
$ValueB = isset($Format["ValueB"]) ? $Format["ValueB"] : 255;
$ValueAlpha = isset($Format["ValueAlpha"]) ? $Format["ValueAlpha"] : 100;
$RecordImageMap = isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : FALSE;
/* Error correction for overlaying rounded corners */
if ( $SkewFactor < .5 ) { $SkewFactor = .5; }
/* Data Processing */
$Data = $this->pDataObject->getData();
$Palette = $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
/* Do we have an abscissa serie defined? */
if ( $Data["Abscissa"] == "" ) { return(PIE_NO_ABSCISSA); }
/* Try to find the data serie */
$DataSerie = "";
foreach ($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $SerieData)
{ if ( $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) { $DataSerie = $SerieName; } }
/* Do we have data to compute? */
if ( $DataSerie == "" ) { return(PIE_NO_DATASERIE); }
/* Remove unused data */
list($Data,$Palette) = $this->clean0Values($Data,$Palette,$DataSerie,$Data["Abscissa"]);
/* Compute the pie sum */
$SerieSum = $this->pDataObject->getSum($DataSerie);
/* Do we have data to draw? */
if ( $SerieSum == 0 ) { return(PIE_SUMISNULL); }
/* Dump the real number of data to draw */
$Values = [];
foreach ($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"] as $Key => $Value)
{ if ($Value != 0) { $Values[] = $Value; } }
/* Compute the wasted angular space between series */
if ((is_countable($Values) ? count($Values) : 0)==1) { $WastedAngular = 0; } else { $WastedAngular = (is_countable($Values) ? count($Values) : 0) * $DataGapAngle; }
/* Compute the scale */
$ScaleFactor = (360 - $WastedAngular) / $SerieSum;
$RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow;
if ( $this->pChartObject->Shadow ) { $this->pChartObject->Shadow = FALSE; }
/* Draw the polygon pie elements */
$Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
$Offset = 360; $ID = (is_countable($Values) ? count($Values) : 0)-1;
$Values = array_reverse($Values);
$Slice = 0; $Slices = ""; $SliceColors = ""; $Visible = ""; $SliceAngle = "";
foreach($Values as $Key => $Value)
if ( !isset($Palette[$ID]["R"]) ) { $Color = $this->pChartObject->getRandomColor(); $Palette[$ID] = $Color; $this->pDataObject->savePalette($ID,$Color); }
$Settings = array("R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],"G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],"B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],"Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]);
$SliceColors[$Slice] = $Settings;
$StartAngle = $Offset;
$EndAngle = $Offset-($Value*$ScaleFactor); if ( $EndAngle < 0 ) { $EndAngle = 0; }
if ( $StartAngle > 180 ) { $Visible[$Slice]["Start"] = TRUE; } else { $Visible[$Slice]["Start"] = TRUE; }
if ( $EndAngle < 180 ) { $Visible[$Slice]["End"] = FALSE; } else { $Visible[$Slice]["End"] = TRUE; }
if ($DataGapAngle == 0)
{ $X0 = $X; $Y0 = $Y; }
$Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
$X0 = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $DataGapRadius + $X;
$Y0 = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $DataGapRadius*$SkewFactor + $Y;
$Slices[$Slice][] = $X0; $Slices[$Slice][] = $Y0; $SliceAngle[$Slice][] = 0;
$Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
$Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y;
if ( ($SecondPass || $RestoreShadow ) && ( $i<90 )) { $Yc++; }
if ( ($SecondPass || $RestoreShadow ) && ( $i>90 && $i<180 )) { $Xc++; }
if ( ($SecondPass || $RestoreShadow ) && ( $i>180 && $i<270 )) { $Xc++; }
if ( ($SecondPass || $RestoreShadow ) && ( $i>=270 )) { $Xc++; $Yc++; }
$Slices[$Slice][] = $Xc; $Slices[$Slice][] = $Yc; $SliceAngle[$Slice][] = $i;
$Offset = $i - $DataGapAngle; $ID--; $Slice++;
/* Draw the bottom shadow if needed */
if ( $RestoreShadow && ($this->pChartObject->ShadowX != 0 || $this->pChartObject->ShadowY !=0 ))
foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots)
$ShadowPie = [];
$PlotsCount = count($Plots) ?? [];
{ $ShadowPie[] = $Plots[$i]+$this->pChartObject->ShadowX; $ShadowPie[] = $Plots[$i+1]+$this->pChartObject->ShadowY; }
$Settings = array("R"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowR,"G"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowG,"B"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowB,"Alpha"=>$this->pChartObject->Shadowa,"NoBorder"=>TRUE);
$Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
$Offset = 360;
foreach($Values as $Key => $Value)
$EndAngle = $Offset-($Value*$ScaleFactor); if ( $EndAngle < 0 ) { $EndAngle = 0; }
$Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X + $this->pChartObject->ShadowX;
$Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y + $this->pChartObject->ShadowY;
$Offset = $i - $DataGapAngle; $ID--;
/* Draw the bottom pie splice */
foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots)
$Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID]; $Settings["NoBorder"] = TRUE;
if ( $SecondPass )
$Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];
if ( $Border )
{ $Settings["R"]+= 30; $Settings["G"]+= 30; $Settings["B"]+= 30;; }
if ( isset($SliceAngle[$SliceID][1]) ) /* Empty error handling */
$Angle = $SliceAngle[$SliceID][1];
$Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
$Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y;
$Angle = $SliceAngle[$SliceID][(is_countable($SliceAngle[$SliceID]) ? count($SliceAngle[$SliceID]) : 0)-1];
$Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
$Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y;
/* Draw the two vertical edges */
$Slices = array_reverse($Slices);
$SliceColors = array_reverse($SliceColors);
foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots)
$Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];
$Settings["R"]+= 10; $Settings["G"]+= 10; $Settings["B"]+= 10; $Settings["NoBorder"] = TRUE;
if ( $Visible[$SliceID]["Start"] && isset($Plots[2])) /* Empty error handling */
$this->pChartObject->drawLine($Plots[2],$Plots[3],$Plots[2],$Plots[3]- $SliceHeight,array("R"=>$Settings["R"],"G"=>$Settings["G"],"B"=>$Settings["B"]));
$Border = [];
$Border[] = $Plots[0]; $Border[] = $Plots[1]; $Border[] = $Plots[0]; $Border[] = $Plots[1] - $SliceHeight;
$Border[] = $Plots[2]; $Border[] = $Plots[3] - $SliceHeight; $Border[] = $Plots[2]; $Border[] = $Plots[3];
$Slices = array_reverse($Slices);
$SliceColors = array_reverse($SliceColors);
foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots)
$Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];
$Settings["R"]+= 10; $Settings["G"]+= 10; $Settings["B"]+= 10; $Settings["NoBorder"] = TRUE;
if ( $Visible[$SliceID]["End"] )
$this->pChartObject->drawLine($Plots[(is_countable($Plots) ? count($Plots) : 0)-2],$Plots[(is_countable($Plots) ? count($Plots) : 0)-1],$Plots[(is_countable($Plots) ? count($Plots) : 0)-2],$Plots[(is_countable($Plots) ? count($Plots) : 0)-1]- $SliceHeight,array("R"=>$Settings["R"],"G"=>$Settings["G"],"B"=>$Settings["B"]));
$Border = [];
$Border[] = $Plots[0]; $Border[] = $Plots[1]; $Border[] = $Plots[0]; $Border[] = $Plots[1] - $SliceHeight;
$Border[] = $Plots[(is_countable($Plots) ? count($Plots) : 0)-2]; $Border[] = $Plots[(is_countable($Plots) ? count($Plots) : 0)-1] - $SliceHeight; $Border[] = $Plots[(is_countable($Plots) ? count($Plots) : 0)-2]; $Border[] = $Plots[(is_countable($Plots) ? count($Plots) : 0)-1];
/* Draw the rounded edges */
foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots)
$Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];
$Settings["R"]+= 10; $Settings["G"]+= 10; $Settings["B"]+= 10; $Settings["NoBorder"] = TRUE;
$PlotsCount = is_countable($Plots) ? count($Plots) : 0;
for ($j=2;$j<$PlotsCount-2;$j=$j+2)
$Angle = $SliceAngle[$SliceID][$j/2];
if ( $Angle < 270 && $Angle > 90 )
$Border = [];
$Border[] = $Plots[$j]; $Border[] = $Plots[$j+1];
$Border[] = $Plots[$j+2]; $Border[] = $Plots[$j+3];
$Border[] = $Plots[$j+2]; $Border[] = $Plots[$j+3] - $SliceHeight;
$Border[] = $Plots[$j]; $Border[] = $Plots[$j+1] - $SliceHeight;
if ( $SecondPass )
$Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];
if ( $Border )
{ $Settings["R"]+= 30; $Settings["G"]+= 30; $Settings["B"]+= 30; }
if ( isset($SliceAngle[$SliceID][1]) ) /* Empty error handling */
$Angle = $SliceAngle[$SliceID][1];
if ( $Angle < 270 && $Angle > 90 )
$Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
$Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y;
$sliceCount = is_countable($SliceAngle[$SliceID]) ? count($SliceAngle[$SliceID]) : 0;
$Angle = $SliceAngle[$SliceID][$sliceCount-1];
if ( $Angle < 270 && $Angle > 90 )
$Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
$Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y;
if ( isset($SliceAngle[$SliceID][1]) && $SliceAngle[$SliceID][1] > 270 && $SliceAngle[$SliceID][$sliceCount-1] < 270 )
$Xc = cos((270-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
$Yc = sin((270-90)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y;
if ( isset($SliceAngle[$SliceID][1]) && $SliceAngle[$SliceID][1] > 90 && $SliceAngle[$SliceID][$sliceCount-1] < 90 )
$Xc = cos((0)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
$Yc = sin((0)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y;
/* Draw the top splice */
foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots)
$Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID];
$Settings["R"]+= 20; $Settings["G"]+= 20; $Settings["B"]+= 20;
$Top = [];
$PlotsCount = count($Plots);
for($j=0;$j<$PlotsCount;$j=$j+2) { $Top[] = $Plots[$j]; $Top[] = $Plots[$j+1]- $SliceHeight; }
if ( $RecordImageMap && !$Shadow ) { $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap("POLY",$this->arraySerialize($Top),$this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor($Settings["R"],$Settings["G"],$Settings["B"]),$Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][count($Slices)-$SliceID-1],$Values[$SliceID]); }
/* Second pass to smooth the angles */
if ( $SecondPass )
$Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
$Offset = 360; $ID = count($Values)-1;
foreach($Values as $Key => $Value)
$FirstPoint = TRUE;
if ( $Shadow )
$Settings = array("R"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowR,"G"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowG,"B"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowB,"Alpha"=>$this->pChartObject->Shadowa);
if ( $Border )
{ $Settings = array("R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"]+30,"G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"]+30,"B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"]+30,"Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]); }
$Settings = array("R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],"G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],"B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],"Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]);
$EndAngle = $Offset-($Value*$ScaleFactor); if ( $EndAngle < 0 ) { $EndAngle = 0; }
if ($DataGapAngle == 0)
{ $X0 = $X; $Y0 = $Y- $SliceHeight; }
$Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
$X0 = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $DataGapRadius + $X;
$Y0 = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $DataGapRadius*$SkewFactor + $Y - $SliceHeight;
$Plots[] = $X0; $Plots[] = $Y0;
$Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
$Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y - $SliceHeight;
if ( $FirstPoint ) { $this->pChartObject->drawLine($Xc,$Yc,$X0,$Y0,$Settings); } { $FirstPoint = FALSE; }
if ($i < 270 && $i > 90 ) { $this->pChartObject->drawAntialiasPixel($Xc,$Yc+$SliceHeight,$Settings); }
$Offset = $i - $DataGapAngle; $ID--;
if ( $WriteValues != NULL )
$Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
$Offset = 360; $ID = count($Values)-1;
$Settings = array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE,"R"=>$ValueR,"G"=>$ValueG,"B"=>$ValueB,"Alpha"=>$ValueAlpha);
foreach($Values as $Key => $Value)
$EndAngle = $Offset-($Value*$ScaleFactor); if ( $EndAngle < 0 ) { $EndAngle = 0; }
$Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
if ( $ValuePosition == PIE_VALUE_OUTSIDE )
$Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($Radius+$ValuePadding) + $X;
$Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * (($Radius*$SkewFactor)+$ValuePadding) + $Y - $SliceHeight;
$Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($Radius)/2 + $X;
$Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($Radius*$SkewFactor)/2 + $Y - $SliceHeight;
if ( $WriteValues == PIE_VALUE_PERCENTAGE )
$Display = round(( 100 / $SerieSum ) * $Value,$Precision)."%";
elseif ( $WriteValues == PIE_VALUE_NATURAL )
$Display = $Value.$ValueSuffix;
$Offset = $EndAngle - $DataGapAngle; $ID--;
if ( $DrawLabels )
$Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
$Offset = 360; $ID = count($Values)-1;
foreach($Values as $Key => $Value)
if ( $LabelColor == PIE_LABEL_COLOR_AUTO )
{ $Settings = array("FillR"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],"FillG"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],"FillB"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],"Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]);}
{ $Settings = array("FillR"=>$LabelR,"FillG"=>$LabelG,"FillB"=>$LabelB,"Alpha"=>$LabelAlpha); }
$EndAngle = $Offset-($Value*$ScaleFactor); if ( $EndAngle < 0 ) { $EndAngle = 0; }
$Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
$Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius + $X;
$Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $Radius*$SkewFactor + $Y - $SliceHeight;
if ( isset($Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$ID]) )
$Label = $Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$ID];
if ( $LabelStacked )
$Offset = $EndAngle - $DataGapAngle; $ID--;
if ( $DrawLabels && $LabelStacked ) { $this->writeShiftedLabels(); }
$this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
/* Draw the legend of pie chart */
public function drawPieLegend($X,$Y,$Format="")
$FontName = isset($Format["FontName"]) ? $Format["FontName"] : $this->pChartObject->FontName;
$FontSize = isset($Format["FontSize"]) ? $Format["FontSize"] : $this->pChartObject->FontSize;
$FontR = isset($Format["FontR"]) ? $Format["FontR"] : $this->pChartObject->FontColorR;
$FontG = isset($Format["FontG"]) ? $Format["FontG"] : $this->pChartObject->FontColorG;
$FontB = isset($Format["FontB"]) ? $Format["FontB"] : $this->pChartObject->FontColorB;
$BoxSize = isset($Format["BoxSize"]) ? $Format["BoxSize"] : 5;
$Margin = isset($Format["Margin"]) ? $Format["Margin"] : 5;
$R = isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 200;
$G = isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 200;
$B = isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 200;
$Alpha = isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
$BorderR = isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : 255;
$BorderG = isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : 255;
$BorderB = isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : 255;
$Surrounding = isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : NULL;
$Style = isset($Format["Style"]) ? $Format["Style"] : LEGEND_ROUND;
$Mode = isset($Format["Mode"]) ? $Format["Mode"] : LEGEND_VERTICAL;
if ( $Surrounding != NULL ) { $BorderR = $R + $Surrounding; $BorderG = $G + $Surrounding; $BorderB = $B + $Surrounding; }
$YStep = max($this->pChartObject->FontSize,$BoxSize) + 5;
$XStep = $BoxSize + 5;
/* Data Processing */
$Data = $this->pDataObject->getData();
$Palette = $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
/* Do we have an abscissa serie defined? */
if ( $Data["Abscissa"] == "" ) { return(PIE_NO_ABSCISSA); }
$Boundaries = ""; $Boundaries["L"] = $X; $Boundaries["T"] = $Y; $Boundaries["R"] = 0; $Boundaries["B"] = 0; $vY = $Y; $vX = $X;
foreach($Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"] as $Key => $Value)
$BoxArray = $this->pChartObject->getTextBox($vX+$BoxSize+4,$vY+$BoxSize/2,$FontName,$FontSize,0,$Value);
if ( $Mode == LEGEND_VERTICAL )
if ( $Boundaries["T"] > $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$BoxSize/2 ) { $Boundaries["T"] = $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$BoxSize/2; }
if ( $Boundaries["R"] < $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2 ) { $Boundaries["R"] = $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2; }
if ( $Boundaries["B"] < $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$BoxSize/2 ) { $Boundaries["B"] = $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$BoxSize/2; }
elseif ( $Mode == LEGEND_HORIZONTAL )
if ( $Boundaries["T"] > $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$BoxSize/2 ) { $Boundaries["T"] = $BoxArray[2]["Y"]+$BoxSize/2; }
if ( $Boundaries["R"] < $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2 ) { $Boundaries["R"] = $BoxArray[1]["X"]+2; }
if ( $Boundaries["B"] < $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$BoxSize/2 ) { $Boundaries["B"] = $BoxArray[1]["Y"]+2+$BoxSize/2; }
$vY=$vY-$YStep; $vX=$vX-$XStep;
$TopOffset = $Y - $Boundaries["T"];
if ( $Boundaries["B"]-($vY+$BoxSize) < $TopOffset ) { $Boundaries["B"] = $vY+$BoxSize+$TopOffset; }
if ( $Style == LEGEND_ROUND )
elseif ( $Style == LEGEND_BOX )
$RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow; $this->pChartObject->Shadow = FALSE;
foreach($Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"] as $Key => $Value)
$R = $Palette[$Key]["R"]; $G = $Palette[$Key]["G"]; $B = $Palette[$Key]["B"];
if ( $Mode == LEGEND_VERTICAL )
elseif ( $Mode == LEGEND_HORIZONTAL )
$BoxArray = $this->pChartObject->drawText($X+$BoxSize+4,$Y+$BoxSize/2,$Value,array("R"=>$FontR,"G"=>$FontG,"B"=>$FontB,"Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT,"FontName"=>$FontName,"FontSize"=>$FontSize));
$this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
/* Set the color of the specified slice */
public function setSliceColor($SliceID,$Format="")
$R = isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
$G = isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
$B = isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
$Alpha = isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
$this->pDataObject->Palette[$SliceID]["R"] = $R;
$this->pDataObject->Palette[$SliceID]["G"] = $G;
$this->pDataObject->Palette[$SliceID]["B"] = $B;
$this->pDataObject->Palette[$SliceID]["Alpha"] = $Alpha;
/* Internally used compute the label positions */
public function writePieLabel($X,$Y,$Label,$Angle,$Settings,$Stacked,$Xc=0,$Yc=0,$Radius=0,$Reversed=FALSE)
$LabelOffset = 30;
$FontName = $this->pChartObject->FontName;
$FontSize = $this->pChartObject->FontSize;
if ( !$Stacked )
$Settings["Angle"] = 360-$Angle;
$Settings["Length"] = 25;
$Settings["Size"] = 8;
$this->pChartObject->drawArrowLabel($X,$Y," ".$Label." ",$Settings);
$X2 = cos(deg2rad($Angle-90))*20+$X;
$Y2 = sin(deg2rad($Angle-90))*20+$Y;
$TxtPos = $this->pChartObject->getTextBox($X,$Y,$FontName,$FontSize,0,$Label);
$Height = $TxtPos[0]["Y"] - $TxtPos[2]["Y"];
$YTop = $Y2 - $Height/2 - 2;
$YBottom = $Y2 + $Height/2 + 2;
if ( $this->LabelPos != "" )
$Done = FALSE;
foreach($this->LabelPos as $Key => $Settings)
if ( !$Done )
if ( $Angle <= 90 && (($YTop >= $Settings["YTop"] && $YTop <= $Settings["YBottom"]) || ($YBottom >= $Settings["YTop"] && $YBottom <= $Settings["YBottom"])))
{ $this->shift(0,180,-($Height+2),$Reversed); $Done = TRUE; }
if ( $Angle > 90 && $Angle <= 180 && (($YTop >= $Settings["YTop"] && $YTop <= $Settings["YBottom"]) || ($YBottom >= $Settings["YTop"] && $YBottom <= $Settings["YBottom"])))
{ $this->shift(0,180,-($Height+2),$Reversed); $Done = TRUE; }
if ( $Angle > 180 && $Angle <= 270 && (($YTop >= $Settings["YTop"] && $YTop <= $Settings["YBottom"]) || ($YBottom >= $Settings["YTop"] && $YBottom <= $Settings["YBottom"])))
{ $this->shift(180,360,($Height+2),$Reversed); $Done = TRUE; }
if ( $Angle > 270 && $Angle <= 360 && (($YTop >= $Settings["YTop"] && $YTop <= $Settings["YBottom"]) || ($YBottom >= $Settings["YTop"] && $YBottom <= $Settings["YBottom"])))
{ $this->shift(180,360,($Height+2),$Reversed); $Done = TRUE; }
$LabelSettings = array("YTop"=>$YTop,"YBottom"=>$YBottom,"Label"=>$Label,"Angle"=>$Angle,"X1"=>$X,"Y1"=>$Y,"X2"=>$X2,"Y2"=>$Y2);
if ( $Angle <= 180 ) { $LabelSettings["X3"] = $Xc+$Radius+$LabelOffset; }
if ( $Angle > 180 ) { $LabelSettings["X3"] = $Xc-$Radius-$LabelOffset; }
$this->LabelPos[] = $LabelSettings;
/* Internally used to shift label positions */
public function shift($StartAngle,$EndAngle,$Offset,$Reversed)
if ( $Reversed ) { $Offset = -$Offset; }
foreach($this->LabelPos as $Key => $Settings)
if ( $Settings["Angle"] > $StartAngle && $Settings["Angle"] <= $EndAngle ) { $this->LabelPos[$Key]["YTop"] = $Settings["YTop"] + $Offset; $this->LabelPos[$Key]["YBottom"] = $Settings["YBottom"] + $Offset; $this->LabelPos[$Key]["Y2"] = $Settings["Y2"] + $Offset; }
/* Internally used to write the re-computed labels */
public function writeShiftedLabels()
if ( $this->LabelPos == "" ) { return(0); }
foreach($this->LabelPos as $Key => $Settings)
$X1 = $Settings["X1"]; $Y1 = $Settings["Y1"];
$X2 = $Settings["X2"]; $Y2 = $Settings["Y2"];
$X3 = $Settings["X3"];
$Angle = $Settings["Angle"];
$Label = $Settings["Label"];
if ( $Angle <= 180 )
/* Draw a ring chart */
public function draw2DRing($X,$Y,$Format="")
$OuterRadius = isset($Format["Radius"]) ? $Format["Radius"] : 60;
$Precision = isset($Format["Precision"]) ? $Format["Precision"] : 0;
$InnerRadius = isset($Format["Radius"]) ? $Format["Radius"] : 30;
$Border = isset($Format["Border"]) ? $Format["Border"] : FALSE;
$BorderR = isset($Format["BorderR"]) ? $Format["BorderR"] : 255;
$BorderG = isset($Format["BorderG"]) ? $Format["BorderG"] : 255;
$BorderB = isset($Format["BorderB"]) ? $Format["BorderB"] : 255;
$BorderAlpha = isset($Format["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format["BorderAlpha"] : 100;
$Shadow = isset($Format["Shadow"]) ? $Format["Shadow"] : FALSE;
$DrawLabels = isset($Format["DrawLabels"]) ? $Format["DrawLabels"] : FALSE;
$LabelStacked = isset($Format["LabelStacked"]) ? $Format["LabelStacked"] : FALSE;
$LabelColor = isset($Format["LabelColor"]) ? $Format["LabelColor"] : PIE_LABEL_COLOR_MANUAL;
$LabelR = isset($Format["LabelR"]) ? $Format["LabelR"] : 0;
$LabelG = isset($Format["LabelG"]) ? $Format["LabelG"] : 0;
$LabelB = isset($Format["LabelB"]) ? $Format["LabelB"] : 0;
$LabelAlpha = isset($Format["LabelAlpha"]) ? $Format["LabelAlpha"] : 100;
$WriteValues = isset($Format["WriteValues"]) ? $Format["WriteValues"] : NULL; //PIE_VALUE_PERCENTAGE
$ValuePadding = isset($Format["ValuePadding"]) ? $Format["ValuePadding"] : 5;
$ValuePosition = isset($Format["ValuePosition"]) ? $Format["ValuePosition"] : PIE_VALUE_OUTSIDE;
$ValueSuffix = isset($Format["ValueSuffix"]) ? $Format["ValueSuffix"] : "";
$ValueR = isset($Format["ValueR"]) ? $Format["ValueR"] : 255;
$ValueG = isset($Format["ValueG"]) ? $Format["ValueG"] : 255;
$ValueB = isset($Format["ValueB"]) ? $Format["ValueB"] : 255;
$ValueAlpha = isset($Format["ValueAlpha"]) ? $Format["ValueAlpha"] : 100;
$RecordImageMap = isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : FALSE;
/* Data Processing */
$Data = $this->pDataObject->getData();
$Palette = $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
/* Do we have an abscissa serie defined? */
if ( $Data["Abscissa"] == "" ) { return(PIE_NO_ABSCISSA); }
/* Try to find the data serie */
$DataSerie = "";
foreach ($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $SerieData)
{ if ( $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) { $DataSerie = $SerieName; } }
/* Do we have data to compute? */
if ( $DataSerie == "" ) { return(PIE_NO_DATASERIE); }
/* Remove unused data */
list($Data,$Palette) = $this->clean0Values($Data,$Palette,$DataSerie,$Data["Abscissa"]);
/* Compute the pie sum */
$SerieSum = $this->pDataObject->getSum($DataSerie);
/* Do we have data to draw? */
if ( $SerieSum == 0 ) { return(PIE_SUMISNULL); }
/* Dump the real number of data to draw */
$Values = [];
foreach ($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"] as $Key => $Value)
{ if ($Value != 0) { $Values[] = $Value; } }
/* Compute the wasted angular space between series */
if ((is_countable($Values) ? count($Values) : 0)==1) { $WastedAngular = 0; } else { $WastedAngular = 0; } // count($Values)
/* Compute the scale */
$ScaleFactor = (360 - $WastedAngular) / $SerieSum;
$RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow;
if ( $this->pChartObject->Shadow )
$this->pChartObject->Shadow = FALSE;
$ShadowFormat = $Format; $ShadowFormat["Shadow"] = TRUE;
/* Draw the polygon pie elements */
$Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $OuterRadius);
$Offset = 0; $ID = 0;
foreach($Values as $Key => $Value)
if ( $Shadow )
$Settings = array("R"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowR,"G"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowG,"B"=>$this->pChartObject->ShadowB,"Alpha"=>$this->pChartObject->Shadowa);
$BorderColor = $Settings;
if ( !isset($Palette[$ID]["R"]) ) { $Color = $this->pChartObject->getRandomColor(); $Palette[$ID] = $Color; $this->pDataObject->savePalette($ID,$Color); }
$Settings = array("R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],"G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],"B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],"Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]);
if ( $Border )
$BorderColor = array("R"=>$BorderR,"G"=>$BorderG,"B"=>$BorderB,"Alpha"=>$BorderAlpha);
$BorderColor = $Settings;
$Plots = []; $Boundaries = ""; $AAPixels = [];
$EndAngle = $Offset+($Value*$ScaleFactor); if ( $EndAngle > 360 ) { $EndAngle = 360; }
$Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * $OuterRadius + $X;
$Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * $OuterRadius + $Y;
if ( !isset($Boundaries[0]["X1"]) ) { $Boundaries[0]["X1"] = $Xc; $Boundaries[0]["Y1"] = $Yc; }
$AAPixels[] = array($Xc,$Yc);
if ( $i<90 ) { $Yc++; }
if ( $i>180 && $i<270 ) { $Xc++; }
if ( $i>=270 ) { $Xc++; $Yc++; }
$Plots[] = $Xc; $Plots[] = $Yc;
$Boundaries[1]["X1"] = $Xc; $Boundaries[1]["Y1"] = $Yc;
$Lasti = $EndAngle;
$Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($InnerRadius-1) + $X;
$Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($InnerRadius-1) + $Y;
if ( !isset($Boundaries[1]["X2"]) ) { $Boundaries[1]["X2"] = $Xc; $Boundaries[1]["Y2"] = $Yc; }
$AAPixels[] = array($Xc,$Yc);
$Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * $InnerRadius + $X;
$Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * $InnerRadius + $Y;
if ( $i<90 ) { $Yc++; }
if ( $i>180 && $i<270 ) { $Xc++; }
if ( $i>=270 ) { $Xc++; $Yc++; }
$Plots[] = $Xc; $Plots[] = $Yc;
$Boundaries[0]["X2"] = $Xc; $Boundaries[0]["Y2"] = $Yc;
/* Draw the polygon */
if ( $RecordImageMap && !$Shadow ) { $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap("POLY",$this->arraySerialize($Plots),$this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor($Palette[$ID]["R"],$Palette[$ID]["G"],$Palette[$ID]["B"]),$Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Key],$Value); }
/* Smooth the edges using AA */
foreach($AAPixels as $iKey => $Pos ) { $this->pChartObject->drawAntialiasPixel($Pos[0],$Pos[1],$BorderColor); }
if ( $DrawLabels && !$Shadow )
if ( $LabelColor == PIE_LABEL_COLOR_AUTO )
{ $Settings = array("FillR"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],"FillG"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],"FillB"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],"Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]);}
{ $Settings = array("FillR"=>$LabelR,"FillG"=>$LabelG,"FillB"=>$LabelB,"Alpha"=>$LabelAlpha); }
$Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
$Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $OuterRadius + $X;
$Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * $OuterRadius + $Y;
$Label = $Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Key];
if ( $LabelStacked )
$Offset = $Lasti; $ID++;
if ( $DrawLabels && $LabelStacked ) { $this->writeShiftedLabels(); }
if ( $WriteValues && !$Shadow )
$Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $OuterRadius);
$Offset = 0;
foreach($Values as $Key => $Value)
$EndAngle = $Offset+($Value*$ScaleFactor);
if ( $EndAngle > 360 ) { $EndAngle = 360; }
$Angle = $Offset+($Value*$ScaleFactor)/2;
if ( $ValuePosition == PIE_VALUE_OUTSIDE )
$Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$ValuePadding) + $X;
$Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$ValuePadding) + $Y;
if ( $Angle >=0 && $Angle <= 90 ) { $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT; }
if ( $Angle > 90 && $Angle <= 180 ) { $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPLEFT; }
if ( $Angle > 180 && $Angle <= 270 ) { $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPRIGHT; }
if ( $Angle > 270 ) { $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT; }
$Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * (($OuterRadius-$InnerRadius)/2+$InnerRadius) + $X;
$Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * (($OuterRadius-$InnerRadius)/2+$InnerRadius) + $Y;
if ( $WriteValues == PIE_VALUE_PERCENTAGE )
$Display = round(( 100 / $SerieSum ) * $Value,$Precision)."%";
elseif ( $WriteValues == PIE_VALUE_NATURAL )
$Display = $Value.$ValueSuffix;
$Label = "";
$Offset = $EndAngle;
$this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
/* Draw a 3D ring chart */
public function draw3DRing($X,$Y,$Format="")
$OuterRadius = isset($Format["OuterRadius"]) ? $Format["OuterRadius"] : 100;
$Precision = isset($Format["Precision"]) ? $Format["Precision"] : 0;
$InnerRadius = isset($Format["InnerRadius"]) ? $Format["InnerRadius"] : 30;
$SkewFactor = isset($Format["SkewFactor"]) ? $Format["SkewFactor"] : .6;
$SliceHeight = isset($Format["SliceHeight"]) ? $Format["SliceHeight"] : 10;
$DataGapAngle = isset($Format["DataGapAngle"]) ? $Format["DataGapAngle"] : 10;
$DataGapRadius = isset($Format["DataGapRadius"]) ? $Format["DataGapRadius"] : 10;
$Border = isset($Format["Border"]) ? $Format["Border"] : FALSE;
$Shadow = isset($Format["Shadow"]) ? $Format["Shadow"] : FALSE;
$DrawLabels = isset($Format["DrawLabels"]) ? $Format["DrawLabels"] : FALSE;
$LabelStacked = isset($Format["LabelStacked"]) ? $Format["LabelStacked"] : FALSE;
$LabelColor = isset($Format["LabelColor"]) ? $Format["LabelColor"] : PIE_LABEL_COLOR_MANUAL;
$LabelR = isset($Format["LabelR"]) ? $Format["LabelR"] : 0;
$LabelG = isset($Format["LabelG"]) ? $Format["LabelG"] : 0;
$LabelB = isset($Format["LabelB"]) ? $Format["LabelB"] : 0;
$LabelAlpha = isset($Format["LabelAlpha"]) ? $Format["LabelAlpha"] : 100;
$Cf = isset($Format["Cf"]) ? $Format["Cf"] : 20;
$WriteValues = isset($Format["WriteValues"]) ? $Format["WriteValues"] : PIE_VALUE_NATURAL;
$ValuePadding = isset($Format["ValuePadding"]) ? $Format["ValuePadding"] : $SliceHeight + 15;
$ValuePosition = isset($Format["ValuePosition"]) ? $Format["ValuePosition"] : PIE_VALUE_OUTSIDE;
$ValueSuffix = isset($Format["ValueSuffix"]) ? $Format["ValueSuffix"] : "";
$ValueR = isset($Format["ValueR"]) ? $Format["ValueR"] : 255;
$ValueG = isset($Format["ValueG"]) ? $Format["ValueG"] : 255;
$ValueB = isset($Format["ValueB"]) ? $Format["ValueB"] : 255;
$ValueAlpha = isset($Format["ValueAlpha"]) ? $Format["ValueAlpha"] : 100;
$RecordImageMap = isset($Format["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format["RecordImageMap"] : FALSE;
/* Error correction for overlaying rounded corners */
if ( $SkewFactor < .5 ) { $SkewFactor = .5; }
/* Data Processing */
$Data = $this->pDataObject->getData();
$Palette = $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
/* Do we have an abscissa serie defined? */
if ( $Data["Abscissa"] == "" ) { return(PIE_NO_ABSCISSA); }
/* Try to find the data serie */
$DataSerie = "";
foreach ($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $SerieData)
{ if ( $SerieName != $Data["Abscissa"]) { $DataSerie = $SerieName; } }
/* Do we have data to compute? */
if ( $DataSerie == "" ) { return(PIE_NO_DATASERIE); }
/* Remove unused data */
list($Data,$Palette) = $this->clean0Values($Data,$Palette,$DataSerie,$Data["Abscissa"]);
/* Compute the pie sum */
$SerieSum = $this->pDataObject->getSum($DataSerie);
/* Do we have data to draw? */
if ( $SerieSum == 0 ) { return(PIE_SUMISNULL); }
/* Dump the real number of data to draw */
$Values = [];
foreach ($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"] as $Key => $Value)
{ if ($Value != 0) { $Values[] = $Value; } }
/* Compute the wasted angular space between series */
if ((is_countable($Values) ? count($Values) : 0)==1) { $WastedAngular = 0; } else { $WastedAngular = (is_countable($Values) ? count($Values) : 0) * $DataGapAngle; }
/* Compute the scale */
$ScaleFactor = (360 - $WastedAngular) / $SerieSum;
$RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow;
if ( $this->pChartObject->Shadow ) { $this->pChartObject->Shadow = FALSE; }
/* Draw the polygon ring elements */
$Offset = 360; $ID = (is_countable($Values) ? count($Values) : 0)-1;
$Values = array_reverse($Values);
$Slice = 0; $Slices = ""; $SliceColors = ""; $Visible = ""; $SliceAngle = "";
foreach($Values as $Key => $Value)
if ( !isset($Palette[$ID]["R"]) ) { $Color = $this->pChartObject->getRandomColor(); $Palette[$ID] = $Color; $this->pDataObject->savePalette($ID,$Color); }
$Settings = array("R"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],"G"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],"B"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],"Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]);
$SliceColors[$Slice] = $Settings;
$StartAngle = $Offset;
$EndAngle = $Offset-($Value*$ScaleFactor); if ( $EndAngle < 0 ) { $EndAngle = 0; }
if ( $StartAngle > 180 ) { $Visible[$Slice]["Start"] = TRUE; } else { $Visible[$Slice]["Start"] = TRUE; }
if ( $EndAngle < 180 ) { $Visible[$Slice]["End"] = FALSE; } else { $Visible[$Slice]["End"] = TRUE; }
$Step = (360 / (2 * PI * $OuterRadius))/2;
$OutX1 = VOID; $OutY1 = VOID;
$Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$DataGapRadius-2) + $X;
$Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$DataGapRadius-2)*$SkewFactor + $Y;
$Slices[$Slice]["AA"][] = array($Xc,$Yc);
$Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$DataGapRadius-1) + $X;
$Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$DataGapRadius-1)*$SkewFactor + $Y;
$Slices[$Slice]["AA"][] = array($Xc,$Yc);
$Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$DataGapRadius) + $X;
$Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$DataGapRadius)*$SkewFactor + $Y;
if ( $OutX1 == VOID ) { $OutX1 = $Xc; $OutY1 = $Yc; }
if ( $i<90 ) { $Yc++; }
if ( $i>90 && $i<180 ) { $Xc++; }
if ( $i>180 && $i<270 ) { $Xc++; }
if ( $i>=270 ) { $Xc++; $Yc++; }
$Slices[$Slice]["BottomPoly"][] = floor($Xc); $Slices[$Slice]["BottomPoly"][] = floor($Yc);
$Slices[$Slice]["TopPoly"][] = floor($Xc); $Slices[$Slice]["TopPoly"][] = floor($Yc)-$SliceHeight;
$Slices[$Slice]["Angle"][] = $i;
$OutX2 = $Xc; $OutY2 = $Yc;
$Slices[$Slice]["Angle"][] = VOID;
$Lasti = $i;
$Step = (360 / (2 * PI * $InnerRadius))/2;
$InX1 = VOID; $InY1 = VOID;
$Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($InnerRadius+$DataGapRadius-1) + $X;
$Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($InnerRadius+$DataGapRadius-1)*$SkewFactor + $Y;
$Slices[$Slice]["AA"][] = array($Xc,$Yc);
$Xc = cos(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($InnerRadius+$DataGapRadius) + $X;
$Yc = sin(($i-90)*PI/180) * ($InnerRadius+$DataGapRadius)*$SkewFactor + $Y;
$Slices[$Slice]["AA"][] = array($Xc,$Yc);
if ( $InX1 == VOID ) { $InX1 = $Xc; $InY1 = $Yc; }
if ( $i<90 ) { $Yc++; }
if ( $i>90 && $i<180 ) { $Xc++; }
if ( $i>180 && $i<270 ) { $Xc++; }
if ( $i>=270 ) { $Xc++; $Yc++; }
$Slices[$Slice]["BottomPoly"][] = floor($Xc); $Slices[$Slice]["BottomPoly"][] = floor($Yc);
$Slices[$Slice]["TopPoly"][] = floor($Xc); $Slices[$Slice]["TopPoly"][] = floor($Yc)-$SliceHeight;
$Slices[$Slice]["Angle"][] = $i;
$InX2 = $Xc; $InY2 = $Yc;
$Slices[$Slice]["InX1"] = $InX1; $Slices[$Slice]["InY1"] = $InY1;
$Slices[$Slice]["InX2"] = $InX2; $Slices[$Slice]["InY2"] = $InY2;
$Slices[$Slice]["OutX1"] = $OutX1; $Slices[$Slice]["OutY1"] = $OutY1;
$Slices[$Slice]["OutX2"] = $OutX2; $Slices[$Slice]["OutY2"] = $OutY2;
$Offset = $Lasti - $DataGapAngle; $ID--; $Slice++;
/* Draw the bottom pie splice */
foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots)
$Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID]; $Settings["NoBorder"] = TRUE;
foreach($Plots["AA"] as $Key => $Pos)
$Slices = array_reverse($Slices);
$SliceColors = array_reverse($SliceColors);
/* Draw the vertical edges (semi-visible) */
foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots)
$Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID]; $Settings["NoBorder"] = TRUE;
$Settings["R"] = $Settings["R"]+$Cf; $Settings["G"] = $Settings["G"]+$Cf; $Settings["B"] = $Settings["B"]+$Cf;
$StartAngle = $Plots["Angle"][0];
foreach($Plots["Angle"] as $Key =>$Angle) { if ($Angle == VOID) { $EndAngle = $Plots["Angle"][$Key-1]; } }
if ( $StartAngle >= 270 || $StartAngle <= 90 )
if ( $StartAngle >= 270 || $StartAngle <= 90 )
/* Draw the inner vertical slices */
foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots)
$Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID]; $Settings["NoBorder"] = TRUE;
$Settings["R"] = $Settings["R"]+$Cf; $Settings["G"] = $Settings["G"]+$Cf; $Settings["B"] = $Settings["B"]+$Cf;
$Outer = TRUE; $Inner = FALSE;
$InnerPlotsA = []; $InnerPlotsB = [];
foreach($Plots["Angle"] as $ID => $Angle)
if ( $Angle == VOID )
{ $Outer = FALSE; $Inner = TRUE; }
elseif( $Inner )
if (( $Angle < 90 || $Angle > 270 ) && isset($Plots["BottomPoly"][$ID*2]) )
$Xo = $Plots["BottomPoly"][$ID*2];
$Yo = $Plots["BottomPoly"][$ID*2+1];
$InnerPlotsA[] = $Xo; $InnerPlotsA[] = $Yo;
$InnerPlotsB[] = $Xo; $InnerPlotsB[] = $Yo-$SliceHeight;
if ( $InnerPlotsA != "" )
{ $InnerPlots = array_merge($InnerPlotsA,$this->arrayReverse($InnerPlotsB)); $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($InnerPlots,$Settings); }
/* Draw the splice top and left poly */
foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots)
$Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID]; $Settings["NoBorder"] = TRUE;
$Settings["R"] = $Settings["R"]+$Cf*1.5; $Settings["G"] = $Settings["G"]+$Cf*1.5; $Settings["B"] = $Settings["B"]+$Cf*1.5;
$StartAngle = $Plots["Angle"][0];
foreach($Plots["Angle"] as $Key =>$Angle) { if ($Angle == VOID) { $EndAngle = $Plots["Angle"][$Key-1]; } }
if ( $StartAngle < 180 )
$Points = [];
$Points[] = $Plots["InX2"];
$Points[] = $Plots["InY2"];
$Points[] = $Plots["InX2"];
$Points[] = $Plots["InY2"]-$SliceHeight;
$Points[] = $Plots["OutX1"];
$Points[] = $Plots["OutY1"]-$SliceHeight;
$Points[] = $Plots["OutX1"];
$Points[] = $Plots["OutY1"];
if ( $EndAngle > 180 )
$Points = [];
$Points[] = $Plots["InX1"];
$Points[] = $Plots["InY1"];
$Points[] = $Plots["InX1"];
$Points[] = $Plots["InY1"]-$SliceHeight;
$Points[] = $Plots["OutX2"];
$Points[] = $Plots["OutY2"]-$SliceHeight;
$Points[] = $Plots["OutX2"];
$Points[] = $Plots["OutY2"];
/* Draw the vertical edges (visible) */
foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots)
$Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID]; $Settings["NoBorder"] = TRUE;
$Settings["R"] = $Settings["R"]+$Cf; $Settings["G"] = $Settings["G"]+$Cf; $Settings["B"] = $Settings["B"]+$Cf;
$StartAngle = $Plots["Angle"][0];
foreach($Plots["Angle"] as $Key =>$Angle) { if ($Angle == VOID) { $EndAngle = $Plots["Angle"][$Key-1]; } }
if ( $StartAngle <= 270 && $StartAngle >= 90 )
if ( $EndAngle <= 270 && $EndAngle >= 90 )
/* Draw the outer vertical slices */
foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots)
$Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID]; $Settings["NoBorder"] = TRUE;
$Settings["R"] = $Settings["R"]+$Cf; $Settings["G"] = $Settings["G"]+$Cf; $Settings["B"] = $Settings["B"]+$Cf;
$Outer = TRUE; $Inner = FALSE;
$OuterPlotsA = []; $OuterPlotsB = []; $InnerPlotsA = []; $InnerPlotsB = [];
foreach($Plots["Angle"] as $ID => $Angle)
if ( $Angle == VOID )
{ $Outer = FALSE; $Inner = TRUE; }
elseif( $Outer )
if ( ( $Angle > 90 && $Angle < 270 ) && isset($Plots["BottomPoly"][$ID*2]) )
$Xo = $Plots["BottomPoly"][$ID*2];
$Yo = $Plots["BottomPoly"][$ID*2+1];
$OuterPlotsA[] = $Xo; $OuterPlotsA[] = $Yo;
$OuterPlotsB[] = $Xo; $OuterPlotsB[] = $Yo-$SliceHeight;
if ( $OuterPlotsA != "" )
{ $OuterPlots = array_merge($OuterPlotsA,$this->arrayReverse($OuterPlotsB)); $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($OuterPlots,$Settings); }
$Slices = array_reverse($Slices);
$SliceColors = array_reverse($SliceColors);
/* Draw the top pie splice */
foreach($Slices as $SliceID => $Plots)
$Settings = $SliceColors[$SliceID]; $Settings["NoBorder"] = TRUE;
$Settings["R"] = $Settings["R"]+$Cf*2; $Settings["G"] = $Settings["G"]+$Cf*2; $Settings["B"] = $Settings["B"]+$Cf*2;
if ( $RecordImageMap ) { $this->pChartObject->addToImageMap("POLY",$this->arraySerialize($Plots["TopPoly"]),$this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor($Settings["R"],$Settings["G"],$Settings["B"]),$Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$SliceID],$Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"][count($Slices)-$SliceID-1]); }
foreach($Plots["AA"] as $Key => $Pos)
if ( $DrawLabels )
$Offset = 360;
foreach($Values as $Key => $Value)
$StartAngle = $Offset;
$EndAngle = $Offset-($Value*$ScaleFactor); if ( $EndAngle < 0 ) { $EndAngle = 0; }
if ( $LabelColor == PIE_LABEL_COLOR_AUTO )
{ $Settings = array("FillR"=>$Palette[$ID]["R"],"FillG"=>$Palette[$ID]["G"],"FillB"=>$Palette[$ID]["B"],"Alpha"=>$Palette[$ID]["Alpha"]);}
{ $Settings = array("FillR"=>$LabelR,"FillG"=>$LabelG,"FillB"=>$LabelB,"Alpha"=>$LabelAlpha); }
$Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset)/2 + $Offset;
$Xc = cos(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$DataGapRadius) + $X;
$Yc = sin(($Angle-90)*PI/180) * ($OuterRadius+$DataGapRadius)*$SkewFactor + $Y;
if ( $WriteValues == PIE_VALUE_PERCENTAGE )
$Label = $Display = round(( 100 / $SerieSum ) * $Value,$Precision)."%";
elseif ( $WriteValues == PIE_VALUE_NATURAL )
$Label = $Data["Series"][$Data["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Key];
$Label = "";
if ( $LabelStacked )
$Offset = $EndAngle - $DataGapAngle; $ID--; $Slice++;
if ( $DrawLabels && $LabelStacked ) { $this->writeShiftedLabels(); }
$this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
/* Serialize an array */
public function arraySerialize($Data)
$Result = "";
foreach($Data as $Key => $Value)
{ if ($Result == "") { $Result = floor($Value); } else { $Result = $Result.",".floor($Value); } }
/* Reverse an array */
public function arrayReverse($Plots)
$Result = [];
for($i=(is_countable($Plots) ? count($Plots) : 0)-1;$i>=0;$i=$i-2)
{ $Result[] = $Plots[$i-1]; $Result[] = $Plots[$i]; }
/* Remove unused series & values */
public function clean0Values($Data,$Palette,$DataSerie,$AbscissaSerie)
$NewPalette = []; $NewData = []; $NewAbscissa = [];
/* Remove unused series */
foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $SerieSettings)
{ if ( $SerieName != $DataSerie && $SerieName != $AbscissaSerie ) { unset($Data["Series"][$SerieName]); } }
/* Remove NULL values */
foreach($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"] as $Key => $Value)
if ($Value != 0 )
$NewData[] = $Value;
$NewAbscissa[] = $Data["Series"][$AbscissaSerie]["Data"][$Key];
if ( isset($Palette[$Key]) ) { $NewPalette[] = $Palette[$Key]; }
$Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"] = $NewData;
$Data["Series"][$AbscissaSerie]["Data"] = $NewAbscissa;