* no back links in modal pages
* remove unused service links to bountysource and gitter
* add validation for budget and time-budget fields
* display time budget if set
* remove console log
* sanitize DDE payloads
* do not show status and name in version string
Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <j.lavoie@net-c.ca>
Co-authored-by: phlostically <phlostically@mailinator.com>
Co-authored-by: Oğuz Ersen <oguzersen@protonmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Bogi Napoleon Wennerstrøm <bogi.wennerstrom@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Martin Didriksen <martindidriksen@hotmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Christian Eichert <c@zp1.net>
Co-authored-by: Gontzal Manuel Pujana Onaindia <thadahdenyse@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: DJScias <djscias@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Oliveira Rosa <brunokauaoliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Mohammad Firuzabadi <mohmmad.fi@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Kevin Papst <kpapst@gmx.net>
* set default times for daterange objects
* allow to show order and order by fields
* move search to modal
* more options for page size
* save export visibility in cookie
* make voters a final class
* upgrade dependencies
* sort project alphabetically in dashboard widget
* open detail page on row click
* do not break on null tag name
* added max height to scrollable widgets on dashboard
* added timesheet duplicate event
* allow to deactivate browser title update
* improve comment box
* moved role permissions to own menu
* removed tabs in user screen
* fix user can remove super-admin from own account
* do not close modal if form is dirty
* deprecated TimesheetConfiguration
* inject timezone in form types
* cleanup usage of UserDateTimeFactory
* allow to configure increment steps for minutes
* use 15 minutes step for datetimepicker in project edit form
* use rounding rules for increments in minute select for begin and end
* allow duration in multi user and admin timesheet forms
* make dropdown values configurable