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from __future__ import annotations
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core import mail
from django.test import TestCase
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from hc.accounts.models import Profile, Project
from hc.api.models import Channel, Check, TokenBucket
class SignupTestCase(TestCase):
@override_settings(USE_PAYMENTS=False, SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE=False)
def test_it_works(self) -> None:
form = {"identity": "alice@example.org", "tz": "Europe/Riga"}
r = self.client.post("/accounts/signup/", form)
self.assertContains(r, "check your email")
self.assertEqual(r.cookies["auto-login"].value, "1")
self.assertEqual(r.cookies["auto-login"]["samesite"], "Lax")
# An user should have been created
user = User.objects.get()
# A profile should have been created
profile = Profile.objects.get()
self.assertEqual(profile.check_limit, 10000)
self.assertEqual(profile.sms_limit, 10000)
self.assertEqual(profile.call_limit, 10000)
self.assertEqual(profile.tz, "Europe/Riga")
# And email sent
self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 1)
self.assertEqual(mail.outbox[0].subject, f"Log in to {settings.SITE_NAME}")
# A project should have been created
project = Project.objects.get()
self.assertEqual(project.owner, user)
self.assertEqual(project.badge_key, user.username)
# And check should be associated with the new user
check = Check.objects.get()
self.assertEqual(check.name, "My First Check")
self.assertEqual(check.slug, "my-first-check")
self.assertEqual(check.project, project)
# A channel should have been created
channel = Channel.objects.get()
self.assertEqual(channel.project, project)
def test_it_sets_secure_autologin_cookie(self) -> None:
form = {"identity": "alice@example.org", "tz": "Europe/Riga"}
r = self.client.post("/accounts/signup/", form)
def test_it_requires_unauthenticated_user(self) -> None:
self.alice = User(username="alice", email="alice@example.org")
self.client.login(username="alice@example.org", password="password")
form = {"identity": "alice@example.org", "tz": "Europe/Riga"}
r = self.client.post("/accounts/signup/", form)
self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 403)
def test_it_sets_limits(self) -> None:
form = {"identity": "alice@example.org", "tz": ""}
self.client.post("/accounts/signup/", form)
profile = Profile.objects.get()
self.assertEqual(profile.check_limit, 20)
self.assertEqual(profile.sms_limit, 5)
self.assertEqual(profile.call_limit, 0)
def test_it_obeys_registration_open(self) -> None:
form = {"identity": "dan@example.org", "tz": ""}
r = self.client.post("/accounts/signup/", form)
self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 403)
def test_it_ignores_case(self) -> None:
form = {"identity": "ALICE@EXAMPLE.ORG", "tz": ""}
self.client.post("/accounts/signup/", form)
# There should be exactly one user:
q = User.objects.filter(email="alice@example.org")
def test_it_handles_existing_users(self) -> None:
alice = User(username="alice", email="alice@example.org")
form = {"identity": "alice@example.org", "tz": ""}
r = self.client.post("/accounts/signup/", form)
# It should send the same response and cookies as in normal signup
self.assertContains(r, "check your email")
self.assertEqual(r.cookies["auto-login"].value, "1")
# There should still be a single user
self.assertEqual(User.objects.count(), 1)
# It should send a normal sign-in email
self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 1)
self.assertEqual(mail.outbox[0].subject, f"Log in to {settings.SITE_NAME}")
def test_it_checks_syntax(self) -> None:
form = {"identity": "alice at example org", "tz": ""}
r = self.client.post("/accounts/signup/", form)
self.assertContains(r, "Enter a valid email address")
def test_it_checks_length(self) -> None:
aaa = "a" * 300
form = {"identity": f"alice+{aaa}@example.org", "tz": ""}
r = self.client.post("/accounts/signup/", form)
self.assertContains(r, "Address is too long.")
def test_it_ignores_bad_tz(self) -> None:
form = {"identity": "alice@example.org", "tz": "Foo/Bar"}
r = self.client.post("/accounts/signup/", form)
self.assertContains(r, "check your email")
profile = Profile.objects.get()
self.assertEqual(profile.tz, "UTC")
def test_it_rate_limits_client_ips(self) -> None:
obj = TokenBucket(value="auth-ip-")
obj.tokens = 0
form = {"identity": "alice@example.org", "tz": ""}
r = self.client.post("/accounts/signup/", form)
self.assertContains(r, "please try later")
def test_rate_limiter_uses_x_forwarded_for(self) -> None:
obj = TokenBucket(value="auth-ip-")
obj.tokens = 0
form = {"identity": "alice@example.org", "tz": ""}
xff = ","
r = self.client.post("/accounts/signup/", form, HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR=xff)
self.assertContains(r, "please try later")