import { GlobalConfig } from '../../config/global'; import { bootstrap } from '../../proxy'; import type { HostRule } from '../../types'; import * as hostRules from '../host-rules'; import { applyHostRule, findMatchingRule } from './host-rules'; import type { GotOptions } from './types'; const url = ''; vi.mock('global-agent'); describe('util/http/host-rules', () => { const options: GotOptions = { hostType: 'github', }; beforeEach(() => { delete process.env.HTTP_PROXY; // clean up hostRules hostRules.clear(); hostRules.add({ hostType: 'github', token: 'token', }); hostRules.add({ hostType: 'gitea', password: 'password', }); hostRules.add({ hostType: 'npm', authType: 'Basic', token: 'XXX', timeout: 5000, }); hostRules.add({ hostType: 'gitlab', token: 'abc', }); hostRules.add({ hostType: 'bitbucket', token: 'cdef', }); }); afterEach(() => { delete process.env.HTTP_PROXY; }); it('adds token', () => { const opts = { ...options }; const hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ token: 'token', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ context: { authType: undefined, }, hostType: 'github', token: 'token', }); }); it('adds auth', () => { const opts = { hostType: 'gitea' }; const hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ password: 'password', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ hostType: 'gitea', password: 'password', username: undefined, }); }); it('adds custom auth', () => { const opts = { hostType: 'npm' }; const hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ authType: 'Basic', timeout: 5000, token: 'XXX', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ context: { authType: 'Basic', }, hostType: 'npm', timeout: 5000, token: 'XXX', }); }); it('skips', () => { const opts = { ...options, token: 'xxx' }; const hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ token: 'token', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ hostType: 'github', token: 'xxx', }); }); it('uses http2', () => { hostRules.add({ enableHttp2: true }); const opts = { ...options, token: 'xxx' }; const hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ enableHttp2: true, token: 'token', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ hostType: 'github', http2: true, token: 'xxx', }); }); it('uses http keep-alive', () => { hostRules.add({ keepAlive: true }); const opts = { ...options, token: 'xxx' }; const hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ keepAlive: true, token: 'token', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule).agent).toBeDefined(); }); it('disables http2', () => { process.env.HTTP_PROXY = 'http://proxy'; bootstrap(); hostRules.add({ enableHttp2: true }); const opts = { ...options, token: 'xxx' }; const hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ enableHttp2: true, token: 'token', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ hostType: 'github', token: 'xxx', }); }); it('noAuth', () => { const opts = { ...options, noAuth: true }; const hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ token: 'token', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ hostType: 'github', noAuth: true, }); }); it('certificateAuthority', () => { hostRules.add({ hostType: 'maven', matchHost: '', httpsCertificateAuthority: 'ca-cert', }); const url = ''; const opts = { ...options, hostType: 'maven' }; const hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ httpsCertificateAuthority: 'ca-cert', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ hostType: 'maven', https: { certificateAuthority: 'ca-cert', }, }); }); it('privateKey', () => { hostRules.add({ hostType: 'maven', matchHost: 'https://custom.datasource.key', httpsPrivateKey: 'key', }); const url = 'https://custom.datasource.key/data/path'; const opts = { ...options, hostType: 'maven' }; const hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ httpsPrivateKey: 'key', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ hostType: 'maven', https: { key: 'key', }, }); }); it('certificate', () => { hostRules.add({ hostType: 'maven', matchHost: 'https://custom.datasource.cert', httpsCertificate: 'cert', }); const url = 'https://custom.datasource.cert/data/path'; const opts = { ...options, hostType: 'maven' }; const hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ httpsCertificate: 'cert', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ hostType: 'maven', https: { certificate: 'cert', }, }); }); it('no fallback to github', () => { hostRules.add({ hostType: 'github-tags', username: 'some2', password: 'xxx2', }); hostRules.add({ hostType: 'github-changelog', token: 'changelogtoken', }); hostRules.add({ hostType: 'pod', token: 'pod-token', }); hostRules.add({ hostType: 'github-releases', username: 'some', password: 'xxx', }); let opts: GotOptions; let hostRule: HostRule; opts = { ...options, hostType: 'github-releases' }; hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ password: 'xxx', username: 'some', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ hostType: 'github-releases', username: 'some', password: 'xxx', }); opts = { ...options, hostType: 'github-tags' }; hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ password: 'xxx2', username: 'some2', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ hostType: 'github-tags', username: 'some2', password: 'xxx2', }); opts = { ...options, hostType: 'pod' }; hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ token: 'pod-token', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ context: { authType: undefined, }, hostType: 'pod', token: 'pod-token', }); opts = { ...options, hostType: 'github-changelog' }; hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ token: 'changelogtoken', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ context: { authType: undefined, }, hostType: 'github-changelog', token: 'changelogtoken', }); }); it('fallback to github', () => { let opts: GotOptions; let hostRule: HostRule; opts = { ...options, hostType: 'github-tags' }; hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ token: 'token', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ context: { authType: undefined, }, hostType: 'github-tags', token: 'token', }); opts = { ...options, hostType: 'github-changelog' }; hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ token: 'token', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ context: { authType: undefined, }, hostType: 'github-changelog', token: 'token', }); opts = { ...options, hostType: 'pod' }; hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ token: 'token', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ context: { authType: undefined, }, hostType: 'pod', token: 'token', }); }); it('no fallback to gitlab', () => { hostRules.add({ hostType: 'gitlab-packages', token: 'package-token', }); hostRules.add({ hostType: 'gitlab-releases', token: 'release-token', }); hostRules.add({ hostType: 'gitlab-tags', token: 'tags-token', }); let opts: GotOptions; let hostRule: HostRule; opts = { ...options, hostType: 'gitlab-tags' }; hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ token: 'tags-token', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ context: { authType: undefined, }, hostType: 'gitlab-tags', token: 'tags-token', }); opts = { ...options, hostType: 'gitlab-releases' }; hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ token: 'release-token', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ context: { authType: undefined, }, hostType: 'gitlab-releases', token: 'release-token', }); opts = { ...options, hostType: 'gitlab-packages' }; hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ token: 'package-token', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ context: { authType: undefined, }, hostType: 'gitlab-packages', token: 'package-token', }); }); it('fallback to gitlab', () => { let opts: GotOptions; let hostRule: HostRule; opts = { ...options, hostType: 'gitlab-tags' }; hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ token: 'abc', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ context: { authType: undefined, }, hostType: 'gitlab-tags', token: 'abc', }); opts = { ...options, hostType: 'gitlab-releases' }; hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ token: 'abc', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ context: { authType: undefined, }, hostType: 'gitlab-releases', token: 'abc', }); opts = { ...options, hostType: 'gitlab-packages' }; hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ token: 'abc', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ context: { authType: undefined, }, hostType: 'gitlab-packages', token: 'abc', }); opts = { ...options, hostType: 'gitlab-changelog' }; hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ token: 'abc', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ context: { authType: undefined, }, hostType: 'gitlab-changelog', token: 'abc', }); }); it('no fallback to bitbucket', () => { hostRules.add({ hostType: 'bitbucket-tags', username: 'some', password: 'xxx', }); const opts = { ...options, hostType: 'bitbucket-tags' }; const hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ password: 'xxx', username: 'some', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ hostType: 'bitbucket-tags', username: 'some', password: 'xxx', }); }); it('fallback to bitbucket', () => { const opts = { ...options, hostType: 'bitbucket-tags' }; const hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ token: 'cdef', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ context: { authType: undefined, }, hostType: 'bitbucket-tags', token: 'cdef', }); }); it('no fallback to gitea', () => { hostRules.add({ hostType: 'gitea-tags', token: 'abc', }); const opts = { ...options, hostType: 'gitea-tags' }; const hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ token: 'abc', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ context: { authType: undefined, }, hostType: 'gitea-tags', token: 'abc', }); }); it('fallback to gitea', () => { const opts = { ...options, hostType: 'gitea-tags' }; const hostRule = findMatchingRule(url, opts); expect(hostRule).toEqual({ password: 'password', }); expect(applyHostRule(url, opts, hostRule)).toEqual({ hostType: 'gitea-tags', password: 'password', username: undefined, }); }); it('should remove forbidden headers from request', () => { GlobalConfig.set({ allowedHeaders: ['X-*'] }); const hostRule = { matchHost: '', headers: { 'X-Auth-Token': 'token', unallowedHeader: 'token', }, }; expect(applyHostRule(url, {}, hostRule)).toEqual({ headers: { 'X-Auth-Token': 'token', }, }); }); it('should replace existing headers with host rule headers', () => { GlobalConfig.set({ allowedHeaders: ['Accept'] }); const hostRule = { matchHost: '', headers: { Accept: 'replacement', }, }; const options = { headers: { Accept: 'default', }, }; expect(applyHostRule(url, options, hostRule)).toEqual({ headers: { Accept: 'replacement', }, }); }); });