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synced 2025-03-15 03:44:47 +00:00
550 lines
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550 lines
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package config
import (
func TestLoadFile(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
name string
cfg string
wantData *Config
wantErr bool
name: "Failed on non-existing file",
cfg: "",
wantErr: true,
name: "Fail on wrong file format",
cfg: "./fixtures/config.invalid.yml",
wantErr: true,
name: "Fail on no UUID for Healthchecks",
cfg: "./fixtures/config.err.hc.yml",
wantErr: true,
name: "Fail on no provider",
cfg: "./fixtures/config.err.provider.yml",
wantErr: true,
name: "Success",
cfg: "./fixtures/config.test.yml",
wantData: &Config{
Db: &model.Db{
Path: "diun.db",
Watch: &model.Watch{
Workers: 100,
Schedule: "*/30 * * * *",
Jitter: utl.NewDuration(30 * time.Second),
FirstCheckNotif: utl.NewTrue(),
RunOnStartup: utl.NewFalse(),
CompareDigest: utl.NewTrue(),
Healthchecks: &model.Healthchecks{
BaseURL: "https://hc-ping.com/",
UUID: "5bf66975-d4c7-4bf5-bcc8-b8d8a82ea278",
Defaults: &model.Defaults{
WatchRepo: utl.NewFalse(),
NotifyOn: []model.NotifyOn{model.NotifyOnNew},
MaxTags: 5,
SortTags: registry.SortTagReverse,
Notif: &model.Notif{
Amqp: &model.NotifAmqp{
Host: "localhost",
Port: 5672,
Username: "guest",
Password: "guest",
Queue: "queue",
Discord: &model.NotifDiscord{
WebhookURL: "https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/1234567890/Abcd-eFgh-iJklmNo_pqr",
Mentions: []string{
RenderFields: utl.NewTrue(),
Timeout: utl.NewDuration(10 * time.Second),
TemplateBody: model.NotifDefaultTemplateBody,
Gotify: &model.NotifGotify{
Endpoint: "http://gotify.foo.com",
Token: "Token123456",
Priority: 1,
Timeout: utl.NewDuration(10 * time.Second),
TemplateTitle: model.NotifDefaultTemplateTitle,
TemplateBody: model.NotifDefaultTemplateBody,
Mail: &model.NotifMail{
Host: "localhost",
Port: 25,
SSL: utl.NewFalse(),
InsecureSkipVerify: utl.NewFalse(),
LocalName: "localhost",
From: "diun@example.com",
To: []string{
TemplateTitle: model.NotifDefaultTemplateTitle,
TemplateBody: `Docker tag {{ if .Entry.Image.HubLink }}[**{{ .Entry.Image }}**]({{ .Entry.Image.HubLink }}){{ else }}**{{ .Entry.Image }}**{{ end }}
which you subscribed to through {{ .Entry.Provider }} provider has been {{ if (eq .Entry.Status "new") }}newly added{{ else }}updated{{ end }}.
This image has been {{ if (eq .Entry.Status "new") }}created{{ else }}updated{{ end }} at
<code>{{ .Entry.Manifest.Created.Format "Jan 02, 2006 15:04:05 UTC" }}</code> with digest <code>{{ .Entry.Manifest.Digest }}</code>
for <code>{{ .Entry.Manifest.Platform }}</code> platform.
Matrix: &model.NotifMatrix{
HomeserverURL: "https://matrix.org",
User: "@foo:matrix.org",
Password: "bar",
RoomID: "!abcdefGHIjklmno:matrix.org",
MsgType: model.NotifMatrixMsgTypeNotice,
TemplateBody: model.NotifDefaultTemplateBody,
Mqtt: &model.NotifMqtt{
Scheme: "mqtt",
Host: "localhost",
Port: 1883,
Username: "guest",
Password: "guest",
Client: "diun",
Topic: "docker/diun",
QoS: 0,
Ntfy: &model.NotifNtfy{
Endpoint: "https://ntfy.sh",
Topic: "diun-acce65a0-b777-46f9-9a11-58c67d1579c4",
Priority: 3,
Tags: []string{"package"},
Timeout: utl.NewDuration(10 * time.Second),
TemplateTitle: model.NotifDefaultTemplateTitle,
TemplateBody: model.NotifDefaultTemplateBody,
Pushover: &model.NotifPushover{
Token: "uQiRzpo4DXghDmr9QzzfQu27cmVRsG",
Recipient: "gznej3rKEVAvPUxu9vvNnqpmZpokzF",
TemplateTitle: model.NotifDefaultTemplateTitle,
TemplateBody: model.NotifDefaultTemplateBody,
RocketChat: &model.NotifRocketChat{
Endpoint: "http://rocket.foo.com:3000",
Channel: "#general",
UserID: "abcdEFGH012345678",
Token: "Token123456",
RenderAttachment: utl.NewTrue(),
Timeout: utl.NewDuration(10 * time.Second),
TemplateTitle: model.NotifDefaultTemplateTitle,
TemplateBody: model.NotifRocketChatDefaultTemplateBody,
Script: &model.NotifScript{
Cmd: "uname",
Args: []string{
Slack: &model.NotifSlack{
WebhookURL: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/ABCD12EFG/HIJK34LMN/01234567890abcdefghij",
RenderFields: utl.NewFalse(),
TemplateBody: model.NotifSlackDefaultTemplateBody,
Teams: &model.NotifTeams{
WebhookURL: "https://outlook.office.com/webhook/ABCD12EFG/HIJK34LMN/01234567890abcdefghij",
RenderFacts: utl.NewFalse(),
TemplateBody: model.NotifTeamsDefaultTemplateBody,
Telegram: &model.NotifTelegram{
Token: "abcdef123456",
ChatIDs: []string{
TemplateBody: model.NotifTelegramDefaultTemplateBody,
Webhook: &model.NotifWebhook{
Endpoint: "http://webhook.foo.com/sd54qad89azd5a",
Method: "GET",
Headers: map[string]string{
"content-type": "application/json",
"authorization": "Token123456",
Timeout: utl.NewDuration(10 * time.Second),
RegOpts: model.RegOpts{
Name: "myregistry",
Selector: model.RegOptSelectorName,
Username: "fii",
Password: "bor",
InsecureTLS: utl.NewFalse(),
Timeout: utl.NewDuration(5 * time.Second),
Name: "docker.io",
Selector: model.RegOptSelectorImage,
Username: "foo",
Password: "bar",
InsecureTLS: utl.NewFalse(),
Timeout: utl.NewDuration(0),
Name: "docker.io/crazymax",
Selector: model.RegOptSelectorImage,
UsernameFile: "./fixtures/run_secrets_username",
PasswordFile: "./fixtures/run_secrets_password",
InsecureTLS: utl.NewFalse(),
Timeout: utl.NewDuration(0),
Providers: &model.Providers{
Docker: &model.PrdDocker{
TLSVerify: utl.NewTrue(),
WatchByDefault: utl.NewTrue(),
WatchStopped: utl.NewTrue(),
Swarm: &model.PrdSwarm{
TLSVerify: utl.NewTrue(),
WatchByDefault: utl.NewFalse(),
Kubernetes: &model.PrdKubernetes{
TLSInsecure: utl.NewFalse(),
WatchByDefault: utl.NewTrue(),
File: &model.PrdFile{
Filename: "./fixtures/file.yml",
for _, tt := range cases {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
cfg, err := Load(tt.cfg)
if tt.wantErr {
require.Error(t, err)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tt.wantData, cfg)
if cfg != nil {
assert.NotEmpty(t, cfg.String())
func TestLoadEnv(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
desc string
cfg string
environ []string
expected interface{}
wantErr bool
desc: "no env vars",
environ: nil,
expected: nil,
wantErr: true,
desc: "docker provider",
environ: []string{
expected: &Config{
Db: (&model.Db{}).GetDefaults(),
Watch: (&model.Watch{}).GetDefaults(),
Defaults: (&model.Defaults{}).GetDefaults(),
Notif: nil,
RegOpts: nil,
Providers: &model.Providers{
Docker: &model.PrdDocker{
TLSVerify: utl.NewTrue(),
WatchByDefault: utl.NewFalse(),
WatchStopped: utl.NewFalse(),
wantErr: false,
desc: "docker provider and regopts",
environ: []string{
expected: &Config{
Db: (&model.Db{}).GetDefaults(),
Watch: (&model.Watch{}).GetDefaults(),
Defaults: (&model.Defaults{}).GetDefaults(),
RegOpts: model.RegOpts{
Name: "docker.io",
Selector: model.RegOptSelectorImage,
UsernameFile: "./fixtures/run_secrets_username",
PasswordFile: "./fixtures/run_secrets_password",
InsecureTLS: utl.NewFalse(),
Timeout: utl.NewDuration(30 * time.Second),
Providers: &model.Providers{
Docker: &model.PrdDocker{
TLSVerify: utl.NewTrue(),
WatchByDefault: utl.NewFalse(),
WatchStopped: utl.NewFalse(),
wantErr: false,
desc: "swarm provider and notif telegram",
environ: []string{
expected: &Config{
Db: (&model.Db{}).GetDefaults(),
Watch: (&model.Watch{}).GetDefaults(),
Defaults: (&model.Defaults{}).GetDefaults(),
Notif: &model.Notif{
Telegram: &model.NotifTelegram{
Token: "abcdef123456",
ChatIDs: []string{
TemplateBody: model.NotifTelegramDefaultTemplateBody,
Providers: &model.Providers{
Swarm: &model.PrdSwarm{
TLSVerify: utl.NewTrue(),
WatchByDefault: utl.NewFalse(),
wantErr: false,
desc: "file provider and notif script",
environ: []string{
expected: &Config{
Db: (&model.Db{}).GetDefaults(),
Watch: (&model.Watch{}).GetDefaults(),
Defaults: (&model.Defaults{}).GetDefaults(),
Notif: &model.Notif{
Script: &model.NotifScript{
Cmd: "uname",
Args: []string{
Providers: &model.Providers{
File: &model.PrdFile{
Directory: "./fixtures",
wantErr: false,
for _, tt := range testCases {
tt := tt
t.Run(tt.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
if tt.environ != nil {
for _, environ := range tt.environ {
n := strings.SplitN(environ, "=", 2)
t.Setenv(n[0], n[1])
cfg, err := Load(tt.cfg)
if tt.wantErr {
require.Error(t, err)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tt.expected, cfg)
func TestLoadMixed(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
desc string
cfg string
environ []string
expected interface{}
wantErr bool
desc: "env vars and invalid file",
cfg: "./fixtures/config.invalid.yml",
environ: []string{
expected: nil,
wantErr: true,
desc: "docker provider (file) and notif mails (envs)",
cfg: "./fixtures/config.docker.yml",
environ: []string{
expected: &Config{
Db: (&model.Db{}).GetDefaults(),
Watch: (&model.Watch{}).GetDefaults(),
Defaults: (&model.Defaults{}).GetDefaults(),
Notif: &model.Notif{
Mail: &model.NotifMail{
Host: "",
Port: 25,
SSL: utl.NewFalse(),
InsecureSkipVerify: utl.NewTrue(),
LocalName: "foo.com",
From: "diun@foo.com",
To: []string{
TemplateTitle: model.NotifDefaultTemplateTitle,
TemplateBody: `Docker tag {{ if .Entry.Image.HubLink }}[**{{ .Entry.Image }}**]({{ .Entry.Image.HubLink }}){{ else }}**{{ .Entry.Image }}**{{ end }}
which you subscribed to through {{ .Entry.Provider }} provider has been {{ if (eq .Entry.Status "new") }}newly added{{ else }}updated{{ end }}.
This image has been {{ if (eq .Entry.Status "new") }}created{{ else }}updated{{ end }} at
<code>{{ .Entry.Manifest.Created.Format "Jan 02, 2006 15:04:05 UTC" }}</code> with digest <code>{{ .Entry.Manifest.Digest }}</code>
for <code>{{ .Entry.Manifest.Platform }}</code> platform.
RegOpts: nil,
Providers: &model.Providers{
Docker: &model.PrdDocker{
TLSVerify: utl.NewTrue(),
WatchByDefault: utl.NewFalse(),
WatchStopped: utl.NewFalse(),
wantErr: false,
desc: "file provider and notif webhook env override",
cfg: "./fixtures/config.file.yml",
environ: []string{
expected: &Config{
Db: (&model.Db{}).GetDefaults(),
Watch: (&model.Watch{}).GetDefaults(),
Defaults: (&model.Defaults{}).GetDefaults(),
Notif: &model.Notif{
Webhook: &model.NotifWebhook{
Endpoint: "http://webhook.foo.com/sd54qad89azd5a",
Method: "GET",
Headers: map[string]string{
"content-type": "text/plain",
"authorization": "Token78910",
Timeout: utl.NewDuration(1 * time.Minute),
RegOpts: nil,
Providers: &model.Providers{
File: &model.PrdFile{
Filename: "./fixtures/file.yml",
wantErr: false,
for _, tt := range testCases {
tt := tt
t.Run(tt.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
if tt.environ != nil {
for _, environ := range tt.environ {
n := strings.SplitN(environ, "=", 2)
t.Setenv(n[0], n[1])
cfg, err := Load(tt.cfg)
if tt.wantErr {
require.Error(t, err)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tt.expected, cfg)
func TestValidation(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
name string
cfg string
name: "Success",
cfg: "./fixtures/config.validate.yml",
for _, tt := range cases {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
cfg, err := Load(tt.cfg)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = env.Encode("DIUN_", cfg)
require.NoError(t, err)