# Pushover notifications

You can send notifications using [Pushover](https://pushover.net/).

## Configuration

!!! example "File"
        token: uQiRzpo4DXghDmr9QzzfQu27cmVRsG
        recipient: gznej3rKEVAvPUxu9vvNnqpmZpokzF
        priority: -2
        sound: none
        templateTitle: "{{ .Entry.Image }} released"
        templateBody: |
          Docker tag {{ .Entry.Image }} which you subscribed to through {{ .Entry.Provider }} provider has been released.

| Name                | Default                             | Description                                                                         |
| `token`             |                                     | Pushover [application/API token](https://pushover.net/api#registration)             |
| `tokenFile`         |                                     | Use content of secret file as Pushover application/API token if `token` not defined |
| `recipient`         |                                     | User key to send notification to                                                    |
| `recipientFile`     |                                     | Use content of secret file as User key if `recipient` not defined                   |
| `priority`          |                                     | Priority of the notification                                                        |
| `sound`             |                                     | Notification sound to be used                                                       |
| `templateTitle`[^1] | See [below](#default-templatetitle) | [Notification template](../faq.md#notification-template) for message title          |
| `templateBody`[^1]  | See [below](#default-templatebody)  | [Notification template](../faq.md#notification-template) for message body           |

!!! abstract "Environment variables"

### Default `templateTitle`

[[ config.extra.template.notif.defaultTitle ]]

### Default `templateBody`

[[ config.extra.template.notif.defaultBody ]]

## Sample


[^1]: Value required