
class LeMondeInformatiqueBridge extends FeedExpander
    const MAINTAINER = 'ORelio';
    const NAME = 'Le Monde Informatique';
    const URI = 'https://www.lemondeinformatique.fr/';
    const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the newest articles.';

    public function collectData()
        $this->collectExpandableDatas(self::URI . 'rss/rss.xml', 10);

    protected function parseItem(array $item)
        $article_html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($item['uri']);

        //Deduce thumbnail URL from article image URL
        $item['enclosures'] = [
                $article_html->find('.article-image > img, figure > img', 0)->src

        //No response header sets the encoding, explicit conversion is needed or subsequent xml_encode() will fail
        $content_node = $article_html->find('div.col-primary, div.col-sm-9', 0);
        $item['content'] = $this->cleanArticle($content_node->innertext);
        $item['author'] = $article_html->find('div.author-infos', 0)->find('b', 0)->plaintext;

        return $item;

    private function cleanArticle($article_html)
        $article_html = stripWithDelimiters($article_html, '<script', '</script>');
        $article_html = explode('<p class="contact-error', $article_html)[0] . '</div>';
        return $article_html;