#!/usr/bin/env python import datetime import json import logging import os import platform import re import smtplib import socket import sys import threading import time from email.header import Header from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText import jinja2 from alertaclient.api import Client from alertaclient.models.alert import Alert from kombu import Connection, Exchange, Queue from kombu.mixins import ConsumerMixin __version__ = '5.2.0' DNS_RESOLVER_AVAILABLE = False try: import dns.resolver DNS_RESOLVER_AVAILABLE = True except: sys.stdout.write('Python dns.resolver unavailable. The skip_mta option will be forced to False') # nopep8 try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) root = logging.getLogger() DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { 'config_file': '~/.alerta.conf', 'profile': None, 'endpoint': 'http://localhost:8080', 'key': '', 'amqp_url': 'redis://localhost:6379/', 'amqp_topic': 'notify', 'amqp_queue_name': '', # Name of the AMQP queue. Default is no name (default queue destination). 'amqp_queue_exclusive': True, # Exclusive queues may only be consumed by the current connection. 'smtp_host': 'smtp.gmail.com', 'smtp_port': 587, 'smtp_username': '', # application-specific username if it differs from the specified 'mail_from' user 'smtp_password': '', # application-specific password if gmail used 'smtp_starttls': True, # use the STARTTLS SMTP extension 'smtp_use_ssl': False, # whether or not SSL is being used for the SMTP connection 'ssl_key_file': None, # a PEM formatted private key file for the SSL connection 'ssl_cert_file': None, # a certificate chain file for the SSL connection 'mail_from': '', # alerta@example.com 'mail_to': [], # devops@example.com, support@example.com 'mail_localhost': None, # fqdn to use in the HELO/EHLO command 'mail_template': os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep + 'email.tmpl', 'mail_template_html': os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep + 'email.html.tmpl', # nopep8 'mail_subject': ('[{{ alert.status|capitalize }}] {{ alert.environment }}: ' '{{ alert.severity|capitalize }} {{ alert.event }} on ' '{{ alert.service|join(\',\') }} {{ alert.resource }}'), 'dashboard_url': 'http://try.alerta.io', 'debug': False, 'skip_mta': False, 'email_type': 'text' # options are: text, html } OPTIONS = {} # seconds (hold alert until sending, delete if cleared before end of hold time) HOLD_TIME = 30 on_hold = dict() class FanoutConsumer(ConsumerMixin): def __init__(self, connection): self.connection = connection self.channel = self.connection.channel() def get_consumers(self, Consumer, channel): exchange = Exchange( name=OPTIONS['amqp_topic'], type='fanout', channel=self.channel, durable=True ) queues = [ Queue( name=OPTIONS['amqp_queue_name'], exchange=exchange, routing_key='', channel=self.channel, exclusive=OPTIONS['amqp_queue_exclusive'] ) ] return [ Consumer(queues=queues, accept=['json'], callbacks=[self.on_message]) ] def on_message(self, body, message): try: alert = Alert.parse(body) alertid = alert.get_id() except Exception as e: LOG.warn(e) return if alert.repeat: message.ack() return if alert.status not in ['open', 'closed']: message.ack() return if ( alert.severity not in ['critical', 'major'] and alert.previous_severity not in ['critical', 'major'] ): message.ack() return if alertid in on_hold: if alert.severity in ['normal', 'ok', 'cleared']: try: del on_hold[alertid] except KeyError: pass message.ack() else: on_hold[alertid] = (alert, time.time() + HOLD_TIME) message.ack() else: on_hold[alertid] = (alert, time.time() + HOLD_TIME) message.ack() class MailSender(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): self.should_stop = False self._template_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(OPTIONS['mail_template'])) self._template_name = os.path.basename(OPTIONS['mail_template']) self._subject_template = jinja2.Template(OPTIONS['mail_subject']) self._template_env = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(self._template_dir), extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape'], autoescape=True ) if OPTIONS['mail_template_html']: self._template_name_html = os.path.basename( OPTIONS['mail_template_html']) super(MailSender, self).__init__() def run(self): api = Client(endpoint=OPTIONS['endpoint'], key=OPTIONS['key']) keep_alive = 0 while not self.should_stop: for alertid in list(on_hold.keys()): try: (alert, hold_time) = on_hold[alertid] except KeyError: continue if time.time() > hold_time: self.send_email(alert) try: del on_hold[alertid] except KeyError: continue if keep_alive >= 10: try: origin = '{}/{}'.format('alerta-mailer', OPTIONS['smtp_host']) api.heartbeat(origin, tags=[__version__]) except Exception as e: time.sleep(5) continue keep_alive = 0 keep_alive += 1 time.sleep(2) def _rule_matches(self, regex, value): '''Checks if a rule matches the regex to its provided value considering its type ''' if isinstance(value, list): LOG.debug('%s is a list, at least one item must match %s', value, regex) for item in value: if re.match(regex, item) is not None: LOG.debug('Regex %s matches item %s', regex, item) return True LOG.debug('Regex %s matches nothing', regex) return False elif isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, unicode): LOG.debug('Trying to match %s to %s', value, regex) return re.search(regex, value) is not None LOG.warning('Field type is not supported') return False def send_email(self, alert): """Attempt to send an email for the provided alert, compiling the subject and text template and using all the other smtp settings that were specified in the configuration file """ contacts = list(OPTIONS['mail_to']) LOG.debug('Initial contact list: %s', contacts) if 'group_rules' in OPTIONS and len(OPTIONS['group_rules']) > 0: LOG.debug('Checking %d group rules' % len(OPTIONS['group_rules'])) for rule in OPTIONS['group_rules']: LOG.info('Evaluating rule %s', rule['name']) is_matching = False for field in rule['fields']: LOG.debug('Evaluating rule field %s', field) value = getattr(alert, field['field'], None) if value is None: LOG.warning('Alert has no attribute %s', field['field']) break if self._rule_matches(field['regex'], value): is_matching = True else: break if is_matching: # Add up any new contacts new_contacts = [x.strip() for x in rule['contacts'] if x.strip() not in contacts] if len(new_contacts) > 0: if not rule.get('exclude', False): LOG.debug('Extending contact to include %s' % ( new_contacts)) contacts.extend(new_contacts) else: LOG.info('Clearing initial list of contacts and' ' adding for this rule only') del contacts[:] contacts.extend(new_contacts) template_vars = { 'alert': alert, 'mail_to': contacts, 'dashboard_url': OPTIONS['dashboard_url'], 'program': os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), 'hostname': platform.uname()[1], 'now': datetime.datetime.utcnow() } subject = self._subject_template.render(alert=alert) text = self._template_env.get_template( self._template_name).render(**template_vars) if ( OPTIONS['email_type'] == 'html' and self._template_name_html ): html = self._template_env.get_template( self._template_name_html).render(**template_vars) else: html = None msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative') msg['Subject'] = Header(subject, 'utf-8').encode() msg['From'] = OPTIONS['mail_from'] msg['To'] = ", ".join(contacts) msg.preamble = msg['Subject'] # by default we are going to assume that the email is going to be text msg_text = MIMEText(text, 'plain', 'utf-8') msg.attach(msg_text) if html: msg_html = MIMEText(html, 'html', 'utf-8') msg.attach(msg_html) try: self._send_email_message(msg, contacts) LOG.debug('%s : Email sent to %s' % (alert.get_id(), ','.join(contacts))) return (msg, contacts) except (socket.error, socket.herror, socket.gaierror) as e: LOG.error('Mail server connection error: %s', e) return None except smtplib.SMTPException as e: LOG.error('Failed to send mail to %s on %s:%s : %s', ", ".join(contacts), OPTIONS['smtp_host'], OPTIONS['smtp_port'], e) return None except Exception as e: LOG.error('Unexpected error while sending email: {}'.format(str(e))) # nopep8 return None def _send_email_message(self, msg, contacts): if OPTIONS['skip_mta'] and DNS_RESOLVER_AVAILABLE: for dest in contacts: try: (_, ehost) = dest.split('@') dns_answers = dns.resolver.query(ehost, 'MX') if len(dns_answers) <= 0: raise Exception('Failed to find mail exchange for {}'.format(dest)) # nopep8 mxhost = reduce(lambda x, y: x if x.preference >= y.preference else y, dns_answers).exchange.to_text() # nopep8 msg['To'] = dest if OPTIONS['smtp_use_ssl']: mx = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(mxhost, OPTIONS['smtp_port'], local_hostname=OPTIONS['mail_localhost'], keyfile=OPTIONS['ssl_key_file'], certfile=OPTIONS['ssl_cert_file']) else: mx = smtplib.SMTP(mxhost, OPTIONS['smtp_port'], local_hostname=OPTIONS['mail_localhost']) if OPTIONS['debug']: mx.set_debuglevel(True) mx.sendmail(OPTIONS['mail_from'], dest, msg.as_string()) mx.close() LOG.debug('Sent notification email to {} (mta={})'.format(dest, mxhost)) # nopep8 except Exception as e: LOG.error('Failed to send email to address {} (mta={}): {}'.format(dest, mxhost, str(e))) # nopep8 else: if OPTIONS['smtp_use_ssl']: mx = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(OPTIONS['smtp_host'], OPTIONS['smtp_port'], local_hostname=OPTIONS['mail_localhost'], keyfile=OPTIONS['ssl_key_file'], certfile=OPTIONS['ssl_cert_file']) else: mx = smtplib.SMTP(OPTIONS['smtp_host'], OPTIONS['smtp_port'], local_hostname=OPTIONS['mail_localhost']) if OPTIONS['debug']: mx.set_debuglevel(True) mx.ehlo() if OPTIONS['smtp_starttls']: mx.starttls() if OPTIONS['smtp_password']: mx.login(OPTIONS['smtp_username'], OPTIONS['smtp_password']) mx.sendmail(OPTIONS['mail_from'], contacts, msg.as_string()) mx.close() def validate_rules(rules): ''' Validates that rules are correct ''' if not isinstance(rules, list): LOG.warning('Invalid rules, must be list') return valid_rules = [] for rule in rules: if not isinstance(rule, dict): LOG.warning('Invalid rule %s, must be dict', rule) continue valid = True # TODO: This could be optimized to use sets instead for key in ['name', 'fields', 'contacts']: if key not in rule: LOG.warning('Invalid rule %s, must have %s', rule, key) valid = False break if valid is False: continue if not isinstance(rule['fields'], list) or len(rule['fields']) == 0: LOG.warning('Rule fields must be a list and not empty') continue for field in rule['fields']: for key in ['regex', 'field']: if key not in field: LOG.warning('Invalid rule %s, must have %s on fields', rule, key) valid = False break if valid is False: continue LOG.info('Adding rule %s to list of rules to be evaluated', rule) valid_rules.append(rule) return valid_rules def parse_group_rules(config_file): rules_dir = "{}/alerta.rules.d".format(os.path.dirname(config_file)) LOG.debug('Looking for rules files in %s', rules_dir) if os.path.exists(rules_dir): rules_d = [] for files in os.walk(rules_dir): for filename in files[2]: LOG.debug('Parsing %s', filename) try: with open(os.path.join(files[0], filename), 'r') as f: rules = validate_rules(json.load(f)) if rules is not None: rules_d.extend(rules) except: LOG.exception('Could not parse file') return rules_d return () def main(): global OPTIONS CONFIG_SECTION = 'alerta-mailer' config_file = os.environ.get('ALERTA_CONF_FILE') or DEFAULT_OPTIONS['config_file'] # nopep8 # Convert default booleans to its string type, otherwise config.getboolean fails # nopep8 defopts = {k: str(v) if type(v) is bool else v for k, v in DEFAULT_OPTIONS.items()} # nopep8 config = configparser.RawConfigParser(defaults=defopts) if os.path.exists("{}.d".format(config_file)): config_path = "{}.d".format(config_file) config_list = [] for files in os.walk(config_path): for filename in files[2]: config_list.append("{}/{}".format(config_path, filename)) config_list.append(os.path.expanduser(config_file)) config_file = config_list try: # No need to expanduser if we got a list (already done sooner) # Morever expanduser does not accept a list. if isinstance(config_file, list): config.read(config_file) else: config.read(os.path.expanduser(config_file)) except Exception as e: LOG.warning("Problem reading configuration file %s - is this an ini file?", config_file) # nopep8 sys.exit(1) if config.has_section(CONFIG_SECTION): NoneType = type(None) config_getters = { NoneType: config.get, str: config.get, int: config.getint, float: config.getfloat, bool: config.getboolean, list: lambda s, o: [e.strip() for e in config.get(s, o).split(',')] } for opt in DEFAULT_OPTIONS: # Convert the options to the expected type OPTIONS[opt] = config_getters[type(DEFAULT_OPTIONS[opt])](CONFIG_SECTION, opt) # nopep8 else: sys.stderr.write('Alerta configuration section not found in configuration file\n') # nopep8 OPTIONS = defopts.copy() OPTIONS['endpoint'] = os.environ.get('ALERTA_ENDPOINT') or OPTIONS['endpoint'] # nopep8 OPTIONS['key'] = os.environ.get('ALERTA_API_KEY') or OPTIONS['key'] OPTIONS['smtp_username'] = os.environ.get('SMTP_USERNAME') or OPTIONS['smtp_username'] or OPTIONS['mail_from'] OPTIONS['smtp_password'] = os.environ.get('SMTP_PASSWORD') or OPTIONS['smtp_password'] # nopep8 if os.environ.get('DEBUG'): OPTIONS['debug'] = True if isinstance(config_file, list): group_rules = [] for file in config_file: group_rules.extend(parse_group_rules(file)) else: group_rules = parse_group_rules(config_file) if group_rules is not None: OPTIONS['group_rules'] = group_rules try: mailer = MailSender() mailer.start() except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.exit(0) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) sys.exit(1) from kombu.utils.debug import setup_logging loginfo = 'DEBUG' if OPTIONS['debug'] else 'INFO' setup_logging(loglevel=loginfo, loggers=['']) with Connection(OPTIONS['amqp_url']) as conn: try: consumer = FanoutConsumer(connection=conn) consumer.run() except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): mailer.should_stop = True mailer.join() sys.exit(0) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()