# email2pdf

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email2pdf is a Python script to convert emails to PDF from the command-line.
email2pdf acts in place of a [mail delivery
agent](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mail_delivery_agent) - it won't retrieve
emails for you, but it will take them from standard input as an MDA will and
'deliver' them to PDF files. It is well-placed to use together with
[getmail](http://pyropus.ca/software/getmail/). You can also just use it as a
standalone utility to convert a raw email (normally an
[.eml](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email#Filename_extensions) file) to a
PDF. Type `email2pdf --help` for more information on usage and options

For more information on hacking/developing email2pdf, please see
Note that use is subject to the [license

## Installing Dependencies

Before you can use email2pdf, you need to install some dependencies. The
instructions here are split out by platform:

### Debian/Ubuntu

* [wkhtmltopdf](http://wkhtmltopdf.org/) - Install the `.deb` from
  http://wkhtmltopdf.org/ rather than using apt-get to minimise the
  dependencies you need to install (in particular, to avoid needing a package

* [getmail](http://pyropus.ca/software/getmail/) - getmail is optional, but it
  works well as a companion to email2pdf. Install using `apt-get install

* Others - there are some other Python library dependencies. Run `make
  builddeb` to create a `.deb` package, then install it with `dpkg -i
  mydeb.deb`. This will prompt you regarding any missing dependencies.

### OS X

* [wkhtmltopdf](http://wkhtmltopdf.org/) - Install the package from

* [getmail](http://pyropus.ca/software/getmail/) - TODO: This hasn't been
  tested, so there are no instructions here yet! Note that getmail is

* Install [Homebrew](http://brew.sh/)

* `xcode-select --install` (for lxml, because of

* `brew install python3` (or otherwise make sure you have Python 3 and `pip3`

* `brew install libmagic`

* `pip3 install -r requirements.txt`

## Configuring getmail

getmail is not strictly a dependency, but when it is combined with email2pdf,
it can be used to retrieve new emails from a remote IMAP server and
automatically convert them to PDFs locally. The
file in the repository can be used as a starting point for your own getmailrc
to do this. Note that the sample will need editing, of course - see the
getmail documentation for more information on that. Also, it is configured by
default to *delete* remote emails from the server once they are converted - be
careful with that. You might want to consider setting up your crontab
something like this:

  @hourly getmail --verbose | logger

This will ensure that getmail is invoked hourly to fetch email, and log its
output to syslog.

If your mailserver is unreliable, you might want to consider wrapping the getmail
cron job with [cromer](https://github.com/andrewferrier/cromer).

## Configuring procmail

I don't have any direct experience using procmail with email2pdf, so don't have any
specific setup steps, although I understand it can be made to work. You should be
aware that currently there is an outstanding issue with I/O encodings with procmail
that you may need to work around - see [issue #76](https://github.com/andrewferrier/email2pdf/issues/76) for more information.