import logging import os try: from alerta.plugins import app # alerta >= 5.0 except ImportError: from import app # alerta < 5.0 from alerta.plugins import PluginBase from influxdb import InfluxDBClient LOG = logging.getLogger('alerta.plugins.influxdb') # 'influxdb://username:password@localhost:8086/databasename' DEFAULT_INFLUXDB_DSN = 'influxdb://user:pass@localhost:8086/alerta' INFLUXDB_DSN = os.environ.get('INFLUXDB_DSN') or app.config.get( 'INFLUXDB_DSN', DEFAULT_INFLUXDB_DSN) INFLUXDB_DATABASE = os.environ.get( 'INFLUXDB_DATABASE') or app.config.get('INFLUXDB_DATABASE', None) # Specify the name of a measurement to which all alerts will be logged INFLUXDB_MEASUREMENT = os.environ.get( 'INFLUXDB_MEASUREMENT') or app.config.get('INFLUXDB_MEASUREMENT', 'event') class InfluxDBWrite(PluginBase): def __init__(self, name=None): self.client = InfluxDBClient.from_DSN(INFLUXDB_DSN, timeout=2) dbname = INFLUXDB_DATABASE or self.client._database try: if dbname: self.client.switch_database(dbname) self.client.create_database(dbname) except Exception as e: LOG.error('InfluxDB: ERROR - %s' % e) super(InfluxDBWrite, self).__init__(name) def pre_receive(self, alert): return alert def _influxdb_prepare_point(self, alert, status=None, text=None): tags = {} for tag in alert.tags: try: k, v = tag.split('=', 1) tags[k] = v except ValueError: pass tags.update(event=alert.event, resource=alert.resource, environment=alert.environment, severity=alert.severity, status=status if status else alert.status, service=','.join(alert.service)) if alert.customer: tags.update(customer=alert.customer) # event data point = { 'measurement': INFLUXDB_MEASUREMENT, 'time': alert.last_receive_time, 'tags': tags, 'fields': {} } # make sure we store the value in its original format if isinstance(alert.value, float) or isinstance(alert.value, int): point['fields']['value'] = alert.value else: point['fields']['value'] = str(alert.value) if text: point['fields']['text'] = text return point def post_receive(self, alert): point = self._influxdb_prepare_point(alert) LOG.debug('InfluxDB: point=%s', point) try: self.client.write_points([point], time_precision='ms') except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("InfluxDB: ERROR - %s" % e) def status_change(self, alert, status, text): if status not in ['ack', 'assign']: return point = self._influxdb_prepare_point(alert, status, text) LOG.debug('InfluxDB: point=%s', point) try: self.client.write_points([point], time_precision='ms') except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("InfluxDB: ERROR - %s" % e)