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YUI Library Release Notes
*** version 2.9.1 ***
see https://clarle.github.io/yui3/support/20121030-vulnerability/
*** version 2.8.1 ***
2.8.1 is a bug fix release that includes:
- Proper version of Uploader SWF now included in /build
- A fix to an IE issue in History
- Updates to DataTable's Row Expansion example
*** version 2.8.0 ***
The 2.8.0 release of YUI contains:
New components:
- Storage
- SWFStore
- ProgressBar
Significant additions. To the following components:
- Calendar
- Year offset support
- Carousel
- Gallery
- Charts
- Support for multiple Y axes
- Visibility control for individual series
- Custom event marker
- Connection
- Cross-domain support
- Event
- Event Delegation
There have been bug fixes and feature enhancements to many components. Refer to the README files for full
details of the specific changes made to each component.
*** version 2.7.0 ***
The 2.7.0 release of YUI contains:
One new component:
- StyleSheet
Three components promoted from Beta to GA status
- Element
- ProfilerViewer
- Selector
One components promoted from Experimental to Beta status
- Uploader
2.7.0 contains a number of updates to the components to provide IE8 compatibility based on the testing we
have done with the pre-release distributions. Further updates will be made, if needed, following the
official launch of the browser.
Bug fixes and feature enhancements were added to many components. Refer to the README files for full
details on the specific changes to each component.
*** version 2.6.0 ***
The 2.6.0 release of YUI contains:
- Two new components:
- Carousel
- Paginator (code that handles navigation of chunked data previously released as a part of DataTable)
- Seven components promoted from Beta to GA status
- Cookie
- DataTable
- DataSource
- Layout Manager
- Rich Text Editor
- Resize
- Profiler
- Many bug fixes to DataTable as well as a number of enhancements including:
- CellEditor, BaseCellEditor, and associated subclasses which handle inline cell editing
- ScrollingDataTable, a new subclass which to isolates and manages the fixed scrolling architecture
- Pagination and sorting features that have been reworked to better support dynamically driven DataTables
- The addition of Undo/Redo support to Rich Text Editor in addition to updates to indent/outdent processing,
text attribute handling, toolbar button support.
- New configuration properties in both Menu and Button.
- An updated TreeView component that now includes support for keyboard navigation, delegated event listeners,
tree serialization/deserialization and other new features.
- Enhancements for Flash 10 support in the Uploader.
- Fixes to more than 280 Source Forge bug reports.
This list is a brief summary of some of the highlights of this release. There are many enhancements and
bug fixes throughout the library. Please see the README file for each component in the build directory, or the
README Digest posted to ydn-javascript as part of the 2.6.0 release announcement, for specific updates since
version 2.5.2.
*** version 2.5.2 ***
This update contains the following:
- Patches for DataTable and Menu posted to developer site following the release of 2.5.1 have been incorporated into the build.
- FireFox 3 compatibility in advance of its release.
- Opera 9.5 beta compatibility in advance of its release.
- ActionScript source for Charts and Uploader is now included.
- Charts component now includes support for dynamically created legends, and new chart and series styles.
- DataTable bug fixes in pagination, scrolling, and column handling.
- Several Rich Text Editor bug fixes.
- Approximately 15 Source Forge bug fixes.
Please see the README file for each component in the build directory for specific updates since version 2.5.1.
*** version 2.5.1 ***
This update contains the following:
- additions to the Yahoo, Uploader, Editor, and DataSource components to improve YUI support for Adobe AIR
- Douglas Crockford's fix for a security vulnerability where the JSON parser could be tricked into processing
an unquoted string as quoted which could allow unsafe scripts to be evaled
- a new aggregate file <20> yuiloader-dom-event.js that is the ideal baseline rollup to use to be able to
lazy-load any part of YUI on-demand
- over 60 bug fixes
Please see the README file for each component in the build directory for specific updates since version 2.5.0.
*** version 2.5.0 ***
This release introduces six new components into YUI:
* Cookie Utility
* ImageCropper
* Layout Manager
* Resize
* Uploader
* Profiler Viewer
These new components are introduced as "beta", with the exception of the Charts
WidgeUploadert which is released as an experimental component. Please see the YUI FAQ
on the definition of beta and experimental at:
In addition to new components, you'll find updates and bug fixes throughout the
*** version 2.4.1 ***
This update contains one change. We have reverted the change to the way the Event Utility cleans up
events in its page unload handler that was introduced in 2.4.0. The change resulted in some events
not being properly unloaded, which in turn resulted in IE-specific memory leaks in some YUI components
including the Menu Control and controls in the Container Family.
*** version 2.4.0 ***
This release introduces five new components into YUI:
* Selector
* Charts Widget
* Get Utility
* Profiler
* JSON Utility
These new components are introduced as "beta", with the exception of the Charts
Widget which is released as an experimental component. Please see the YUI FAQ
on the definition of beta and experimental at:
In addition to new components, you'll find updates and bug fixes throughout the
*** version 2.3.1 ***
This update contains general fixes to the YUI library. Please see the README
file for each component in the build directory for specific updates since
version 2.3.0.
*** version 2.3.0 ***
This release introduces six new components into YUI:
* Base CSS
* Color Picker Control
* ImageLoader Utility
* Rich Text Editor
* YUI Loader Utility
* YUI Test Utility
These new components are introduced as "beta", with the exception of ImageLoader
Utility which is released as an experimental component. Please see the YUI
FAQ on the definition of beta and experimental at:
In addition to new components, you'll find updates and bug fixes throughout the
*** version 2.2.2 ***
This update contains general fixes to the YUI library. Please see the
README file for each component in the build directory for specific updates since
version 2.2.1.
*** version 2.2.1 ***
This update contains general fixes to the YUI library. Please see the
README file for each component in the build directory for specific updates since
version 2.2.0.
*** version 2.2.0 ***
This release synchronizes the SourceForge version with Yahoo!'s version of YUI
-- version number 2.2.0. Please see the following blog article for information
on this specific version increment at:
The following new components are introduced with this release:
* Button
* DataTable
* Browser History Manager
The following components are now available as utilities:
* Element
* DataSource
These new components are introduced as "beta", with the exception of Browser
History Manager as an experimental component. Please see the YUI FAQ on the
definition of beta and experimental at:
* CSS customizations *
Calendar, Container, and Menu have been revised to allow image customizations
through their respective CSS files. Please refer to each component's README to
see the full details on affected properties.
Additional details for fixes and updates can be found in the README files for
each updated component. All YUI API cheatsheets have been updated for the
current version and can be found at: yui/docs/assets/cheatsheets.zip.
*** version 0.12.2 ***
This update contains general fixes to the YUI library. Please see the
README file for each component in the build directory for specific updates since
version 0.12.1. As part of the 0.12.2 update, a number of corrections have been
made to functional examples that were configured incorrectly in 0.12.1.
*** version 0.12.1 ***
This update contains general fixes to the YUI library. Please see the
README file for each component in the build directory for specific updates since
version 0.12.0.
Beginning with this release, all YUI minification will be performed with JSMin(
http://www.crockford.com/javascript/jsmin.html). Line breaks will be preserved.
*** version 0.12.0 ***
This version introduces the Tabview widget as well as general fixes to the YUI
library. Additional details can be found in the README files for each updated
component. All YUI API cheatsheets have been updated for the current version
and can be found at: yui/docs/assets/cheatsheets.zip.
* documentation *
The YUI API documentation format is revised with this release. This new
format -- now a flat file structure under yui/docs/ -- implements the YUI
AutoComplete widget on the main landing page to allow keyword searching of YUI.
It also contains the full API documentation for all YUI components along with
the following categories of data for each component(if applicable):
* Inheritance hierarchy for extensions and subclasses.
* YUI dependencies
* Properties and methods
* Events
* Configuration attributes.
* concatenated files *
For convenience, three additional, minified variations of YUI are now available
for your use:
* reset-fonts-grids.css
* yahoo-dom-event.js
* utilities.js
* API changes *
There are interface changes to the Calendar widget. Please see the 0.12.0
Calendar upgrade guide at http:// developer.yahoo.com/yui/calendar/upgrade.html
to see if this update affects your Calendar implementation and instructions on
upgrading to version 0.12.0.
*** version 0.11.4 ***
This update contains some priority bug fixes to the following components:
* Yahoo
* Container
* Drag and Drop
* Event
Additional details can be found in the README files for each updated component.
*** version 0.11.3 ***
This update contains general fixes to the YUI library. Please see the
README file for each component in the build directory for updates and fixes
since version 0.11.2.
*** version 0.11.2 ***
This update contains a high-priority fix to Drag and Drop that prevents text
selection. Additional details can be found in the README file for:
* Drag and Drop
*** version 0.11.1 ***
Release 0.11.1 addresses some high-priority bugs reported in the recently
released version 0.11.0. Additional details can be found in the README files for
each updated component:
* Animation
* Dom
* Drag and Drop
* Connection Manager
* Container
*** version 0.11.0 ***
This version introduces the Logger widget. The YUI cheatsheets for version
0.11.0 and 0.10.0 are also included in this distribution under docs/assets.
Please see the README file for each component in the build directory for
updates and fixes since version 0.10.0.
*** version 0.10.0 ***
In this release, the directory structure has been modified to provide more
component organization. This is the new format:
-- build/
| |
| -- dom/
| |
| | -- assets/
| |
| | -- dom.js
| |
-- docs/
| |
| -- dom/
| |
-- examples/
| |
| -- dom/
| |
| | -- img/
Notice there are three immediate directories under the
root YUI. They are:
This directory contains the source files for each YUI component, and each
component is presented as a sub-directory under build/. Notice that there are
generally two source files: component.js and component-min.js. The "component"
source is the raw, commented build and "component-min" is the minified version
of the same file with comments and whitespace removed. With some components,
there is an assets sub-directory. CSS and image dependencies for each
component are stored in its assets sub-directory.
Note: If a component makes use of images, the image source path in the
component's CSS file will point to Akamai. The physical images are also
available in the assets/ directory for local availability. Please modify the
CSS image references if you wish to use your own image assets.
This directory contains the jsdoc-generated API reference for every YUI
component. Each component is presented as a sub-directory under docs/.
This directory contains functional examples for each component in the YUI
Library. The examples are not part of the formal distribution; rather,
they provide demonstrations of each component in use. Each example uses YUI
Library source files from the build/ directory, while all example-specific
dependencies are stored in sub-directories (e.g. examples/dom/img).
Some components, including the AutoComplete Control and Connection Manager,
make use of PHP to implement certain examples.
For example:
In yui/examples/dom, the dom.js source file and all YUI .js dependencies
are drawn from yui/build/ directories. All other example-specific sources are
stored as sub-directories: yui/examples/dom/css and yui/examples/dom/img.
Each functional example is also available and functional on
developer.yahoo.com/yui/. They reproduced here as part of the distribution
for your convenience.