site_name: Diun site_description: Receive notifications when a Docker image is updated on a Docker registry site_author: CrazyMax site_url: edit_uri: edit/master/docs/ docs_dir: docs repo_name: crazy-max/diun repo_url: extra: seo: google: Kscpetr5E2zNDM0pqz-0xhtPZ77oY2oAS6Lid6yEUUM bing: D188E0BEC1AB6E7C1E0194BFC35D0033 #alexa: #yandex: social: - icon: fontawesome/brands/github-alt link: - icon: fontawesome/brands/twitter link: plausible: server: domain: template: notif: defaultTitle: | {{ .Entry.Image }} {{ if (eq .Entry.Status "new") }}is available{{ else }}has been updated{{ end }} defaultBody: | Docker tag {{ if .Entry.Image.HubLink }}[**{{ .Entry.Image }}**]({{ .Entry.Image.HubLink }}){{ else }}**{{ .Entry.Image }}**{{ end }} which you subscribed to through {{ .Entry.Provider }} provider {{ if (eq .Entry.Status "new") }}is available{{ else }}has been updated{{ end }} on {{ .Entry.Image.Domain }} registry (triggered by {{ .Meta.Hostname }} host). theme: name: material custom_dir: docs/_overrides language: en features: - search.highlight - search.share - search.suggest palette: - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" scheme: default primary: light blue accent: light blue toggle: icon: material/weather-night name: Switch to dark mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" scheme: slate primary: light blue accent: light blue toggle: icon: material/weather-sunny name: Switch to light mode font: text: Roboto code: Roboto Mono logo: assets/logo.png favicon: assets/favicon.ico include_search_page: false search_index_only: true extra_css: - assets/stylesheets/extra.css markdown_extensions: - admonition - codehilite - footnotes - markdown_include.include: base_path: docs - meta - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.emoji: emoji_index: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.twemoji emoji_generator: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.to_svg - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.tabbed: alternate_style: true - pymdownx.tasklist: custom_checkbox: true - toc: permalink: true plugins: - exclude: glob: - "_overrides/*" - git-revision-date-localized: type: iso_datetime enable_creation_date: true fallback_to_build_date: true - macros: j2_block_start_string: '[[%' j2_block_end_string: '%]]' j2_variable_start_string: '[[' j2_variable_end_string: ']]' - search: lang: - en nav: - Home: - Installation: - From Docker image: install/ - From binary: install/ - Linux service: install/ - Usage: - Command line: usage/ - Basic example: usage/ - Configuration: - Overview: config/ - .db: config/ - .watch: config/ - .defaults: config/ - .notif: config/ - .regopts: config/ - .providers: config/ - Notifications: - Amqp: notif/ - Discord: notif/ - Gotify: notif/ - Mail: notif/ - Matrix: notif/ - MQTT: notif/ - Ntfy: notif/ - Pushover: notif/ - Rocket.Chat: notif/ - Script: notif/ - Signal (REST API): notif/ - Slack: notif/ - Teams: notif/ - Telegram: notif/ - Webhook: notif/ - Providers: - Docker: providers/ - Kubernetes: providers/ - Swarm: providers/ - Nomad: providers/ - Dockerfile: providers/ - File: providers/ - User guides: - Blog posts: user-guides/ - Docker + File providers: user-guides/ - FAQ: - Changelog: - Migration: - Diun v4.1 to v4.29: migration/ - Diun v4.0 to v4.17: migration/ - Diun v3 to v4: migration/ - Diun v2 to v3: migration/ - Diun v1 to v2: migration/ - Diun v0 to v1: migration/ - Reporting an issue: - Contributing: - Donate: