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synced 2025-03-16 05:53:29 +00:00

Co-authored-by: Ahmad Dakhlallah <ahmad@linuxarabia.co> Co-authored-by: Bent Haar <BentHaar@users.noreply.hosted.weblate.org> Co-authored-by: Carlos Carreras <mytriponlinux@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: David Bauer <dbs23.dbs23@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jose Delvani <delvani.eletricista@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Kevin Papst <kevin@kevinpapst.de> Co-authored-by: Ldm Public <ldmpub@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Mads R. Andersen <madsdk_789@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Massimo Pissarello <mapi68@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Mikkel Ricky <rimi@aarhus.dk> Co-authored-by: Milo Ivir <mail@milotype.de> Co-authored-by: Oğuz Ersen <oguz@ersen.moe> Co-authored-by: Quiwy <github@quiwy.ninja> Co-authored-by: Wellington Terumi Uemura <wellingtonuemura@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Yaron Shahrabani <sh.yaron@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: geekom13 <geekom13@proton.me> Co-authored-by: lilosti <lilosti@aarhus.dk> Co-authored-by: ssantos <ssantos@web.de>
159 lines
9.8 KiB
159 lines
9.8 KiB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" version="1.2">
<file source-language="en" target-language="pt" datatype="plaintext" original="validators.en.xlf">
<trans-unit id="CLHaByy" resname="End date must not be earlier then start date.">
<source>End date must not be earlier then start date.</source>
<target>A data de conclusão não pode ser anterior à data de início.</target>
<trans-unit id="IkNxbBI" resname="This value is not a valid role.">
<source>This value is not a valid role.</source>
<target>Este valor não é uma função válida.</target>
<trans-unit id="VJSZSD0" resname="The given value is not a valid time.">
<source>The given value is not a valid time.</source>
<target>O valor fornecido não é um tempo válido.</target>
<trans-unit id="u2wjm2i" resname="You already have an entry for this time.">
<source>You already have an entry for this time.</source>
<target>Já tem uma entrada para este tempo.</target>
<trans-unit id="0o.pH3X" resname="This period is locked, please choose a later date.">
<source>This period is locked, please choose a later date.</source>
<target>Este período está bloqueado, por favor escolha uma data posterior.</target>
<trans-unit id="yDlKSRw" resname="This invoice document cannot be used, please rename the file and upload it again.">
<source>This invoice document cannot be used, please rename the file and upload it again.</source>
<target>Este documento de fatura não pode ser usado, por favor altere o nome do ficheiro e envie-o novamente.</target>
<trans-unit id="1V6BsD_" resname="You must select at least one user or team.">
<source>You must select at least one user or team.</source>
<target>Tem de selecionar pelo menos um utilizador ou equipa.</target>
<trans-unit id="ePrqiLM" resname="The begin date cannot be in the future.">
<source>The begin date cannot be in the future.</source>
<target>A data de início não pode ser no futuro.</target>
<trans-unit id="1oKCOa5" resname="The budget is completely used.">
<source>The budget is completely used.</source>
<target>O orçamento está esgotado. De %budget% disponíveis, já foram reservados até agora %used% e ainda podem ser utados %free%.</target>
<trans-unit id="6rO8GZ1" resname="Maximum duration of {{ value }} hours exceeded.">
<source>Maximum duration of {{ value }} hours exceeded.</source>
<target>Máximo de {{ value }} horas permitidas.</target>
<trans-unit id="INlaCgW" resname="An equal email is already used.">
<source>An equal email is already used.</source>
<target>Já está a ser utilizado um email semelhante.</target>
<trans-unit id="ekO5eXI" resname="An equal username is already used.">
<source>An equal username is already used.</source>
<target>Já está a ser utilizado um nome de utilizador semelhante.</target>
<trans-unit id="S14XECA" resname="The username is already used.">
<source>The username is already used.</source>
<target>O nome de utilizador já está a ser utilizado.</target>
<trans-unit id="6u6oCwB" resname="The email is already used.">
<source>The email is already used.</source>
<target>O email já está a ser utilizado.</target>
<trans-unit id="6WAG.Xj" resname="The entered passwords don't match.">
<source>The entered passwords don't match.</source>
<target>As palavras-passe introduzidas não correspondem.</target>
<trans-unit id="rmH78_V" resname="At least one team leader must be assigned to the team.">
<source>At least one team leader must be assigned to the team.</source>
<target>Tem de ser atribuído pelo menos um líder à equipa.</target>
<trans-unit id="to1Q85W" resname="An activity needs to be selected.">
<source>An activity needs to be selected.</source>
<target>Tem de ser selecionada uma atividade.</target>
<trans-unit id="rHd9_aA" resname="A project needs to be selected.">
<source>A project needs to be selected.</source>
<target>Tem de ser selecionado um projeto.</target>
<trans-unit id="mjlH0la" resname="This timesheet is already exported.">
<source>This timesheet is already exported.</source>
<target>Este quadro de horários já foi exportado.</target>
<trans-unit id="Jz1y3yB" resname="Duration cannot be zero.">
<source>Duration cannot be zero.</source>
<target state="translated">Não é permitida uma duração vazia.</target>
<trans-unit id="dcPei9G" resname="Sorry, the budget is used up.">
<source>Sorry, the budget is used up.</source>
<target state="translated">Desculpe, o orçamento esgotou.</target>
<trans-unit id="xp0lmgm" resname="The given code is not the correct TOTP token.">
<source>The given code is not the correct TOTP token.</source>
<target state="translated">O código fornecido não é o token TOTP correto.</target>
<trans-unit id="7mqg3TC" resname="This value is not a valid role name.">
<source>This value is not a valid role name.</source>
<target state="translated">Este não é um nome válido para uma função de utilizador.</target>
<trans-unit resname="Cannot stop running timesheet" id="7HYTefs">
<source>Cannot stop running timesheet</source>
<target state="translated">Tem um registo de tempo ativo que não pode ser automaticamente interrompido.</target>
<trans-unit id="gSAwscA" resname="Validation Failed">
<source>Validation Failed</source>
<target state="translated">Houve um problema ao gravar.</target>
<trans-unit id="ZObikpA" resname="This absence type is not known.">
<source>This absence type is not known.</source>
<target state="translated">Este tipo de ausência é desconhecido.</target>
<trans-unit id="0ULsHQA" resname="The chosen date is not a working day.">
<source>The chosen date is not a working day.</source>
<target state="translated">A data escolhida não é um dia útil.</target>
<trans-unit id="N21br.P" resname="The chosen date is already locked.">
<source>The chosen date is already locked.</source>
<target state="translated">A data escolhida já está bloqueada.</target>
<trans-unit id="SZO4xjC" resname="An absence cannot be booked before your first working day.">
<source>An absence cannot be booked before your first working day.</source>
<target state="translated">Uma ausência não pode ser marcada antes do seu primeiro dia útil.</target>
<trans-unit id="IN37g5N" resname="Not enough holidays left.">
<source>Not enough holidays left.</source>
<target state="translated">Já não há férias suficientes.</target>
<trans-unit id="kSBiyaF" resname="This is a public holiday, booking not allowed.">
<source>This is a public holiday, booking not allowed.</source>
<target state="translated">Este é um feriado público, não é permitido fazer reservas.</target>
<trans-unit id="6H84TMs" resname="An absence must be assigned to a user.">
<source>An absence must be assigned to a user.</source>
<target state="translated">Uma ausência deve ser atribuída a um utilizador.</target>
<trans-unit id="nLcihCc" resname="An absence must have a date.">
<source>An absence must have a date.</source>
<target state="translated">A ausência deve ter uma data.</target>
<trans-unit id="ByeEMxW" resname="You do not have enough overtime, remaining are {{ value }}.">
<source>You do not have enough overtime, remaining are {{ value }}.</source>
<target state="translated">Não tem horas extraordinárias suficientes, o restante é {{ value }}.</target>
<trans-unit id="DiaaRa1" resname="You cannot have two absences of this type at one day.">
<source>You cannot have two absences of this type at one day.</source>
<target state="translated">Não é possível ter duas ausências deste tipo num único dia.</target>
<trans-unit id="c2B6.lW" resname="You can book a maximum of {{ value }} days at once.">
<source>You can book a maximum of {{ value }} days at once.</source>
<target state="translated">Pode reservar um máximo de {{ value }} dias ao mesmo tempo, atualmente selecionou {{ selected }}.</target>
<trans-unit id="BztgSSP" resname="The period of absence must not extend beyond the turn of the year.">
<source>The period of absence must not extend beyond the turn of the year.</source>
<target state="translated">O período de ausência não se deve estender além da virada do ano.</target>
<trans-unit id="fvxWW3V" resname="The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." xml:space="preserve">
<source>The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.</source>
<target state="translated">Faça favor, tente enviar o formulário. Se o problema persistir, atualize o seu navegador.</target>