mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 20:32:51 +00:00
2857 lines
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from __future__ import annotations
import email
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import sqlite3
import uuid
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from collections.abc import Iterable
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta as td
from email.message import EmailMessage
from itertools import islice
from secrets import token_urlsafe
from typing import Literal, TypedDict, cast
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlparse
from uuid import UUID
from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
from cronsim import CronSim, CronSimError
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.core import signing
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from django.db.models import Case, Count, F, Q, QuerySet, When
from django.db.models.functions import Substr
from django.http import (
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect, render
from django.template.loader import get_template, render_to_string
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.timezone import now
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from django.views.decorators.http import require_POST
from django_stubs_ext import WithAnnotations
from oncalendar import OnCalendar, OnCalendarError
from pydantic import BaseModel, TypeAdapter, ValidationError
from hc.accounts.http import AuthenticatedHttpRequest
from hc.accounts.models import Member, Profile, Project
from hc.api.models import (
from hc.api.transports import Signal, SignalRateLimitFailure, Telegram, TransportError
from hc.front import forms
from hc.front.decorators import require_setting
from hc.front.templatetags.hc_extras import (
from hc.lib import curl, github
from hc.lib.badges import get_badge_url
from hc.lib.tz import all_timezones
from hc.lib.urls import absolute_reverse
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
VALID_SORT_VALUES = ("name", "-name", "last_ping", "-last_ping", "created")
STATUS_TEXT_TMPL = get_template("front/log_status_text.html")
LAST_PING_TMPL = get_template("front/last_ping_cell.html")
EVENTS_TMPL = get_template("front/details_events.html")
DOWNTIMES_TMPL = get_template("front/details_downtimes.html")
def _tags_counts(checks: Iterable[Check]) -> tuple[list[tuple[str, str, str]], int]:
num_down = 0
grace = set()
counts: Counter[str] = Counter()
down_counts: Counter[str] = Counter()
for check in checks:
if check.cached_status == "down":
num_down += 1
elif check.cached_status == "grace":
result = []
for tag in counts:
if tag in down_counts:
status = "down"
text = f"{down_counts[tag]} of {counts[tag]} down"
status = "grace" if tag in grace else "up"
text = f"{counts[tag]} up"
result.append((tag, status, text))
return result, num_down
def _common_timezones(checks: Iterable[Check]) -> list[str]:
counter: Counter[str] = Counter()
for check in checks:
counter[check.tz] += 1
return [tz for tz, _ in counter.most_common(3)]
def _get_check_for_user(
request: HttpRequest, code: UUID, preload_owner_profile: bool = False
) -> tuple[Check, bool]:
"""Return specified check if current user has access to it.
If `preload_owner_profile` is `True`, the returned check's
project.owner.profile will be already loaded. This helps avoid extra SQL queries
if the caller later looks up the project owner's check_limit or ping_log_limit.
assert request.user.is_authenticated
q = Check.objects.select_related("project")
if preload_owner_profile:
q = q.select_related("project__owner__profile")
check = get_object_or_404(q, code=code)
if request.user.is_superuser:
return check, True
if request.user.id == check.project.owner_id:
return check, True
membership = get_object_or_404(Member, project=check.project, user=request.user)
return check, membership.is_rw
def _get_rw_check_for_user(request: HttpRequest, code: UUID) -> Check:
check, rw = _get_check_for_user(request, code)
if not rw:
raise PermissionDenied
return check
def _get_channel_for_user(request: HttpRequest, code: UUID) -> tuple[Channel, bool]:
"""Return specified channel if current user has access to it."""
assert request.user.is_authenticated
channel = get_object_or_404(Channel.objects.select_related("project"), code=code)
if request.user.is_superuser:
return channel, True
if request.user.id == channel.project.owner_id:
return channel, True
membership = get_object_or_404(Member, project=channel.project, user=request.user)
return channel, membership.is_rw
def _get_rw_channel_for_user(request: HttpRequest, code: UUID) -> Channel:
channel, rw = _get_channel_for_user(request, code)
if not rw:
raise PermissionDenied
return channel
def _get_project_for_user(request: HttpRequest, code: UUID) -> tuple[Project, bool]:
"""Check access, return (project, rw) tuple."""
project = get_object_or_404(Project, code=code)
if request.user.is_superuser:
return project, True
if request.user.id == project.owner_id:
return project, True
membership = get_object_or_404(Member, project=project, user=request.user)
return project, membership.is_rw
def _get_rw_project_for_user(request: HttpRequest, code: UUID) -> Project:
"""Check access, return (project, rw) tuple."""
project, rw = _get_project_for_user(request, code)
if not rw:
raise PermissionDenied
return project
def _refresh_last_active_date(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest) -> None:
"""Update last_active_date if it is more than a day old."""
profile = request.profile
if profile.last_active_date is None or (now() - profile.last_active_date).days > 0:
profile.last_active_date = now()
# Also modify session to trigger session cookie refresh
# and push forward its expiry date:
request.session["last_active"] = profile.last_active_date.timestamp()
return None
def _get_referer_qs(request: HttpRequest) -> str:
parsed = urlparse(request.META.get("HTTP_REFERER", ""))
if parsed.query:
assert isinstance(parsed.query, str)
return "?" + parsed.query
return ""
def _status_match(check: Check, statuses: set[str]) -> bool:
if "started" in statuses and check.last_start:
return True
return check.cached_status in statuses
def checks(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project, rw = _get_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.GET.get("sort") in VALID_SORT_VALUES:
request.profile.sort = request.GET["sort"]
if request.GET.get("urls") in ("uuid", "slug") and rw:
project.show_slugs = request.GET["urls"] == "slug"
if request.session.get("last_project_id") != project.id:
request.session["last_project_id"] = project.id
q = Check.objects.filter(project=project)
q = q.select_related("project")
checks = list(q.prefetch_related("channel_set"))
sortchecks(checks, request.profile.sort)
tags_counts, num_down = _tags_counts(checks)
tags_counts.sort(key=lambda item: item[0].lower())
is_group = Case(When(kind="group", then=0), default=1)
channels = project.channel_set.annotate(is_group=is_group)
# Sort groups first, then in the creation order
channels = channels.order_by("is_group", "created")
hidden_checks = set()
# Hide checks that don't match selected tags:
selected_tags = set(request.GET.getlist("tag", []))
if selected_tags:
for check in checks:
if not selected_tags.issubset(check.tags_list()):
# Hide checks that don't match the search string:
search = request.GET.get("search", "")
if search:
for check in checks:
haystack = f"{check.name}\n{check.slug}\n{check.code}"
if search not in haystack.lower():
# Hide checks that don't match status filters
selected_statuses = set(request.GET.getlist("status", []))
if selected_statuses:
for check in checks:
if not _status_match(check, selected_statuses):
# Figure out which checks have ambiguous ping URLs
seen, ambiguous = set(), set()
if project.show_slugs:
for check in checks:
if check.slug and check.slug in seen:
# Do we need to show the "Last Duration" header?
show_last_duration = False
for check in checks:
if check.clamped_last_duration():
show_last_duration = True
ctx = {
"page": "checks",
"rw": rw,
"checks": checks,
"channels": channels,
"num_down": num_down,
"tags": tags_counts,
"ping_endpoint": settings.PING_ENDPOINT,
"common_timezones": _common_timezones(checks),
"timezones": all_timezones,
"project": project,
"num_available": project.num_checks_available(),
"sort": request.profile.sort,
"selected_tags": selected_tags,
"selected_statuses": selected_statuses,
"search": search,
"hidden_checks": hidden_checks,
"num_visible": len(checks) - len(hidden_checks),
"ambiguous": ambiguous,
"show_last_duration": show_last_duration,
return render(request, "front/checks.html", ctx)
def status(request: HttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
if not request.user.is_authenticated:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
project, rw = _get_project_for_user(request, code)
checks = list(Check.objects.filter(project=project))
details = []
for check in checks:
ctx = {"check": check}
"code": str(check.code),
"status": check.get_status(),
"last_ping": LAST_PING_TMPL.render(ctx).strip(),
"started": check.last_start is not None,
tags_counts, num_down = _tags_counts(checks)
tags = {tag: (status, tooltip) for tag, status, tooltip in tags_counts}
return JsonResponse(
{"details": details, "tags": tags, "title": num_down_title(num_down)}
def switch_channel(
request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID, channel_code: UUID
) -> HttpResponse:
check = _get_rw_check_for_user(request, code)
channel = get_object_or_404(Channel, code=channel_code)
if channel.project_id != check.project_id:
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
if request.POST.get("state") == "on":
return HttpResponse()
class ProjectStatus(TypedDict):
status: str
started: bool
def _get_project_summary(profile: Profile) -> dict[UUID, ProjectStatus]:
statuses: dict[UUID, ProjectStatus] = defaultdict(
lambda: {"status": "up", "started": False}
q = profile.checks_from_all_projects()
q = q.annotate(project_code=F("project__code"))
for check in q:
summary = statuses[check.project_code]
if check.last_start:
summary["started"] = True
if summary["status"] != "down":
status = check.get_status()
if status == "down" or (status == "grace" and summary["status"] == "up"):
summary["status"] = status
return statuses
def index(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
if not request.user.is_authenticated:
return redirect("hc-login")
# We now know user is logged, tell the type checker request.profile exists-
request = cast(AuthenticatedHttpRequest, request)
summary = _get_project_summary(request.profile)
if "refresh" in request.GET:
return JsonResponse({str(k): v for k, v in summary.items()})
q = request.profile.projects()
q = q.annotate(n_checks=Count("check", distinct=True))
q = q.annotate(n_channels=Count("channel", distinct=True))
q = q.annotate(owner_email=F("owner__email"))
projects = list(q)
any_down = False
for project in projects:
setattr(project, "overall_status", summary[project.code]["status"])
setattr(project, "any_started", summary[project.code]["started"])
if summary[project.code]["status"] == "down":
any_down = True
# The list returned by projects() is already sorted . Do an additional sorting pass
# to move projects with overall_status=down to the front (without changing their
# relative order)
projects.sort(key=lambda p: getattr(p, "overall_status") != "down")
ctx = {
"page": "projects",
"projects": projects,
"last_project_id": request.session.get("last_project_id"),
"any_down": any_down,
return render(request, "front/projects.html", ctx)
def projects_menu(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
projects = list(request.profile.projects())
statuses: dict[int, str] = defaultdict(lambda: "up")
for check in Check.objects.filter(project__in=projects):
old_status = statuses[check.project_id]
if old_status != "down":
status = check.get_status()
if status == "down" or (status == "grace" and old_status == "up"):
statuses[check.project_id] = status
for p in projects:
setattr(p, "overall_status", statuses[p.id])
return render(request, "front/projects_menu.html", {"projects": projects})
def dashboard(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
return render(request, "front/dashboard.html", {})
def _replace_placeholders(doc: str, html: str) -> str:
if doc.startswith("self_hosted"):
return html
limit = settings.PING_BODY_LIMIT or 100
if limit % 1000 == 0:
limit_fmt = f"{limit // 1000} kB"
limit_fmt = f"{limit} bytes"
replaces = {
"{{ default_timeout }}": str(int(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT.total_seconds())),
"{{ default_grace }}": str(int(DEFAULT_GRACE.total_seconds())),
"SITE_NAME": settings.SITE_NAME,
"SITE_ROOT": settings.SITE_ROOT,
"SITE_HOSTNAME": site_hostname(),
"SITE_SCHEME": urlparse(settings.SITE_ROOT).scheme,
"PING_URL": settings.PING_ENDPOINT + "your-uuid-here",
"PING_BODY_LIMIT": str(limit),
"IMG_URL": os.path.join(settings.STATIC_URL, "img/docs"),
for placeholder, value in replaces.items():
html = html.replace(placeholder, value)
return html
def serve_doc(request: HttpRequest, doc: str = "introduction") -> HttpResponse:
# Filenames in /templates/docs/ consist of lowercase letters and underscores,
# -- make sure we don't accept anything else
if not re.match(r"^[0-9a-z_]+$", doc):
raise Http404("not found")
path = settings.BASE_DIR / f"templates/docs/{doc}.html-fragment"
if not path.exists():
raise Http404("not found")
with path.open("r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
content = f.read()
content = _replace_placeholders(doc, content)
ctx = {
"page": "docs",
"section": doc,
"content": content,
"first_line": content.split("\n")[0],
return render(request, "front/docs_single.html", ctx)
def docs_search(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
form = forms.SearchForm(request.GET)
if not form.is_valid():
return render(request, "front/docs_search.html", {"results": []})
query = """
SELECT slug, title, snippet(docs, 2, '<span>', '</span>', '…', 10)
FROM docs
ORDER BY bm25(docs, 2.0, 10.0, 1.0)
# Wrap the query in double quotes to get a valid FTS string
# https://www.sqlite.org/fts5.html#full_text_query_syntax
q = '"%s"' % form.cleaned_data["q"]
con = sqlite3.connect(settings.BASE_DIR / "search.db")
cur = con.cursor()
res = cur.execute(query, (q,))
ctx = {"results": res.fetchall()}
return render(request, "front/docs_search.html", ctx)
def docs_cron(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
return render(request, "front/docs_cron.html", {"page": "docs-cron"})
def add_check(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if project.num_checks_available() <= 0:
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
form = forms.AddCheckForm(request.POST)
if not form.is_valid():
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
check = Check(project=project)
check.name = form.cleaned_data["name"]
check.slug = form.cleaned_data["slug"]
check.tags = form.cleaned_data["tags"]
check.kind = form.cleaned_data["kind"]
check.timeout = form.cleaned_data["timeout"]
check.schedule = form.cleaned_data["schedule"]
check.tz = form.cleaned_data["tz"]
check.grace = form.cleaned_data["grace"]
url = reverse("hc-checks", args=[project.code])
url += _get_referer_qs(request) # Preserve selected tags and search
return redirect(url)
def update_name(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
check = _get_rw_check_for_user(request, code)
form = forms.NameTagsForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
check.name = form.cleaned_data["name"]
check.slug = form.cleaned_data["slug"]
check.tags = form.cleaned_data["tags"]
check.desc = form.cleaned_data["desc"]
if "/details/" in request.META.get("HTTP_REFERER", ""):
return redirect("hc-details", code)
url = reverse("hc-checks", args=[check.project.code])
url += _get_referer_qs(request) # Preserve selected tags and search
return redirect(url)
def filtering_rules(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
check = _get_rw_check_for_user(request, code)
form = forms.FilteringRulesForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
check.filter_subject = form.cleaned_data["filter_subject"]
check.filter_body = form.cleaned_data["filter_body"]
check.start_kw = form.cleaned_data["start_kw"]
check.success_kw = form.cleaned_data["success_kw"]
check.failure_kw = form.cleaned_data["failure_kw"]
check.methods = form.cleaned_data["methods"]
check.manual_resume = form.cleaned_data["manual_resume"]
return redirect("hc-details", code)
def update_timeout(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
check = _get_rw_check_for_user(request, code)
kind = request.POST.get("kind")
if kind == "simple":
simple_form = forms.TimeoutForm(request.POST)
if not simple_form.is_valid():
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
check.kind = "simple"
check.timeout = simple_form.cleaned_data["timeout"]
check.grace = simple_form.cleaned_data["grace"]
elif kind == "cron":
cron_form = forms.CronForm(request.POST)
if not cron_form.is_valid():
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
check.kind = "cron"
check.schedule = cron_form.cleaned_data["schedule"]
check.tz = cron_form.cleaned_data["tz"]
check.grace = cron_form.cleaned_data["grace"]
elif kind == "oncalendar":
oncalendar_form = forms.OnCalendarForm(request.POST)
if not oncalendar_form.is_valid():
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
check.kind = "oncalendar"
check.schedule = oncalendar_form.cleaned_data["schedule"]
check.tz = oncalendar_form.cleaned_data["tz"]
check.grace = oncalendar_form.cleaned_data["grace"]
check.alert_after = check.going_down_after()
if check.status == "up":
assert check.alert_after
if check.alert_after < now():
# Checks can flip from "up" to "down" state as a result of changing check's
# schedule. We don't want to send notifications when changing schedule
# interactively in the web UI. So we update the `alert_after` and `status`
# fields, and create a Flip object here the same way as `sendalerts` would
# do, but without sending an actual alert.
# We need to create the Flip object because otherwise the calculation
# in Check.downtimes() will come out wrong (when this check later comes up,
# we will have no record of when it went down).
check.create_flip("down", mark_as_processed=True)
check.alert_after = None
check.status = "down"
if "/details/" in request.META.get("HTTP_REFERER", ""):
return redirect("hc-details", code)
url = reverse("hc-checks", args=[check.project.code])
url += _get_referer_qs(request) # Preserve selected tags and search
return redirect(url)
def cron_preview(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
schedule = request.POST.get("schedule", "")
tz = request.POST.get("tz")
ctx: dict[str, object] = {"tz": tz}
if tz not in all_timezones:
ctx["bad_tz"] = True
return render(request, "front/cron_preview.html", ctx)
now_local = now().astimezone(ZoneInfo(tz))
it = CronSim(schedule, now_local)
ctx["dates"] = list(islice(it, 0, 6))
ctx["desc"] = it.explain()
except CronSimError:
ctx["bad_schedule"] = True
if not ctx.get("dates"):
ctx["bad_schedule"] = True
return render(request, "front/cron_preview.html", ctx)
def oncalendar_preview(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
schedule = request.POST.get("schedule", "")
tz = request.POST.get("tz")
ctx: dict[str, object] = {"tz": tz, "dates": []}
if tz not in all_timezones:
ctx["bad_tz"] = True
return render(request, "front/oncalendar_preview.html", ctx)
now_local = now().astimezone(ZoneInfo(tz))
it = OnCalendar(schedule, now_local)
iterations = 6 if tz == "UTC" else 4
ctx["dates"] = list(islice(it, 0, iterations))
except OnCalendarError:
ctx["bad_schedule"] = True
if not ctx["dates"]:
ctx["bad_schedule"] = True
return render(request, "front/oncalendar_preview.html", ctx)
def validate_schedule(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
kind = request.GET.get("kind", "")
iterator: type[CronSim] | type[OnCalendar]
if kind == "cron":
iterator = CronSim
elif kind == "oncalendar":
iterator = OnCalendar
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
schedule = request.GET.get("schedule", "")
result = True
# Does cronsim/oncalendar accept the schedule?
it = iterator(schedule, now())
# Can it calculate the next datetime?
except (CronSimError, OnCalendarError, StopIteration):
result = False
return JsonResponse({"result": result})
def ping_details(
request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID, n: int | None = None
) -> HttpResponse:
# This view makes two non-obvious SQL queries:
# * it calls ping.get_body(), which reads self.owner.code, triggering a query
# * the template calls ping.duration() which queries past "/start" events
check, rw = _get_check_for_user(request, code)
q = Ping.objects.filter(owner=check)
if n:
q = q.filter(n=n)
# When n is not specified, look up the most recent success or failure,
# ignoring "start", "log", "ign" events
q = q.exclude(kind__in=("start", "log", "ign"))
ping = q.latest("created")
except Ping.DoesNotExist:
return render(request, "front/ping_details_not_found.html")
body = ping.get_body()
ctx = {
"check": check,
"ping": ping,
"body": body,
"plain": None,
"html": None,
"active": None,
if ping.scheme == "email" and body:
parsed = email.message_from_string(body, policy=email.policy.SMTP)
assert isinstance(parsed, EmailMessage)
ctx["subject"] = parsed.get("subject", "")
# The "active" tab is set to show the value that's successfully parsed last.
# Per the current implementation, this means that if both plain text and HTML
# content are present, the ping details dialog will initially display the HTML
# content, otherwise - only one content type exists, and we default to that
# (either plain text or HTML, at least one of them should exist in a
# valid email).
# NOTE: If both plain text and html have not been parsed successfully the
# "active" tab is not set at all, but currently this is not an issue since in
# this case the "ping details" template does not render any tabs.
plain_mime_part = parsed.get_body(("plain",))
if plain_mime_part:
assert isinstance(plain_mime_part, EmailMessage)
ctx["plain"] = plain_mime_part.get_content()
ctx["active"] = "plain"
html_mime_part = parsed.get_body(("html",))
if html_mime_part:
assert isinstance(html_mime_part, EmailMessage)
ctx["html"] = html_mime_part.get_content()
ctx["active"] = "html"
return render(request, "front/ping_details.html", ctx)
def ping_body(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID, n: int) -> HttpResponse:
check, rw = _get_check_for_user(request, code)
ping = get_object_or_404(Ping, owner=check, n=n)
body = ping.get_body_bytes()
except Ping.GetBodyError:
return HttpResponse(status=503)
if not body:
raise Http404("not found")
response = HttpResponse(body, content_type="application/octet-stream")
filename = "%s-%s" % (check.code, ping.n)
response["Content-Disposition"] = f'attachment; filename="{filename}.txt"'
return response
def pause(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
check = _get_rw_check_for_user(request, code)
# Track the status change for correct downtime calculation in Check.downtimes()
check.create_flip("paused", mark_as_processed=True)
check.status = "paused"
check.last_start = None
check.alert_after = None
# After pausing a check we must check if all checks are up,
# and Profile.next_nag_date needs to be cleared out:
# Don't redirect after an AJAX request:
if request.META.get("HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH") == "XMLHttpRequest":
return HttpResponse()
return redirect("hc-details", code)
def resume(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
check = _get_rw_check_for_user(request, code)
if check.status != "paused":
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
check.create_flip("new", mark_as_processed=True)
check.status = "new"
check.last_start = None
check.last_ping = None
check.alert_after = None
return redirect("hc-details", code)
def remove_check(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
check = _get_rw_check_for_user(request, code)
project = check.project
return redirect("hc-checks", project.code)
def clear_events(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
check = _get_rw_check_for_user(request, code)
check.status = "new"
check.last_ping = None
check.last_start = None
check.last_duration = None
check.has_confirmation_link = False
check.alert_after = None
return redirect("hc-details", code)
class PingAnnotations(TypedDict):
body_raw_preview: bytes
def _get_events(
check: Check,
page_limit: int,
start: datetime,
end: datetime,
kinds: tuple[str, ...] | None = None,
) -> list[Notification | WithAnnotations[Ping, PingAnnotations] | Flip]:
# Sorting by "n" instead of "id" is important here. Both give the same
# query results, but sorting by "id" can cause postgres to pick
# api_ping.id index (slow if the api_ping table is big). Sorting by
# "n" works around the problem--postgres picks the api_ping.owner_id index.
pq = check.visible_pings.order_by("-n")
pq = pq.filter(created__gte=start, created__lte=end)
if kinds is not None:
kinds_filter = Q(kind__in=kinds)
if "success" in kinds:
kinds_filter = kinds_filter | Q(kind__isnull=True) | Q(kind="")
pq = pq.filter(kinds_filter)
# Optimization: defer loading body_raw, instead load its first 150 bytes
# as "body_raw_preview". This reduces both network I/O to database, and disk I/O
# on the database host if the database contains large request bodies.
pq = pq.defer("body_raw")
pq = pq.annotate(body_raw_preview=Substr("body_raw", 1, 151))
pings = list(pq[:page_limit])
# Optimization: the template will access Ping.duration, which would generate a
# SQL query per displayed ping. Since we've already fetched a list of pings,
# for some of them we can calculate durations more efficiently, without causing
# additional SQL queries:
starts: dict[UUID | None, datetime | None] = {}
num_misses = 0
for ping in reversed(pings):
if ping.kind == "start":
starts[ping.rid] = ping.created
elif ping.kind in (None, "", "fail"):
if ping.rid not in starts:
# We haven't seen a start, success or fail event for this rid.
# Will need to fall back to Ping.duration().
num_misses += 1
ping.duration = None
matching_start = starts[ping.rid]
if matching_start is not None:
if ping.created - matching_start < MAX_DURATION:
ping.duration = ping.created - matching_start
starts[ping.rid] = None
# If we will need to fall back to Ping.duration() more than 10 times
# then disable duration display altogether:
if num_misses > 10:
for ping in pings:
ping.duration = None
alerts: list[Notification] = []
if kinds and "notification" in kinds:
aq = check.notification_set.order_by("-created")
aq = aq.filter(created__gte=start, created__lte=end, check_status="down")
aq = aq.select_related("channel")
alerts = list(aq[:page_limit])
flips: list[Flip] = []
if kinds is None or "flip" in kinds:
fq = check.flip_set.order_by("-created")
fq = fq.filter(created__gte=start, created__lte=end)
flips = list(fq[:page_limit])
events = pings + alerts + flips
# Sort events by the timestamp.
# If timestamps are equal, put flips chronologically after pings
events.sort(key=lambda el: (el.created, isinstance(el, Flip)), reverse=True)
return events[:page_limit]
def log(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
check, rw = _get_check_for_user(request, code, preload_owner_profile=True)
smin = check.created
smax = now()
oldest_ping = check.visible_pings.order_by("n").first()
if oldest_ping:
smin = max(smin, oldest_ping.created)
events = _get_events(check, 1000, start=smin, end=smax)
ctx = {
"page": "log",
"project": check.project,
"check": check,
"min": smin,
"max": smax,
"events": events,
"oldest_ping": oldest_ping,
if events:
# A full precision timestamp of the most recent event.
# This will be used client-side for fetching live updates to specify
# "return any events after *this* point".
ctx["last_event_timestamp"] = events[0].created.timestamp()
return render(request, "front/log.html", ctx)
def details(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
check, rw = _get_check_for_user(request, code, preload_owner_profile=True)
if request.GET.get("urls") in ("uuid", "slug") and rw:
check.project.show_slugs = request.GET["urls"] == "slug"
all_channels = check.project.channel_set.order_by("created")
regular_channels: list[Channel] = []
group_channels: list[Channel] = []
for channel in all_channels:
channels = group_channels if channel.kind == "group" else regular_channels
all_tags = set()
sibling_checks = Check.objects.filter(project=check.project).only("tags", "tz")
for sibling in sibling_checks:
if sibling.tags:
all_tags.update(sibling.tags.split(" "))
ctx = {
"page": "details",
"project": check.project,
"check": check,
"rw": rw,
"channels": regular_channels,
"group_channels": group_channels,
"enabled_channels": list(check.channel_set.all()),
"common_timezones": _common_timezones(sibling_checks),
"timezones": all_timezones,
"downtimes": check.downtimes(3, request.profile.tz),
"tz": request.profile.tz,
"is_copied": "copied" in request.GET,
"all_tags": " ".join(sorted(all_tags)),
return render(request, "front/details.html", ctx)
def uncloak(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, unique_key: str) -> HttpResponse:
for check in request.profile.checks_from_all_projects().only("code"):
if check.unique_key == unique_key:
return redirect("hc-details", check.code)
raise Http404("not found")
def transfer(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
check = _get_rw_check_for_user(request, code)
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.TransferForm(request.POST)
if not form.is_valid():
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
target_project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, form.cleaned_data["project"])
if target_project.owner_id != check.project.owner_id:
if target_project.num_checks_available() <= 0:
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
check.project = target_project
messages.success(request, "Check transferred successfully!")
return redirect("hc-details", code)
ctx = {"check": check}
return render(request, "front/transfer_modal.html", ctx)
def copy(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
check = _get_rw_check_for_user(request, code)
if check.project.num_checks_available() <= 0:
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
new_name = check.name + " (copy)"
# Make sure we don't exceed the 100 character db field limit:
if len(new_name) > 100:
new_name = check.name[:90] + "... (copy)"
new_slug = check.slug + "-copy"
if len(new_slug) > 100:
new_slug = ""
copied = Check(project=check.project)
copied.name = new_name
copied.slug = new_slug
copied.desc, copied.tags = check.desc, check.tags
copied.filter_subject = check.filter_subject
copied.filter_body = check.filter_body
copied.start_kw = check.start_kw
copied.success_kw = check.success_kw
copied.failure_kw = check.failure_kw
copied.methods = check.methods
copied.manual_resume = check.manual_resume
copied.kind = check.kind
copied.timeout, copied.grace = check.timeout, check.grace
copied.schedule, copied.tz = check.schedule, check.tz
url = reverse("hc-details", args=[copied.code])
return redirect(url + "?copied")
def status_single(request: HttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
if not request.user.is_authenticated:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
# We now know user is logged, tell the type checker request.profile exists-
request = cast(AuthenticatedHttpRequest, request)
check, rw = _get_check_for_user(request, code, preload_owner_profile=True)
status = check.get_status()
events = _get_events(check, 30, start=check.created, end=now())
updated = "1"
if len(events):
updated = str(events[0].created.timestamp())
doc = {
"status": status,
"status_text": STATUS_TEXT_TMPL.render({"check": check, "rw": rw}),
"title": down_title(check),
"updated": updated,
"started": check.last_start is not None,
if updated != request.GET.get("u"):
doc["events"] = EVENTS_TMPL.render({"check": check, "events": events})
downtimes = check.downtimes(3, request.profile.tz)
doc["downtimes"] = DOWNTIMES_TMPL.render(
{"downtimes": downtimes, "tz": request.profile.tz}
return JsonResponse(doc)
def badges(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project, rw = _get_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.BadgeSettingsForm(request.POST)
if not form.is_valid():
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
fmt = form.cleaned_data["fmt"]
states = form.cleaned_data["states"]
with_late = True if states == "3" else False
if form.cleaned_data["target"] == "all":
label = settings.MASTER_BADGE_LABEL
url = get_badge_url(project.badge_key, "*", fmt, with_late)
elif form.cleaned_data["target"] == "tag":
label = form.cleaned_data["tag"]
url = get_badge_url(project.badge_key, label, fmt, with_late)
elif form.cleaned_data["target"] == "check":
check = project.check_set.get(code=form.cleaned_data["check"])
url = absolute_reverse(
"hc-badge-check", args=[states, check.badge_key, fmt]
label = check.name_then_code()
if fmt == "shields":
url = "https://img.shields.io/endpoint?" + urlencode({"url": url})
ctx = {"fmt": fmt, "label": label, "url": url}
return render(request, "front/badges_preview.html", ctx)
checks = list(project.check_set.order_by("name"))
tags = set()
for check in checks:
sorted_tags = sorted(tags, key=lambda s: s.lower())
ctx = {
"project": project,
"page": "badges",
"checks": checks,
"tags": sorted_tags,
"fmt": "svg",
"label": settings.MASTER_BADGE_LABEL,
"url": get_badge_url(project.badge_key, "*"),
return render(request, "front/badges.html", ctx)
def channels(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project, rw = _get_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.method == "POST":
if not rw:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
channel_code = request.POST["channel"]
channel = Channel.objects.get(code=channel_code)
except Channel.DoesNotExist:
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
if channel.project_id != project.id:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
new_checks = []
for key in request.POST:
if key.startswith("check-"):
check_code = key[6:]
check = Check.objects.get(code=check_code)
except Check.DoesNotExist:
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
if check.project_id != project.id:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
channels = project.channel_set.annotate(n_checks=Count("checks"))
# Sort groups first, then in the creation order
channels = channels.annotate(is_group=Case(When(kind="group", then=0), default=1))
channels = channels.order_by("is_group", "created")
ctx = {
"page": "channels",
"rw": rw,
"project": project,
"profile": project.owner_profile,
"channels": channels,
"enable_apprise": settings.APPRISE_ENABLED is True,
"enable_call": bool(settings.TWILIO_AUTH),
"enable_discord": bool(settings.DISCORD_CLIENT_ID),
"enable_github": bool(settings.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID),
"enable_matrix": bool(settings.MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN),
"enable_mattermost": settings.MATTERMOST_ENABLED is True,
"enable_msteams": settings.MSTEAMS_ENABLED is True,
"enable_opsgenie": settings.OPSGENIE_ENABLED is True,
"enable_pagertree": settings.PAGERTREE_ENABLED is True,
"enable_pd": settings.PD_ENABLED is True,
"enable_prometheus": settings.PROMETHEUS_ENABLED is True,
"enable_pushbullet": bool(settings.PUSHBULLET_CLIENT_ID),
"enable_pushover": bool(settings.PUSHOVER_API_TOKEN),
"enable_rocketchat": settings.ROCKETCHAT_ENABLED is True,
"enable_shell": settings.SHELL_ENABLED is True,
"enable_signal": bool(settings.SIGNAL_CLI_SOCKET),
"enable_slack": settings.SLACK_ENABLED is True,
"enable_slack_btn": bool(settings.SLACK_CLIENT_ID),
"enable_sms": bool(settings.TWILIO_AUTH),
"enable_spike": settings.SPIKE_ENABLED is True,
"enable_telegram": bool(settings.TELEGRAM_TOKEN),
"enable_trello": bool(settings.TRELLO_APP_KEY),
"enable_victorops": settings.VICTOROPS_ENABLED is True,
"enable_webhooks": settings.WEBHOOKS_ENABLED is True,
"enable_whatsapp": settings.TWILIO_USE_WHATSAPP,
"enable_zulip": settings.ZULIP_ENABLED is True,
"use_payments": settings.USE_PAYMENTS,
return render(request, "front/channels.html", ctx)
def channel_checks(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
channel = _get_rw_channel_for_user(request, code)
assigned = set(channel.checks.values_list("code", flat=True).distinct())
checks = channel.project.check_set.order_by("created")
ctx = {"checks": checks, "assigned": assigned, "channel": channel}
return render(request, "front/channel_checks.html", ctx)
def update_channel_name(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
channel = _get_rw_channel_for_user(request, code)
form = forms.ChannelNameForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel.name = form.cleaned_data["name"]
return redirect("hc-channels", channel.project.code)
def verify_email(request: HttpRequest, code: UUID, token: str) -> HttpResponse:
channel = get_object_or_404(Channel, code=code)
if channel.make_token() == token:
channel.email_verified = True
return render(request, "front/verify_email_success.html")
return render(request, "bad_link.html")
def unsubscribe_email(
request: HttpRequest, code: UUID, signed_token: str
) -> HttpResponse:
ctx = {}
# Some email servers open links in emails to check for malicious content.
# To work around this, on GET requests we serve a confirmation form.
# If the signature is at least 5 minutes old, we also include JS code to
# auto-submit the form.
signer = signing.TimestampSigner(salt="alerts")
# First, check the signature without looking at the timestamp:
token = signer.unsign(signed_token)
except signing.BadSignature:
return render(request, "bad_link.html")
# Then, check if timestamp is older than 5 minutes:
signer.unsign(signed_token, max_age=300)
except signing.SignatureExpired:
ctx["autosubmit"] = True
channel = get_object_or_404(Channel, code=code, kind="email")
if channel.make_token() != token:
return render(request, "bad_link.html")
if request.method != "POST":
return render(request, "accounts/unsubscribe_submit.html", ctx)
return render(request, "front/unsubscribe_success.html")
def send_test_notification(
request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID
) -> HttpResponse:
channel, rw = _get_channel_for_user(request, code)
dummy = Check(name="TEST", status="down", project=channel.project)
dummy.last_ping = now() - td(days=1)
dummy.n_pings = 42
dummy_flip = Flip(owner=dummy)
dummy_flip.created = now()
dummy_flip.old_status = "up"
dummy_flip.new_status = "down"
# Delete all older test notifications for this channel
Notification.objects.filter(channel=channel, owner=None).delete()
# Send the test notification
error = channel.notify(dummy_flip, is_test=True)
if error == "no-op":
# This channel may be configured to send "up" notifications only.
dummy_flip.old_status = "down"
dummy_flip.new_status = "up"
error = channel.notify(dummy_flip, is_test=True)
if error:
messages.warning(request, "Could not send a test notification. %s." % error)
messages.success(request, "Test notification sent!")
return redirect("hc-channels", channel.project.code)
def remove_channel(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
channel = _get_rw_channel_for_user(request, code)
project = channel.project
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
def email_form(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, channel: Channel) -> HttpResponse:
adding = channel._state.adding
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.EmailForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
if channel.disabled or form.cleaned_data["value"] != channel.email.value:
channel.disabled = False
# In self-hosted setting, administrator can set
# EMAIL_USE_VERIFICATION=False to disable email verification
channel.email_verified = True
elif form.cleaned_data["value"] == request.user.email:
# If the user is adding *their own* address
# we skip the verification step
channel.email_verified = True
channel.email_verified = False
channel.value = form.get_value()
if adding:
if not channel.email_verified:
return redirect("hc-channels", channel.project.code)
elif adding:
form = forms.EmailForm()
form = forms.EmailForm(
"value": channel.email.value,
"up": channel.email.notify_up,
"down": channel.email.notify_down,
ctx = {
"page": "channels",
"project": channel.project,
"use_verification": settings.EMAIL_USE_VERIFICATION,
"form": form,
"is_new": adding,
return render(request, "integrations/email_form.html", ctx)
def add_email(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="email")
return email_form(request, channel)
def edit_channel(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
channel = _get_rw_channel_for_user(request, code)
if channel.kind == "email":
return email_form(request, channel)
elif channel.kind == "webhook":
return webhook_form(request, channel)
elif channel.kind == "sms":
return sms_form(request, channel)
elif channel.kind == "signal":
return signal_form(request, channel)
elif channel.kind == "whatsapp":
return whatsapp_form(request, channel)
elif channel.kind == "ntfy":
return ntfy_form(request, channel)
elif channel.kind == "group":
return group_form(request, channel)
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
def webhook_form(request: HttpRequest, channel: Channel) -> HttpResponse:
adding = channel._state.adding
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.WebhookForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel.name = form.cleaned_data["name"]
channel.value = form.get_value()
if adding:
return redirect("hc-channels", channel.project.code)
elif adding:
form = forms.WebhookForm()
def flatten(d: dict[str, str]) -> str:
return "\n".join("%s: %s" % pair for pair in d.items())
doc = json.loads(channel.value)
doc["headers_down"] = flatten(doc["headers_down"])
doc["headers_up"] = flatten(doc["headers_up"])
doc["name"] = channel.name
form = forms.WebhookForm(doc)
ctx = {
"page": "channels",
"project": channel.project,
"form": form,
"is_new": adding,
return render(request, "integrations/webhook_form.html", ctx)
def add_webhook(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="webhook")
return webhook_form(request, channel)
def add_shell(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.AddShellForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="shell")
channel.value = form.get_value()
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
form = forms.AddShellForm()
ctx = {
"page": "channels",
"project": project,
"form": form,
return render(request, "integrations/add_shell.html", ctx)
def add_pd(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
# Simple Install Flow
if settings.PD_APP_ID:
state = token_urlsafe()
redirect_url = absolute_reverse("hc-add-pd-complete")
redirect_url += "?" + urlencode({"state": state})
install_url = "https://app.pagerduty.com/install/integration?" + urlencode(
{"app_id": settings.PD_APP_ID, "redirect_url": redirect_url, "version": "2"}
ctx = {"page": "channels", "project": project, "install_url": install_url}
request.session["pagerduty"] = (state, str(project.code))
return render(request, "integrations/add_pd_simple.html", ctx)
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.AddPdForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="pd")
channel.value = form.cleaned_data["value"]
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
form = forms.AddPdForm()
ctx = {"page": "channels", "project": project, "form": form}
return render(request, "integrations/add_pd.html", ctx)
def add_pd_complete(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
if "pagerduty" not in request.session:
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
state, code_str = request.session.pop("pagerduty")
code = UUID(code_str)
if request.GET.get("state") != state:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
doc = json.loads(request.GET["config"])
for item in doc["integration_keys"]:
channel = Channel(kind="pd", project=project)
channel.name = item["name"]
channel.value = json.dumps(
{"service_key": item["integration_key"], "account": doc["account"]["name"]}
messages.success(request, "The PagerDuty integration has been added!")
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
def pd_help(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
ctx = {"page": "channels"}
return render(request, "integrations/add_pd_simple.html", ctx)
def add_pagertree(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.AddUrlForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="pagertree")
channel.value = form.cleaned_data["value"]
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
form = forms.AddUrlForm()
ctx = {"page": "channels", "project": project, "form": form}
return render(request, "integrations/add_pagertree.html", ctx)
def add_slack(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.AddUrlForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="slack")
channel.value = form.cleaned_data["value"]
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
form = forms.AddUrlForm()
ctx = {
"page": "channels",
"form": form,
return render(request, "integrations/add_slack.html", ctx)
def slack_help(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
ctx = {"page": "channels"}
return render(request, "integrations/add_slack_btn.html", ctx)
def add_slack_btn(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
state = token_urlsafe()
authorize_url = "https://slack.com/oauth/v2/authorize?" + urlencode(
"scope": "incoming-webhook",
"client_id": settings.SLACK_CLIENT_ID,
"state": state,
ctx = {
"project": project,
"page": "channels",
"authorize_url": authorize_url,
request.session["add_slack"] = (state, str(project.code))
return render(request, "integrations/add_slack_btn.html", ctx)
def add_slack_complete(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
if "add_slack" not in request.session:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
state, code_str = request.session.pop("add_slack")
code = UUID(code_str)
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.GET.get("error") == "access_denied":
messages.warning(request, "Slack setup was cancelled.")
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
if request.GET.get("state") != state:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
data = {
"client_id": settings.SLACK_CLIENT_ID,
"client_secret": settings.SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET,
"code": request.GET.get("code"),
result = curl.post("https://slack.com/api/oauth.v2.access", data)
doc = result.json()
if not isinstance(doc, dict) or not doc.get("ok"):
"Received an unexpected response from Slack. Integration not added.",
logger.warning("Unexpected Slack OAuth response: %s", result.content)
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
channel = Channel(kind="slack", project=project)
channel.value = result.text
if channel.slack_channel:
channel.name = channel.slack_channel
messages.success(request, "Success, integration added!")
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
def mattermost_help(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
return render(request, "integrations/add_mattermost.html")
def add_mattermost(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.AddUrlForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="mattermost")
channel.value = form.cleaned_data["value"]
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
form = forms.AddUrlForm()
ctx = {"page": "channels", "form": form, "project": project}
return render(request, "integrations/add_mattermost.html", ctx)
def rocketchat_help(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
return render(request, "integrations/add_rocketchat.html")
def add_rocketchat(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.AddUrlForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="rocketchat")
channel.value = form.cleaned_data["value"]
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
form = forms.AddUrlForm()
ctx = {"page": "channels", "form": form, "project": project}
return render(request, "integrations/add_rocketchat.html", ctx)
def add_pushbullet(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
state = token_urlsafe()
authorize_url = "https://www.pushbullet.com/authorize?" + urlencode(
"client_id": settings.PUSHBULLET_CLIENT_ID,
"redirect_uri": absolute_reverse(add_pushbullet_complete),
"response_type": "code",
"state": state,
ctx = {
"page": "channels",
"project": project,
"authorize_url": authorize_url,
request.session["add_pushbullet"] = (state, str(project.code))
return render(request, "integrations/add_pushbullet.html", ctx)
class PushbulletOAuthResponse(BaseModel):
access_token: str
def add_pushbullet_complete(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
if "add_pushbullet" not in request.session:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
state, code_str = request.session.pop("add_pushbullet")
code = UUID(code_str)
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.GET.get("error") == "access_denied":
messages.warning(request, "Pushbullet setup was cancelled.")
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
if request.GET.get("state") != state:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
data = {
"client_id": settings.PUSHBULLET_CLIENT_ID,
"client_secret": settings.PUSHBULLET_CLIENT_SECRET,
"code": request.GET.get("code"),
"grant_type": "authorization_code",
result = curl.post("https://api.pushbullet.com/oauth2/token", data)
doc = PushbulletOAuthResponse.model_validate_json(result.content, strict=True)
except ValidationError:
logger.warning("Unexpected Pushbullet OAuth response: %s", result.content)
"Received an unexpected response from Pushbullet. Integration not added.",
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
channel = Channel(kind="pushbullet", project=project)
channel.value = doc.access_token
messages.success(request, "The Pushbullet integration has been added!")
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
def add_discord(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
state = token_urlsafe()
auth_url = "https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize?" + urlencode(
"client_id": settings.DISCORD_CLIENT_ID,
"scope": "webhook.incoming",
"redirect_uri": absolute_reverse(add_discord_complete),
"response_type": "code",
"state": state,
ctx = {"page": "channels", "project": project, "authorize_url": auth_url}
request.session["add_discord"] = (state, str(project.code))
return render(request, "integrations/add_discord.html", ctx)
def add_discord_complete(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
if "add_discord" not in request.session:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
state, code_str = request.session.pop("add_discord")
code = UUID(code_str)
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.GET.get("error") == "access_denied":
messages.warning(request, "Discord setup was cancelled.")
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
if request.GET.get("state") != state:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
data = {
"client_id": settings.DISCORD_CLIENT_ID,
"client_secret": settings.DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET,
"code": request.GET.get("code"),
"grant_type": "authorization_code",
"redirect_uri": absolute_reverse(add_discord_complete),
result = curl.post("https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/token", data)
doc = result.json()
if isinstance(doc, dict) and doc.get("code") == 30007:
e = "maximum number of webhooks reached"
messages.warning(request, f"Response from Discord: {e}. Integration not added.")
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
if not isinstance(doc, dict) or "access_token" not in doc:
"Received an unexpected response from Discord. Integration not added.",
logger.warning("Unexpected Discord OAuth response: %s", result.content)
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
channel = Channel(kind="discord", project=project)
channel.value = result.text
messages.success(request, "The Discord integration has been added!")
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
def pushover_help(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
ctx = {"page": "channels"}
return render(request, "integrations/add_pushover_help.html", ctx)
def add_pushover(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.method == "POST":
state = token_urlsafe().lower()
failure_url = absolute_reverse("hc-channels", args=[project.code])
success_url = absolute_reverse("hc-add-pushover", args=[project.code])
success_url += "?" + urlencode(
"state": state,
"prio": request.POST.get("po_priority", "0"),
"prio_up": request.POST.get("po_priority_up", "0"),
subscription_url = (
+ "?"
+ urlencode({"success": success_url, "failure": failure_url})
request.session["pushover"] = state
return redirect(subscription_url)
# Handle successful subscriptions
if "pushover_user_key" in request.GET:
if "pushover" not in request.session:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
state = request.session.pop("pushover")
if request.GET.get("state") != state:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
if request.GET.get("pushover_unsubscribed") == "1":
# Unsubscription: delete all Pushover channels for this project
Channel.objects.filter(project=project, kind="po").delete()
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
form = forms.AddPushoverForm(request.GET)
if not form.is_valid():
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="po")
channel.value = form.get_value()
messages.success(request, "The Pushover integration has been added!")
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
# Show Integration Settings form
ctx = {
"page": "channels",
"project": project,
"po_retry_delay": td(seconds=settings.PUSHOVER_EMERGENCY_RETRY_DELAY),
"po_expiration": td(seconds=settings.PUSHOVER_EMERGENCY_EXPIRATION),
return render(request, "integrations/add_pushover.html", ctx)
def add_opsgenie(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.AddOpsgenieForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="opsgenie")
v = {"region": form.cleaned_data["region"], "key": form.cleaned_data["key"]}
channel.value = json.dumps(v)
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
form = forms.AddOpsgenieForm()
ctx = {"page": "channels", "project": project, "form": form}
return render(request, "integrations/add_opsgenie.html", ctx)
def add_victorops(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.AddUrlForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="victorops")
channel.value = form.cleaned_data["value"]
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
form = forms.AddUrlForm()
ctx = {"page": "channels", "project": project, "form": form}
return render(request, "integrations/add_victorops.html", ctx)
def add_zulip(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.AddZulipForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="zulip")
channel.value = form.get_value()
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
form = forms.AddZulipForm()
ctx = {"page": "channels", "project": project, "form": form}
return render(request, "integrations/add_zulip.html", ctx)
class TelegramChat(BaseModel):
id: int
type: Literal["group", "private", "supergroup", "channel"]
title: str | None = None
username: str | None = None
class TelegramMessage(BaseModel):
chat: TelegramChat
text: str
message_thread_id: int | None = None
class TelegramCallback(BaseModel):
message: TelegramMessage
def load(self, data: bytes) -> TelegramCallback:
doc = json.loads(data.decode())
if "channel_post" in doc:
# Telegram's "channel_post" key uses the same structure as "message".
# To keep the validation and view logic simple, if the payload
# contains "channel_post", copy it to "message", and proceed as usual.
doc["message"] = doc["channel_post"]
return TelegramCallback.model_validate(doc, strict=True)
def telegram_bot(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
doc = TelegramCallback.load(request.body)
except ValidationError:
# We don't recognize the message format, but don't want Telegram
# retrying this over and over again, so respond with 200 OK
return HttpResponse()
except ValueError:
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
if "/start" not in doc.message.text:
return HttpResponse()
chat = doc.message.chat
recipient = {
"id": chat.id,
"type": chat.type,
"name": chat.title or chat.username,
"thread_id": doc.message.message_thread_id,
invite = render_to_string(
{"qs": signing.dumps(recipient)},
Telegram.send(chat.id, doc.message.message_thread_id, invite)
except TransportError:
# Swallow the error and return HTTP 200 OK, otherwise Telegram will
# hit the webhook again and again.
return HttpResponse()
def telegram_help(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
ctx = {
"page": "channels",
"bot_name": settings.TELEGRAM_BOT_NAME,
return render(request, "integrations/add_telegram.html", ctx)
def add_telegram(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
recipient = None
if qs := request.META["QUERY_STRING"]:
recipient = signing.loads(qs, max_age=600)
assert isinstance(recipient, dict)
except signing.BadSignature:
return render(request, "bad_link.html")
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.AddTelegramForm(request.POST)
if not form.is_valid():
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, form.cleaned_data["project"])
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="telegram")
channel.value = json.dumps(recipient)
messages.success(request, "The Telegram integration has been added!")
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
ctx = {
"page": "channels",
"projects": request.profile.projects(),
"recipient": recipient,
"bot_name": settings.TELEGRAM_BOT_NAME,
return render(request, "integrations/add_telegram.html", ctx)
def sms_form(request: HttpRequest, channel: Channel) -> HttpResponse:
adding = channel._state.adding
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.PhoneUpDownForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel.name = form.cleaned_data["label"]
channel.value = form.get_json()
if adding:
return redirect("hc-channels", channel.project.code)
elif adding:
form = forms.PhoneUpDownForm(initial={"up": False})
form = forms.PhoneUpDownForm(
"label": channel.name,
"phone": channel.phone.value,
"up": channel.phone.notify_up,
"down": channel.phone.notify_down,
ctx = {
"page": "channels",
"project": channel.project,
"form": form,
"profile": channel.project.owner_profile,
"is_new": adding,
return render(request, "integrations/sms_form.html", ctx)
def add_sms(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="sms")
return sms_form(request, channel)
def add_call(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.PhoneNumberForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="call")
channel.name = form.cleaned_data["label"]
channel.value = form.get_json()
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
form = forms.PhoneNumberForm()
ctx = {
"page": "channels",
"project": project,
"form": form,
"profile": project.owner_profile,
return render(request, "integrations/add_call.html", ctx)
def whatsapp_form(request: HttpRequest, channel: Channel) -> HttpResponse:
adding = channel._state.adding
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.PhoneUpDownForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel.name = form.cleaned_data["label"]
channel.value = form.get_json()
if adding:
return redirect("hc-channels", channel.project.code)
elif adding:
form = forms.PhoneUpDownForm()
form = forms.PhoneUpDownForm(
"label": channel.name,
"phone": channel.phone.value,
"up": channel.phone.notify_up,
"down": channel.phone.notify_down,
ctx = {
"page": "channels",
"project": channel.project,
"form": form,
"profile": channel.project.owner_profile,
"is_new": adding,
return render(request, "integrations/whatsapp_form.html", ctx)
def add_whatsapp(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="whatsapp")
return whatsapp_form(request, channel)
def signal_form(request: HttpRequest, channel: Channel) -> HttpResponse:
adding = channel._state.adding
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.SignalForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel.name = form.cleaned_data["label"]
channel.value = form.get_json()
if adding:
return redirect("hc-channels", channel.project.code)
elif adding:
form = forms.SignalForm()
form = forms.SignalForm(
"label": channel.name,
"recipient": channel.phone.value,
"up": channel.phone.notify_up,
"down": channel.phone.notify_down,
ctx = {
"page": "channels",
"project": channel.project,
"form": form,
"is_new": adding,
return render(request, "integrations/signal_form.html", ctx)
def add_signal(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="signal")
return signal_form(request, channel)
def add_trello(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.AddTrelloForm(request.POST)
if not form.is_valid():
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="trello")
channel.value = form.get_value()
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
return_url = absolute_reverse("hc-add-trello", args=[project.code])
authorize_url = "https://trello.com/1/authorize?" + urlencode(
"expiration": "never",
"name": settings.SITE_NAME,
"scope": "read,write",
"response_type": "token",
"key": settings.TRELLO_APP_KEY,
"return_url": return_url,
ctx = {
"page": "channels",
"project": project,
"authorize_url": authorize_url,
return render(request, "integrations/add_trello.html", ctx)
def add_matrix(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.AddMatrixForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="matrix")
channel.value = form.cleaned_data["room_id"]
# If user supplied room alias instead of ID, use it as channel name
alias = form.cleaned_data["alias"]
if not alias.startswith("!"):
channel.name = alias
messages.success(request, "The Matrix integration has been added!")
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
form = forms.AddMatrixForm()
ctx = {
"page": "channels",
"project": project,
"form": form,
"matrix_user_id": settings.MATRIX_USER_ID,
return render(request, "integrations/add_matrix.html", ctx)
def add_apprise(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.AddAppriseForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="apprise")
channel.value = form.cleaned_data["url"]
messages.success(request, "The Apprise integration has been added!")
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
form = forms.AddAppriseForm()
ctx = {"page": "channels", "project": project, "form": form}
return render(request, "integrations/add_apprise.html", ctx)
class TrelloList(BaseModel):
id: str
name: str
class TrelloBoard(BaseModel):
id: str
name: str
lists: list[TrelloList]
TrelloBoards = TypeAdapter(list[TrelloBoard])
def trello_settings(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
token = request.POST.get("token", "")
url = "https://api.trello.com/1/members/me/boards"
assert settings.TRELLO_APP_KEY
params = {
"key": settings.TRELLO_APP_KEY,
"token": token,
"filter": "open",
"fields": "id,name",
"lists": "open",
"list_fields": "id,name",
result = curl.get(url, params)
boards = TrelloBoards.validate_json(result.content)
except ValidationError:
logger.warning("Unexpected Trello API response: %s", result.content)
return render(request, "integrations/trello_settings.html", {"error": 1})
num_lists = sum(len(board.lists) for board in boards)
ctx = {"token": token, "boards": boards, "num_lists": num_lists}
return render(request, "integrations/trello_settings.html", ctx)
def add_msteams(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.AddUrlForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="msteamsw")
channel.value = form.cleaned_data["value"]
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
form = forms.AddUrlForm()
ctx = {"page": "channels", "project": project, "form": form}
return render(request, "integrations/add_msteams.html", ctx)
def add_prometheus(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project, rw = _get_project_for_user(request, code)
ctx = {
"page": "channels",
"project": project,
"site_scheme": urlparse(settings.SITE_ROOT).scheme,
return render(request, "integrations/add_prometheus.html", ctx)
def metrics(request: HttpRequest, code: UUID, key: str | None = None) -> HttpResponse:
if key is None:
# If key was not in the URL, expect it in the Authorization request header
key = request.META.get("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION", "")
if not key.startswith("Bearer "):
return HttpResponse(status=401)
key = key.lstrip("Bearer ")
if len(key) != 32:
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
q = Project.objects.filter(code=code, api_key_readonly=key)
project = q.get()
except Project.DoesNotExist:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
checks = Check.objects.filter(project_id=project.id).order_by("id")
def esc(s: str) -> str:
return s.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', '\\"').replace("\n", "\\n")
def output(checks: QuerySet[Check]) -> Iterable[str]:
help = "Whether the check is currently up (1 for yes, 0 for no)."
yield f"# HELP hc_check_up {help}\n"
yield "# TYPE hc_check_up gauge\n"
TMPL = """hc_check_up{name="%s", tags="%s", unique_key="%s"} %d\n"""
for check in checks:
value = 0 if check.get_status() == "down" else 1
yield TMPL % (esc(check.name), esc(check.tags), check.unique_key, value)
yield "\n"
help = "Whether the check is currently started (1 for yes, 0 for no)."
yield f"# HELP hc_check_started {help}\n"
yield "# TYPE hc_check_started gauge\n"
TMPL = """hc_check_started{name="%s", tags="%s", unique_key="%s"} %d\n"""
for check in checks:
value = 1 if check.last_start is not None else 0
yield TMPL % (esc(check.name), esc(check.tags), check.unique_key, value)
all_tags, down_tags, num_down = set(), set(), 0
for check in checks:
if check.get_status() == "down":
num_down += 1
yield "\n"
help = "Whether all checks with this tag are up (1 for yes, 0 for no)."
yield f"# HELP hc_tag_up {help}\n"
yield "# TYPE hc_tag_up gauge\n"
TMPL = """hc_tag_up{tag="%s"} %d\n"""
for tag in sorted(all_tags):
value = 0 if tag in down_tags else 1
yield TMPL % (esc(tag), value)
yield "\n"
yield "# HELP hc_checks_total The total number of checks.\n"
yield "# TYPE hc_checks_total gauge\n"
yield "hc_checks_total %d\n" % len(checks)
yield "\n"
yield "# HELP hc_checks_down_total The number of checks currently down.\n"
yield "# TYPE hc_checks_down_total gauge\n"
yield "hc_checks_down_total %d\n" % num_down
return HttpResponse(output(checks), content_type="text/plain")
def add_spike(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.AddUrlForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="spike")
channel.value = form.cleaned_data["value"]
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
form = forms.AddUrlForm()
ctx = {"page": "channels", "project": project, "form": form}
return render(request, "integrations/add_spike.html", ctx)
def add_gotify(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.AddGotifyForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="gotify")
channel.value = form.get_value()
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
form = forms.AddGotifyForm()
ctx = {"page": "channels", "project": project, "form": form}
return render(request, "integrations/add_gotify.html", ctx)
def group_form(request: HttpRequest, channel: Channel) -> HttpResponse:
adding = channel._state.adding
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.GroupForm(request.POST, project=channel.project)
if form.is_valid():
channel.name = form.cleaned_data["label"]
channel.value = form.get_value()
if adding:
return redirect("hc-channels", channel.project.code)
elif adding:
form = forms.GroupForm(project=channel.project)
# Filter out unavailable channels
channels = list(channel.group_channels.values_list("code", flat=True))
form = forms.GroupForm(
{"channels": channels, "label": channel.name}, project=channel.project
ctx = {"page": "channels", "project": channel.project, "form": form}
return render(request, "integrations/group_form.html", ctx)
def add_group(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="group")
return group_form(request, channel)
def ntfy_form(request: HttpRequest, channel: Channel) -> HttpResponse:
adding = channel._state.adding
if request.method == "POST":
form = forms.NtfyForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
channel.value = form.get_value()
if adding:
return redirect("hc-channels", channel.project.code)
elif adding:
form = forms.NtfyForm()
form = forms.NtfyForm(
"topic": channel.ntfy.topic,
"url": channel.ntfy.url,
"priority": channel.ntfy.priority,
"priority_up": channel.ntfy.priority_up,
"token": channel.ntfy.token,
ctx = {"page": "channels", "project": channel.project, "form": form}
return render(request, "integrations/ntfy_form.html", ctx)
def add_ntfy(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
channel = Channel(project=project, kind="ntfy")
return ntfy_form(request, channel)
def signal_captcha(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
if not request.user.is_superuser:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
ctx = {"challenge": request.GET.get("challenge", "")}
if request.method == "POST":
challenge = request.POST.get("challenge", "")
captcha = request.POST.get("captcha", "")
if captcha.startswith("signalcaptcha://"):
captcha = captcha[16:]
payload = {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "submitRateLimitChallenge",
"params": {"challenge": str(challenge), "captcha": captcha},
"id": str(uuid.uuid4()),
payload_bytes = (json.dumps(payload) + "\n").encode()
for reply_bytes in Signal._read_replies(payload_bytes):
reply = json.loads(reply_bytes.decode())
except ValueError:
ctx["result"] = "submitRateLimitChallenge failed"
if reply.get("id") == payload["id"]:
ctx["result"] = reply_bytes.decode()
return render(request, "front/signal_captcha.html", ctx)
def verify_signal_number(request: AuthenticatedHttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
def render_result(result: str | None) -> HttpResponse:
return render(request, "integrations/signal_result.html", {"result": result})
# Enforce per-account rate limit (50 verifications per day)
if not TokenBucket.authorize_signal_verification(request.user):
return render_result("Verification rate limit exceeded")
form = forms.SignalRecipientForm(request.POST)
if not form.is_valid():
return render_result("Invalid phone number")
recipient = form.cleaned_data["recipient"]
# Enforce per-recipient rate limit (6 messages per minute)
if not TokenBucket.authorize_signal(recipient):
return render_result("Verification rate limit exceeded")
Signal.send(recipient, f"Test message from {settings.SITE_NAME}")
except SignalRateLimitFailure as e:
Channel().send_signal_captcha_alert(e.token, e.reply.decode())
return render_result(e.message)
except TransportError as e:
return render_result(e.message)
# Success!
return render_result(None)
def log_events(request: HttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
if not request.user.is_authenticated:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
check, rw = _get_check_for_user(request, code, preload_owner_profile=True)
form = forms.LogFiltersForm(request.GET)
if not form.is_valid():
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
if form.cleaned_data["u"]:
# We are live-loading more events
start = form.cleaned_data["u"] + td(microseconds=1)
end = now()
# We're applying new filters
start = check.created
end = form.cleaned_data["end"] or now()
# clamp start to the date of the oldest visible ping
oldest_ping = check.visible_pings.order_by("n").first()
if oldest_ping:
start = max(start, oldest_ping.created)
events = _get_events(check, 1000, start=start, end=end, kinds=form.kinds())
response = render(request, "front/log_rows.html", {"events": events})
if events:
# Include a full precision timestamp of the most recent event in a
# response header. This will be used client-side for fetching live updates
# to specify "return any events after *this* point".
response["X-Last-Event-Timestamp"] = str(events[0].created.timestamp())
return response
def add_github(request: HttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
state = token_urlsafe()
authorize_url = "https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?"
authorize_url += urlencode({"client_id": settings.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID, "state": state})
ctx = {
"project": project,
"authorize_url": authorize_url,
request.session["add_github_state"] = state
request.session["add_github_project"] = str(project.code)
return render(request, "integrations/add_github.html", ctx)
def add_github_select(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
if "add_github_project" not in request.session:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
project_code = UUID(request.session["add_github_project"])
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, project_code)
# Exchange code for access token, store it in session
if "add_github_state" in request.session:
state = request.session.pop("add_github_state")
if request.GET.get("state") != state:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
code = request.GET["code"]
request.session["add_github_token"] = github.get_user_access_token(code)
if "add_github_token" not in request.session:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
install_url = f"{settings.GITHUB_PUBLIC_LINK}/installations/new"
repos = github.get_repos(request.session["add_github_token"])
if not repos:
return redirect(install_url)
request.session["add_github_repos"] = repos
ctx = {
"repo_names": sorted(repos.keys()),
"project": project,
"install_url": install_url,
return render(request, "integrations/add_github_form.html", ctx)
def add_github_save(request: HttpRequest, code: UUID) -> HttpResponse:
project = _get_rw_project_for_user(request, code)
if "add_github_repos" not in request.session:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
form = forms.AddGitHubForm(request.POST)
if not form.is_valid():
return HttpResponseBadRequest()
repos = request.session.pop("add_github_repos")
repo_name = request.POST["repo_name"]
if repo_name not in repos:
return HttpResponseForbidden()
channel = Channel(kind="github", project=project)
channel.value = json.dumps(
"installation_id": repos[repo_name],
"repo": repo_name,
"labels": form.get_labels(),
channel.name = repo_name
messages.success(request, "Success, integration added!")
return redirect("hc-channels", project.code)
# Forks: add custom views after this line