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from __future__ import annotations
from collections.abc import Iterable
from datetime import date
from datetime import timedelta as td
from typing import TypedDict
from uuid import UUID
from django.contrib import admin
from django.contrib.admin import ModelAdmin
from django.core.paginator import Paginator
from django.db.models import F, QuerySet
from django.http import HttpRequest
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.html import format_html
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django_stubs_ext import WithAnnotations
from hc.api.models import Channel, Check, Flip, Notification, Ping
from hc.lib.date import format_duration
Lookups = Iterable[tuple[str, str]]
class ChecksAdmin(ModelAdmin[Check]):
class Media:
css = {"all": ("css/admin/checks.css",)}
search_fields = ["name", "code", "project__owner__email"]
readonly_fields = ("code", "badge_key")
raw_id_fields = ("project",)
list_select_related = ("project",)
list_display = (
list_filter = ("status", "kind", "last_ping", "last_start")
def get_queryset(self, request: HttpRequest) -> QuerySet[Check]:
qs = super().get_queryset(request)
qs = qs.annotate(email=F("project__owner__email"))
return qs
def project_(self, obj: Check) -> str:
url = obj.project.get_absolute_url()
name = obj.project.name or "Default"
return format_html("""{} › <a href="{}">{}</a>""", obj.email, url, name)
def name_tags(self, obj: Check) -> str:
url = obj.details_url(full=False)
name = obj.name or "unnamed"
tmpl = """<a href="{}"">{}</a>"""
args = [url, name]
for tag in obj.tags_list():
tmpl += " <span>{}</span>"
return format_html(tmpl, *args)
def timeout_schedule(self, obj: Check) -> str:
if obj.kind == "simple":
return format_duration(obj.timeout)
elif obj.kind in ("cron", "oncalendar"):
if len(obj.schedule) > 30:
return obj.schedule[:30] + "..."
return obj.schedule
return "Unknown"
class SchemeListFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter):
title = "Scheme"
parameter_name = "scheme"
def lookups(self, request: HttpRequest, model_admin: ModelAdmin[Check]) -> Lookups:
return (("http", "HTTP"), ("https", "HTTPS"), ("email", "Email"))
def queryset(
self, request: HttpRequest, queryset: QuerySet[Ping]
) -> QuerySet[Ping]:
if self.value():
queryset = queryset.filter(scheme=self.value())
return queryset
class MethodListFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter):
title = "Method"
parameter_name = "method"
methods = ["HEAD", "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"]
def lookups(self, request: HttpRequest, model_admin: ModelAdmin[Ping]) -> Lookups:
return zip(self.methods, self.methods)
def queryset(self, request: HttpRequest, qs: QuerySet[Ping]) -> QuerySet[Ping]:
if self.value():
qs = qs.filter(method=self.value())
return qs
class KindListFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter):
title = "Kind"
parameter_name = "kind"
kinds = ["start", "fail"]
def lookups(self, request: HttpRequest, model_admin: ModelAdmin[Ping]) -> Lookups:
return zip(self.kinds, self.kinds)
def queryset(self, request: HttpRequest, qs: QuerySet[Ping]) -> QuerySet[Ping]:
if self.value():
qs = qs.filter(kind=self.value())
return qs
class PingsPaginator(Paginator[Ping]):
count = 1000
page_range = range(1, 10)
class PingsAdmin(ModelAdmin[Ping]):
readonly_fields = ("owner", "has_body")
list_select_related = ("owner",)
list_display = ("id", "created", "owner", "scheme", "method", "object_size", "ua")
list_filter = ("created", SchemeListFilter, MethodListFilter, KindListFilter)
exclude = ("body",)
paginator = PingsPaginator
show_full_result_count = False
class LastNotifyDurationFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter):
title = "last notify duration"
parameter_name = "last_notify_duration"
def lookups(self, r: HttpRequest, model_admin: ModelAdmin[Channel]) -> Lookups:
return (
("1", "More than 1s"),
("6", "More than 6s"),
("10", "More than 10s"),
def queryset(self, r: HttpRequest, qs: QuerySet[Channel]) -> QuerySet[Channel]:
v = self.value()
if v:
seconds = float(v)
qs = qs.filter(last_notify_duration__gt=td(seconds=seconds))
return qs
class LastErrorFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter):
title = "last error"
parameter_name = "status"
def lookups(self, r: HttpRequest, model_admin: ModelAdmin[Channel]) -> Lookups:
return (
("ok", "No Error"),
("error", "Error"),
def queryset(self, r: HttpRequest, qs: QuerySet[Channel]) -> QuerySet[Channel]:
v = self.value()
if v == "ok":
qs = qs.filter(last_error="")
elif v == "error":
qs = qs.exclude(last_error="")
return qs
class ChannelAnnotations(TypedDict):
project_code: UUID
project_name: str
owner_email: str
class ChannelsAdmin(ModelAdmin[Channel]):
class Media:
css = {"all": ("css/admin/channels.css",)}
search_fields = ["value", "project__owner__email", "name", "code"]
readonly_fields = ("code",)
list_display = (
list_filter = ("kind", LastNotifyDurationFilter, LastErrorFilter, "disabled")
raw_id_fields = ("project", "checks")
actions = ["disable"]
def created_(self, obj: Channel) -> date:
return obj.created.date()
def project_(self, obj: WithAnnotations[Channel, ChannelAnnotations]) -> str:
tmpl = """{} › <a href="{}">{}</a>"""
url = self.view_on_site(obj)
name = obj.project_name or "Default"
return format_html(tmpl, obj.owner_email, url, name)
def time(self, obj: Channel) -> str | None:
if obj.last_notify_duration:
return "%.1f" % obj.last_notify_duration.total_seconds()
return None
def get_queryset(self, request: HttpRequest) -> QuerySet[Channel]:
qs = super().get_queryset(request)
qs = qs.annotate(project_code=F("project__code"))
qs = qs.annotate(project_name=F("project__name"))
qs = qs.annotate(owner_email=F("project__owner__email"))
return qs
def view_on_site(self, obj: Channel) -> str:
assert hasattr(obj, "project_code")
return reverse("hc-channels", args=[obj.project_code])
def transport(self, obj: Channel) -> str:
tmpl = """<span class="ic-{}"></span> {}{}"""
note = ""
if obj.kind == "email" and not obj.email_verified:
note = " (not verified)"
return format_html(tmpl, obj.kind, obj.kind, note)
def chopped_value(self, obj: Channel) -> str:
if len(obj.value) > 100:
return "%s…" % obj.value[:100]
return obj.value
def last(self, obj: Channel) -> date | None:
return obj.last_notify.date() if obj.last_notify else None
def status(self, obj: Channel) -> str:
if obj.disabled:
return "<span class='d'>Disabled</span>"
if obj.last_error:
return "<span class='e'>Error</span>"
if obj.last_notify:
return "OK"
return "-"
def disable(self, request: HttpRequest, qs: QuerySet[Check]) -> None:
num_disabled = qs.update(disabled=True)
self.message_user(request, f"Disabled {num_disabled} channel(s)")
class ErrorFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter):
title = "error"
parameter_name = "status"
def lookups(self, r: HttpRequest, model_admin: ModelAdmin[Notification]) -> Lookups:
return (
("ok", "OK"),
("error", "Error"),
def queryset(
self, r: HttpRequest, qs: QuerySet[Notification]
) -> QuerySet[Notification]:
v = self.value()
if v == "ok":
qs = qs.filter(error="")
elif v == "error":
qs = qs.exclude(error="")
return qs
class NotificationsAdmin(ModelAdmin[Notification]):
class Media:
css = {"all": ("css/admin/notifications.css",)}
search_fields = ["owner__name", "owner__code", "channel__value", "error", "code"]
readonly_fields = ("owner", "code")
list_select_related = ("channel", "channel__project", "channel__project__owner")
list_display = (
list_filter = ("channel__kind", "created", ErrorFilter)
raw_id_fields = ("channel",)
def channel_value(self, obj: Notification) -> str:
return format_html("<div>{}</div>", obj.channel.value)
def project(self, obj: Notification) -> str:
url = reverse("hc-channels", args=[obj.channel.project.code])
name = obj.channel.project
return format_html("""<div><a href="{}">{}</a></div>""", url, name)
class FlipsAdmin(ModelAdmin[Flip]):
list_display = ("id", "created", "processed", "owner", "old_status", "new_status")
raw_id_fields = ("owner",)