app | ||
bin | ||
src | ||
tests | ||
var | ||
web | ||
.gitignore | ||
.travis.yml | ||
app.json | ||
composer.json | ||
composer.lock | || | ||
phpunit.xml.dist | || |
Kimai v2 - Time Tracking
Kimai v2 - the reloaded open source Time-Tracking application.
This is (or will be in the future, currently a lot of features are still missing) the reloaded version of the open source time-tracking application Kimai.
It is based on the following PHP components:
- Symfony Framework 3.4
- AdminThemeBundle (based on AdminLTE)
- Doctrine
- Bower
- PHP 7 or higher
- One PHP extension of PDO-SQLite and/or PDO-MySQL enabled
- and the usual Symfony application requirements
If unsure about meeting these requirements, download the demo application and browse to the http://localhost:8000/config.php script to get more detailed information.
First, install Git and Composer if you haven't already. Then, clone this repo and execute this command in the cloned directory:
$ git clone
$ cd kimai2/
Lets prepare the environment by installing all dependencies. You will be asked for your application parameter, like the database connection afterwards (if you don't have a app/config/parameters.yml yet):
$ composer install
The next command will create the database, the schema and install all web assets:
$ bin/console kimai:install --relative
Installation (live)
All thats left to do is to create your first user:
$ bin/console kimai:create-user admin password en ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN
For available roles, please refer to the user documentation.
Installation (development / demo)
Lets boostrap your environment by executing this commands (which is only available in dev environment):
$ bin/console kimai:dev:reset
You just imported demo data, to test the application in its full beauty and with several different user accounts and permission sets.
You can now login with these accounts:
Username | Password | Role |
clara_customer | kitten | Customer |
john_user | kitten | User |
chris_user | kitten | User (deactivated) |
tony_teamlead | kitten | Teamlead |
anna_admin | kitten | Administrator |
susan_super | kitten | Super-Administrator |
Demo data can always be deleted by dropping the schema and re-creating it. ATTENTION - this will erase all your data:
$ bin/console doctrine:schema:drop --force
$ bin/console doctrine:schema:create
The kimai:dev:reset
command can always be executed later on to reset your dev database and cache. I use it very frequently.
There is no need to configure a virtual host in your web server to access the application for testing. Just use the built-in web server for your first tests:
$ APP_FRONT_CONTROLLER=app.php bin/console server:run
This command will start a web server for Kimai. Now you can access the application in your browser at
You can stop the built-in web server by pressing Ctrl + C
while you're in the terminal.
If you want to use a fully-featured web server (like Nginx or Apache) to run Kimai, configure it to point at the
directory of the project. For more details, see:
Cannot see any assets (like images) and/or missing styles? Try executing:
$ php bin/console assets:install --symlink