<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" version="1.2">
  <file source-language="en" target-language="eu" datatype="plaintext" original="validators.en.xlf">
      <trans-unit id="IkNxbBI" resname="This value is not a valid role.">
        <source>This value is not a valid role.</source>
        <target>Zehaztutako balioa ez da rol balio zuzena.</target>
      <trans-unit id="CLHaByy" resname="End date must not be earlier then start date.">
        <source>End date must not be earlier then start date.</source>
        <target>Amariera datak ezin du hasierako data baino lehenagokoa izan.</target>
      <trans-unit id="ePrqiLM" resname="The begin date cannot be in the future.">
        <source>The begin date cannot be in the future.</source>
        <target>Hasiera datak ezin du etorkizunean egon.</target>
      <trans-unit id="VJSZSD0" resname="The given value is not a valid time.">
        <source>The given value is not a valid time.</source>
        <target>Emandako balioa ez da baliozko denbora.</target>
      <trans-unit id="u2wjm2i" resname="You already have an entry for this time.">
        <source>You already have an entry for this time.</source>
        <target>Ordu honetarako erregistro bat duzu dagoeneko.</target>
      <trans-unit id="0o.pH3X" resname="This period is locked, please choose a later date.">
        <source>This period is locked, please choose a later date.</source>
        <target>Epe hau blokeatuta dago. Aukeratu geroagoko data bat.</target>
      <trans-unit id="yDlKSRw" resname="This invoice document cannot be used, please rename the file and upload it again.">
        <source>This invoice document cannot be used, please rename the file and upload it again.</source>
        <target>Faktura dokumentu hau ezin da erabili. Mesedez, aldatu izena fitxategiari eta igo ezazu berriro.</target>
      <trans-unit id="1V6BsD_" resname="You must select at least one user or team.">
        <source>You must select at least one user or team.</source>
        <target>Erabiltzaile edo talde bat hautatu behar duzu gutxienez.</target>