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if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
* Represents a one to many relationship that is table based.
* @api
class One2MBeanRelationship extends One2MRelationship
//Type is read in sugarbean to determine query construction
public $type = "one-to-many";
public function __construct($def)
* @param SugarBean $lhs left side bean to add to the relationship.
* @param SugarBean $rhs right side bean to add to the relationship.
* @param mixed $additionalFields key=>value pairs of fields to save on the relationship
* @return boolean true if successful
public function add($lhs, $rhs, $additionalFields = array())
// test to see if the relationship exist if the relationship between the two beans
// exist then we just fail out with false as we don't want to re-trigger this
// the save and such as it causes problems with the related() in sugarlogic
if ($this->relationship_exists($lhs, $rhs) && !empty($GLOBALS['resavingRelatedBeans'])) {
return false;
$lhsLinkName = $this->lhsLink;
$rhsLinkName = $this->rhsLink;
//Since this is bean based, we know updating the RHS's field will overwrite any old value,
//But we need to use delete to make sure custom logic is called correctly
if ($rhs->load_relationship($rhsLinkName)) {
$oldLink = $rhs->$rhsLinkName;
$prevRelated = $oldLink->getBeans(null);
foreach ($prevRelated as $oldLHS) {
if ($oldLHS->id != $lhs->id) {
$this->remove($oldLHS, $rhs, false);
//Make sure we load the current relationship state to the LHS link
if ((isset($lhs->$lhsLinkName) && is_a($lhs->$lhsLinkName, "Link2")) || $lhs->load_relationship($lhsLinkName)) {
if (empty($_SESSION['disable_workflow']) || $_SESSION['disable_workflow'] != "Yes") {
$this->callBeforeAdd($lhs, $rhs);
$this->callBeforeAdd($rhs, $lhs);
$this->updateFields($lhs, $rhs, $additionalFields);
if (empty($_SESSION['disable_workflow']) || $_SESSION['disable_workflow'] != "Yes") {
//Need to call save to update the bean as the relationship is saved on the main table
//We don't want to create a save loop though, so make sure we aren't already in the middle of saving this bean
$this->updateLinks($lhs, $lhsLinkName, $rhs, $rhsLinkName);
$this->callAfterAdd($lhs, $rhs);
$this->callAfterAdd($rhs, $lhs);
//One2MBean relationships require that the RHS bean be saved or else the relationship will not be saved.
//If we aren't already in a relationship save, intitiate a save now.
if (empty($GLOBALS['resavingRelatedBeans'])) {
return true;
protected function updateLinks($lhs, $lhsLinkName, $rhs, $rhsLinkName)
if (isset($lhs->$lhsLinkName)) {
//RHS only has one bean ever, so we don't need to preload the relationship
if (isset($rhs->$rhsLinkName)) {
$rhs->$rhsLinkName->beans = array($lhs->id => $lhs);
protected function updateFields($lhs, $rhs, $additionalFields)
//Now update the RHS bean's ID field
$rhsID = $this->def['rhs_key'];
$rhs->$rhsID = $lhs->id;
foreach ($additionalFields as $field => $val) {
$rhs->$field = $val;
//Update role fields
if (!empty($this->def["relationship_role_column"]) && !empty($this->def["relationship_role_column_value"])) {
$roleField = $this->def["relationship_role_column"];
$rhs->$roleField = $this->def["relationship_role_column_value"];
public function remove($lhs, $rhs, $save = true)
$rhsID = $this->def['rhs_key'];
//If this relationship has already been removed, we can just return
if ($rhs->$rhsID != $lhs->id) {
return false;
$rhs->$rhsID = '';
if (empty($_SESSION['disable_workflow']) || $_SESSION['disable_workflow'] != "Yes") {
$this->callBeforeDelete($lhs, $rhs);
$this->callBeforeDelete($rhs, $lhs);
if ($save && !$rhs->deleted) {
$rhs->in_relationship_update = true;
if (empty($_SESSION['disable_workflow']) || $_SESSION['disable_workflow'] != "Yes") {
$this->callAfterDelete($lhs, $rhs);
$this->callAfterDelete($rhs, $lhs);
return true;
* @param Link2 $link loads the relationship for this link.
* @return void
public function load($link, $params = array())
$relatedModule = $link->getSide() == REL_LHS ? $this->def['rhs_module'] : $this->def['lhs_module'];
$rows = array();
//The related bean ID is stored on the RHS table.
//If the link is RHS, just grab it from the focus.
if ($link->getSide() == REL_RHS) {
$rhsID = $this->def['rhs_key'];
$id = null;
if (isset($link->getFocus()->$rhsID)) {
$id = $link->getFocus()->$rhsID;
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Incorrect linked relationship rhs ID: ' . get_class($link->getFocus()) . '::$' . $rhsID . ' is undefined');
if (!empty($id)) {
$rows[$id] = array('id' => $id);
} else { //If the link is LHS, we need to query to get the full list and load all the beans.
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$query = $this->getQuery($link, $params);
if (empty($query)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("query for {$this->name} was empty when loading from {$this->lhsLink}\n");
return array("rows" => array());
$result = $db->query($query);
while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result, false)) {
$id = $row['id'];
$rows[$id] = $row;
return array("rows" => $rows);
public function getQuery($link, $params = array())
//There was an old signature with $return_as_array as the second parameter. We should respect this if $params is true
if ($params === true) {
$params = array("return_as_array" => true);
if ($link->getSide() == REL_RHS) {
return false;
$lhsKey = $this->def['lhs_key'];
$rhsTable = $this->def['rhs_table'];
$rhsTableKey = "{$rhsTable}.{$this->def['rhs_key']}";
$relatedSeed = BeanFactory::getBean($this->getRHSModule());
$deleted = !empty($params['deleted']) ? 1 : 0;
if (!isset($link->getFocus()->$lhsKey)) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('One2MBeanRelationship getQuery: Trying to get property of non-object');
$linkFocusLhsKey = null;
} else {
$linkFocusLhsKey = $link->getFocus()->$lhsKey;
$where = "WHERE $rhsTableKey = '{$linkFocusLhsKey}' AND {$rhsTable}.deleted=$deleted";
$order_by = '';
//Check for role column
if (!empty($this->def["relationship_role_column"]) && !empty($this->def["relationship_role_column_value"])) {
$roleField = $this->def["relationship_role_column"];
$roleValue = $this->def["relationship_role_column_value"];
$where .= " AND $rhsTable.$roleField = '$roleValue'";
//Add any optional where clause
if (!empty($params['where'])) {
$add_where = is_string($params['where']) ? $params['where'] : "$rhsTable." . $this->getOptionalWhereClause($params['where']);
if (!empty($add_where)) {
$where .= " AND $add_where";
//Add any optional order clauses
if (!empty($params['order_by'])) {
$order_by = $relatedSeed->process_order_by($params['order_by']);
$from = $rhsTable;
if (!empty($params['where']) || !empty($params['order_by'])) {
if (isset($relatedSeed->custom_fields)) {
$customJoin = $relatedSeed->getCustomJoin();
$from .= $customJoin['join'];
if (empty($params['return_as_array'])) {
//Limit is not compatible with return_as_array
$query = "SELECT id FROM $from $where";
if (!empty($order_by)) {
$query .= ' ORDER BY '.$order_by;
if (!empty($params['limit']) && $params['limit'] > 0) {
$offset = isset($params['offset']) ? $params['offset'] : 0;
$query = DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->limitQuery($query, $offset, $params['limit'], false, "", false);
return $query;
return array(
'select' => "SELECT {$rhsTable}.id",
'from' => "FROM $from",
'where' => $where,
'order_by' => $order_by
public function getJoin($link, $params = array(), $return_array = false)
$linkIsLHS = $link->getSide() == REL_LHS;
$startingTable = (empty($params['left_join_table_alias']) ? $this->def['lhs_table'] : $params['left_join_table_alias']);
if (!$linkIsLHS) {
$startingTable = (empty($params['right_join_table_alias']) ? $this->def['rhs_table'] : $params['right_join_table_alias']);
$startingKey = $linkIsLHS ? $this->def['lhs_key'] : $this->def['rhs_key'];
$targetTable = $linkIsLHS ? $this->def['rhs_table'] : $this->def['lhs_table'];
$targetTableWithAlias = $targetTable;
$targetKey = $linkIsLHS ? $this->def['rhs_key'] : $this->def['lhs_key'];
$join_type= isset($params['join_type']) ? $params['join_type'] : ' INNER JOIN ';
$join = '';
//Set up any table aliases required
if (! empty($params['join_table_alias'])) {
$targetTableWithAlias = $targetTable. " ".$params['join_table_alias'];
$targetTable = $params['join_table_alias'];
//First join the relationship table
$join .= "$join_type $targetTableWithAlias ON $startingTable.$startingKey=$targetTable.$targetKey AND $targetTable.deleted=0\n"
//Next add any role filters
. $this->getRoleWhere(($linkIsLHS) ? $targetTable : $startingTable) . "\n";
if ($return_array) {
return array(
'join' => $join,
'type' => $this->type,
'rel_key' => $targetKey,
'join_tables' => array($targetTable),
'where' => "",
'select' => "$targetTable.id",
return $join;
public function getSubpanelQuery($link, $params = array(), $return_array = false)
$linkIsLHS = $link->getSide() == REL_RHS;
$startingTable = (empty($params['left_join_table_alias']) ? $this->def['lhs_table'] : $params['left_join_table_alias']);
if (!$linkIsLHS) {
$startingTable = (empty($params['right_join_table_alias']) ? $this->def['rhs_table'] : $params['right_join_table_alias']);
$startingKey = $linkIsLHS ? $this->def['lhs_key'] : $this->def['rhs_key'];
$targetTable = $linkIsLHS ? $this->def['rhs_table'] : $this->def['lhs_table'];
$targetKey = $linkIsLHS ? $this->def['rhs_key'] : $this->def['lhs_key'];
$join_type= isset($params['join_type']) ? $params['join_type'] : ' INNER JOIN ';
$query = '';
$alias = empty($params['join_table_alias']) ? "{$link->name}_rel": $params['join_table_alias'];
$alias = DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->getValidDBName($alias, false, 'alias');
$tableInRoleFilter = $startingTable;
if (
$startingTable == "meetings"
|| $startingTable == "notes"
|| $startingTable == "tasks"
|| $startingTable == "calls"
|| $startingTable == "emails"
$targetTable == "meetings"
|| $targetTable == "notes"
|| $targetTable == "tasks"
|| $targetTable == "calls"
&& substr((string) $alias, 0, 12 + strlen((string) $targetTable)) == $targetTable . "_activities_"
) {
$tableInRoleFilter = $linkIsLHS ? $alias : $startingTable;
//Set up any table aliases required
$targetTableWithAlias = "$targetTable $alias";
$targetTable = $alias;
$query .= "$join_type $targetTableWithAlias ON $startingTable.$startingKey=$targetTable.$targetKey AND $targetTable.deleted=0\n"
//Next add any role filters
. $this->getRoleWhere($tableInRoleFilter) . "\n";
if (!empty($params['return_as_array'])) {
$return_array = true;
if ($return_array) {
return array(
'join' => $query,
'type' => $this->type,
'rel_key' => $targetKey,
'join_tables' => array($targetTable),
'where' => "WHERE $startingTable.$startingKey='{$link->focus->id}'",
'select' => " ",
return $query;
* Check to see if the relationship already exist.
* If it does return true otherwise return false
* @param SugarBean $lhs Left hand side of the relationship
* @param SugarBean $rhs Right hand side of the relationship
* @return boolean
public function relationship_exists($lhs, $rhs)
// we need the key that is stored on the rhs to compare tok
$lhsIDName = $this->def['rhs_key'];
return (isset($rhs->fetched_row[$lhsIDName]) && $rhs->$lhsIDName == $rhs->fetched_row[$lhsIDName] && $rhs->$lhsIDName == $lhs->id);
public function getRelationshipTable()
if (isset($this->def['table'])) {
return $this->def['table'];
return $this->def['rhs_table'];