If you have questions about how to install or use Nextcloud, please direct these to our [forum][forum]. We are also available on [IRC][irc] (unofficial).
* The [**issue templates can be found here**][templates] but be aware of the different repositories! See list below. Please always use an issue template when reporting issues.
* This repository ([server](https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues)) is *only* for issues within the Nextcloud Server code. This also includes the apps: files, encryption, external storage, sharing, deleted files, versions, LDAP, and WebDAV Auth
* __SECURITY__: Report any potential security bug to us via [our HackerOne page](https://hackerone.com/nextcloud) following our [security policy](https://nextcloud.com/security/) instead of filing an issue in our bug tracker.
* The issues in other components should be reported in their respective repositories: You will find them in our [GitHub Organization](https://github.com/nextcloud/)
Please use [Conventional Commits](https://www.conventionalcommits.org) for your commit messages. This helps maintain clarity and consistency across the project, making it easier to understand changes and automate versioning.
In order to constantly increase the quality of our software we can no longer accept pull request which submit un-tested code.
It is a must have that changed and added code segments are unit tested.
In some areas unit testing is hard (aka almost impossible) as of today - in these areas refactoring WHILE fixing a bug is encouraged to enable unit testing.