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* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2021 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
namespace SuiteCRM\Search\ElasticSearch;
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Elasticsearch\Client;
use Elasticsearch\Common\Exceptions\Missing404Exception;
use Exception;
use JsonSchema\Exception\RuntimeException;
use LoggerManager;
use Monolog\Logger;
use SugarBean;
use SuiteCRM\Search\Index\AbstractIndexer;
use SuiteCRM\Search\Index\Documentify\AbstractDocumentifier;
use SuiteCRM\Search\Index\Documentify\SearchDefsDocumentifier;
use SuiteCRM\Search\Index\IndexingLockFileTrait;
use SuiteCRM\Search\Index\IndexingSchedulerTrait;
use SuiteCRM\Search\Index\IndexingStatisticsTrait;
* Class ElasticSearchIndexer takes care of creating a search index for the database.
class ElasticSearchIndexer extends AbstractIndexer
use IndexingStatisticsTrait;
use IndexingLockFileTrait;
use IndexingSchedulerTrait;
/** @var string The name of the Elasticsearch index to use. */
private $index;
/** @var Client */
private $client;
/** @var int the size of the batch to be sent to the Elasticsearch while batch indexing */
private $batchSize = 1000;
/** @var Carbon|false the timestamp of the last indexing. false if unknown */
private $lastRunTimestamp = false;
* ElasticSearchIndexer constructor.
* @param Client|null $client
public function __construct(Client $client = null)
$this->client = $client ?? ElasticSearchClientBuilder::getClient();
* Returns whether the Elasticsearch is enabled by user configuration or not.
* @return bool|null
public static function isEnabled(): ?bool
/** @noinspection PhpVariableNamingConventionInspection */
global $sugar_config;
try {
return !empty($sugar_config['search']['ElasticSearch']['enabled']);
} catch (Exception $exception) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->fatal("Failed to retrieve ElasticSearch options");
return false;
/** @inheritdoc */
public function index()
$this->logger->info('Starting indexing procedures');
$this->logger->debug('Indexing is performed using ' . $this->getDocumentifierName());
if ($this->differentialIndexing) {
$this->lastRunTimestamp = $this->readLockFile();
$modules = $this->getModulesToIndex();
$start = microtime(true);
if ($this->differentialIndexing()) {
$this->logger->debug('A differential indexing will be performed');
} else {
$this->logger->debug('A full indexing will be performed');
foreach ($modules as $module) {
try {
$lowercaseModule = strtolower($module);
} catch (Exception $exception) {
$message = "Failed to create index $module! Exception details follow";
foreach ($modules as $module) {
try {
} catch (Exception $exception) {
$message = "Failed to index module $module! Exception details follow";
$end = microtime(true);
if ($this->differentialIndexing) {
$this->statistics($end, $start);
$this->logger->info("Indexing complete");
* @param string $index
public function removeIndex(string $index): void
$params = ['index' => $index];
$params['client'] = ['ignore' => [404]];
$this->logger->debug("Removed index '$index'");
* Creates a new index in the Elasticsearch server.
* The optional $body can be used to set up the index settings, mappings, etc.
* @param string $index name of the index
* @param array|null $body options of the index
public function createIndex(string $index, array $body = null): void
$params = ['index' => $index];
if (!empty($body) && is_array($body)) {
$params['body'] = $body;
$this->logger->debug("Created new index '$index'");
/** @inheritdoc */
public function indexModule($module)
$isDifferential = $this->differentialIndexing();
$dataPuller = new ElasticSearchModuleDataPuller($module, $isDifferential, $this->logger);
$this->buildWhereClause($dataPuller, $isDifferential, $module);
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('Indexing module %s...', $module));
try {
$beanTime = Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString();
while ($beans = $dataPuller->pullNextBatch()) {
$this->indexBeans($module, $beans);
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('Finished %s. Processed %d Records', $module, $dataPuller->recordsPulled));
} catch (RuntimeException $exception) {
$this->logger->error("Failed to index module $module");
if ($dataPuller->recordsPulled === 0) {
if (!$isDifferential) {
$this->logger->notice(sprintf('Skipped %s because $beans was null. The table is probably empty',
$this->putMeta($module, [
'last_index' => $beanTime,
'module_name' => $module
* For differential runs, attempt to pull the Last Index time and set on dataPuller
* @param ElasticSearchModuleDataPuller $dataPuller
* @param bool $isDifferential
* @param string $module
* @return void
protected function buildWhereClause($dataPuller, $isDifferential, $module): void
if ($isDifferential) {
try {
$datetime = $this->getModuleLastIndexed($module);
} catch (Exception $exception) {
$this->logger->notice("Time metadata not found for $module, performing full index for this module");
/** @inheritdoc */
public function indexBeans($module, array $beans)
$oldCount = $this->indexedRecordsCount;
$oldRemCount = $this->removedRecordsCount;
$this->indexBatch($module, $beans);
$diff = $this->indexedRecordsCount - $oldCount;
$remDiff = $this->removedRecordsCount - $oldRemCount;
$total = count($beans) - $remDiff;
$type = $total === $diff ? Logger::DEBUG : Logger::WARNING;
$this->logger->log($type, sprintf('Indexed %d', $diff));
/** Removes all the indexes from Elasticsearch, effectively nuking all data. */
public function removeAllIndices(): void
$this->logger->debug("Deleting all indices");
try {
$this->client->indices()->delete(['index' => '_all']);
} /** @noinspection PhpRedundantCatchClauseInspection */
catch (Missing404Exception $ignore) {
// Index not there, not big deal since we meant to delete it anyway.
$this->logger->warn('Index not found, no index has been deleted.');
/** @inheritdoc */
public function indexBean(SugarBean $bean)
$this->logger->debug("Indexing {$bean->module_name}($bean->name)");
$args = $this->makeIndexParamsFromBean($bean);
/** @inheritdoc */
public function removeBean(SugarBean $bean)
$this->logger->debug("Removing {$bean->module_name}($bean->name)");
$args = $this->makeParamsHeaderFromBean($bean);
* @inheritdoc
* @param bool $ignore404 deleting something that is not there won't throw an error
public function removeBeans(array $beans, $ignore404 = true)
$params = [];
if ($ignore404) {
$params['client']['ignore'] = [404];
foreach ($beans as $bean) {
$params['body'][] = ['delete' => $this->makeParamsHeaderFromBean($bean)];
* Attempts to contact the Elasticsearch server and perform a simple request.
* Returns `false` in case of failure or the time it took to perform the operation in microseconds.
* @return int|false
public function ping()
$start = Carbon::now()->micro;
$status = $this->client->ping();
$elapsed = Carbon::now()->micro - $start;
if ($status === false) {
$this->logger->error("Failed to ping server");
return false;
$this->logger->debug("Ping performed in $elapsed µs");
return $elapsed;
* Writes the metadata fields for one index.
* @param string $module name of the module
* @param array $meta an associative array with the fields to populate
public function putMeta(string $module, array $meta): void
$params = [
'index' => strtolower($module),
'body' => ['_meta' => $meta],
'ignore_unavailable' => true
* Returns the metadata fields for one index.
* @param string $module name of the module
* @return mixed[]|null an associative array with the metadata
public function getMeta(string $module): ?array
$lowercaseModule = strtolower($module);
$params = ['index' => $lowercaseModule];
$results = $this->client->indices()->getMapping($params);
if (!isset($results[$lowercaseModule])) {
return null;
return $results[$lowercaseModule]['mappings']['_meta'] ?? array();
* @return int
public function getBatchSize(): int
return $this->batchSize;
* @param int $batchSize
public function setBatchSize(int $batchSize): void
$this->batchSize = $batchSize;
/** @return string */
public function getIndex(): string
return $this->index;
* Sets the name of the Elasticsearch index to send requests to.
* @param string $index
public function setIndex(string $index): void
$this->logger->debug("Setting index to $index");
$this->index = $index;
* Creates a batch indexing request for Elasticsearch.
* The size of the batch is defined by `this::batchSize`.
* Additionally, Beans marked as deleted will be remove from the index.
* @param string $module
* @param SugarBean[] $beans
* @see batchSize
private function indexBatch(string $module, array $beans): void
$params = ['body' => []];
foreach ($beans as $key => $bean) {
$head = ['_index' => strtolower($module), '_id' => $bean->id];
if ($bean->deleted) {
$params['body'][] = ['delete' => $head];
} else {
$body = $this->makeIndexParamsBodyFromBean($bean);
$params['body'][] = ['index' => $head];
$params['body'][] = $body;
$this->indexedFieldsCount += count($body);
// Send a batch of $this->batchSize elements to the server
if ($key % $this->batchSize == 0) {
// Send the last batch if it exists
if (!empty($params['body'])) {
* Returns true if differentialIndexing is enabled and a previous run timestamp was found.
* @return bool
private function differentialIndexing(): bool
return $this->differentialIndexing && $this->lastRunTimestamp !== false;
* Creates the body of a Elasticsearch request for a given bean.
* It uses a Documentifier to make a document out of a SugarBean.
* @param SugarBean $bean
* @return array
* @see AbstractDocumentifier
private function makeIndexParamsBodyFromBean(SugarBean $bean): array
return $this->documentifier->documentify($bean);
* Sends a batch request with the given params.
* Sends the requests and attempts to parse errors and fix the number of indexed records in case of errors.
* @param array $params
private function sendBatch(array &$params): void
// sends the batch over to the server
$responses = $this->client->bulk($params);
if (isset($responses['errors']) && $responses['errors'] === true) {
// logs the errors
foreach ($responses['items'] as $item) {
$action = array_keys($item)[0];
if(isset($item[$action]['error'])) {
$type = $item[$action]['error']['type'];
$reason = $item[$action]['error']['reason'];
$this->logger->error("[$action] [$type] $reason");
if ($action === 'index') {
if ($action === 'delete') {
// erase the old bulk request
$params = ['body' => []];
// unset the bulk response when you are done to save memory
* Generates the params for indexing a bean from the bean itself.
* @param SugarBean $bean
* @return array
private function makeIndexParamsFromBean(SugarBean $bean): array
$args = $this->makeParamsHeaderFromBean($bean);
$args['body'] = $this->makeIndexParamsBodyFromBean($bean);
return $args;
* Generates the headers for indexing a bean from the bean itself.
* @param SugarBean $bean
* @return array
private function makeParamsHeaderFromBean(SugarBean $bean): array
return [
'index' => strtolower($bean->module_name),
'id' => $bean->id,
* Retrieves the last time a module was indexed from a metadata stored in the Elasticsearch index.
* @param string $module
* @return string a datetime string
private function getModuleLastIndexed(string $module): string
$meta = $this->getMeta($module);
if (!isset($meta['last_index'])) {
throw new RuntimeException("Last index metadata not found.");
return $meta['last_index'];
* @param bool $differential
* @param int $searchdefs
public static function repairElasticsearchIndex(bool $differential = true, int $searchdefs = 0): void
$indexer = new ElasticSearchIndexer();
if (!$indexer::isEnabled()) {
if ($searchdefs) {
$indexer->setDocumentifier(new SearchDefsDocumentifier());