* removed unused mapping information
* added support for further field types
* fixed changing date objects for begin and end
* added more project fields as invoice variables
* theme update and asset rebuild
* added sortable js library
* activity in invoice is optional
* added javascript widget for paginated boxes
* fix activity dropdown for globals only
* added timesheet service to reduce code duplication
* use repository to query for teams in dropdowns
* added project validator
* validate project start and end against timesheet
* include begin and end in dynamic form requests for projects
* added timezone and language option to import flag, improve timesheet import speed
* deactivate cross-timezone filter
* add virtual fields to field order list
* composer update
* added param to ignore dates
* position loader icon fixed - fixes#1330
* permission problem when creating a new project - fixes#1340
* remove dev dependencies webserver and thanks bundle
* stop information leak (begin and end date) in duration mode - fixes#1307
* unify timesheet edit dialog for user and admins
* fix security issue, own rates exposed to unauthorized users in multi-update dialog
* include user teams in user entity
* prevent unauthorized access via API
* improve teamlead permission handling in team timesheets
* add team data to user entity
* add security tests
* highlight menu for invoice template copy
* unified handling of invoice data across all templates
* access to the current users data in invoice templates
* permission improvement in invoice form
* allow to skip record rows
* allow to add new invoice locations without overwriting the global ones
* allow to order user preferences
* change permission for normal users with access to view_other_timesheets
* properly validate invoice template field length
* allow to replace multiple variables in cell values text
* upgraded office invoice template
* doctrine deprecation fix
* upgrade phpoffice/phpword
* fix future begin check for default rounding rules
* dashboard widget counter: respect visibility and teams - fixes#1161
* fix future begin check for default rounding rules
* added new events for pre and post invoice rendering
* fix permission issue for users without team seeing all records
* prevent error in spreadsheet renderer for empty invoices
- refactored admin controller and templates
- plugin support for entity actions
- changed column mail to email in customer table
- refactored theme events