* remove permission check, as own timesheets should always be visible
* new methods to create datetime
* allow access to user roles in javascript
* support class for dropdown actions
* allow to edit internal rate
* support human readable duration in export via user configuration
* allow to order timesheet listing by user, exported and billable field
* bump codecov action
* simplify translation
* bump version
* deprecate translations
* pass date-range as argument to export and timesheet filter URL from monthly overview report
* added class for use in responsive screens
* show technical role name
* simplify multi-update title
* more statistic models
* bump composer packages
- added missing InvoiceTemplate company, title) field validator
- graceful fallback for missing working-contract mode
- improve email test command (use configured MAIL_FROM)
- additional form types for simple usage in SystemConfiguration and UserPreferences
- allow to extend the working time query via event
- added command to list users
- corrected wrong german translation
- work contract validations
- prevent error with missing params
- use collapsible, minor UI improvement
- added classes to target menu buttons in custom rules
- disable webpack notifier, incompatible with mac arm
- use explicit menu service to generate menu
- bump to fontawesome 6 and replace restart icon
- change repeat icon for recent activities
- moved user bookmarks (favorites) to top nav
- fix totp seconds window (leeway)
- new migration to fix remaining user preferences with dots in name
- remove duplicate named column in user screen
- unify and added translations
- added missing filter and tags to InvoiceSecurity
* do not traverse into invoice template subdirectories (#3735)
* fix security open api definition
* fix currency can be null, removed fluent interface
* merged release 1.30.3
* allow to pre-fill timesheet metafields via URL
* fix api description
* added test accounts with simpler names and password
* upgrade to Symfony 6.2
* removed FrameworkExtraBundle (by Sensio) and replaced with new native SF annotations
* fixed symfony 6.2 deprecations
* fixed#3768
* remove twitter link
* remove WIP file
* adjust release draft message
* reset code coverage threshold back to 0.5
* changed wordings
* re-activate wizard for fixture accounts
* fix repo url and license
* license identifier
* bump version
* moved Kimai 1 import command from core to plugin
* do not traverse into invoice template subdirectories (#3735)
* fix branch alias
* composer update
* switch language on wizard select
* new twig function to create qr code
* fix daily stats in timesheet listing
* improved html invoice templates
* fix isWeekend() test for sunday fdow
* re-use the pattern for optgroup title
* prevent method on null
* composer update
* pre-select an option if it is the only available one
* added command to stop all active timesheets
* fix truncated comments for customer, project and activity
* fix export button label for non-translated renderer
* fixed avatar size if image or SVG is used
* filter timesheets by billable state in API
* bump version
* fix translation ids
* added css classes to modify form with custom css
* improve export pdf file names
* respect financial year in new report
* added new InvoiceCalculator: price
* upgrade packages and node-sass to v7
* title pattern for customer, project and activity via API
* support negative money without currency
* fix sub-locale in print export template
* fix overbooking validation for monthly budget
* fix copying entities with different set of custom-fields compared to the current configuration
* allow to input password interactively in console
* added block to simplify overwriting export template parts
* prevent installation in PHP 8.1
* composer update
* phpunit version to 9
* support negative amounts in excel export
* added system configuration actions for calendar, weekly timesheet, users
* added method to render text with full markdown support
* make duplicate project action available on details page
* move "weekly hours" form to main menu
* changed label of week chooser
* hide quick entries menu for punch mode users
* bump version
* fix invisible class on labels
* fail safe removal of foreign key
* check if optional form field exists before accessing it
* silently ignore stopped timesheets
* prevent colliding parameter names
* make sure decimal duration is always rendered with two decimals
* simplify translation
* fix#2751 ANSI_QUOTES
* rename composer task
* fix billable statistic rates
* added missing translation for export
* removed un-maintained docker file
* update all packages
* fix deprecations
* only show one line descriptions for customer, projects and activities
* allow to show export column in timesheet listing
* set default times for daterange objects
* allow to show order and order by fields
* move search to modal
* more options for page size
* save export visibility in cookie
* do not close modal if form is dirty
* deprecated TimesheetConfiguration
* inject timezone in form types
* cleanup usage of UserDateTimeFactory
* allow to configure increment steps for minutes
* use 15 minutes step for datetimepicker in project edit form
* use rounding rules for increments in minute select for begin and end
* allow duration in multi user and admin timesheet forms
* make dropdown values configurable