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* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
include_once __DIR__ . '/ImapHandlerInterface.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/ImapHandlerFakeData.php';
* ImapHandlerFake
* For tests only.
* @author gyula
class ImapHandlerFake implements ImapHandlerInterface
protected $fakes;
* @param ImapHandlerFakeData $fakeData
public function __construct(ImapHandlerFakeData $fakeData)
$this->fakes = $fakeData;
* @return boolean
public function close()
return $this->fakes->call('close');
* @return array
public function getAlerts()
return $this->fakes->call('getAlerts');
* @return resource|boolean
public function getConnection()
return $this->fakes->call('getConnection');
* @return array
public function getErrors()
return $this->fakes->call('getErrors');
* @return string|boolean
public function getLastError()
return $this->fakes->call('getLastError');
* @param string $ref
* @param string $pattern
* @return array
public function getMailboxes($ref, $pattern)
return $this->fakes->call('getMailboxes', [$ref, $pattern]);
* @return boolean
public function isAvailable()
return $this->fakes->call('isAvailable');
* @param string $mailbox
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
* @param int $options
* @param int $n_retries
* @param array|null $params
* @return resource|boolean
public function open($mailbox, $username, $password, $options = 0, $n_retries = 0, $params = null)
return $this->fakes->call('open', [$mailbox, $username, $password, $options, $n_retries, $params]);
* @return boolean
public function ping()
return $this->fakes->call('ping');
* @param string $mailbox
* @param int $options
* @param int $n_retries
* @return boolean
public function reopen($mailbox, $options = 0, $n_retries = 0)
return $this->fakes->call('reopen', [$mailbox, $options, $n_retries]);
* @param int $timeout_type
* @param int $timeout
* @return mixed
public function setTimeout($timeout_type, $timeout = -1)
return $this->fakes->call('setTimeout', [$timeout_type, $timeout]);
* @param int $criteria
* @param int $reverse
* @param int $options
* @param string $search_criteria
* @param string $charset
* @return array
public function sort($criteria, $reverse, $options = 0, $search_criteria = null, $charset = null)
return $this->fakes->call('sort', [$criteria, $reverse, $options, $search_criteria, $charset]);
* @param int $uid
* @return int
public function getMessageNo($uid)
return $this->fakes->call('getMessageNo', [$uid]);
* @param int $msg_number
* @param int $fromlength
* @param int $subjectlength
* @param string $defaulthost
* @return bool|object Returns FALSE on error or, if successful, the information in an object
public function getHeaderInfo($msg_number, $fromlength = 0, $subjectlength = 0, $defaulthost = null)
return $this->fakes->call('getHeaderInfo', [$msg_number, $fromlength, $subjectlength, $defaulthost]);
* @param type $msg_number
* @param type $options
* @return string
public function fetchHeader($msg_number, $options = 0)
return $this->fakes->call('fetchHeader', [$msg_number, $options]);
* @param string $mailbox
* @param string $message
* @param string $options
* @param string $internal_date
public function append($mailbox, $message, $options = null, $internal_date = null)
return $this->fakes->call('append', [$mailbox, $message, $options, $internal_date]);
* @param int $msg_number
* @return int
public function getUid($msg_number)
return $this->fakes->call('getUid', [$msg_number]);
* @return bool
public function expunge()
return $this->fakes->call('expunge', []);
* @return object|bool Returns FALSE on failure.
public function check()
return $this->fakes->call('check', []);
* @param string $sequence
* @param string $flag
* @param int $options
* @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function clearFlagFull($sequence, $flag, $options = 0)
return $this->fakes->call('clearFlagFull', [$sequence, $flag, $options]);
* @param string $mailbox
* @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function createMailbox($mailbox)
return $this->fakes->call('createMailbox', [$mailbox]);
* @param int $msg_number
* @param int $options
* @return bool Returns TRUE.
public function delete($msg_number, $options = 0)
return $this->fakes->call('delete', [$msg_number, $options]);
* @param string $mailbox
* @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function deleteMailbox($mailbox)
return $this->fakes->call('deleteMailbox', [$mailbox]);
* @param int $msg_number
* @param string $section
* @param int $options
* @return string
public function fetchBody($msg_number, $section, $options = 0)
return $this->fakes->call('fetchBody', [$msg_number, $section, $options]);
* @param string $sequence
* @param int $options
* @return array
public function fetchOverview($sequence, $options = 0)
return $this->fakes->call('fetchOverview', [$sequence, $options]);
* @param int $msg_number
* @param int $options
* @return object
public function fetchStructure($msg_number, $options = 0)
return $this->fakes->call('fetchStructure', [$msg_number, $options]);
* @param int $msg_number
* @param int $options
* @return string
public function getBody($msg_number, $options)
return $this->fakes->call('getBody', [$msg_number, $options]);
* @return int|bool Return the number of messages in the current mailbox, as an integer, or FALSE on error.
public function getNumberOfMessages()
return $this->fakes->call('getNumberOfMessages', []);
* @param string $mailbox
* @param int $options
* @return object
public function getStatus($mailbox, $options)
return $this->fakes->call('getStatus', [$mailbox, $options]);
* @param string $msglist
* @param string $mailbox
* @param int $options
* @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function mailCopy($msglist, $mailbox, $options = 0)
return $this->fakes->call('mailCopy', [$msglist, $mailbox, $options]);
* @param string $msglist
* @param string $mailbox
* @param int $options
* @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function mailMove($msglist, $mailbox, $options = 0)
return $this->fakes->call('mailMove', [$msglist, $mailbox, $options]);
* @param string $text
* @return array
public function mimeHeaderDecode($text)
return $this->fakes->call('mimeHeaderDecode', [$text]);
* @param string $old_mbox
* @param string $new_mbox
* @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function renameMailbox($old_mbox, $new_mbox)
return $this->fakes->call('renameMailbox', [$old_mbox, $new_mbox]);
* @param string $headers
* @param string $defaulthost
* @return object
public function rfc822ParseHeaders($headers, $defaulthost = "UNKNOWN")
return $this->fakes->call('rfc822ParseHeaders', [$headers, $defaulthost]);
* @param string $criteria
* @param int $options
* @param string $charset
* @return array|bool Return FALSE if it does not understand the search criteria or no messages have been found.
public function search($criteria, $options = SE_FREE, $charset = null)
return $this->fakes->call('search', [$criteria, $options, $charset]);
* @param string $sequence
* @param string $flag
* @param int $options
* @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function setFlagFull($sequence, $flag, $options = NIL)
return $this->fakes->call('setFlagFull', [$sequence, $flag, $options]);
* @param string $mailbox
* @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function subscribe($mailbox)
return $this->fakes->call('subscribe', [$mailbox]);
* @param string $mailbox
* @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function unsubscribe($mailbox)
return $this->fakes->call('unsubscribe', [$mailbox]);
* @param string $data
* @return string|bool FALSE if text contains invalid modified UTF-7 sequence or text contains a character that is not part of ISO-8859-1 character set.
public function utf7Encode($data)
return $this->fakes->call('utf7Encode', [$data]);
* @param string $mime_encoded_text
* @return string
public function utf8($mime_encoded_text)
return $this->fakes->call('utf8', [$mime_encoded_text]);
* @param $stream
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
public function isValidStream($stream): bool
return $this->fakes->call('isValidStream', $stream);
* @param string|null $filterCriteria
* @param $sortCriteria
* @param $sortOrder
* @param int $offset
* @param int $pageSize
* @param array $mailboxInfo
* @param array $columns
* @return array
* @throws Exception
public function getMessageList(?string $filterCriteria, $sortCriteria, $sortOrder, int $offset, int $pageSize, array &$mailboxInfo, array $columns): array
return $this->fakes->call('getMessageList', [$filterCriteria, $sortCriteria, $sortOrder, $offset, $pageSize, $mailboxInfo, $columns]);