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Executable file

* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2024 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* Base Sugar view
* @api
class SugarView
const NO_ERROR = 0;
const ERR_EMPTY_SCOPE = 1;
const ERR_NOT_ARRAY = 3;
const ERR_NOT_SUB_ARRAY = 4;
* @var array $view_object_map
* This array is meant to hold an objects/data that we would like to pass between
* the controller and the view. The bean will automatically be set for us, but this
* is meant to hold anything else.
public $view_object_map = array();
* @var string module
* The name of the current module.
public $module = '';
* @var string action
* The name of the current action.
public $action = '';
* @var SugarBean
public $bean;
* @var Sugar_Smarty
* Sugar_Smarty. This is useful if you have a view and a subview you can
* share the same smarty object.
public $ss;
* @var array $errors
* Any errors that occurred this can either be set by the view or the controller or the model
public $errors = array();
* @var boolean $suppressDisplayErrors
* Set to true if you do not want to display errors from SugarView::displayErrors(); instead they will be returned
public $suppressDisplayErrors = false;
* @var array $options
* Options for what UI elements to hide/show/
public $options = array(
'show_header' => true,
'show_title' => true,
'show_subpanels' => false,
'show_search' => true,
'show_footer' => true,
'show_javascript' => true,
'view_print' => false,
* @var string $type
* Represents which view to use for loading metadata definitions eg 'edit', 'detail' or list etc.
public $type;
* @var float $responseTime
* Measure time it takes to process view
public $responseTime;
* @var integer $fileResources
* Print out the resources used in constructing the page.
public $fileResources;
* @var array
private $settings = [];
* SugarView constructor.
* @deprecated since version 7.11
public function __construct()
* @param SugarBean $bean
* @param array $view_object_map
public function init(
$bean = null,
$view_object_map = array()
) {
$this->bean = $bean;
$this->view_object_map = $view_object_map;
$this->action = isset($GLOBALS['action']) ? $GLOBALS['action'] : null;
$this->module = isset($GLOBALS['module']) ? $GLOBALS['module'] : null;
* Set up smarty template
protected function _initSmarty()
$this->ss = new Sugar_Smarty();
if (!isset($GLOBALS['mod_strings'])) {
$GLOBALS['log']->warn('Undefined index: mod_strings');
$GLOBALS['mod_strings'] = array();
if (!isset($GLOBALS['app_strings'])) {
$GLOBALS['log']->warn('Undefined index: app_strings');
$GLOBALS['app_strings'] = array();
$this->ss->assign('MOD', $GLOBALS['mod_strings']);
$this->ss->assign('APP', $GLOBALS['app_strings']);
* This method will be called from the controller and is not meant to be overridden.
public function process()
//trackView has to be here in order to track for breadcrumbs
//For the ajaxUI, we need to use output buffering to return the page in an ajax friendly format
if ($this->_getOption('json_output')) {
if (!empty($_REQUEST['ajax_load']) && !empty($_REQUEST['loadLanguageJS'])) {
echo $this->_getModLanguageJS();
if ($this->_getOption('show_header')) {
} else {
if (!empty($this->module)) {
$GLOBALS['logic_hook']->call_custom_logic($this->module, 'after_ui_frame');
} else {
$GLOBALS['logic_hook']->call_custom_logic('', 'after_ui_frame');
// We have to update jsAlerts as soon as possible
if (!isset($_SESSION['isMobile']) &&
($this instanceof ViewList || $this instanceof ViewDetail || $this instanceof ViewEdit)
) {
if (isset($_SESSION['alerts_output']) && isset($_SESSION['alerts_output_timestamp']) &&
$_SESSION['alerts_output_timestamp'] >= (date('U')-60)
) {
echo $_SESSION['alerts_output'];
} else {
$jsAlerts = new jsAlerts();
echo $jsAlerts->getScript();
$jsAlertsOutput = ob_get_clean();
//save to session so we dont have to load this every time
$_SESSION['alerts_output'] = $jsAlertsOutput;
$_SESSION['alerts_output_timestamp'] = date('U');
echo $jsAlertsOutput;
if ($this->_getOption('show_subpanels') && !empty($_REQUEST['record'])) {
if ($this->action === 'Login') {
//this is needed for a faster loading login page ie won't render unless the tables are closed
if ($this->_getOption('show_footer')) {
$GLOBALS['logic_hook']->call_custom_logic('', 'after_ui_footer');
if ($this->_getOption('json_output')) {
$content = ob_get_clean();
$module = $this->module;
$ajax_ret = array(
'content' => mb_detect_encoding($content) == "UTF-8" ? $content : mb_convert_encoding($content, 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8'),
'menu' => array(
'module' => $module,
'label' => translate($module),
'title' => $this->getBrowserTitle(),
'action' => isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : "",
'record' => isset($_REQUEST['record']) ? $_REQUEST['record'] : "",
'favicon' => $this->getFavicon(),
if (SugarThemeRegistry::current()->name == 'Classic' || SugarThemeRegistry::current()->classic) {
$ajax_ret['moduleList'] = $this->displayHeader(true);
if (empty($this->responseTime)) {
$ajax_ret['responseTime'] = $this->responseTime;
$json = getJSONobj();
echo $json->encode($ajax_ret);
$GLOBALS['app']->headerDisplayed = false;
//Do not track if there is no module or if module is not a String
* This method will display the errors on the page.
public function displayErrors()
$errors = '';
foreach ($this->errors as $error) {
$errors .= '<span class="error">' . $error . '</span><br>';
if (!$this->suppressDisplayErrors) {
echo $errors;
return '';
return $errors;
* [OVERRIDE] - This method is meant to overridden in a subclass. The purpose of this method is
* to allow a view to do some preprocessing before the display method is called. This becomes
* useful when you have a view defined at the application level and then within a module
* have a sub-view that extends from this application level view. The application level
* view can do the setup in preDisplay() that is common to itself and any subviews
* and then the subview can just override display(). If it so desires, can also override
* preDisplay().
public function preDisplay()
* [OVERRIDE] - This method is meant to overridden in a subclass. This method
* will handle the actual display logic of the view.
public function display()
* trackView
protected function _trackView()
$action = strtolower($this->action);
//Skip save, tracked in SugarBean instead
if ($action == 'save') {
$trackerManager = TrackerManager::getInstance();
$timeStamp = TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb();
if ($monitor = $trackerManager->getMonitor('tracker')) {
$monitor->setValue('action', $action);
$monitor->setValue('user_id', $GLOBALS['current_user']->id);
$monitor->setValue('module_name', $this->module);
$monitor->setValue('date_modified', $timeStamp);
(($monitor->action == 'detailview') || ($monitor->action == 'editview')) ? 1 : 0
if (!empty($this->bean->id)) {
$monitor->setValue('item_id', $this->bean->id);
$monitor->setValue('item_summary', $this->bean->get_summary_text());
//If visible is true, but there is no bean, do not track (invalid/unauthorized reference)
//Also, do not track save actions where there is no bean id
if ($monitor->visible && empty($this->bean->id)) {
$trackerManager->saveMonitor($monitor, true, true);
* Displays the header on section of the page; basically everything before the content
* @param bool $retModTabs
* @return string
public function displayHeader($retModTabs = false)
global $theme;
global $max_tabs;
global $app_strings;
global $current_user;
global $sugar_config;
global $app_list_strings;
global $mod_strings;
global $current_language;
$GLOBALS['app']->headerDisplayed = true;
$themeObject = SugarThemeRegistry::current();
$theme = (string)$themeObject;
$ss = new Sugar_Smarty();
$ss->assign("APP", $app_strings);
$ss->assign("THEME", $theme);
$ss->assign("THEME_CONFIG", $themeObject->getConfig());
$ss->assign("THEME_IE6COMPAT", $themeObject->ie6compat ? 'true' : 'false');
$ss->assign("MODULE_NAME", $this->module);
$ss->assign("langHeader", get_language_header());
$ss->assign("BROWSER_TITLE", $this->getBrowserTitle());
// set ab testing if exists
$testing = (isset($_REQUEST["testing"]) ? $_REQUEST['testing'] : "a");
$ss->assign("ABTESTING", $testing);
// get browser title
$ss->assign("SYSTEM_NAME", $this->getBrowserTitle());
// get css
$css = $themeObject->getCSS();
if ($this->_getOption('view_print')) {
$css .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' .
$themeObject->getCSSURL('print.css') .
'" media="all" />';
$ss->assign("SUGAR_CSS", $css);
// get javascript
$ss->assign("SUGAR_JS", ob_get_contents() . $themeObject->getJS());
// get favicon
if (isset($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_module_favicon'])) {
$module_favicon = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_module_favicon'];
} else {
$module_favicon = false;
$favicon = $this->getFavicon();
$ss->assign('FAVICON_URL', $favicon['url']);
// build the shortcut menu
$shortcut_menu = array();
foreach ($this->getMenu() as $key => $menu_item) {
$shortcut_menu[$key] = array(
"URL" => ajaxLink($menu_item[0]),
"LABEL" => $menu_item[1],
"MODULE_NAME" => $menu_item[2],
$ss->assign("SHORTCUT_MENU", $shortcut_menu);
// handle rtl text direction
if (isset($_REQUEST['RTL']) && $_REQUEST['RTL'] == 'RTL') {
$_SESSION['RTL'] = true;
if (isset($_REQUEST['LTR']) && $_REQUEST['LTR'] == 'LTR') {
if (isset($_SESSION['RTL']) && $_SESSION['RTL']) {
$ss->assign("DIR", 'dir="RTL"');
// handle resizing of the company logo correctly on the fly
$companyLogoURL = $themeObject->getImageURL('company_logo.png');
$companyLogoURL_arr = explode('?', $companyLogoURL);
$companyLogoURL = $companyLogoURL_arr[0];
$company_logo_attributes = sugar_cache_retrieve('company_logo_attributes');
if (!empty($company_logo_attributes)) {
$ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_MD5", $company_logo_attributes[0]);
$ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_WIDTH", $company_logo_attributes[1]);
$ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_HEIGHT", $company_logo_attributes[2]);
} else {
// Always need to md5 the file
$ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_MD5", md5_file($companyLogoURL));
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($companyLogoURL);
if ($width > 212 || $height > 40) {
$resizePctWidth = ($width - 212) / 212;
$resizePctHeight = ($height - 40) / 40;
if ($resizePctWidth > $resizePctHeight) {
$resizeAmount = $width / 212;
} else {
$resizeAmount = $height / 40;
$ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_WIDTH", round($width * (1 / $resizeAmount)));
$ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_HEIGHT", round($height * (1 / $resizeAmount)));
} else {
$ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_WIDTH", $width);
$ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_HEIGHT", $height);
// Let's cache the results
getJSPath($companyLogoURL) . "&logo_md5=" . $ss->get_template_vars("COMPANY_LOGO_MD5")
// get the global links
$gcls = array();
$global_control_links = array();
foreach ($global_control_links as $key => $value) {
if ($key == 'users') { //represents logout link.
$ss->assign("LOGOUT_LINK", $value['linkinfo'][key($value['linkinfo'])]);
$ss->assign("LOGOUT_LABEL", key($value['linkinfo']));//key value for first element.
foreach ($value as $linkattribute => $attributevalue) {
// get the main link info
if ($linkattribute == 'linkinfo') {
$gcls[$key] = array(
"LABEL" => key($attributevalue),
"URL" => current($attributevalue),
"SUBMENU" => array(),
if (substr($gcls[$key]["URL"], 0, 11) == "javascript:") {
$gcls[$key]["ONCLICK"] = substr($gcls[$key]["URL"], 11);
$gcls[$key]["URL"] = "javascript:void(0)";
if (isset($attributevalue['target'])) {
$gcls[$key]["TARGET"] = $attributevalue['target'];
// and now the sublinks
if ($linkattribute === 'submenu' && is_array($attributevalue)) {
foreach ($attributevalue as $submenulinkkey => $submenulinkinfo) {
$gcls[$key]['SUBMENU'][$submenulinkkey] = array(
"LABEL" => key($submenulinkinfo),
"URL" => current($submenulinkinfo),
if (substr($gcls[$key]['SUBMENU'][$submenulinkkey]["URL"], 0, 11) === "javascript:") {
$gcls[$key]['SUBMENU'][$submenulinkkey]["ONCLICK"] =
substr($gcls[$key]['SUBMENU'][$submenulinkkey]["URL"], 11);
$gcls[$key]['SUBMENU'][$submenulinkkey]["URL"] = "javascript:void(0)";
$ss->assign("GCLS", $gcls);
$ss->assign("SEARCH", isset($_REQUEST['query_string']) ? $_REQUEST['query_string'] : '');
if ($this->action == "EditView" || $this->action == "Login") {
$ss->assign("ONLOAD", 'onload="set_focus()"');
$ss->assign("AUTHENTICATED", isset($_SESSION["authenticated_user_id"]));
// get other things needed for page style popup
if (isset($_SESSION["authenticated_user_id"])) {
// get the current user name and id
$current_user->full_name == '' || !showFullName() ? $current_user->user_name : $current_user->full_name
$ss->assign("CURRENT_USER_ID", $current_user->id);
// get the last viewed records
$favorites = BeanFactory::getBean('Favorites');
$favorite_records = $favorites->getCurrentUserSidebarFavorites();
$ss->assign("favoriteRecords", $favorite_records);
$tracker = BeanFactory::getBean('Trackers');
$history = $tracker->get_recently_viewed($current_user->id);
$ss->assign("recentRecords", $this->processRecentRecords($history));
$bakModStrings = $mod_strings;
if (isset($_SESSION["authenticated_user_id"])) {
// get the module list
$moduleTopMenu = array();
$max_tabs = $current_user->getPreference('max_tabs');
// Attempt to correct if max tabs count is extremely high.
if (!isset($max_tabs) || $max_tabs <= 0 || $max_tabs > 10) {
$max_tabs = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_max_tabs'];
$current_user->setPreference('max_tabs', $max_tabs, 0, 'global');
$moduleTab = $this->_getModuleTab();
$ss->assign('MODULE_TAB', $moduleTab);
// See if they are using grouped tabs or not (removed in 6.0, returned in 6.1)
$user_navigation_paradigm = $current_user->getPreference('navigation_paradigm');
if (!isset($user_navigation_paradigm)) {
$user_navigation_paradigm = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_navigation_paradigm'];
// Get the full module list for later use
foreach (query_module_access_list($current_user) as $module) {
// Bug 25948 - Check for the module being in the moduleList
if (isset($app_list_strings['moduleList'][$module])) {
$fullModuleList[$module] = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$module];
if (!should_hide_iframes()) {
$iFrame = new iFrame();
$frames = $iFrame->lookup_frames('tab');
foreach ($frames as $key => $values) {
$fullModuleList[$key] = $values;
} elseif (isset($fullModuleList['iFrames'])) {
if ($user_navigation_paradigm == 'gm' && isset($themeObject->group_tabs) && $themeObject->group_tabs) {
// We are using grouped tabs
$groupedTabsClass = new GroupedTabStructure();
$modules = query_module_access_list($current_user);
//handle with submoremodules
$max_tabs = $current_user->getPreference('max_tabs');
// If the max_tabs isn't set incorrectly, set it within the range, to the default max sub tabs size
if (!isset($max_tabs) || $max_tabs <= 0 || $max_tabs > 10) {
// We have a default value. Use it
if (isset($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_max_tabs'])) {
$max_tabs = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_max_tabs'];
} else {
$max_tabs = 8;
$subMoreModules = false;
$groupTabs = $groupedTabsClass->get_tab_structure(get_val_array($modules));
// We need to put this here, so the "All" group is valid for the user's preference.
$groupTabs[$app_strings['LBL_TABGROUP_ALL']]['modules'] = $fullModuleList;
// Setup the default group tab.
$allGroup = $app_strings['LBL_TABGROUP_ALL'];
$ss->assign('currentGroupTab', $allGroup);
$currentGroupTab = $allGroup;
$usersGroup = $current_user->getPreference('theme_current_group');
// Figure out which tab they currently have selected (stored as a user preference)
if (!empty($usersGroup) && isset($groupTabs[$usersGroup])) {
$currentGroupTab = $usersGroup;
} else {
$current_user->setPreference('theme_current_group', $currentGroupTab);
$ss->assign('currentGroupTab', $currentGroupTab);
$usingGroupTabs = true;
} else {
// Setup the default group tab.
$ss->assign('currentGroupTab', $app_strings['LBL_TABGROUP_ALL']);
$usingGroupTabs = false;
$groupTabs[$app_strings['LBL_TABGROUP_ALL']]['modules'] = $fullModuleList;
$topTabList = array();
// Now time to go through each of the tab sets and fix them up.
foreach ($groupTabs as $tabIdx => $tabData) {
$topTabs = $tabData['modules'];
// Sort the list of modules alphabetically
if ($current_user->getPreference('sort_modules_by_name')) {
// put the current module at the top of the list
if (!empty($moduleTab) && isset($tabData['modules'][$moduleTab])) {
$topTabs = array_merge(
array($moduleTab => $tabData['modules'][$moduleTab]),
if (!is_array($topTabs)) {
$topTabs = array();
$extraTabs = array();
// Split it in to the tabs that go across the top, and the ones that are on the extra menu.
if (count($topTabs) > $max_tabs) {
$extraTabs = array_splice($topTabs, $max_tabs);
// Make sure the current module is accessable through one of the top tabs
if (!isset($topTabs[$moduleTab])) {
// Nope, we need to add it.
// First, take it out of the extra menu, if it's there
if (isset($extraTabs[$moduleTab])) {
if (count($topTabs) >= $max_tabs - 1) {
// We already have the maximum number of tabs, so we need to shuffle the last one
// from the top to the first one of the extras
$lastElem = array_splice($topTabs, $max_tabs - 1);
$extraTabs = $lastElem + $extraTabs;
if (!empty($moduleTab)) {
$topTabs[$moduleTab] = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$moduleTab];
if (count($topTabs) >= $max_tabs - 1) {
$extraTabs[$moduleTab] = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$moduleTab];
// Get a unique list of the top tabs so we can build the popup menus for them
foreach ($topTabs as $moduleKey => $module) {
$topTabList[$moduleKey] = $module;
$groupTabs[$tabIdx]['modules'] = $topTabs;
$groupTabs[$tabIdx]['extra'] = $extraTabs;
foreach ($groupTabs as $key => $tabGroup) {
if (count($topTabs) >= $max_tabs - 1 && $key !== $app_strings['LBL_TABGROUP_ALL'] && in_array(
) {
if (isset($topTabList) && is_array($topTabList)) {
// Adding shortcuts array to menu array for displaying shortcuts associated with each module
$shortcutTopMenu = array();
foreach ($topTabList as $module_key => $label) {
global $mod_strings;
$mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $module_key);
foreach ($this->getMenu($module_key) as $key => $menu_item) {
$shortcutTopMenu[$module_key][$key] = array(
"URL" => ajaxLink($menu_item[0]),
"LABEL" => $menu_item[1],
"MODULE_NAME" => $menu_item[2],
"ID" => $menu_item[2] . "_link",
if (!empty($sugar_config['lock_homepage']) && $sugar_config['lock_homepage'] == true) {
$ss->assign('lock_homepage', true);
$ss->assign("groupTabs", $groupTabs);
$ss->assign("shortcutTopMenu", $shortcutTopMenu);
$ss->assign('USE_GROUP_TABS', $usingGroupTabs);
// This is here for backwards compatibility, someday, somewhere, it will be able to be removed
$ss->assign("moduleTopMenu", $groupTabs[$app_strings['LBL_TABGROUP_ALL']]['modules']);
$ss->assign("moduleExtraMenu", $groupTabs[$app_strings['LBL_TABGROUP_ALL']]['extra']);
if (isset($extraTabs) && is_array($extraTabs)) {
// Adding shortcuts array to extra menu array for displaying shortcuts associated with each module
$shortcutExtraMenu = array();
foreach ($extraTabs as $module_key => $label) {
global $mod_strings;
$mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $module_key);
foreach ($this->getMenu($module_key) as $key => $menu_item) {
$shortcutExtraMenu[$module_key][$key] = array(
"URL" => ajaxLink($menu_item[0]),
"LABEL" => $menu_item[1],
"MODULE_NAME" => $menu_item[2],
"ID" => $menu_item[2] . "_link",
$ss->assign("shortcutExtraMenu", $shortcutExtraMenu);
if (!empty($current_user)) {
$ss->assign("max_tabs", $current_user->getPreference("max_tabs"));
global $mod_strings;
$mod_strings = $bakModStrings;
$headerTpl = $themeObject->getTemplate('header.tpl');
if (inDeveloperMode()) {
if ($retModTabs) {
return $ss->fetch($themeObject->getTemplate('_headerModuleList.tpl'));
} else {
$messages = SugarApplication::getErrorMessages();
if (!empty($messages)) {
foreach ($messages as $message) {
echo '<p class="error">' . $message . '</p>';
$messages = SugarApplication::getSuccessMessages();
if (!empty($messages)) {
foreach ($messages as $message) {
echo '<p class="success">' . $message . '</p>';
public function getModuleMenuHTML()
* If the view is classic then this method will include the file and
* setup any global variables.
* @param string $file
public function includeClassicFile(
) {
global $sugar_config, $theme, $current_user, $sugar_version, $sugar_flavor, $mod_strings, $app_strings, $app_list_strings, $action;
global $gridline, $request_string, $modListHeader, $dashletData, $authController, $locale, $currentModule, $import_bean_map, $image_path, $license;
global $user_unique_key, $server_unique_key, $barChartColors, $modules_exempt_from_availability_check, $dictionary, $current_language, $beanList, $beanFiles, $sugar_build, $sugar_codename;
global $timedate, $login_error; // cn: bug 13855 - timedate not available to classic views.
if (!empty($this->module)) {
$currentModule = $this->module;
protected function _displayLoginJS()
global $sugar_config, $timedate;
$template = new Sugar_Smarty();
if (isset($this->bean->module_dir)) {
$template->assign('MODULE_SUGAR_GRP1', $this->bean->module_dir);
if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) {
$template->assign('ACTION_SUGAR_GRP1', $_REQUEST['action']);
echo '<script>jscal_today = 1000*' .
$timedate->asUserTs($timedate->getNow()) .
'; if(typeof app_strings == "undefined") app_strings = new Array();</script>';
if (!is_file(sugar_cached("include/javascript/sugar_grp1.js"))) {
$_REQUEST['root_directory'] = ".";
$template->assign('SUGAR_GRP1_JQUERY', getVersionedPath('cache/include/javascript/sugar_grp1_jquery.js'));
$template->assign('SUGAR_GRP1_YUI', getVersionedPath('cache/include/javascript/sugar_grp1_yui.js'));
$template->assign('SUGAR_GRP1', getVersionedPath('cache/include/javascript/sugar_grp1.js'));
$template->assign('CALENDAR', getVersionedPath('include/javascript/calendar.js'));
echo $template->fetch('include/MVC/View/tpls/displayLoginJS.tpl');
* Get JS validation code for views
public static function getJavascriptValidation()
global $timedate;
$cal_date_format = $timedate->get_cal_date_format();
$timereg = $timedate->get_regular_expression($timedate->get_time_format());
$datereg = $timedate->get_regular_expression($timedate->get_date_format());
$date_pos = '';
foreach ($datereg['positions'] as $type => $pos) {
if (empty($date_pos)) {
$date_pos .= "'$type': $pos";
} else {
$date_pos .= ",'$type': $pos";
$time_separator = $timedate->timeSeparator();
$hour_offset = $timedate->getUserUTCOffset() * 60;
// Add in the number formatting styles here as well, we have been handling this with individual modules.
list($num_grp_sep, $dec_sep) = get_number_separators();
$the_script =
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n" .
"\tvar time_reg_format = '" .
$timereg['format'] .
"';\n" .
"\tvar date_reg_format = '" .
$datereg['format'] .
"';\n" .
"\tvar date_reg_positions = { $date_pos };\n" .
"\tvar time_separator = '$time_separator';\n" .
"\tvar cal_date_format = '$cal_date_format';\n" .
"\tvar time_offset = $hour_offset;\n" .
"\tvar num_grp_sep = '$num_grp_sep';\n" .
"\tvar dec_sep = '$dec_sep';\n" .
return $the_script;
* Called from process(). This method will display the correct javascript.
protected function _displayJavascript()
global $locale, $sugar_config, $timedate;
if ($this->_getOption('show_javascript')) {
if (!$this->_getOption('show_header')) {
$langHeader = get_language_header();
echo <<<EOHTML
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html {$langHeader}>
$js_vars = array(
"sugar_cache_dir" => "cache/",
if (isset($this->bean->module_dir)) {
$js_vars['module_sugar_grp1'] = $this->bean->module_dir;
if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) {
$js_vars['action_sugar_grp1'] = $_REQUEST['action'];
echo '<script>jscal_today = 1000*' .
$timedate->asUserTs($timedate->getNow()) .
'; if(typeof app_strings == "undefined") app_strings = new Array();</script>';
if (!is_file(sugar_cached("include/javascript/sugar_grp1.js")) ||
!is_file(sugar_cached("include/javascript/sugar_grp1_yui.js")) ||
) {
$_REQUEST['root_directory'] = ".";
echo getVersionedScript('cache/include/javascript/sugar_grp1_jquery.js');
echo getVersionedScript('cache/include/javascript/sugar_grp1_yui.js');
echo getVersionedScript('cache/include/javascript/sugar_grp1.js');
echo getVersionedScript('include/javascript/calendar.js');
// output necessary config js in the top of the page
$config_js = $this->getSugarConfigJS();
if (!empty($config_js)) {
echo "<script>\n" . implode("\n", $config_js) . "</script>\n";
if ($this->hasDomJS()) {
echo "
<script type='text/javascript'>
SUGAR.append(SUGAR, { settings:".$this->getDomJS()." } );
if (isset($sugar_config['email_sugarclient_listviewmaxselect'])) {
echo "<script>SUGAR.config.email_sugarclient_listviewmaxselect = {$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['email_sugarclient_listviewmaxselect']};</script>";
$image_server = (defined('TEMPLATE_URL')) ? TEMPLATE_URL . '/' : '';
echo '<script type="text/javascript">SUGAR.themes.image_server="' .
$image_server .
'";</script>'; // cn: bug 12274 - create session-stored key to defend against CSRF
echo '<script type="text/javascript">var name_format = "' . $locale->getLocaleFormatMacro() . '";</script>';
echo self::getJavascriptValidation();
if (!is_file(sugar_cached('jsLanguage/') . $GLOBALS['current_language'] . '.js')) {
echo getVersionedScript(
'cache/jsLanguage/' . $GLOBALS['current_language'] . '.js',
echo $this->_getModLanguageJS();
//echo out the $js_vars variables as javascript variables
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
foreach ($js_vars as $var => $value) {
echo "var {$var} = '{$value}';\n";
echo "</script>\n";
* @return string
protected function _getModLanguageJS()
if (!is_file(sugar_cached('jsLanguage/') . $this->module . '/' . $GLOBALS['current_language'] . '.js')) {
jsLanguage::createModuleStringsCache($this->module, $GLOBALS['current_language']);
return getVersionedScript(
"cache/jsLanguage/{$this->module}/" . $GLOBALS['current_language'] . '.js',
* Called from process(). This method will display the footer on the page.
public function displayFooter()
if (empty($this->responseTime)) {
global $app_strings, $sugar_config;
$server_unique_key = isset($sugar_config['unique_key']) ? $sugar_config['unique_key'] : '';
$themeObject = SugarThemeRegistry::current();
$ss = new Sugar_Smarty();
$ss->assign("AUTHENTICATED", isset($_SESSION["authenticated_user_id"]));
$ss->assign("APP", $app_strings);
$ss->assign('MOD', return_module_language($GLOBALS['current_language'], 'Users'));
$bottomLinkList = array();
if (isset($this->action) && $this->action != "EditView") {
$bottomLinkList['print'] = array($app_strings['LNK_PRINT'] => getPrintLink());
$bottomLinkList['backtotop'] = array($app_strings['LNK_BACKTOTOP'] => 'javascript:SUGAR.util.top();');
$bottomLinksStr = "";
foreach ($bottomLinkList as $key => $value) {
foreach ($value as $text => $link) {
$href = $link;
if (substr($link, 0, 11) == "javascript:") {
$onclick = " onclick=\"" . substr($link, 11) . "\"";
$href = "javascript:void(0)";
} else {
$onclick = "";
$imageURL = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL($key . '.gif');
$bottomLinksStr .= "<a href=\"{$href}\"";
$bottomLinksStr .= (isset($onclick)) ? $onclick : "";
$bottomLinksStr .= "><img src='{$imageURL}' alt=''>"; //keeping alt blank(text will be read instead)
$bottomLinksStr .= " " . $text . "</a>";
$ss->assign("BOTTOMLINKS", $bottomLinksStr);
if (SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calculate_response_time', false)) {
$ss->assign('STATISTICS', $this->_getStatistics());
// Under the License referenced above, you are required to leave in all copyright statements in both
// the code and end-user application.
$copyright =
'&copy; 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc. The Program is provided AS IS, without warranty. Licensed under <a href="LICENSE.txt" target="_blank" class="copyRightLink">AGPLv3</a>.<br>This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the <br><a href="LICENSE.txt" target="_blank" class="copyRightLink"> GNU Affero General Public License version 3</a> as published by the Free Software Foundation, including the additional permission set forth in the source code header.<br>';
// The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code
// versions of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as
// required under Section 5 of the GNU General Public License version
// 3. In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU General Public License
// version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display
// of the "Powered by SugarCRM" logo. If the display of the logo is
// not reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate
// Legal Notices must display the words "Powered by SugarCRM".
$attribLinkImg =
"<img style='margin-top: 2px' border='0' width='120' height='34' src='include/images/poweredby_sugarcrm_65.png' alt='Powered By SugarCRM'>\n";
// handle resizing of the company logo correctly on the fly
$companyLogoURL = $themeObject->getImageURL('company_logo.png');
$companyLogoURL_arr = explode('?', $companyLogoURL);
$companyLogoURL = $companyLogoURL_arr[0];
$company_logo_attributes = sugar_cache_retrieve('company_logo_attributes');
if (!empty($company_logo_attributes)) {
$ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_MD5", $company_logo_attributes[0]);
$ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_WIDTH", $company_logo_attributes[1]);
$ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_HEIGHT", $company_logo_attributes[2]);
} else {
// Always need to md5 the file
$ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_MD5", md5_file($companyLogoURL));
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($companyLogoURL);
if ($width > 212 || $height > 40) {
$resizePctWidth = ($width - 212) / 212;
$resizePctHeight = ($height - 40) / 40;
if ($resizePctWidth > $resizePctHeight) {
$resizeAmount = $width / 212;
} else {
$resizeAmount = $height / 40;
$ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_WIDTH", round($width * (1 / $resizeAmount)));
$ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_HEIGHT", round($height * (1 / $resizeAmount)));
} else {
$ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_WIDTH", $width);
$ss->assign("COMPANY_LOGO_HEIGHT", $height);
// Let's cache the results
getJSPath($companyLogoURL) . "&logo_md5=" . $ss->get_template_vars("COMPANY_LOGO_MD5")
// Bug 38594 - Add in Trademark wording
$copyright .= 'SugarCRM is a trademark of SugarCRM, Inc. ' .
'All other company and product names may be ' .
'trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.<br />';
if (file_exists('include/images/poweredby_sugarcrm_65.png')) {
$copyright .= $attribLinkImg;
// End Required Image
$ss->assign('COPYRIGHT', $copyright);
// here we allocate the help link data
$help_actions_blacklist = array('Login'); // we don't want to show a context help link here
if (!in_array($this->action, $help_actions_blacklist)) {
if (!isset($server_unique_key)) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Undefined index: server_unique_key');
$url =
'javascript:void(window.open(\'index.php?module=Administration&action=SupportPortal&view=documentation' .
'&version=' .
$GLOBALS['sugar_version'] .
'&edition=' .
$GLOBALS['sugar_flavor'] .
'&lang=' .
$GLOBALS['current_language'] .
'&help_module=' .
$this->module .
'&help_action=' .
$this->action .
'&key=' .
(isset($server_unique_key) ? $server_unique_key : null) .
$label =
(isset($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['moduleList'][$this->module]) ?
$GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['moduleList'][$this->module] : $this->module) .
' ' .
// end
* Called from process(). This method will display subpanels.
protected function _displaySubPanels()
if (isset($this->bean) &&
!empty($this->bean->id) &&
(file_exists('modules/' . $this->module . '/metadata/subpaneldefs.php') ||
file_exists('custom/modules/' . $this->module . '/metadata/subpaneldefs.php') ||
file_exists('custom/modules/' . $this->module . '/Ext/Layoutdefs/layoutdefs.ext.php'))
) {
$GLOBALS['focus'] = $this->bean;
$subpanel = new SubPanelTiles($this->bean, $this->module);
echo $subpanel->display();
protected function _buildModuleList()
if (!empty($GLOBALS['current_user']) && empty($GLOBALS['modListHeader'])) {
$GLOBALS['modListHeader'] = query_module_access_list($GLOBALS['current_user']);
* private method used in process() to determine the value of a passed in option
* @param string option - the option that we want to know the valye of
* @param bool default - what the default value should be if we do not find the option
* @return bool - the value of the option
protected function _getOption(
$default = false
) {
if (!empty($this->options) && isset($this->options['show_all'])) {
return $this->options['show_all'];
} elseif (!empty($this->options) && isset($this->options[$option])) {
return $this->options[$option];
} else {
return $default;
* track
* Private function to track information about the view request
private function _track()
if (empty($this->responseTime)) {
if (empty($GLOBALS['current_user']->id)) {
$trackerManager = TrackerManager::getInstance();
* Checks to see if the module name passed is valid; dies if it is not
protected function _checkModule()
if (!empty($this->module) && !file_exists('modules/' . $this->module)) {
$error = str_replace("[module]", (string)$this->module, $GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_CANNOT_FIND_MODULE']);
echo $error;
public function renderJavascript()
if ($this->action !== 'Login') {
} else {
private function _calculateFooterMetrics()
$endTime = microtime(true);
$deltaTime = $endTime - (isset($GLOBALS['startTime']) ? $GLOBALS['startTime'] : null);
$this->responseTime = number_format(round($deltaTime, 2), 2);
// Print out the resources used in constructing the page.
$this->fileResources = count(get_included_files());
* @return string
private function _getStatistics()
$endTime = microtime(true);
$deltaTime = $endTime - (isset($GLOBALS['startTime']) ? $GLOBALS['startTime'] : null);
$response_time_string =
' ' .
number_format(round($deltaTime, 2), 2) .
' ' .
$return = $response_time_string. '<br />';
if (!empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['show_page_resources'])) {
// Print out the resources used in constructing the page.
$included_files = get_included_files();
// take all of the included files and make a list that does not allow for duplicates based on case
// I believe the full get_include_files result set appears to have one entry for each file in real
// case, and one entry in all lower case.
$list_of_files_case_insensitive = array();
foreach ($included_files as $key => $name) {
// preserve the first capitalization encountered.
$list_of_files_case_insensitive[mb_strtolower($name)] = $name;
$return .= $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_SERVER_RESPONSE_RESOURCES'] .
'(' .
DBManager::getQueryCount() .
',' .
count($list_of_files_case_insensitive) .
// Display performance of the internal and external caches....
$cacheStats = SugarCache::instance()->getCacheStats();
$return .= "External cache (hits/total=ratio) local ({$cacheStats['localHits']}/{$cacheStats['requests']}=" .
round($cacheStats['localHits'] * 100 / $cacheStats['requests'], 0) .
$return .= " external ({$cacheStats['externalHits']}/{$cacheStats['requests']}=" .
round($cacheStats['externalHits'] * 100 / $cacheStats['requests'], 0) .
"%)<br />";
$return .= " misses ({$cacheStats['misses']}/{$cacheStats['requests']}=" .
round($cacheStats['misses'] * 100 / $cacheStats['requests'], 0) .
"%)<br />";
$return .= $this->logMemoryStatistics();
return $return;
* logMemoryStatistics
* This function returns a string message containing the memory statistics as well as writes to the memory_usage.log
* file the memory statistics for the SugarView invocation.
* @param $newline String of newline character to use (defaults to </ br>)
* @return string formatted message about memory statistics
protected function logMemoryStatistics($newline = '<br>')
$log_message = '';
if (!empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['log_memory_usage'])) {
if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) {
$memory_usage = memory_get_usage();
$bytes = $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_SERVER_MEMORY_BYTES'];
$data = array($memory_usage, $bytes);
$log_message = string_format($GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_SERVER_MEMORY_USAGE'], $data) . $newline;
if (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) {
$memory_peak_usage = memory_get_peak_usage();
$bytes = $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_SERVER_MEMORY_BYTES'];
$data = array($memory_peak_usage, $bytes);
$log_message .= string_format($GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_SERVER_PEAK_MEMORY_USAGE'], $data) .
if (!empty($log_message)) {
$data = array(
!empty($this->module) ? $this->module : $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_LINK_NONE'],
!empty($this->action) ? $this->action : $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_LINK_NONE'],
$output = string_format($GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_SERVER_MEMORY_LOG_MESSAGE'], $data) . $newline;
$output .= $log_message;
$fp = fopen("memory_usage.log", "ab");
fwrite($fp, $output);
return $log_message;
* Loads the module shortcuts menu
* @param $module string optional, can specify module to retrieve menu for if not the current one
* @return array module menu
public function getMenu(
$module = null
) {
global $current_language, $mod_strings, $app_strings, $module_menu;
if (empty($module)) {
$module = $this->module;
//Need to make sure the mod_strings match the requested module or Menus may fail
$curr_mod_strings = $mod_strings;
$mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $module);
$module_menu = array();
if (file_exists(get_custom_file_if_exists('modules/' . $module . '/Menu.php'))) {
require(get_custom_file_if_exists('modules/' . $module . '/Menu.php'));
if (file_exists('custom/modules/' . $module . '/Ext/Menus/menu.ext.php')) {
require('custom/modules/' . $module . '/Ext/Menus/menu.ext.php');
if (!file_exists(get_custom_file_if_exists('modules/' . $module . '/Menu.php')) &&
!file_exists('custom/modules/' . $module . '/Ext/Menus/menu.ext.php') &&
) {
$module_menu[] = array(
$module_menu[] = array(
if (($this->bean instanceof SugarBean) && !empty($this->bean->importable)) {
if (!empty($mod_strings['LNK_IMPORT_' . strtoupper($module)])) {
$module_menu[] = array(
$mod_strings['LNK_IMPORT_' . strtoupper($module)],
} else {
$module_menu[] = array(
if (file_exists('custom/application/Ext/Menus/menu.ext.php')) {
$mod_strings = $curr_mod_strings;
$builtModuleMenu = $module_menu;
return $builtModuleMenu;
* Returns the module name which should be highlighted in the module menu
protected function _getModuleTab()
global $app_list_strings, $moduleTabMap, $current_user;
$userTabs = query_module_access_list($current_user);
$defaultTab = (in_array("Home", $userTabs)) ? "Home" : key($userTabs);
if (!empty($_REQUEST['module_tab'])) {
return $_REQUEST['module_tab'];
} elseif (isset($moduleTabMap[$this->module])) {
return $moduleTabMap[$this->module];
} // Special cases
elseif ($this->module == 'MergeRecords') {
return !empty($_REQUEST['merge_module']) ? $_REQUEST['merge_module'] : $_REQUEST['return_module'];
} elseif ($this->module == 'Users' && $this->action == 'SetTimezone') {
return $defaultTab;
} // Default anonymous pages to be under Home
elseif (!isset($app_list_strings['moduleList'][$this->module])) {
return $defaultTab;
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == "ajaxui") {
return $defaultTab;
} else {
return $this->module;
* Return the "breadcrumbs" to display at the top of the page
* @param bool $show_help optional, true if we show the help links
* @return HTML string containing breadcrumb title
public function getModuleTitle(
$show_help = true
) {
global $sugar_version, $sugar_flavor, $server_unique_key, $current_language, $action;
$theTitle = "<div class='moduleTitle'>\n";
$module = preg_replace("/ /", "", $this->module);
$params = $this->_getModuleTitleParams();
$index = 0;
if (SugarThemeRegistry::current()->directionality == "rtl") {
$params = array_reverse($params);
if (count($params) > 1) {
$count = count($params);
$paramString = '';
foreach ($params as $parm) {
$paramString .= $parm;
if ($index < $count) {
$paramString .= $this->getBreadCrumbSymbol();
if (!empty($paramString)) {
$theTitle .= "<h2 class='module-title-text'> $paramString </h2>";
if ($this->type === "detail") {
$theTitle .= "<div class='favorite' record_id='" .
$this->bean->id .
"' module='" .
$this->bean->module_dir .
"'><div class='favorite_icon_outline' title='" . translate('LBL_MARK_FAVORITE', 'Favorites') . "'>" .
"<span class='suitepicon suitepicon-favorite-star-outline'></span></div>
<div class='favorite_icon_fill' title='" . translate('LBL_UNMARK_FAVORITE', 'Favorites') . "' border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\">" .
"<span class='suitepicon suitepicon-favorite-star'></span></div></div>";
// bug 56131 - restore conditional so that link doesn't appear where it shouldn't
if ($show_help || $this->type == 'list') {
$theTitle .= "<span class='utils'>";
$createImageURL = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL('create-record.gif');
if ($this->type == 'list') {
$theTitle .= '<a href="#" class="btn btn-success showsearch"><span class=" glyphicon glyphicon-search" aria-hidden="true"></span></a>';
$url = ajaxLink("index.php?module=$module&action=EditView&return_module=$module&return_action=DetailView");
if ($show_help) {
$theTitle .= <<<EOHTML
<a id="create_image" href="{$url}" class="utilsLink">
<img src='{$createImageURL}' alt='{$GLOBALS['app_strings']['LNK_CREATE']}'></a>
<a id="create_link" href="{$url}" class="utilsLink">
$theTitle .= "</span>";
$theTitle .= "<div class='clear'></div></div>\n";
return $theTitle;
* Return the metadata file that will be used by this view.
* @return string File location of the metadata file.
public function getMetaDataFile()
$metadataFile = null;
$foundViewDefs = false;
$viewDef = strtolower($this->type) . 'viewdefs';
$coreMetaPath = 'modules/' . $this->module . '/metadata/' . $viewDef . '.php';
if (file_exists('custom/' . $coreMetaPath)) {
$metadataFile = 'custom/' . $coreMetaPath;
$foundViewDefs = true;
} else {
if (file_exists('custom/modules/' . $this->module . '/metadata/metafiles.php')) {
require_once('custom/modules/' . $this->module . '/metadata/metafiles.php');
if (!empty($metafiles[$this->module][$viewDef])) {
$metadataFile = $metafiles[$this->module][$viewDef];
$foundViewDefs = true;
} elseif (file_exists('modules/' . $this->module . '/metadata/metafiles.php')) {
require_once('modules/' . $this->module . '/metadata/metafiles.php');
if (!empty($metafiles[$this->module][$viewDef])) {
$metadataFile = $metafiles[$this->module][$viewDef];
$foundViewDefs = true;
if (!$foundViewDefs && file_exists($coreMetaPath)) {
$metadataFile = $coreMetaPath;
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("metadatafile=" . $metadataFile);
return $metadataFile;
* Returns an array composing of the breadcrumbs to use for the module title
* @param bool $browserTitle true if the returned string is being used for the browser title, meaning
* there should be no HTML in the string
* @return array
protected function _getModuleTitleParams($browserTitle = false)
$params = array($this->_getModuleTitleListParam($browserTitle));
if (isset($this->action)) {
switch ($this->action) {
case 'EditView':
if (!empty($this->bean->id) &&
(empty($_REQUEST['isDuplicate']) || $_REQUEST['isDuplicate'] === 'false')
) {
$params[] =
"<a href='index.php?module={$this->module}&action=DetailView&record={$this->bean->id}'>" .
$this->bean->get_summary_text() .
$params[] = $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_EDIT_BUTTON_LABEL'];
} else {
$params[] = $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_CREATE_BUTTON_LABEL'];
case 'DetailView':
$beanName = $this->bean->get_summary_text();
$params[] = $beanName;
return $params;
* Returns the portion of the array that will represent the listview in the breadcrumb
* @param bool $browserTitle true if the returned string is being used for the browser title, meaning
* there should be no HTML in the string
* @return string
protected function _getModuleTitleListParam($browserTitle = false)
global $app_strings;
if (!empty($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['moduleList'][$this->module])) {
$firstParam = $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['moduleList'][$this->module];
} else {
$firstParam = $this->module;
$iconPath = $this->getModuleTitleIconPath($this->module);
if ($this->action == "ListView" || $this->action == "index") {
if (!empty($iconPath) && !$browserTitle) {
if (SugarThemeRegistry::current()->directionality == "ltr") {
return $app_strings['LBL_SEARCH_ALT'] . "&nbsp;"
. (string)$firstParam;
return (string)$firstParam . "&nbsp;" . $app_strings['LBL_SEARCH'];
return $firstParam;
if (!empty($iconPath) && !$browserTitle) {
//return "<a href='index.php?module={$this->module}&action=index'>$this->module</a>";
} else {
return $firstParam;
* @param $module
* @return string
protected function getModuleTitleIconPath($module)
$iconPath = '';
if (is_file(SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL('icon_' . $module . '_32.png', false))) {
$iconPath = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL('icon_' . $module . '_32.png');
} elseif (is_file(SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL('icon_' . ucfirst($module) . '_32.png', false))) {
$iconPath = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL('icon_' . ucfirst($module) . '_32.png');
} elseif (is_file(SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL('icon_' . $module . '_32.svg', false))) {
$iconPath = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL('icon_' . $module . '_32.svg');
} elseif (is_file(SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL('icon_' . ucfirst($module) . '_32.svg', false))) {
$iconPath = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL('icon_' . ucfirst($module) . '_32.svg');
return $iconPath;
* Returns the string which will be shown in the browser's title; defaults to using the same breadcrumb
* as in the module title
* @return string
public function getBrowserTitle()
global $app_strings;
$browserTitle = $app_strings['LBL_BROWSER_TITLE'];
if ($this->module == 'Users' && ($this->action == 'SetTimezone' || $this->action == 'Login')) {
return $browserTitle;
$params = $this->_getModuleTitleParams(true);
foreach ($params as $value) {
$browserTitle = strip_tags($value) . ' &raquo; ' . $browserTitle;
return $browserTitle;
* Returns the correct breadcrumb symbol according to theme's directionality setting
* @return string
public function getBreadCrumbSymbol()
if (SugarThemeRegistry::current()->directionality == "ltr") {
return "<span class='pointer'>&raquo;</span>";
} else {
return "<span class='pointer'>&laquo;</span>";
* Fetch config values to be put into an array for JavaScript
* @return array
protected function getSugarConfigJS()
global $sugar_config;
// Set all the config parameters in the JS config as necessary
$config_js = array();
// AjaxUI stock banned modules
$config_js[] = "SUGAR.config.stockAjaxBannedModules = " . json_encode(ajaxBannedModules()) . ";";
if (isset($sugar_config['quicksearch_querydelay'])) {
$config_js[] =
$this->prepareConfigVarForJs('quicksearch_querydelay', $sugar_config['quicksearch_querydelay']);
if (empty($sugar_config['disableAjaxUI'])) {
$config_js[] = "SUGAR.config.disableAjaxUI = false;";
} else {
$config_js[] = "SUGAR.config.disableAjaxUI = true;";
if (!empty($sugar_config['addAjaxBannedModules'])) {
$config_js[] = $this->prepareConfigVarForJs('addAjaxBannedModules', $sugar_config['addAjaxBannedModules']);
if (!empty($sugar_config['overrideAjaxBannedModules'])) {
$config_js[] =
$this->prepareConfigVarForJs('overrideAjaxBannedModules', $sugar_config['overrideAjaxBannedModules']);
if (!empty($sugar_config['js_available']) && is_array($sugar_config['js_available'])) {
foreach ($sugar_config['js_available'] as $configKey) {
if (isset($sugar_config[$configKey])) {
$jsVariableStatement = $this->prepareConfigVarForJs($configKey, $sugar_config[$configKey]);
if (!array_search($jsVariableStatement, $config_js)) {
$config_js[] = $jsVariableStatement;
return $config_js;
* Utility method to convert sugar_config values into a JS acceptable format.
* @param string $key Config Variable Name
* @param string $value Config Variable Value
* @return string
protected function prepareConfigVarForJs($key, $value)
$value = json_encode($value);
return "SUGAR.config.{$key} = {$value};";
* getHelpText
* This is a protected function that returns the help text portion. It is called from getModuleTitle.
* @param $module String the formatted module name
* @return string the HTML for the help text
protected function getHelpText($module)
$createImageURL = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL('create-record.gif');
$url = ajaxLink("index.php?module=$module&action=EditView&return_module=$module&return_action=DetailView");
$theTitle = <<<EOHTML
<img src='{$createImageURL}' alt='{$GLOBALS['app_strings']['LNK_CREATE']}'>
<a href="{$url}" class="utilsLink">
return $theTitle;
* Retrieves favicon corresponding to currently requested module
* @return array
protected function getFavicon()
// get favicon
if (isset($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_module_favicon'])) {
$module_favicon = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_module_favicon'];
} else {
$module_favicon = false;
$themeObject = SugarThemeRegistry::current();
$favicon = '';
if ($module_favicon) {
$favicon = $themeObject->getImageURL($this->module . '.gif', false);
if (!is_file($favicon) || !$module_favicon) {
$favicon = $themeObject->getImageURL('sugar_icon.ico', false);
$extension = pathinfo($favicon, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
switch ($extension) {
case 'png':
$type = 'image/png';
case 'ico':
// fall through
$type = 'image/x-icon';
return array(
'url' => getJSPath($favicon),
'type' => $type,
* getCustomFilePathIfExists
* This function wraps a call to get_custom_file_if_exists from include/utils.php
* @param $file String of filename to check
* @return string filename including custom directory if found
protected function getCustomFilePathIfExists($file)
return get_custom_file_if_exists($file);
* fetchTemplate
* This function wraps the call to the fetch function of the Smarty variable for the view
* @param $file String path of the file to fetch
* @return string content from resulting Smarty fetch operation on template
protected function fetchTemplate($file)
return $this->ss->fetch($file);
* handles the tracker output, and adds a link and a shortened name.
* given html safe input, it will preserve html safety
* @param array $history - returned from the tracker
* @return array augmented history with image link and shortened name
protected function processRecentRecords($history)
foreach ($history as $key => $row) {
$history[$key]['item_summary_short'] =
to_html(getTrackerSubstring($row['item_summary'])); //bug 56373 - need to re-HTML-encode
$history[$key]['image'] =
'border="0" align="absmiddle"',
return $history;
* Determines whether the state of the post global array indicates there was an error uploading a
* file that exceeds the post_max_size setting. Such an error can be detected if:
* 1. The Server['REQUEST_METHOD'] will still point to POST
* 2. POST and FILES global arrays will be returned empty despite the request method
* This also results in a redirect to the home page (due to lack of module and action in POST)
* @return boolean indicating true or false
public function checkPostMaxSizeError()
//if the referrer is post, and the post array is empty, then an error has occurred, most likely
//while uploading a file that exceeds the post_max_size.
if (empty($_FILES) &&
empty($_POST) &&
strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'post'
) {
return true;
return false;
* @param array $data
* @param string $scope
* @return bool
public function addDomJS($data, $scope)
$ret = self::NO_ERROR;
if (!$scope) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Scope can not be empty', self::ERR_EMPTY_SCOPE);
if (isset($this->settings[$scope])) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Scope "' . $scope . '" already exists but it will be overwriten.');
$ret = self::WARN_SCOPE_EXISTS;
$this->settings[$scope] = $this->mergeDeepArray($data);
return $ret;
* @return string
public function getDomJS()
$ret = json_encode($this->settings);
if ($ret === false) {
$err = json_last_error();
if ($err) {
throw new Exception('JSON Error occured: #' . $err . ' - ' . json_last_error_msg());
return $ret;
* @return bool
public function hasDomJS()
return !empty($this->settings);
* Merges multiple arrays, recursively, and returns the merged array.
* https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes!bootstrap.inc/function/drupal_array_merge_deep_array/7
* @param array $arrays
* @return array
public function mergeDeepArray($arrays)
$result = array();
if (!is_array($arrays)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Parameter should be an array to merging. ' . gettype($arrays) . ' given.', self::ERR_NOT_ARRAY);
foreach ($arrays as $array) {
$result = $this->getNextResultsForDeepMerge($array, $result);
return $result;
* @param array $array
* @param array $result
* @return array
protected function getNextResultsForDeepMerge($array, $result)
if (!is_array($array)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Sub-parameter should be an array to merging. ' . gettype($array) . ' given.', self::ERR_NOT_SUB_ARRAY);
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
// Renumber integer keys as array_merge_recursive() does. Note that PHP
// automatically converts array keys that are integer strings (e.g., '1')
// to integers.
if (is_integer($key)) {
$result[] = $value;
} elseif (isset($result[$key]) && is_array($result[$key]) && is_array($value)) {
// Recurse when both values are arrays.
$result[$key] = $this->mergeDeepArray([$result[$key], $value]);
} else {
// Otherwise, use the latter value, overriding any previous value.
$result[$key] = $value;
return $result;
* @param string $module_dir
* @return array
public function getVardefsData($module_dir)
if (!$module_dir) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Module DIR can not be empty', self::ERR_EMPTY_MODULE_DIR);
$data = array();
$bean = SugarModule::get($module_dir)->loadBean();
if ($bean) {
foreach ($bean->field_defs as $field_name => $def) {
$data[$module_dir][$field_name] = $def;
if (isset($def['required'])) {
$data[$module_dir][$field_name]['required'] = $def['required'];
} else {
$data[$module_dir][$field_name]['required'] = false;
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Could not retrive a bean from DIR: ' . $module_dir);
return array($data);