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synced 2025-03-14 21:22:50 +00:00
158 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable file
158 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import unicodedata
import markdown
except ImportError:
exit("This script requires the psutil module\nInstall with: sudo pip install Markdown")
lang = 'en'
pins = None
key_template = {
'python': '{board_name}_{name}',
'ruby': '{board_name}_{name}',
'spin': ' {board_name}_{name}',
'c': '#define {board_name}_{name}'
value_template = {
'python': ' = {value}',
'ruby': ' = {value}',
'spin': ' = {value}',
'c': ' {value}'
comment_prefix = {
'python': '#',
'ruby': '',
'spin': '\'',
'c': '//'
def slugify(value):
Normalizes string, converts to lowercase, removes non-alpha characters,
and converts spaces to hyphens.
value = unicode(value)
value = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', value).encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')
value = value.replace('+', 'PLUS')
value = value.replace('-', 'MINUS')
value = re.sub('[^\w\s-]', '', value).strip().lower()
return re.sub('[-\s]+', '_', value)
def bcm_to_physical(pin):
pin = pin[3:]
for idx in pins:
compare_pin = pins[idx]
if 'scheme' in compare_pin:
if 'bcm' in compare_pin['scheme']:
if compare_pin['scheme']['bcm'] == int(pin):
print("Mapping BCM{} to {}".format(pin, str(idx)))
return str(idx)
def physical_to_bcm(pin):
pin = pins[pin]
if 'scheme' in pin:
if 'bcm' in pin['scheme']:
return str(pin['scheme']['bcm'])
return None
def physical_to_wiringpi(pin):
pin = pins[pin]
if 'scheme' in pin:
if 'wiringpi' in pin['scheme']:
return str(pin['scheme']['wiringpi'])
return None
def physical_to(pin, scheme='bcm'):
if scheme in ['bcm', 'wiringpi']:
pin = pins[pin]
if 'scheme' in pin:
if scheme in pin['scheme']:
return str(pin['scheme'][scheme])
elif scheme == 'physical':
return pin
return None
def add_define(key, value):
global keys, define
define[key] = value
db = json.load(open('../src/{}/pi-pinout.json'.format(lang)))
pins = db['pins']
define = {}
keys = []
if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
overlay_file = sys.argv[1]
pin_scheme = sys.argv[2]
output_lang = sys.argv[3]
overlay = json.load(open('../src/{}/overlay/{}.json'.format(lang, overlay_file)))
if 'i2c' in overlay:
for addr in overlay['i2c']:
info = overlay['i2c'][addr]
add_define('ADDR_' + slugify(info['name']).upper(), addr)
if 'pin' in overlay:
for pin in overlay['pin']:
info = overlay['pin'][pin]
if str(pin).startswith('bcm'):
pin = bcm_to_physical(pin)
if 'name' in info:
name = slugify(info['name']).upper()
name = slugify(pins[pin]['name']).upper()
add_define(name, physical_to(pin, pin_scheme))
board_name = slugify(overlay['name']).upper()
print(comment_prefix[output_lang] + ' Pin definitions for ' + overlay['name'])
print(comment_prefix[output_lang] + ' Using the {} pin numbering scheme'.format(pin_scheme))
row_length = 0
for name in define:
key = key_template[output_lang].format(
board_name = board_name,
name = name
row_length = max(len(key), row_length)
for name in keys:
key = key_template[output_lang].format(
board_name = board_name,
name = name
value = value_template[output_lang].format(value = define[name])
value = value.rjust(row_length - len(key) + len(value), ' ')