<p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kimai/images/main/repository-header.png" alt="Kimai logo"> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/kimai/kimai/actions"><img alt="CI Status" src="https://github.com/kimai/kimai/actions/workflows/testing.yaml/badge.svg"></a> <a href="https://codecov.io/gh/kimai/kimai"><img alt="Code Coverage" src="https://codecov.io/gh/kimai/kimai/branch/main/graph/badge.svg"></a> <a href="https://packagist.org/packages/kimai/kimai"><img alt="Latest stable version" src="https://poser.pugx.org/kimai/kimai/v/stable"></a> <a href="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html"><img alt="License" src="https://poser.pugx.org/kimai/kimai/license"></a> <a href="https://phpc.social/@kimai" rel="me"><img alt="Mastodon" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/toot-%40kimai-8c8dff"></a> </p> <h1 align="center">Kimai - time-tracker</h1> Kimai is a professional grade time-tracking application, free and open-source. It handles use-cases of freelancers as well as companies with dozens or hundreds of users. Kimai was build to track your project times and ships with many advanced features, including but not limited to: JSON API, invoicing, data exports, multi-timer and punch-in punch-out mode, tagging, multi-user - multi-timezones - multi-language ([over 30 translations existing](https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/kimai/)!), authentication via SAML/LDAP/Database, two-factor authentication (2FA) with TOTP, customizable role and team permissions, responsive design, user/customer/project specific rates, advanced search & filtering, money and time budgets, advanced reporting, support for [plugins](https://www.kimai.org/store/) and so much more. ### Versions There are two [versions](https://www.kimai.org/documentation/versions.html) of Kimai existing: - [Version 2](https://github.com/kimai/kimai) — the current stable release (PHP 8.1+) - [Version 1](https://github.com/kimai/kimai/tree/1.x) — do **NOT** use, EOL since mid of 2023 (PHP 7.4) ### Links - [Home](https://www.kimai.org) — Kimai project homepage - [Blog](https://www.kimai.org/blog/) — Read the latest news - [Documentation](https://www.kimai.org/documentation/) — Learn how to use Kimai ### Requirements - PHP 8.1.3 minimum (support for PHP 8.2 and 8.3) - MariaDB or MySQL - A webserver and subdomain (subdirectory is not supported) - PHP extensions: `gd`, `intl`, `json`, `mbstring`, `pdo`, `tokenizer`, `xml`, `xsl`, `zip` ## Installation - Caddy with Docker-Compose at [Hetzner](https://www.kimai.org/documentation/hosting-hetzner-cloud.html) and [DigitalOcean](https://www.kimai.org/documentation/hosting-digital-ocean.html) - [SSH setup](https://www.kimai.org/documentation/installation.html) with Git and Composer - [Docker images](https://hub.docker.com/r/kimai/kimai2) with FPM only or incl. Apache - [Synology](https://www.kimai.org/documentation/synology.html) user can host the Docker version - [Developer setups](https://www.kimai.org/documentation/developers.html) if you want to create Kimai integrations There are more documented ways for [on-premise hosting](https://www.kimai.org/documentation/chapter-on-premise.html). And if you don't want to host Kimai, you can use [the Cloud version](https://www.kimai.cloud/) of it. ### Updating Kimai - [Update Kimai](https://www.kimai.org/documentation/updates.html) — get the latest version - [UPGRADING guide](UPGRADING.md) — version specific steps ### Plugins - [Plugins](https://www.kimai.org/store/) — paid and free plugin marketplace - [Developer documentation](https://www.kimai.org/documentation/developers.html) — how to create a plugin ## Roadmap and releases You can see a rough development [roadmap](https://github.com/orgs/kimai/projects/2), which is open for changes and input from the community, your [ideas](https://github.com/kimai/kimai/issues) are welcome. Release versions will be created on a regular basis, every couple of weeks latest. Every code change, whether it's a new feature or a bugfix, will be done on the `main` branch. ## Contributing You want to contribute to this repository? This is so great! The best way to start is to [open a new issue](https://github.com/kimai/kimai/issues) for bugs or feature requests or a [discussion](https://github.com/kimai/kimai/discussions) for questions, support and such. In case you want to contribute, but you wouldn't know how, here are some suggestions: - Spread the word: Please [write a testimonial for our Wall of love](https://love.kimai.org), vote for Kimai on any software platform, you can toot or tweet about it, share it on LinkedIn, Reddit and any other social media platform! - Answer questions: You know the answer to another user's problem? Share your knowledge. - Something can be done better? An essential feature is missing? Create a feature request. - Report bugs makes Kimai better for everyone. - You don't have to be programmer, the documentation and translation could always use some attention. - Sponsor the project: free software costs money to create! There is one simple rule in our "Code of conduct": Don't be an ass! ### Credits Kimai is based on modern technologies and frameworks such as [PHP](https://www.php.net/), [Symfony](https://github.com/symfony/symfony) and [Doctrine](https://github.com/doctrine/), [Bootstrap](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap) and [Tabler](https://tabler.io/), and [countless](composer.json) [others](package.json).