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    <file source-language="en" target-language="en" datatype="plaintext" original="exceptions.en.xliff">
            <trans-unit id="access.denied">
                <target>Access was denied</target>
            <trans-unit id="stacktrace">
                <target>The problem occured here</target>
            <trans-unit id="http_error.title">
            <trans-unit id="http_error.description">
                <target>Something is wrong</target>
            <trans-unit id="http_error.suggestion">
                    A critical error occurred, please try again.
                    You may have found a software problem, please contact your administrator if the problem persists.
            <trans-unit id="http_error_404.description">
                <target>Page not found</target>
            <trans-unit id="http_error_404.suggestion">
                    We could not find the page you were looking for.
                    Please return to your dashboard and start over.
            <trans-unit id="http_error_403.description">
                <target>Page is restricted</target>
            <trans-unit id="http_error_403.suggestion">
                    Sorry, but you don't have sufficient permissions to see this page.
                    Please talk to your administrator if you think this is an error.