mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 00:43:23 +00:00
327 lines
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327 lines
9.4 KiB
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
/* eslint-disable no-console */
/* eslint-disable n/no-unpublished-import */
/* eslint-disable n/no-extraneous-import */
import Docker from 'dockerode'
import waitOn from 'wait-on'
import { c as createTar } from 'tar'
import path, { basename } from 'path'
import { execSync } from 'child_process'
import { existsSync } from 'fs'
export const docker = new Docker()
const CONTAINER_NAME = `nextcloud-cypress-tests_${basename(process.cwd()).replace(' ', '')}`
const SERVER_IMAGE = 'ghcr.io/nextcloud/continuous-integration-shallow-server'
* Start the testing container
* @param {string} branch the branch of your current work
export const startNextcloud = async function(branch: string = getCurrentGitBranch()): Promise<any> {
try {
try {
// Pulling images
console.log('\nPulling images... ⏳')
await new Promise((resolve, reject): any => docker.pull(SERVER_IMAGE, (err, stream) => {
if (err) {
if (stream === null) {
reject(new Error('Could not connect to docker, ensure docker is running.'))
// https://github.com/apocas/dockerode/issues/357
docker.modem.followProgress(stream, onFinished)
function onFinished(err) {
if (!err) {
const digest = await (await docker.getImage(SERVER_IMAGE).inspect()).RepoDigests.at(0)
const sha = digest?.split('@').at(1)
console.log('├─ Using image ' + sha)
console.log('└─ Done')
} catch (e) {
console.log('└─ Failed to pull images')
throw e
// Remove old container if exists
console.log('\nChecking running containers... 🔍')
try {
const oldContainer = docker.getContainer(CONTAINER_NAME)
const oldContainerData = await oldContainer.inspect()
if (oldContainerData) {
console.log('├─ Existing running container found')
console.log('├─ Removing... ⏳')
// Forcing any remnants to be removed just in case
await oldContainer.remove({ force: true })
console.log('└─ Done')
} catch (error) {
console.log('└─ None found!')
// Starting container
console.log('\nStarting Nextcloud container... 🚀')
console.log(`├─ Using branch '${branch}'`)
const container = await docker.createContainer({
HostConfig: {
Mounts: [{
Target: '/var/www/html/data',
Source: '',
Type: 'tmpfs',
ReadOnly: false,
Env: [
await container.start()
// Set proper permissions for the data folder
await runExec(container, ['chown', '-R', 'www-data:www-data', '/var/www/html/data'], false, 'root')
await runExec(container, ['chmod', '0770', '/var/www/html/data'], false, 'root')
// Init Nextcloud
// await runExec(container, ['initnc.sh'], true, 'root')
// Get container's IP
const ip = await getContainerIP(container)
console.log(`├─ Nextcloud container's IP is ${ip} 🌏`)
return ip
} catch (err) {
console.log('└─ Unable to start the container 🛑')
console.log('\n', err, '\n')
throw new Error('Unable to start the container')
* Configure Nextcloud
export const configureNextcloud = async function() {
console.log('\nConfiguring nextcloud...')
const container = docker.getContainer(CONTAINER_NAME)
await runExec(container, ['php', 'occ', '--version'], true)
// Be consistent for screenshots
await runExec(container, ['php', 'occ', 'config:system:set', 'default_language', '--value', 'en'], true)
await runExec(container, ['php', 'occ', 'config:system:set', 'force_language', '--value', 'en'], true)
await runExec(container, ['php', 'occ', 'config:system:set', 'default_locale', '--value', 'en_US'], true)
await runExec(container, ['php', 'occ', 'config:system:set', 'force_locale', '--value', 'en_US'], true)
await runExec(container, ['php', 'occ', 'config:system:set', 'enforce_theme', '--value', 'light'], true)
// Speed up test and make them less flaky. If a cron execution is needed, it can be triggered manually.
await runExec(container, ['php', 'occ', 'background:cron'], true)
// Checking apcu
const distributed = await runExec(container, ['php', 'occ', 'config:system:get', 'memcache.distributed'])
const local = await runExec(container, ['php', 'occ', 'config:system:get', 'memcache.local'])
const hashing = await runExec(container, ['php', 'occ', 'config:system:get', 'hashing_default_password'])
console.log('├─ Checking APCu configuration... 👀')
if (!distributed.trim().includes('Memcache\\APCu')
|| !local.trim().includes('Memcache\\APCu')
|| !hashing.trim().includes('true')) {
console.log('└─ APCu is not properly configured 🛑')
throw new Error('APCu is not properly configured')
console.log('│ └─ OK !')
// Saving DB state
console.log('├─ Creating init DB snapshot...')
await runExec(container, ['cp', '/var/www/html/data/owncloud.db', '/var/www/html/data/owncloud.db-init'], true)
console.log('├─ Creating init data backup...')
await runExec(container, ['tar', 'cf', 'data-init.tar', 'admin'], true, undefined, '/var/www/html/data')
console.log('└─ Nextcloud is now ready to use 🎉')
* Applying local changes to the container
* Only triggered if we're not in CI. Otherwise the
* continuous-integration-shallow-server image will
* already fetch the proper branch.
export const applyChangesToNextcloud = async function() {
console.log('\nApply local changes to nextcloud...')
const htmlPath = '/var/www/html'
const folderPaths = [
].filter((folderPath) => {
const fullPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', folderPath)
if (existsSync(fullPath)) {
console.log(`├─ Copying ${folderPath}`)
return true
return false
// Don't try to apply changes, when there are none. Otherwise we
// still execute the 'chown' command, which is not needed.
if (folderPaths.length === 0) {
console.log('└─ No local changes found to apply')
const container = docker.getContainer(CONTAINER_NAME)
// Tar-streaming the above folders into the container
const serverTar = createTar({ gzip: false }, folderPaths)
await container.putArchive(serverTar, {
path: htmlPath,
// Making sure we have the proper permissions
await runExec(container, ['chown', '-R', 'www-data:www-data', htmlPath], false, 'root')
console.log('└─ Changes applied successfully 🎉')
* Force stop the testing container
export const stopNextcloud = async function() {
try {
const container = docker.getContainer(CONTAINER_NAME)
console.log('Stopping Nextcloud container...')
container.remove({ force: true })
console.log('└─ Nextcloud container removed 🥀')
} catch (err) {
* Get the testing container's IP
* @param {Docker.Container} container the container to get the IP from
export const getContainerIP = async function(
container = docker.getContainer(CONTAINER_NAME),
): Promise<string> {
let ip = ''
let tries = 0
while (ip === '' && tries < 10) {
await container.inspect(function(err, data) {
if (err) {
throw err
ip = data?.NetworkSettings?.IPAddress || ''
if (ip !== '') {
await sleep(1000 * tries)
return ip
// Would be simpler to start the container from cypress.config.ts,
// but when checking out different branches, it can take a few seconds
// Until we can properly configure the baseUrl retry intervals,
// We need to make sure the server is already running before cypress
// https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/22676
export const waitOnNextcloud = async function(ip: string) {
console.log('├─ Waiting for Nextcloud to be ready... ⏳')
await waitOn({
resources: [`http://${ip}/index.php`],
// wait for nextcloud to be up and return any non error status
validateStatus: (status) => status >= 200 && status < 400,
// timout in ms
timeout: 5 * 60 * 1000,
// timeout for a single HTTP request
httpTimeout: 60 * 1000,
console.log('└─ Done')
const runExec = async function(
container: Docker.Container,
command: string[],
verbose = false,
user = 'www-data',
workdir?: string,
): Promise<string> {
const exec = await container.exec({
Cmd: command,
WorkingDir: workdir,
AttachStdout: true,
AttachStderr: true,
User: user,
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let output = ''
exec.start({}, (err, stream) => {
if (err) {
if (stream) {
stream.on('data', str => {
str = str.trim()
// Remove non printable characters
.replace(/[^\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E]+/g, '')
// Remove non alphanumeric leading characters
.replace(/^[^a-z]/gi, '')
output += str
if (verbose && str !== '') {
console.log(`├─ ${str.replace(/\n/gi, '\n├─ ')}`)
stream.on('end', () => resolve(output))
const sleep = function(milliseconds: number) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds))
const getCurrentGitBranch = function() {
return execSync('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD').toString().trim() || 'master'