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* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
namespace SuiteCRM\API\JsonApi\v1\Resource;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use SuiteCRM\API\JsonApi\v1\Enumerator\RelationshipType;
use SuiteCRM\API\JsonApi\v1\Links;
use SuiteCRM\API\JsonApi\v1\Repositories\RelationshipRepository;
use SuiteCRM\API\v8\Controller\ApiController;
use SuiteCRM\API\v8\Exception\ReservedKeywordNotAllowedException;
use SuiteCRM\Enumerator\ExceptionCode;
use SuiteCRM\API\JsonApi\v1\Enumerator\ResourceEnum;
use SuiteCRM\API\v8\Exception\ApiException;
use SuiteCRM\API\v8\Exception\BadRequestException;
use SuiteCRM\API\v8\Exception\ConflictException;
* Class SuiteBeanResource
* @package SuiteCRM\API\JsonApi\v1\Resource
* @see http://jsonapi.org/format/1.0/#document-resource-objects
class SuiteBeanResource extends Resource
* fromSugarBean will try to convert a SugarBean in to a resource object, it will also try to include links
* to the related items.
* @param \SugarBean $sugarBean
* @param string $source rfc6901
* @return SuiteBeanResource
* @throws \SuiteCRM\API\v8\Exception\BadRequestException
* @throws \Psr\Container\ContainerExceptionInterface
* @throws \Psr\Container\NotFoundExceptionInterface
* @throws ApiException
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901
public function fromSugarBean($sugarBean, $source = ResourceEnum::DEFAULT_SOURCE)
$config = $this->containers->get('ConfigurationManager');
$dateTimeConverter = $this->containers->get('DateTimeConverter');
$this->id = $sugarBean->id;
$this->type = $sugarBean->module_name;
$this->source = $source;
/** @var ServerRequestInterface $request; */
$request = $this->containers->get(ServerRequestInterface::class);
/** @var Links $links */
$links = $this->containers->get('Links');
// Set the attributes
foreach ($sugarBean->field_defs as $fieldName => $definition) {
// Filter security sensitive information from attributes
if (
isset($config['filter_module_fields'][$sugarBean->module_name]) &&
in_array($fieldName, $config['filter_module_fields'][$sugarBean->module_name], true)
) {
// Skip the reserved keywords which can be safely skipped
if (in_array($fieldName, Resource::$JSON_API_SKIP_RESERVED_KEYWORDS, true)) {
$exception = new ReservedKeywordNotAllowedException();
$logMessage =
' Code: [' . $exception->getCode() . ']' .
' Status: [' . $exception->getHttpStatus() . ']' .
' Message: ' . $exception->getMessage() .
' Detail: ' . 'Reserved keyword not allowed in attribute field name.' .
' Source: [' . '/data/attributes/' . $fieldName . ']';
// Throw when the field names match the reserved keywords
if (in_array($fieldName, Resource::$JSON_API_SKIP_RESERVED_KEYWORDS, true)) {
$exception = new ReservedKeywordNotAllowedException($fieldName);
$exception->setDetail('Reserved keyword not allowed in attribute field name.');
$exception->setSource('/data/attributes/' . $fieldName);
throw $exception;
$isSensitive = isTrue($definition['sensitive'] ?? false);
$notApiVisible = isFalse($definition['api-visible'] ?? true);
if ($isSensitive || $notApiVisible){
if ($definition['type'] === 'datetime' && isset($sugarBean->$fieldName)) {
// Convert to DB date
$datetime = $dateTimeConverter->fromUser($sugarBean->$fieldName);
if (empty($datetime)) {
$datetime = $dateTimeConverter->fromDb($sugarBean->$fieldName);
if (empty($datetime)) {
throw new ApiException(
'[Unable to convert datetime field using SugarBean] "' . $fieldName . '"',
$datetimeISO8601 = $datetime->format(\DateTime::ATOM);
if ($datetime === false) {
throw new ApiException(
'[Unable to convert datetime field to ISO 8601] "' . $fieldName . '"',
$this->attributes[$fieldName] = $datetimeISO8601;
} elseif ($sugarBean instanceof \File && $definition['type'] === 'file') {
$this->retrieveFileFromBean($sugarBean, $fieldName);
} elseif ($definition['type'] === 'link') {
/** @var ServerRequestInterface $request; */
$request = $this->containers->get(ServerRequestInterface::class);
/** @var Links $links */
$links = $this->containers->get('Links');
/** @var ApiController $apiController */
$apiController = $this->containers->get('ApiController');
$this->relationships[$definition['name']]['links'] =
$config['site_url'] . '/api/v' . $apiController->getVersionMajor().'/modules/' .
$sugarBean->module_name . '/'.$this->id. '/relationships/'.$definition['name']
// remove data element from relationship
if (isset($this->relationships[$definition['name']]['data'])) {
} else {
if (property_exists($sugarBean, $fieldName)) {
$this->attributes[$fieldName] = isset($sugarBean->$fieldName) ? $sugarBean->$fieldName : '';
// Validate Required fields
// Skip "id" as this method may be used to populate a new bean before the bean is saved
if (
empty($sugarBean->$fieldName) &&
$fieldName !== 'id' &&
isset($definition['required']) === true &&
$definition['required'] === true &&
) {
$exception = new BadRequestException('[Missing Required Field] "' . $fieldName . '"');
$exception->setSource($this->source . '/attributes/' . $fieldName);
throw $exception;
try {
} catch (ApiException $e) {
throw $e;
return clone $this;
* SugarBean will save try to save the SugarBean and update any relationships which have a data key
* @return \SugarBean
* @throws BadRequestException
* @throws ApiException
* @throws ConflictException
public function toSugarBean()
$config = $this->containers->get('ConfigurationManager');
$sugarBean = \BeanFactory::getBean($this->type, $this->id);
if (empty($sugarBean)) {
$sugarBean = \BeanFactory::newBean($this->type);
if (!$sugarBean) {
throw new \Exception('Bean factory can not retrieve a bean. type was: ' . $this->type);
if (!empty($this->id)) {
$sugarBean->new_with_id = true;
$sugarBean->id = $this->id;
foreach ($sugarBean->field_defs as $fieldName => $definition) {
if ($definition === null) {
throw new ApiException('Unable to read variable definitions');
// Filter security sensitive information from attributes
if (
isset($config['filter_module_fields'][$sugarBean->module_name]) &&
in_array($fieldName, $config['filter_module_fields'][$sugarBean->module_name], true)
) {
// Skip the reserved keywords which can be safely skipped
if (in_array($fieldName, self::$JSON_API_SKIP_RESERVED_KEYWORDS)) {
$exception = new ReservedKeywordNotAllowedException();
$logMessage =
' Code: [' . $exception->getCode() . ']' .
' Status: [' . $exception->getHttpStatus() . ']' .
' Message: ' . $exception->getMessage() .
' Detail: ' . 'Reserved keyword not allowed in attribute field name.' .
' Source: [' . '/data/attributes/' . $fieldName . ']';
if (isset($this->attributes[$fieldName])) {
if ($definition['type'] === 'datetime' && !empty($this->attributes[$fieldName])) {
// Convert to DB date
$datetime = \DateTime::createFromFormat(\DateTime::ATOM, $this->attributes[$fieldName]);
if (empty($datetime)) {
$exception = new ApiException(
'[Unable to convert datetime field to SugarBean DbFormat] "' . $fieldName . '"',
$exception->setSource(ResourceEnum::DEFAULT_SOURCE . '/attributes/' . $fieldName);
$logMessage =
' Code: [' . $exception->getCode() . ']' .
' Status: [' . $exception->getHttpStatus() . ']' .
' Message: ' . $exception->getMessage() .
' Detail: ' . $exception->getDetail() .
' Source: [' . $exception->getSource()['pointer'] . ']';
$sugarBean->$fieldName = $datetime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
} elseif ($definition['type'] === 'link' || $definition['type'] === 'relate') {
} else {
$sugarBean->$fieldName = $this->attributes[$fieldName];
// Validate Required fields
// Skip "id" as this method may be used to populate a new bean before the bean is saved
if (
$fieldName !== 'id' && isset($definition['required']) &&
$definition['required'] === true &&
!isset($this->attributes[$fieldName]) &&
) {
$exception = new BadRequestException('[Missing Required Field] "' . $fieldName . '"');
$exception->setSource($this->source . '/attributes/' . $fieldName);
throw $exception;
try {
// After save: saveFiles
if ($sugarBean instanceof \File) {
foreach ($sugarBean->field_defs as $fieldName => $definition) {
if ($definition['type'] === 'file') {
$sugarBean = $this->saveFileToBean($sugarBean, $fieldName);
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new ApiException(
'[SugarBeanResource] [Unable to save bean while converting toSugarBean()] ' . $e->getMessage(),
// Handle relationships
if (empty($this->relationships) === false) {
foreach ($this->relationships as $relationshipName => $relationship) {
// Lets only focus on the relationships which need to be updated
if (!isset($relationship['data'])) {
if ($sugarBean->load_relationship($relationshipName) === false) {
throw new ConflictException('[Relationship does not exist] '. $relationshipName);
if (empty($relationship['data'])) {
// clear relationship
/** @var \Link2 $sugarBeanRelationship */
$sugarBeanRelationship = &$sugarBean->{$relationshipName};
} else {
// Detect relationship type
$relationshipRepository = new RelationshipRepository();
if (
$relationshipRepository->getRelationshipTypeFromDataArray($relationship) === RelationshipType::TO_MANY
) {
/** @var \Link2 $toManySugarBeanLink */
$toManySugarBeanLink = $sugarBean->{$relationshipName};
if ($toManySugarBeanLink->getType() !== 'many') {
throw new ConflictException(
'[SugarBeanResource] [unexpected relationship type] while converting toSugarBean()'.
'expected to many relationship from '.
$relatedSugarBeanIds = $toManySugarBeanLink->get();
// if a single ResourceIdentifier has been set
if (!isset($relationship['data'][0])) {
// convert to array
$relationship['data'] = array($relationship['data']);
$toManyRelationships = $relationship['data'];
$relatedResourceIds = array();
$relatedResourceIdsToAdd = array();
$added = false;
/** @var array $toManyRelationships */
foreach ($toManyRelationships as $toManyRelationshipName => $toManyRelationship) {
$resourceIdentifier = $this->containers->get('ResourceIdentifier');
$relatedResourceIds[] = $toManyRelationship['id'];
$relatedResourceIdsToAdd[] = $toManyRelationship['id'];
$middleTableFields = array();
if (isset($toManyRelationship['meta']['middle_table']['data']['attributes'])) {
$middleTableFields = $toManyRelationship['meta']['middle_table']['data']['attributes'];
// add new relationships
$added = $toManySugarBeanLink->add($relatedResourceIdsToAdd, $middleTableFields);
if ($added !== true) {
throw new ConflictException(
'[SugarBeanResource] [Unable to add relationships (to many)] while converting toSugarBean()'.
// Remove missing relationships
$relatedResourceIdsToRemove = array_diff($relatedSugarBeanIds, $relatedResourceIds);
if (empty($relatedResourceIdsToRemove) === false) {
$removed = $toManySugarBeanLink->remove($relatedResourceIdsToRemove);
if ($removed !== true) {
throw new ConflictException(
'[SugarBeanResource] [Unable to remove relationships (to many)] while converting toSugarBean()'.
} elseif ($relationshipRepository->getRelationshipTypeFromDataArray($relationship) === RelationshipType::TO_ONE) {
// detected to one
$toOneRelationship = $relationship['data'];
/** @var \Link2 $toOneSugarBeanLink */
$toOneSugarBeanLink = $sugarBean->{$relationshipName};
if ($toOneSugarBeanLink->getType() !== 'one') {
throw new ConflictException(
'[SugarBeanResource] [unexpected relationship type] while converting toSugarBean()'.
'expected to one relationship from'.
// add relationship
$relatedBean = \BeanFactory::getBean($toOneRelationship['type'], $toOneRelationship['id']);
if ($relatedBean->new_with_id === true) {
$exception = new NotFoundException('["id" does not exist] "' . $toOneRelationship['id']. '"');
throw $exception;
$middleTableFields = array();
if (isset($toManyRelationship['meta']['middle_table']['data']['attributes'])) {
$middleTableFields = $toManyRelationship['meta']['middle_table']['data']['attributes'];
$added = $toOneSugarBeanLink->add($relatedBean, $middleTableFields);
if ($added !== true) {
throw new ConflictException(
'[SugarBeanResource] [Unable to add relationships (to one}] while converting toSugarBean()'.
return $sugarBean;
* @param array $data
* @param string $source
* @return SuiteBeanResource
* @throws BadRequestException
* @throws ConflictException
public function fromJsonApiRequest(array $data, $source = ResourceEnum::DEFAULT_SOURCE)
return $this->fromResource(parent::fromJsonApiRequest($data, $source));
* @param Resource $resource
* @return SuiteBeanResource
private function fromResource(Resource $resource)
$sugarBeanResource = clone $this;
$objValues = get_object_vars($resource); // return array of object values
foreach ($objValues as $key => $value) {
$sugarBeanResource->$key = $value;
return $sugarBeanResource;
* @param Relationship $relationship
* @return SuiteBeanResource
public function withRelationship(\SuiteCRM\API\JsonApi\v1\Resource\Relationship $relationship)
$relationshipName = $relationship->getRelationshipName();
$this->relationships[$relationshipName]['data'] = $relationship->toJsonApiResponse();
return clone $this;
* Set the attributes to download a base64 encoded file
* @param \File|\Note|\Document $bean
* @param string $fieldName
* @throws \SuiteCRM\API\v8\Exception\ApiException
private function retrieveFileFromBean(\File $bean, $fieldName)
if (empty($bean->{$fieldName})) {
// return if a file has not been uploaded
$fileFieldName = $fieldName . '_file';
$this->attributes[$fieldName] = $bean->{$fieldName};
if ($bean instanceof \Document) {
// Document file
$file_path = \UploadStream::getDir() . '/' . $bean->document_revision_id;
} else {
// File Or Note
$file_path = \UploadStream::getDir() . '/' . $bean->id;
if (empty($file_path)) {
throw new ApiException(
'[SugarBeanResource] [retrieveFileFromBean][Unable to find file] File: ' .
$file_contents = file_get_contents($file_path);
if ($file_contents === false) {
throw new ApiException(
'[SugarBeanResource] [retrieveFileFromBean][Unable to get file contents] FileName: ' .
$file = base64_encode($file_contents);
$this->attributes[$fileFieldName] = $file;
* POST to upload a base64 encoded file. Expects the file to be assigned to {field}_file attribute
* @param \SugarBean $bean
* @param string $fieldName
* @return \SugarBean
private function saveFileToBean(\SugarBean $bean, $fieldName)
global $current_user;
$config = $this->containers->get('ConfigurationManager');
$hasRevision = $bean instanceof \Document;
$dataFieldName = $fieldName . '_file';
$decodedFile = base64_decode($this->attributes[$dataFieldName]);
$uploadFile = new \UploadFile($fieldName);
$uploadFile->set_for_soap($this->attributes[$fieldName], $decodedFile);
$ext_pos = strrpos((string) $uploadFile->stored_file_name, '.');
$uploadFile->file_ext = substr((string) $uploadFile->stored_file_name, $ext_pos + 1);
if (in_array($uploadFile->file_ext, $config['upload_badext'], true)) {
$uploadFile->stored_file_name .= '.txt';
$uploadFile->file_ext = 'txt';
if ($hasRevision) {
$revision = new \DocumentRevision();
$revision->filename = $uploadFile->get_stored_file_name();
$revision->file_mime_type = $uploadFile->getMimeSoap($revision->filename);
$revision->file_ext = $uploadFile->file_ext;
$revision->revision = $this->attributes['revision'];
$revision->document_id = $bean->id;
$bean->document_revision_id = $revision->id;
} else {
$bean->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id;
return $bean;