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Christoph Reiter af33ca3e4b Fixed #4872 - Fix some async subpanel actions failing if refresh_page=1
In case the subpanel layout uses refresh_page=1 then showSubPanel() will start an
async request and after that reload the page. In many cases this will lead to the
just started request being aborted and the page gets reloaded without anything changing.

This was introduced in 829a06f5b8 where the previously sync call was replaced with an
async one.

This is most visible for me in the "Users" module were I can't remove security groups
through the subpanel and it just refreshes the page without removing the group.

Fix this my moving the page refresh check in the ajax callback so the page gets only reloaded
once the request is finished.
2019-01-02 11:03:51 +01:00

877 lines
34 KiB
Executable file

* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
var request_id = 0;
var current_child_field = '';
var current_subpanel_url = '';
var child_field_loaded = new Object();
var request_map = new Object();
function get_module_name() {
if (typeof(window.document.forms['DetailView']) == 'undefined') {
return '';
} else {
//check to see if subpanel_parent_module input exists. If so override module name
//this is used in the case when the subpanel contents are of the same module as the current module
//and the record in $_REQUEST is of the parent object. By specifying the subpanel_parent_module,
//you allow normal processing to continue. For an example, see trackdetailview.html/php in campaigns module
if (typeof(window.document.forms['DetailView'].elements['subpanel_parent_module']) != 'undefined' &&
window.document.forms['DetailView'].elements['subpanel_parent_module'].value != '') {
return window.document.forms['DetailView'].elements['subpanel_parent_module'].value;
return window.document.forms['DetailView'].elements['module'].value;
/*this function will take in three parameters, m,i,a and recreate navigation
* m = module
* i = record id
* a = action (detail/edit)
* t = element to be modified
* r = relationship to update after edit.
* This is done to minimize page size
* */
function subp_nav(m, i, a, t, r) {
if (t.href.search(/#/) < 0) {
//no need to process if url has already been converted
if (a == 'd') {
a = 'DetailView';
} else {
a = 'EditView';
url = "index.php?module=" + m + "&action=" + a + "&record=" + i + "&parent_module=" + get_module_name() + "&parent_id=" + get_record_id() + "&return_module=" + get_module_name() + "&return_id=" + get_record_id() + "&return_action=DetailView";
if (r) {
url += "&return_relationship=" + r;
t.href = url;
/*this function will take in three parameters, m,i,a and recreate navigation
* m = module
* i = record id
* a = action (detail/edit)
* This is done to minimize page size
* */
function sub_p_rem(sp, lf, li, rp) {
return_url = "index.php?module=" + get_module_name() + "&action=SubPanelViewer&subpanel=" + sp + "&record=" + get_record_id() + "&sugar_body_only=1&inline=1";
remove_url = "index.php?module=" + get_module_name()
+ "&action=DeleteRelationship"
+ "&record=" + get_record_id()
+ "&linked_field=" + lf //$linked_field"
+ "&linked_id=" + li //$record"
+ "&return_url=" + escape(escape(return_url))
+ "&refresh_page=" + rp;//$refresh_page"
showSubPanel(sp, remove_url, true);
function sp_rem_conf() {
return confirm(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'NTC_REMOVE_CONFIRMATION'))
function sub_p_del(sp, submod, subrec, rp) {
return_url = "index.php?module=" + get_module_name() + "&action=SubPanelViewer&subpanel=" + sp + "&record=" + get_record_id() + "&sugar_body_only=1&inline=1";
remove_url = "index.php?module=" + submod
+ "&action=delete"
+ "&record=" + subrec
+ "&return_url=" + escape(return_url)
+ "&refresh_page=" + rp;//$refresh_page"
showSubPanel(sp, remove_url, true);
function sp_del_conf() {
return confirm(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'NTC_DELETE_CONFIRMATION'))
function get_record_id() {
return window.document.forms['DetailView'].elements['record'].value;
function get_layout_def_key() {
if (typeof(window.document.forms['DetailView'].elements['layout_def_key']) == 'undefined')return '';
return window.document.forms['DetailView'].elements['layout_def_key'].value;
function save_finished(args) {
var child_field = request_map[args.request_id];
delete (child_field_loaded[child_field] );
function set_return_and_save_background(popup_reply_data) {
var form_name = popup_reply_data.form_name;
var name_to_value_array = popup_reply_data.name_to_value_array;
var passthru_data = popup_reply_data.passthru_data;
var select_entire_list = typeof( popup_reply_data.select_entire_list ) === 'undefined' ? 0 : popup_reply_data.select_entire_list;
var current_query_by_page = typeof(popup_reply_data.current_query_by_page) === 'undefined' ? '' : popup_reply_data.current_query_by_page.replace(/&quot;/g, '');
// construct the POST request
var query_array = new Array();
if (name_to_value_array != 'undefined') {
for (var the_key in name_to_value_array) {
if (the_key == 'toJSON') {
/* just ignore */
else {
query_array.push(the_key + "=" + name_to_value_array[the_key]);
//construct the muulti select list
var selection_list = popup_reply_data.selection_list;
if (selection_list != 'undefined') {
for (var the_key in selection_list) {
query_array.push('subpanel_id[]=' + selection_list[the_key])
var module = get_module_name();
var id = get_record_id();
query_array.push('module=' + module);
query_array.push('return_module=' + module);
query_array.push('return_id=' + id);
query_array.push('record=' + id);
query_array.push('select_entire_list=' + select_entire_list);
if (select_entire_list == 1) {
query_array.push('current_query_by_page=' + current_query_by_page);
var refresh_page = escape(passthru_data['refresh_page']);
for (prop in passthru_data) {
if (prop == 'link_field_name') {
query_array.push('subpanel_field_name=' + escape(passthru_data[prop]));
} else {
if (prop == 'module_name') {
query_array.push('subpanel_module_name=' + escape(passthru_data[prop]));
} else if (prop == 'prospect_ids') {
for (var i = 0; i < passthru_data[prop].length; i++) {
query_array.push(prop + '[]=' + escape(passthru_data[prop][i]));
} else {
query_array.push(prop + '=' + escape(passthru_data[prop]));
var query_string = query_array.join('&');
request_map[request_id] = passthru_data['child_field'];
var returnstuff = http_fetch_sync('index.php', query_string);
// Bug 52843
// If returnstuff.responseText is empty, don't process, because it will blank the innerHTML
if (typeof returnstuff != 'undefined' && typeof returnstuff.responseText != 'undefined' && returnstuff.responseText.length != 0) {
got_data(returnstuff, true);
if (refresh_page == 1) {
function got_data(args, inline) {
var list_subpanel = document.getElementById('list_subpanel_' + request_map[args.request_id].toLowerCase());
//this function assumes that we are always working with a subpanel..
//add a null check to prevent failures when we are not.
if (list_subpanel != null) {
var subpanel = document.getElementById('subpanel_' + request_map[args.request_id].toLowerCase());
var child_field = request_map[args.request_id].toLowerCase();
if (inline) {
child_field_loaded[child_field] = 2;
list_subpanel.innerHTML = '';
list_subpanel.innerHTML = args.responseText;
} else {
child_field_loaded[child_field] = 1;
subpanel.innerHTML = '';
subpanel.innerHTML = args.responseText;
/* walk into the DOM and insert the list_subpanel_* div */
var inlineTable = subpanel.getElementsByTagName('table');
inlineTable = inlineTable[1];
inlineTable = subpanel.removeChild(inlineTable);
var listDiv = document.createElement('div');
listDiv.id = 'list_subpanel_' + request_map[args.request_id].toLowerCase();
subpanel.style.display = '';
set_div_cookie(subpanel.cookie_name, '');
if (current_child_field != '' && child_field != current_child_field) {
// commented out for now. this was originally used by tab UI of subpanels
current_child_field = child_field;
//reinit action menus
$("ul.clickMenu").each(function (index, node) {
function showSubPanel(child_field, url, force_load, layout_def_key) {
var inline = 1;
if (typeof(force_load) == 'undefined' || force_load == null) {
force_load = false;
function checkRefreshPage(url) {
if (typeof(url) != 'undefined' && url != null && url.indexOf('refresh_page=1') > 0) {
if (force_load || typeof( child_field_loaded[child_field] ) == 'undefined') {
request_map[request_id] = child_field;
if (typeof (url) == 'undefined' || url == null) {
var module = get_module_name();
var id = get_record_id();
if (typeof(layout_def_key) == 'undefined' || layout_def_key == null) {
layout_def_key = get_layout_def_key();
url = 'index.php?sugar_body_only=1&module=' + module + '&subpanel=' + child_field + '&action=SubPanelViewer&inline=' + inline + '&record=' + id + '&layout_def_key=' + layout_def_key;
if (url.indexOf('http://') != 0 && url.indexOf('https://') != 0) {
url = '' + url;
current_subpanel_url = url;
var loadingImg = '<img src="themes/' + SUGAR.themes.theme_name + '/images/loading.gif">';
$("#list_subpanel_" + child_field.toLowerCase()).html(loadingImg);
type: "GET",
async: true,
cache: false,
url: url + '&inline=' + inline + '&ajaxSubpanel=true',
success: function(data) {
request_map[request_id] = child_field;
var returnstuff = {
"responseText": data,
"responseXML": '',
"request_id": request_id
got_data(returnstuff, inline);
if ($('#whole_subpanel_' + child_field).hasClass('useFooTable')) {
$('#whole_subpanel_' + child_field + ' .table-responsive').footable();
} else {
var subpanel = document.getElementById('subpanel_' + child_field);
subpanel.style.display = '';
set_div_cookie(subpanel.cookie_name, '');
if (current_child_field != '' && child_field != current_child_field) {
current_child_field = child_field;
function toggleSubpanelCookie(tab) {
set_div_cookie(get_module_name() + '_' + tab + '_v', !$('#subpanel_' + tab).is(":visible"));
function markSubPanelLoaded(child_field) {
child_field_loaded[child_field] = 2;
function hideSubPanel(child_field) {
var subpanel = document.getElementById('subpanel_' + child_field);
subpanel.style.display = 'none';
set_div_cookie(subpanel.cookie_name, 'none');
var sub_cookie_name = get_module_name() + '_divs';
var temp = Get_Cookie(sub_cookie_name);
var div_cookies = new Array();
if (temp && typeof(temp) != 'undefined') {
div_cookies = get_sub_cookies(temp);
function set_div_cookie(name, display) {
div_cookies[name] = display;
Set_Cookie(sub_cookie_name, subs_to_cookie(div_cookies), 3000, false, false, false);
function local_open_popup(name, width, height, arg1, arg2, arg3, params) {
return open_popup(name, width, height, arg1, arg2, arg3, params);
SUGAR.subpanelUtils = function () {
var originalLayout = null,
subpanelContents = {},
subpanelLocked = {},
// Keeps track of the current subpanel id
return {
// get the current subpanel layout
getLayout: function (asString, ignoreHidden) {
subpanels = document.getElementById('subpanel_list');
subpanelIds = new Array();
for (wp = 0; wp < subpanels.childNodes.length; wp++) {
if (typeof subpanels.childNodes[wp].id != 'undefined' && subpanels.childNodes[wp].id.match(/whole_subpanel_[\w-]*/) && (typeof ignoreHidden == 'undefined' || subpanels.childNodes[wp].style.display != 'none')) {
subpanelIds.push(subpanels.childNodes[wp].id.replace(/whole_subpanel_/, ''));
if (asString) return subpanelIds.join(',');
else return subpanelIds;
// called when subpanel is picked up
onDrag: function (e, id) {
originalLayout = SUGAR.subpanelUtils.getLayout(true, true);
// called when subpanel is dropped
onDrop: function (e, id) {
newLayout = SUGAR.subpanelUtils.getLayout(true, true);
if (originalLayout != newLayout) { // only save if the layout has changed
// save the layout of the subpanels
saveLayout: function (order) {
ajaxStatus.showStatus(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_SAVING_LAYOUT'));
if (typeof SUGAR.subpanelUtils.currentSubpanelGroup != 'undefined') {
var orderList = SUGAR.subpanelUtils.getLayout(false, true);
var currentGroup = SUGAR.subpanelUtils.currentSubpanelGroup;
var success = function (data) {
ajaxStatus.showStatus(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_SAVED_LAYOUT'));
window.setTimeout('ajaxStatus.hideStatus()', 2000);
if (typeof SUGAR.subpanelUtils.currentSubpanelGroup != 'undefined') {
SUGAR.subpanelUtils.reorderSubpanelSubtabs(currentGroup, orderList);
url = 'index.php?module=Home&action=SaveSubpanelLayout&layout=' + order + '&layoutModule=' + currentModule;
if (typeof SUGAR.subpanelUtils.currentSubpanelGroup != 'undefined') {
url = url + '&layoutGroup=' + encodeURI(SUGAR.subpanelUtils.currentSubpanelGroup);
var cObj = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', url, {success: success, failure: success});
* Call when an inline create is saved.
* Note: We require the subpanel name to refresh the subpanel contents and
* to close the subpanel after the save. However, the code the generates the
* button doesn't have access to the subpanel name, only the module name.
* Hence this rather long-winded mechanism.
* @param theForm
* @param buttonName id of the originating 'save' button - we determine the
* associated subpanel name by climbing the DOM from this point
inlineSave: function (theForm, buttonName) {
var saveButton = document.getElementsByName(buttonName);
for (var i = 0; i < saveButton.length; i++) {
saveButton[i].disabled = true;
ajaxStatus.showStatus(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_SAVING'));
var success = function (data) {
var module = get_module_name();
var id = get_record_id();
var layout_def_key = get_layout_def_key();
try {
SUGAR.util.globalEval('result = ' + data.responseText);
} catch (err) {
if (typeof(result) != 'undefined' && result != null && result['status'] == 'dupe') {
document.location.href = "index.php?" + result['get'].replace(/&amp;/gi, '&').replace(/&lt;/gi, '<').replace(/&gt;/gi, '>').replace(/&#039;/gi, '\'').replace(/&quot;/gi, '"').replace(/\r\n/gi, '\n');
for (var i = 0; i < saveButton.length; i++) {
saveButton[i].disabled = false;
} else {
// parse edit form name in order to get the name of
// module which saved item belongs to
var parts = theForm.split('_');
var savedModule = '';
var subPanels = [];
for (var i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (parts[i] == '') {
if (savedModule != '') {
savedModule = '_' + savedModule;
savedModule = parts[i] + savedModule;
if (window.ModuleSubPanels && window.ModuleSubPanels[savedModule]) {
subPanels = subPanels.concat(window.ModuleSubPanels[savedModule]);
for (var i = 0; i < subPanels.length; i++) {
showSubPanel(subPanels[i], null, true);
ajaxStatus.showStatus(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_SAVED'));
window.setTimeout('ajaxStatus.hideStatus()', 1000);
for (var i = 0; i < saveButton.length; i++) {
saveButton[i].disabled = false;
YAHOO.util.Connect.setForm(theForm, true, true);
var cObj = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', 'index.php', {
success: success,
failure: success,
upload: success
return false;
* Retrieves the subpanel form.
* Note: We only allow one subpanel form to be open at any given time
* because some of the form widgets interfere with each other.
* @param theForm
* @param theDiv
* @param loadingStr
sendAndRetrieve: function (theForm, theDiv, loadingStr) {
// look whether a quick create form is currently opened
var quickCreateDiv = YAHOO.util.Selector.query("div.quickcreate", null, true);
if (quickCreateDiv) {
var form = YAHOO.util.Selector.query("form", quickCreateDiv, true);
if (form) {
// discover cancelCreate function parameters needed
var moduleName = YAHOO.util.Selector.query('input[name=module]', form, true).value;
var buttonName = moduleName + "_subpanel_cancel_button";
var cancelled = false;
// try to cancel form submission
SUGAR.subpanelUtils.cancelCreate(buttonName, function () {
cancelled = true;
// if submission cancellation was cancelled, do nothing
if (cancelled) {
return false;
function success(data) {
var theDivObj = document.getElementById(theDiv),
divName = theDiv + '_newDiv',
SUGAR.subpanelUtils.dataToDOMAvail = false;
// Show buttons before we remove subpanel
if (typeof currentPanelDiv != 'undefined' && currentPanelDiv != null) {
var button_elements = YAHOO.util.Selector.query('td.buttons', currentPanelDiv, false);
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(button_elements, 'display', '');
// Check if preview subpanel form exists, remove if it does.
subpanelContents[theDiv] = {};
subpanelContents[theDiv]['list'] = theDivObj;
subpanelContents[theDiv]['newDiv'] = document.createElement('div');
subpanelContents[theDiv]['newDiv'].innerHTML = '<script type="text/javascript">SUGAR.subpanelUtils.dataToDOMAvail=true;</script>' + data.responseText;
subpanelContents[theDiv]['newDiv'].id = divName;
subpanelContents[theDiv]['newDiv'].className = 'quickcreate';
// Grab the buttons from the subpanel and hide them
var button_elements = YAHOO.util.Selector.query('td.buttons', theDiv, false);
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(button_elements, 'display', 'none');
button_elements = YAHOO.util.Selector.query('ul.SugarActionMenu', theDiv, false);
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(button_elements, 'display', 'none');
// Add the form object to the DOM
theDivObj.parentNode.insertBefore(subpanelContents[theDiv]['newDiv'], theDivObj);
currentPanelDiv = divName;
if (!SUGAR.subpanelUtils.dataToDOMAvail) {
form_el = YAHOO.util.Selector.query('form', divName, true);
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(form_el, 'padding-bottom', '10px');
subpanelLocked[theDiv] = false;
setTimeout("enableQS(false)", 500);
if (subpanelLocked[theDiv] === true) {
return false;
subpanelLocked[theDiv] = true;
loadingStr = loadingStr || SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_LOADING');
YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', 'index.php', {success: success, failure: success});
return false;
// as long as formerly the function used to be always returning false,
// there was no possibility to determine, was the creation cancelled or not.
// we couldn't modify function return value in case of user cancels the
// cancellation as long as it (false) is used in multiple places to
// prevent DOM event propagation. thus, cancelCallback optional
// parameter is added to be able to track this case
cancelCreate: function (buttonName, cancelCallback) {
var element = document.getElementById(buttonName),
theForm = element.form,
confirmMsg = onUnloadEditView(theForm);
do {
element = element.parentNode;
} while (element.className != 'quickcreate' && element.parentNode) ;
var theDiv = element.id.substr(0, element.id.length - 7);
if (typeof(subpanelContents[theDiv]) == 'undefined')
return false;
if (confirmMsg != null) {
if (!confirm(confirmMsg)) {
if ("function" === typeof cancelCallback) {
return false;
} else {
var button_elements = YAHOO.util.Selector.query('td.buttons', theDiv, false);
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(button_elements, 'display', '');
button_elements = YAHOO.util.Selector.query('ul.SugarActionMenu', theDiv, false);
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(button_elements, 'display', '');
return false;
loadSubpanelGroupFromMore: function (group) {
updateSubpanelMoreTab: function (group) {
// Update Tab
var moreTab = document.getElementById(SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelMoreTab + '_sp_tab');
moreTab.id = group + '_sp_tab';
moreTab.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].innerHTML = group;
moreTab.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href = "javascript:SUGAR.subpanelUtils.loadSubpanelGroup('" + group + "');";
// Update Menu
var menuLink = document.getElementById(group + '_sp_mm');
menuLink.id = SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelMoreTab + '_sp_mm';
menuLink.href = "javascript:SUGAR.subpanelUtils.loadSubpanelGroupFromMore('" + SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelMoreTab + "');";
menuLink.innerHTML = SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelMoreTab;
SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelMoreTab = group;
* Removes the current subpanel if it exists.
removeSubPanel: function () {
var currentPanelEl = null;
if (typeof currentPanelDiv != 'undefined' && currentPanelDiv != null) {
currentPanelEl = document.getElementById(currentPanelDiv);
if (currentPanelEl != null) {
currentPanelDiv = null;
/* loadSubpanels:
/* construct set of needed subpanels */
/* if we have not yet loaded this subpanel group, */
/* set loadedGroups[group] */
/* for each subpanel in subpanelGroups[group] */
/* if document.getElementById('whole_subpanel_'+subpanel) doesn't exist */
/* then add subpanel to set of needed subpanels */
/* if we need to load any subpanels, send a request for them */
/* with updateSubpanels as the callback. */
/* otherwise call updateSubpanels */
/* call setGroupCookie */
loadSubpanelGroup: function (group) {
if (SUGAR.subpanelUtils.loadedGroups[group]) {
} else {
var needed = [];
for (group_sp in SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelGroups[group]) {
if (typeof(SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelGroups[group][group_sp]) == 'string' && !document.getElementById('whole_subpanel_' + SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelGroups[group][group_sp])) {
var success = function () {
/* needed to retrieve each of the specified subpanels and install them ...*/
/* load them in bulk, insert via innerHTML, then sort nodes later. */
if (needed.length) {
ajaxStatus.showStatus(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_LOADING'));
SUGAR.util.retrieveAndFill(SUGAR.subpanelUtils.requestUrl + needed.join(','), 'subpanel_list', null, success, null, true);
} else {
/* updateSubpanels:
/* for each child node of subpanel_list */
/* let subpanel name be id.match(/whole_subpanel_(\w*)/) */
/* if the subpanel name is in the list of subpanels for the current group, show it */
/* otherwise hide it */
/* swap nodes to suit user's order */
/* call updateSubpanelTabs */
updateSubpanels: function (group) {
var sp_list = document.getElementById('subpanel_list');
for (sp in sp_list.childNodes) {
if (sp_list.childNodes[sp].id) {
sp_list.childNodes[sp].style.display = 'none';
for (group_sp in SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelGroups[group]) {
if (typeof(SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelGroups[group][group_sp]) != 'string') {
var cur = document.getElementById('whole_subpanel_' + SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelGroups[group][group_sp]);
if (cur == null) {
cur.style.display = 'block';
updateSubpanelTabs: function (group) {
if (SUGAR.subpanelUtils.showLinks) {
document.getElementById('subpanelSubTabs').innerHTML = SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelSubTabs[group];
oldTab = document.getElementById(SUGAR.subpanelUtils.currentSubpanelGroup + '_sp_tab');
if (oldTab) {
oldTab.className = '';
oldTab.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].className = '';
mainTab = document.getElementById(group + '_sp_tab');
mainTab.className = 'active';
mainTab.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].className = 'current';
SUGAR.subpanelUtils.currentSubpanelGroup = group;
updateSubpanelEventHandlers: function () {
if (SubpanelInitTabNames) {
reorderSubpanelSubtabs: function (group, order) {
SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelGroups[group] = order;
if (SUGAR.subpanelUtils.showLinks == 1) {
if (SUGAR.subpanelUtils.currentSubpanelGroup == group) {
document.getElementById('subpanelSubTabs').innerHTML = SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelSubTabs[group];
// Re-renders the contents of subpanelSubTabs[group].
// Does not immediately affect what's on the screen.
updateSubpanelSubtabs: function (group) {
var notFirst = 0;
var preMore = SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelGroups[group].slice(0, SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelMaxSubtabs);
SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelSubTabs[group] = '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="20" width="100%" class="subTabs"><tr>';
for (var sp_key = 0; sp_key < preMore.length; sp_key++) {
if (notFirst != 0) {
SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelSubTabs[group] += '<td width="1"> | </td>';
} else {
notFirst = 1;
SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelSubTabs[group] += '<td nowrap="nowrap"><a href="#' + preMore[sp_key] + '" class="subTabLink">' + SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelTitles[preMore[sp_key]] + '</a></td>';
if (document.getElementById('MoreSub' + group + 'PanelMenu')) {
SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelSubTabs[group] += '<td nowrap="nowrap"> | &nbsp;<span class="subTabMore" id="MoreSub' + group + 'PanelHandle" style="margin-left:2px; cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;" align="absmiddle" onmouseover="SUGAR.subpanelUtils.menu.tbspButtonMouseOver(this.id,\'\',\'\',0);">&gt;&gt;</span></td>';
SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelSubTabs[group] += '<td width="100%">&nbsp;</td></tr></table>';
// Update the more menu for the current group
var postMore = SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelGroups[group].slice(SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelMaxSubtabs);
var subpanelMenu = document.getElementById('MoreSub' + group + 'PanelMenu');
if (postMore && subpanelMenu) {
subpanelMenu.innerHTML = '';
for (var sp_key = 0; sp_key < postMore.length; sp_key++) {
subpanelMenu.innerHTML += '<a href="#' + postMore[sp_key] + '" class="menuItem" parentid="MoreSub' + group + 'PanelMenu" onmouseover="hiliteItem(this,\'yes\'); closeSubMenus(this);" onmouseout="unhiliteItem(this);">' + SUGAR.subpanelUtils.subpanelTitles[postMore[sp_key]] + '</a>';
subpanelMenu += '</div>';
setGroupCookie: function (group) {
Set_Cookie(SUGAR.subpanelUtils.tabCookieName, group, 3000, false, false, false);
SUGAR.subpanelUtils.menu = function () {
return {
tbspButtonMouseOver: function (id, top, left, leftOffset) { //*//
closeMenusDelay = eraseTimeout(closeMenusDelay);
if (openMenusDelay == null) {
openMenusDelay = window.setTimeout("SUGAR.subpanelUtils.menu.spShowMenu('" + id + "','" + top + "','" + left + "','" + leftOffset + "')", delayTime);
spShowMenu: function (id, top, left, leftOffset) { //*//
openMenusDelay = eraseTimeout(openMenusDelay);
var menuName = id.replace(/Handle/i, 'Menu');
var menu = getLayer(menuName);
//if (menu) menu.className = 'tbButtonMouseOverUp';
if (currentMenu) {
SUGAR.subpanelUtils.menu.spPopupMenu(id, menu, top, left, leftOffset);
spPopupMenu: function (handleID, menu, top, left, leftOffset) { //*//
var bw = checkBrowserWidth();
var menuName = handleID.replace(/Handle/i, 'Menu');
var menuWidth = 120;
var imgWidth = document.getElementById(handleID).width;
if (menu) {
var menuHandle = getLayer(handleID);
var p = menuHandle;
if (left == "") {
var left = 0;
while (p && p.tagName.toUpperCase() != 'BODY') {
left += p.offsetLeft;
p = p.offsetParent;
left += parseInt(leftOffset);
if (top == "") {
var top = 0;
p = menuHandle;
top += p.offsetHeight;
while (p && p.tagName.toUpperCase() != 'BODY') {
top += p.offsetTop;
p = p.offsetParent;
if (left + menuWidth > bw) {
left = left - menuWidth + imgWidth;
setMenuVisible(menu, left, top, false);
$(function () {
$('.subPanelCountHint.incomplete').each(function (i, e) {
var module = $(e).attr('data-module');
var subpanel = $(e).attr('data-subpanel');
var record = $(e).attr('data-record');
$.get('index.php?sugar_body_only=1&module=' + module + '&subpanel=' + subpanel + '&action=SubPanelViewer&inline=1&record=' + record + '&layout_def_key=&inline=1&ajaxSubpanel=true&countOnly=1', function (resp, success) {
if (!success) {
console.error('Subpanel Row Count loading error');
} else {
if (resp && resp != '0') {