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Executable file
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
* source is the parent class of any source object.
* @api
abstract class source
* The name of an wrapper to use if the class wants to provide an override
public $wrapperName;
protected $_config;
protected $_mapping;
protected $_field_defs;
* @var bool enable_in_wizard Boolean value marking whether or not the connector may appear in the wizard (Get Data) views
protected $_enable_in_wizard = true;
* @var bool enable_in_hover Boolean value marking whether or not a hover link could be applied to the connector
protected $_enable_in_hover = false;
* @var bool enable_in_admin_mapping Boolean value marking whether or not this connector should be shown in the Modify Mapping view
protected $_enable_in_admin_mapping = true;
* @var bool enable_in_admin_properties Boolean value marking whether or not this connector should appear in the Set Connector Properties view
protected $_enable_in_admin_properties = true;
* @var bool enable_in_admin_display Boolean value marking whether or not this connector should appear in the Enable Connectors view
protected $_enable_in_admin_display = true;
* @var bool enable_in_admin_search Boolean value marking whether or not this connector should appear in the Manage Connector Search view
protected $_enable_in_admin_search = true;
* @var bool has_testing_enabled Boolean value marking whether or not the connector should display the test button in administration view
protected $_has_testing_enabled = false;
protected $_required_config_fields = array();
protected $_required_config_fields_for_button = array();
protected $config_decrypted = false;
* The ExternalAPI Base that instantiated this connector.
* @var _eapm
protected $_eapm = null;
public function __construct()
public function init()
//////// CALLED FROM component.php ///////
public function loadMapping()
$mapping = array();
$dir = str_replace('_', '/', get_class($this));
if (file_exists("custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/{$dir}/mapping.php")) {
} else {
if (file_exists("modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/{$dir}/mapping.php")) {
$this->_mapping = $mapping;
public function saveMappingHook($mapping)
// Most classes don't care that the mapping has changed, but this is here if they do.
* Load source's vardef file
public function loadVardefs()
$dictionary = [];
$class = get_class($this);
$dir = str_replace('_', '/', $class);
if (file_exists("custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/{$dir}/vardefs.php")) {
} else {
if (file_exists("modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/{$dir}/vardefs.php")) {
$this->_field_defs = !empty($dictionary[$class]['fields']) ? $dictionary[$class]['fields'] : array();
* Given a parameter in a vardef field, return the list of fields that match the param and value
* @param string $param_name
* @param string $param_value
* @return array
public function getFieldsWithParams($param_name, $param_value)
if (empty($this->_field_defs)) {
$fields_with_param = array();
foreach ($this->_field_defs as $key => $def) {
if (!empty($def[$param_name]) && ($def[$param_name] == $param_value)) {
$fields_with_param[$key] = $def;
return $fields_with_param;
* Save source's config to custom directory
public function saveConfig()
$config_str = "<?php\n/***CONNECTOR SOURCE***/\n";
// Handle encryption
if (!empty($this->_config['encrypt_properties']) && is_array($this->_config['encrypt_properties']) && !empty($this->_config['properties'])) {
foreach ($this->_config['encrypt_properties'] as $name) {
if (!empty($this->_config['properties'][$name])) {
$this->_config['properties'][$name] = blowfishEncode(blowfishGetKey('encrypt_field'), $this->_config['properties'][$name]);
foreach ($this->_config as $key => $val) {
if (!empty($val)) {
$config_str .= override_value_to_string_recursive2('config', $key, $val, false);
$dir = str_replace('_', '/', get_class($this));
if (!file_exists("custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/{$dir}")) {
sugar_file_put_contents("custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/{$dir}/config.php", $config_str);
* Initialize config - decrypt encrypted fields
public function initConfig()
if ($this->config_decrypted) {
// Handle decryption
if (!empty($this->_config['encrypt_properties']) && is_array($this->_config['encrypt_properties']) && !empty($this->_config['properties'])) {
foreach ($this->_config['encrypt_properties'] as $name) {
if (!empty($this->_config['properties'][$name])) {
$this->_config['properties'][$name] = blowfishDecode(blowfishGetKey('encrypt_field'), $this->_config['properties'][$name]);
$this->config_decrypted = true;
* Load config.php for this source
public function loadConfig()
$config = array();
$dir = str_replace('_', '/', get_class($this));
if (file_exists("modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/{$dir}/config.php")) {
if (file_exists("custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/{$dir}/config.php")) {
$this->_config = $config;
//If there are no required config fields specified, we will default them to all be required
if (empty($this->_required_config_fields)) {
foreach ($this->_config['properties'] as $id=>$value) {
$this->_required_config_fields[] = $id;
// Helper function for the settings panels
* Filter which modules are allowed to connect
* @param array $moduleList
* @return array Allowed modules
public function filterAllowedModules($moduleList)
// Most modules can connect to everything, no further filtering necessary
return $moduleList;
////////////// GETTERS and SETTERS ////////////////////
public function getMapping()
return $this->_mapping;
public function getOriginalMapping()
$mapping = array();
$dir = str_replace('_', '/', get_class($this));
if (file_exists("modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/{$dir}/mapping.php")) {
} else {
if (file_exists("custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/{$dir}/mapping.php")) {
return $mapping;
public function setMapping($mapping)
$this->_mapping = $mapping;
public function getFieldDefs()
return $this->_field_defs;
public function getConfig()
if (!$this->config_decrypted) {
return $this->_config;
public function setConfig($config)
$this->_config = $config;
$this->config_decrypted = true; // Don't decrypt external configs
public function setEAPM(ExternalAPIBase $eapm)
$this->_eapm = $eapm;
public function getEAPM()
return $this->_eapm;
public function setProperties($properties=array())
if (!empty($this->_config) && isset($this->_config['properties'])) {
$this->_config['properties'] = $properties;
$this->config_decrypted = true; // Don't decrypt external configs
public function getProperties()
if (!empty($this->_config) && isset($this->_config['properties'])) {
if (!$this->config_decrypted) {
return $this->_config['properties'];
return array();
* Check if certain property contains non-empty value
* @param string $name
* @return bool
public function propertyExists($name)
return !empty($this->_config['properties'][$name]);
public function getProperty($name)
if (!empty($this->_config) && isset($this->_config['properties'][$name])) {
// check if we're asking for encrypted property and we didn't decrypt yet
if (!$this->config_decrypted && !empty($this->_config['encrypt_properties']) && in_array($name, $this->_config['encrypt_properties']) && !empty($this->_config['properties'][$name])) {
return $this->_config['properties'][$name];
} else {
return '';
* hasTestingEnabled
* This method is used to indicate whether or not a data source has testing enabled so that
* the administration interface may call the test method on the data source instance
* @return enabled boolean value indicating whether or not testing is enabled
public function hasTestingEnabled()
return $this->_has_testing_enabled;
* test
* This method is called from the administration interface to run a test of the service
* It is up to subclasses to implement a test and set _has_testing_enabled to true so that
* a test button is rendered in the administration interface
* @return result boolean result of the test function
public function test()
return false;
* isEnabledInWizard
* This method indicates whether or not the connector should be enabled in the wizard
* Connectors that do not support the getList/getItem methods via API calls should
* set the protected class variable _enable_in_wizard to false.
* @return $enabled boolean variable indicating whether or not the connector is enabled for the wizard
public function isEnabledInWizard()
return $this->_enable_in_wizard;
* isEnabledInHover
* This method indicates whether or not the connector should be enabled for the hover links
* Connectors that do not provide a formatter implementation should not
* set the protected class variable _enable_in_hover to true.
* @return $enabled boolean variable indicating whether or not the connector is enabled for the hover links
public function isEnabledInHover()
return $this->_enable_in_hover;
* isEnabledInAdminProperties
* This method indicates whether or not the connector should be shown in the Set Connector Properties view.
* The Admin views call each source's isEnabledInAdminProperties method to verify whether or not the connector should be
* displayed. Connectors that do not have any administrative properties should set the protected class variable
* _enable_in_admin_properties to false.
* @return boolean value indicating whether or not the connector is enabled for admin views
public function isEnabledInAdminProperties()
return $this->_enable_in_admin_properties;
* isEnabledInAdminMapping
* This method indicates whether or not the connector should be shown in the Map Connector Fields view.
* The Admin views call each source's isEnabledInAdminMapping method to verify whether or not the connector should be
* displayed. Connectors that do not have any administrative mapping properties should set the protected class variable
* _enable_in_admin_mapping to false.
* @return boolean value indicating whether or not the connector is enabled for admin views
public function isEnabledInAdminMapping()
return $this->_enable_in_admin_mapping;
* isEnabledInAdminDisplay
* This method indicates whether or not the connector should be shown in the Enable Connectors view.
* The Admin views call each source's isEnabledInAdminDisplay method to verify whether or not the connector should be
* displayed. Connectors that do not have any administrative display settings should set the protected class variable
* _enable_in_admin_display to false.
* @return boolean value indicating whether or not the connector is enabled for admin views
public function isEnabledInAdminDisplay()
return $this->_enable_in_admin_display;
* isEnabledInAdminSearch
* This method indicates whether or not the connector should be shown in the Manage Connectors Search view.
* The Admin views call each source's isEnabledInAdminSearch method to verify whether or not the connector should be
* displayed. Connectors that do not have any administrative search settings should set the protected class variable
* _enable_in_admin_search to false.
* @return boolean value indicating whether or not the connector is enabled for admin views
public function isEnabledInAdminSearch()
return $this->_enable_in_admin_search;
* getRequiredConfigFields
* This method returns an Array of the configuration keys that are required for the Connector.
* Subclasses should set the class variable _required_config_fields to
* return an Array of keys as specified in the Connector's config.php that are required.
* @return $fields Array of Connector config fields that are required
public function getRequiredConfigFields()
return $this->_required_config_fields;
* isRequiredConfigFieldsSet
* This method checks the configuration parameters against the required config fields
* to see if they are set
* @return $set boolean value indicating whether or not the required config fields are set
public function isRequiredConfigFieldsSet()
//Check if required fields are set
foreach ($this->_required_config_fields as $field) {
if (empty($this->_config['properties'][$field])) {
return false;
return true;
* getRequiredConfigFieldsForButton
* This method returns an Array of the configuration keys that are required before the
* "Get Data" button will include the Connector. We use it as a subset of the
* $this->_required_config_fields Array.
* @return $fields Array of Connector config fields that are required to be set for the "Get Data" button to appear
public function getRequiredConfigFieldsForButton()
return $this->_required_config_fields_for_button;
* isRequiredConfigFieldsForButtonSet
* This method checks the configuration parameters against the required config fields
* for the "Get Button" to see if they are set
* @return $set boolean value indicating whether or not the required config fields are set
public function isRequiredConfigFieldsForButtonSet()
//Check if required fields for button are set
foreach ($this->_required_config_fields_for_button as $field) {
if (empty($this->_config['properties'][$field])) {
return false;
return true;
* Allow data sources to log information
* @param string $log_data
protected function log($log_data)
$name = get_class($this);
$property_name = $this->getProperty('name');
if (!empty($property_name)) {
$name = $property_name;
$GLOBALS['log']->info($name. ': '.$log_data);
* getItem
* Returns an array containing a key/value pair(s) of a connector record. To be overridden by the implementation
* source.
* @param $args Array of arguments to search/filter by
* @param $module String optional value of the module that the connector framework is attempting to map to
* @return Array of key/value pair(s) of connector record; empty Array if no results are found
abstract public function getItem($args=array(), $module=null);
* getList
* Returns a nested array containing a key/value pair(s) of a connector record. To be overridden by the
* implementation source.
* @param $args Array of arguments to search/filter by
* @param $module String optional value of the module that the connector framework is attempting to map to
* @return Array of key/value pair(s) of connector record; empty Array if no results are found
abstract public function getList($args=array(), $module=null);
* Default destructor
public function __destruct()
// Bug # 47233 - This desctructor was originally removed by bug # 44533.
// We have to add this destructor back in
// because there are customers who upgrade from 61x to 623
// who have the Jigsaw connector enabled, and the jigsaw connector
// makes a call to this destructor.