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synced 2025-03-14 20:52:48 +00:00
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import base64
import os
import subprocess
import butterfly
from butterfly.escapes import image
from butterfly.utils import ansi_colors
print(ansi_colors.white + "Welcome to the butterfly help." + ansi_colors.reset)
path = os.getenv('BUTTERFLY_PATH')
if path:
path = os.path.join(path, '../static/images/favicon.png')
if path and os.path.exists(path):
with image('image/png'):
with open(path, 'rb') as i:
Butterfly is a xterm compliant terminal built with python and javascript.
{title}Terminal functionalities:{reset}
{strong}[ScrollLock] : {reset}Lock the scrolling to the current position. Press again to release.
{strong}[Ctrl] + [c] <<hold>> : {reset}Cut the output when [Ctrl] + [c] is not enough.
{strong}[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Up] : {reset}Trigger visual selection mode. Hitting [Enter] inserts the selection in the prompt.
{strong}[Alt] + [a] : {reset}Set an alarm which sends a notification when a modification is detected. (Ring on regexp match with [Shift])
{strong}[Alt] + [s] : {reset}Open theme selection prompt. Use [Alt] + [Shift] + [s] to refresh current theme.
{strong}[Alt] + [e] : {reset}List open user sessions. (Only available in secure mode)
{strong}[Alt] + [o] : {reset}Open new terminal (As a popup)
{strong}[Alt] + [z] : {reset}Escape: don't catch the next pressed key.
Useful for using native search for example. ([Alt] + [z] then [Ctrl] + [f]).
{title}Butterfly programs:{reset}
{strong}b : {reset}Alias for {strong}butterfly{reset} executable. Takes a comand in parameter or launch a butterfly server for one shot use (if outside butterfly).
{strong}b cat : {reset}A wrapper around cat allowing to display images as <img> instead of binary.
{strong}b open : {reset}Open a new terminal at specified location.
{strong}b session : {reset}Open or rattach a butterfly session. Multiplexing is supported.
{strong}b colors : {reset}Test the terminal colors (16, 256 and 16777216 colors)
{strong}b html : {reset}Output in html standard input.
For more butterfly programs check out: https://github.com/paradoxxxzero/butterfly-demos
{title}Styling butterfly:{reset}
To style butterfly in sass, you need to have the libsass python library installed.
Theming is done by overriding the default sass files located in {code}{main}{reset} in your theme directory.
This directory can include images and custom fonts.
Please take a look at official themes here: https://github.com/paradoxxxzero/butterfly-themes
and submit your best themes as pull request!
\x1b[{rcol}G\x1b[3m{dark}butterfly @ 2015 Mounier Florian{reset}\
rcol=int(subprocess.check_output(['stty', 'size']).split()[1]) - 31,
os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(butterfly.__file__)), 'sass'))))